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渤海夏季环流的高分辨率海浪-潮汐-环流耦合模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Bohai Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inner sea with an average depth of 18 m and is located at the west of the northern Yellow Sea. The climatological circulation pattern in summer of the Bohai Sea is studied by using a wave-tide-circulation coupled model. The simulated temperature and the circulation agree with the observation well. The result shows that the circulation pattern of the Bohai Sea is jointly influenced by the tidal residual current, wind and baroclinic current. There exists an obvious density current along the temperature front from the west part of the Liaodong Bay to the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary. In the Liaodong Bay there exists a clockwise gyre in the area north to the 40°N. While in the area south to the 40°N the circulation shows a two-gyre structure, the flow from the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary to the Liaodong Bay splits into two branches in the area between 39°N and 40°N. The west branch turns into north-west and forms an anti-clockwise gyre with the south-westward density current off the west of the Liaodong Bay. The east branch turns to the east and forms a clockwise gyre with the flow along the east coast of the Liaodong Bay. The forming mechanism of the circulation is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
The central structure belt in Turpan-Hami basin is composed of the Huoyanshan structure and Qiketai structure formed in late Triassic-early Jurassic, and is characterized by extensional tectonics. The thickness of strata in the hanging wall of the growth fault is obviously larger than that in the footwall, and a deposition center was evolved in the Taibei sag where the hanging wall of the fault is located. In late Jurassic the collision between Lhasa block and Eurasia continent resulted in the transformation of the Turpan-Hami basin from an extensional structure into a compressional structure, and consequently in the tectonic inversion of the central structure belt of the Turpan-Hami basin from the extensional normal fault in the earlier stage to the compressive thrust fault in the later stage. The Tertiary collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate occurred around 55Ma, and this Himalayan orogenic event has played a profound role in shaping the Tianshan area, only the effect of the collision to this area was delayed since it culminated here approximately in late Oligocene-early Miocene. The central structure belt was strongly deformed and thrusted above the ground as a result of this tectonic event.  相似文献   
2013年7月10日发生的四川省都江堰市中兴镇三溪村五里坡滑坡-碎屑流,属于典型的降雨型高位斜向层状岩质滑坡-碎屑流灾害。在前人研究成果梳理和进一步野外调查的基础上,分析总结了五里坡滑坡-碎屑流的成因及演化模式,并对五里坡高位滑坡在降雨作用下的后缘裂隙扩展判据和滑坡启动判据进行了定量计算。研究表明,五里坡滑坡的演化模式为后缘拉张裂隙形成→降雨作用下裂缝开始扩展→动、静水压力联合作用下斜坡沿泥质软弱层滑动→后缘拉裂槽形成→“7?10”强降雨诱发滑坡复活→滑体前缘临空崩落、加速→崩滑体沿沟谷铲刮、运移→堆积停止。从力学角度推导了前期降雨作用下滑体后缘裂缝自动扩展的最小深度、滑坡失稳的临界水头高度和临界降雨强度的计算公式,得出充满水的后缘裂缝在静水压力作用下开始自行扩展的临界深度为11.3 m;后缘裂隙贯通至滑带后,当五里坡斜坡体在后缘裂缝水头高度达到9.8 m时滑坡处于启动的临界状态。  相似文献   
预制装配式剪力墙结构墙板节点抗震性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为掌握预制装配式剪力墙结构墙板节点的抗震性能,对2个现浇试件和2个预制装配式试件进行了拟静力试验.结合非线性分析手段,从承载能力、变形能力、受力机理以及破坏模式等方面综合分析了其抗震性能,并初步探讨了墙板连接钢筋的合理直径.分析结果表明:与现浇试件相比,预制装配式试件承载能力较高,位移延性系数相同,滞同环均较饱满,具有...  相似文献   
使用亚洲区域18个IGS测站和中国区域内16个探空站2016~2018年的数据,研究GPT3模型反演天顶对流层延迟(ZTD)和大气可降水量(PWV)的精度,并与其他GPT系列模型进行对比。结果表明,GPT3-1模型估计的ZTD的bias均值和最大值均最小,分别为1.34 mm和14.06 mm;GPT3模型整体精度略优于GPT2w模型,优于GPT2模型。探空站处GPT3模型反演的PWV的bias和RMSE均表现出较强的季节性特征;由GPT3模型反演的PWV的月均值可知,GPT3-1模型比GPT3-5模型具有更高的精度和稳定性。  相似文献   
长期以来人们偏重于地图的技术研究,导致地图的艺术研究进程落后于技术研究进程。近几年这种情况虽有改善,但对于地图的美学问题研究还是相对偏少。本文从地图的信息表达与美学思维角度出发,从地图的语言、技术、文化及创新4个方面探讨了地图与美学思维融合的问题,并提出了地图学与美学相结合的地图美学论,以期得到适合地图的美学设计。  相似文献   
在已有研究区水文地质资料的基础上,进行基于ASTER数据的岩溶地下水天然出露点信息的提取与识别.根据研究目标,以ASTER数据为信息源和调查工具,制定相应的图像处理和分析流程,增强与岩溶地下水天然出露点信息相关的影像特征;应用热红外遥感理论和技术,以ASTER数据热红外波段为信息源,借助岩溶地下水天然出露点与其他地物的温度差异,探索它们之间的可分性;结合ASTER数据可见光/近红外、短波红外波段的解译成果,进行岩溶地下水天然出露点信息识别.  相似文献   
利用跨断层形变资料研究云南地区主要断裂带应变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982—2009年云南地区跨断层短基线观测资料,采用应变分析方法得到云南地区断裂带的应变特征,并探讨了云南地区断裂带应变变化与地震活动的关系。本次工作求解了断裂在各测点处的走滑速率。结果显示,楚雄-通海断裂带的应变量值高于剑川-丽江断裂带,云南地区主要断裂带对于本区域内的大地震的应变响应有一定的一致性。  相似文献   
In order to synthesize an improved adsorbent for heavy metal ions, we studied the condensation reaction of chitosan with salicylaldehyde in ethanol to form a Schiff base. The effect irradiating the reaction using an ultrasonic liquid processor was contrasted with conventional methods. The IR spectra of condensed chitosan prepared by the two methods showed that their molecular structures were identical. The reaction conditions, including solvents, ultrasonic power density and irradiation time, pH, and reactant ratio, were optimized by orthogonal design. A shorter reaction time and a higher product yield were obtained using ultrasonic-assisted synthesis compared with the traditional method. A condensation degree of 89.63% was achieved using the optimized conditions: i.e. ultrasonic irradiation at 180 W for 60 min; 95% ethanol as the solvent, pH 4.0, and salicylaldehyde:chitosan ratio of 6:1.  相似文献   
本文依据1∶25万区域地质调查成果资料,从昆中断裂带对南北两侧的基底变质岩系(包括变基性火山岩、变泥质岩)、表壳盖层沉积岩系、前寒武纪长英质火成侵入岩以及镁铁-超镁铁质侵入岩的沉积建造、岩石类型组合、岩石地球化学及所反映的源岩物性的控制,系统对比讨论了昆中断裂带南北两侧基底陆块特征及昆中断裂带的构造属性。得出以昆中断裂带为界,南北两侧陆块的大陆岩石圈,无论在表壳沉积岩系、中-下地壳和地幔的层性和物性结构及地球化学成分都存在显著差异。从而提出昆仑造山带实际上是个两陆块碰撞复合陆缘造山带。在元古宇以前南北陆块并非属同一古陆块,或者说昆中断裂带为欧亚大陆和冈瓦纳大陆的真正分界或二者的拼合带。  相似文献   
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