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中超长钻孔灌注桩的沉降计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对现有的桩基沉降计算理论不仅难以完整地描述桩-土系统的复杂程度,在应用上也难以满足各方面的要求,根据中超长钻孔灌注桩的实际情况,采取一些合理的简化措施后,提出了一种实用的桩基沉降计算方法,实例分析表明,该方法可较好地预测桩的沉降量。  相似文献   
Although there has been substantial research done on adsorption of metals/metalloids by Al (oxy)hydroxides, little is known regarding the adsorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Al (oxy)hydroxides, especially those formed in the presence of organic acid. This paper investigated the adsorption of phenanthrene on Al (oxy)hydroxides formed with initial tannate/Al molar ratios (MRs) 0, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 (referred to MR0, MR0.001, MR0.01, and MR0.1, respectively) through batch adsorption experiments and FTIR study. The results showed that Al (oxy)hydroxides were important sorbents for phenanthrene. The adsorption kinetic data were fitted well with the pseudo-second-order equation. According to a modified Freundlich model, the adsorption capacities of Al (oxy)hydroxides followed a descending order of MR0.1 > MR0 ≥ MR0.01 > MR0.001, which was inconsistent with the organic carbon content in the Al (oxy)hydroxides. Adsorption capacity correlated with the specific surface area, micropore area, and micropore diameter of Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet the relationships were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). FTIR results showed that physical interaction was essential in phenanthrene adsorption onto the Al (oxy)hydroxides, which could be explained by an entropy-driven process. Surface hydrophobicity of Al (oxy)hydroxides played a key role in phenanthrene adsorption. Additional π–π electron donor–acceptor interaction of phenanthrene (acting as electron donor) with aromatic ring of tannic acid (electron acceptor) could be also important in phenanthrene adsorption by high MR Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet it needs further study. The findings obtained in the present study are of fundamental significance in understanding the mechanism of immobilization of PAHs in low organic matter but oxide-rich soils.  相似文献   
黑河下游土壤和地下水盐分特征分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
根据405个土壤样品和101个水样,分析了黑河下游土壤盐分分布规律以及与地形地貌部位、地下水水化学的关系.结果表明:额济纳三角洲地区的土壤具有质地粗、含盐量高、盐分表聚性强的特征,该地区呈现盐碱化和沙漠化严重、可利用土地资源骤减、生态环境恶化的状况.在所有剖面上盐分的分布呈现漏斗型分布,土壤中盐分随地形变化较为复杂,但与地下水化学变化相一致.地下水矿化度普遍比较高,大多数地区的矿化度在800~3000 mg·L-1之间变化;水化学类型主要有HCO3·SO4-Na、Cl·SO4-Na(Ca)、HCO3·Cl-Na(Ca)SO4·Cl-Na和SO4·Cl-Na(Ca-Mg).地下水矿化度的高低与补给源的距离远近密切相关,在河岸附近的矿化度变化幅度较小;在远离河道地区,随离岸距离的增减而升降,体现了矿化度的高低主要依赖于上游补给水量变化.  相似文献   
对长江口及附近海域的16根重力柱样进行了210Pb沉积速率测试, 结合以往成果, 揭示了该区现代沉积速率分布格局, 对其控制因素以及其对认识长江入海泥沙去向的指示意义进行了探讨.沉积速率最高值分布在南支口外、杭州湾口群岛北部的前三角洲地区, 最高可达6.3m/a, 总体上在3cm/a以上; 次高值分布在杭州湾北部, 约1.7~3.0cm/a, 南部略低, 约0.4~1.0cm/a; 长江口水下负地形北部海域存在小片沉积速率较高的区域, 最高值达2.58cm/a; 低值主要分布在苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域, 基本保持在1cm/a以下.研究表明, 长江泥沙出口门后主要在水下三角洲地区进行了堆积, 其次有相当部分在涨潮流顶托下进入杭州湾, 进入杭州湾南部的泥沙又在落潮流作用下经杭州湾南侧向舟山海域方向输运; 长江入海物质向外海的扩散基本被控制在123°E以西, 苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域缺乏现代长江物质供应; 长江悬浮泥沙对研究区东北部陆架区影响较小, 废黄河口被侵蚀物质和黄海悬浮物质为其较高沉积速率的主要贡献者.   相似文献   
利用InSAR技术研究黄土地区滑坡分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
InSAR技术能够获取大面积、连续、高精度的地表垂直形变信息,可用来监测地震、火山、滑坡等自然灾害造成的地表形变。文章介绍了InSAR技术在监测陕北黄土地区滑坡中的应用,首先进行野外地质勘察和TM光学遥感影像解译,接着通过EnviSat SAR数据差分干涉处理,获取研究区干涉形变场,提取出滑坡位移量,最后详细分析黄草湾至董家寺沿线一带的滑坡变形范围,并划定出了4个有一定变形的重点监视区。  相似文献   
中国北方酿酒葡萄气候适宜性区划   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据中国北方地区183个气象台站1971-2000年逐旬气象资料,结合北方六省区酿酒葡萄取样化验结果和其它区划指标,采用主导因子法以7~8月水热系数为一级区划指标,以7~9月≥10℃积温为二级区划指标,另外考虑了年≥10℃的活动积温、冬季1月份月平均气温,将中国北方酿酒葡萄适宜区划分为4级,即最优区、适宜区、次适宜区和不适宜区,利用MCAPS系统图形分析功能,制作了中国北方地区酿酒葡萄品质的气候适宜性区划图,提出各区域酿酒葡萄发展的限制气候因子和生产建议,为中国发展优质酿酒葡萄产业化发展和基地选择提供理论参考.  相似文献   
新疆伊犁盆地511砂岩型铀矿床成矿作用机理研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨511铀矿床的形成机理,通过野外岩心观察和系统样品采集,结合室内化学分析、扫描电镜、电子探针等方法,详细研究了赋存于Ⅴ旋回砂体的铀矿地质特征,对砂岩铀的成矿作用展开了初步讨论。认为Ⅴ旋回层间氧化带可划分为氧化带、氧化_还原过渡带(包括褪色亚带和铀矿石亚带)和还原带;铀矿赋存在过渡带砂岩中,空间展布严格受层间氧化带控制;铀主要以显微浸染状铀矿物(沥青铀矿 铀石)形式散布于炭屑木质细胞腔内壁和砂岩碎屑颗粒的填隙物中,部分以吸附形式赋存于粘土矿物和炭屑;层间氧化带发育是含氧层间承压水与砂岩之间水岩作用的结果。伴随砂岩中有机质、S2-和Fe2 被氧化,形成的有机酸类、SO2-4和Fe3 等组分部分迁移至过渡带沉淀,也是砂岩中铀元素活化迁移、沉淀富集,再活化、再富集的循环过程;层间氧化带及其砂岩铀成矿作用发生于表生环境,始于喜马拉雅早期(66Ma),具有长期性和滚动式向前发展的特点;铀成矿可能与微生物细菌活动及其还原作用密切相关。  相似文献   
选取贵州百花湖入湖支流麦西河为对象,研究了上覆水—孔隙水—沉积物体系氮的形态差异,结果表明:麦西河上覆水中,以硝态氮(NO-3-N)为主,氨态氮(NH+4-N)次之,亚硝态氮(NO-2-N)最低;孔隙水中,溶解无机氮中以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低;沉积物中,总氮(TN)的含量为1110.67~4413.16mg/kg;固定态铵含量为34.56~170.05mg/kg,占TN的1.47%~6.25%;可交换态氮以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低。孔隙水NH+4-N是上覆水NH+4-N的2.65~19.51倍,上覆水NO-3-N是孔隙水NO-3-N的7.14~20.43倍。沉积物TN与孔隙溶解水无机氮(DIN)、孔隙水NH+4-N、沉积物可交换态氮和沉积物可交换性NH+4-N呈显著正相关;在沉积物中,可交换性NO-3-N与可交换性NH+4-N及可交换态氮呈显著正相关,可交换性NH+4-N与可交换态氮呈极显著正相关;孔隙水溶解无机氮与孔隙水NH+4-N呈极显著正相关。麦西河不同介质中氮的迁移关系则表现为:由于浓度梯度,上覆水中的NO-3-N扩散到孔隙水中,进而累积到沉积物中;沉积物的可交换性NH+4-N,进入孔隙水,最终扩散到上覆水中。   相似文献   
通过对中棚岩体地球化学特征的研究,探讨其与铀矿化的关系。中棚岩体属于过铝质花岗岩,高钾钙碱性岩石系列。分析认为,岩体具有S型花岗岩特征,为陆壳物质部分熔融的产物,原岩可能为寒武系浅变质砂岩。构造环境判别认为,岩体属于后碰撞花岗岩范畴,在岩石圈伸展作用构造环境下由寒武系部分熔融所形成。岩体的原岩铀含量较高,为富铀的中棚岩体形成奠定了基础,也为后期成矿提供了充足的铀源。  相似文献   
The age-accumulation effect of 40Ar in hydrocarbon source rocks was discussed in accordance with the decay law of radioactive elements. In terms of the mean values of 40Ar/36Ar, the old Sinian gas reservoirs (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 7009) were definitely distinguished from the Permian gas reservoirs (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 1017) in Weiyuan, Sichuan Province, and the gas source of the Permian gas reservoir (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 5222) in well Wei-7 with the Weiyuan structure is defined as the Sinian system. Based on the values of 40Ar/36Ar, the coal-type gases (The source rocks are of the C-P system; mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 1125) are definitely distinguished from the oil-type gases (The source rocks are of the Tertiary system; mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 590) in the Tertiary reservoirs of the Zhongyuan Oilfield. Besides, 40Ar/36Ar values also have a positive effect on the oil-source correlation of oil reservoirs in ancient hidden mountains. According to the crust-mantle interchange information reflected by 3He/4He values, petroliferous provinces in China can be divided into three major tectonic regions. (1) The eastern active region: The crust-mantle volatile matter exchanges actively, and the 3He/4He values are mainly around 10-6, partly around 10-7. (2) The central stable region: The 3He/4He values are all around 10-8. (3) The western sub-stable region: The 3He/4He values are mainly around 10-8, and around 10-7 on the edges of the basins. Helium contents of some gas wells in China’s eastern petroliferous region reach the industrial abundance (He≈0.05%–0.1%), the 3He/4He values reach 10-6, and the equivalent values for the mantle-source components in helium gas can reach 30%–50%. As viewed from this, a new type of crust-mantle composite helium resources has been proposed. Geneses of some CO2 gas reservoirs in the east of China and some issues concerning mantle-source methane were discussed in the light of the helium and carbon isotopes of CO2 and CH4 in natural gases. In the discussion on helium isotopic characteristics of inclusions in the reservoirs, it was discovered that the 3He/4He values are close to those in natural gases. That is to say, this phenomenon is related to regional tectonism. The 3He/4He, CO2/3He and CH4/3He data were used to discuss the tectonic activities of fault zones in a certain number of regions in China.  相似文献   
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