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面向对象集成化空间数据库管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
新一代地理信息系统要求矢量、影像和DEM数据集成化管理。本文提出了一种基于面向对象思想的矢量、影像和DEM三库集成的空间数据模型,讨论了集成化空间数据库管理系统的实现方式。该空间数据库管理系统已作为GIS软件GeoStar的核心,被用于中国的空间数据基础设施建设,管理国家级、省级和市级的多数据源、多比例尺的空间数据,被认为是一种高效可行的方案。  相似文献   
In this study,the authors analyzed the associations between the Arctic Oscillation(AO)and the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO)intertropical convergence zone(ITCZ)in boreal winter for the period 1979–2009.A statistically significant AO-TIO ITCZ linkage was found.The ITCZ vertical air motion is significantly associated with the AO,with upward(downward)air motion corresponding to the positive(negative)AO phase.The Arabian Sea anticyclone plays a crucial role in linking the AO and the TIO ITCZ.The Arabian Sea vorticity is strongly linked to high-latitude disturbances in conjunction with jet stream waveguide effects of disturbance trapping and energy dispersion.During positive(negative)AO years,the Arabian Sea anticyclone tends to be stronger(weaker).The mean vorticity over the Arabian Sea,averaged from 850hPa to 200 hPa,has a significant negative correlation with AO(r=0.63).The anomalous anticyclone over the Arabian Sea brings stronger northeastern winds,which enhance the ITCZ after crossing the equator and result in greater-than-normal precipitation and minimum outgoing long-wave radiation.  相似文献   
基于Hurst指数的黑龙江省作物生长季降水趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于黑龙江省78个气象站1971—2016年逐日降水资料,综合采用墨西哥帽小波分析、Hurst指数分析等方法,对黑龙江省作物生长季(5—9月)降水量变化和未来趋势进行分析及预测。结果表明:1971—2016年,黑龙江省生长季、5月、6月降水量存在7 a、14 a、7 a左右的主周期,7月、8月、9月降水量存在2 a、3 a、7 a左右的第1主周期及6 a、11 a、21 a左右的第2主周期,各月均存在最近几年降水偏多的趋势;作物生长季降水量年际间为波动式振荡变化,7月、8月振荡幅度相对较大。年代际变化总体存在增加—减少—增加趋势,20世纪80年代、90年代降水量普遍偏多,2010年以来出现急转升高变化;单站各月Hurst指数均在0.5以上,降水存在比较明显的赫斯特现象;降水主要出现在夏季且以7月最为集中,最近几年降水偏多、7月异常降水集中以及主要流域未来7月降水的持续增加趋势在农业防灾减灾上值得关注。  相似文献   
依据心智表达的双重编码理论、地理的空间图形思维特点以及支持可视化知识探析需求,讨论地理知识可视化中知识图的定义与特点,并把地理知识图分为地理概念命题图与地理相似图解图,地理相似图解图又可分为逻辑拓扑相似图、空间结构相似图、变量关系相似图以及地理过程相似图.以黄土高原的小流域淤地坝系规划为案例,研究了支持坝系空间规划知识图中的概念命题图与相似图解图的形式、种类及其相互关系.  相似文献   
The influence of spring Arctic sea ice variability on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) like sea surface temperature(SST) variability is established and investigated using an Atmosphere Ocean General Circulation Model(AOGCM) of the Bergen Climate Model version 2(BCM2). The spring Arctic sea ice variability affects the mid-latitudes and tropics through the propagation of the anomalous Eliassen-Palm(E-P) flux from the polar region to mid- and low-latitudes during boreal spring. The pathway includes anomalous upward wave activity, which propagates to the high troposphere from near the surface of the polar region, turns southward between 500 h Pa and 200 h Pa and extends downward between 50°N and 70°N, influencing the near surface atmospheric circulation. The alteration of the near surface atmospheric circulation then causes anomalous surface ocean circulation. These circulation changes consequently leads to the SST anomalies in the North Pacific which may persist until the following summer, named seasonal "foot printing" mechanism(SFPM).  相似文献   
何小芊  龚胜生 《热带地理》2013,33(4):407-413
以历代地理总志、正史地理志、地方志以及类书等所记载的温泉为数据来源,统计秦至南北朝、隋唐宋和明清时期温泉资源的数量,运用ArcGIS软件对温泉资源空间分布情况进行分析。结果表明:秦至南北朝时期的温泉共有47处,集中分布在黄河中游、晋东北与冀西交界区、长江中游、湘南粤北地区;隋唐宋时期的温泉有108处,主要分布在经济较发达区域,且分布重心南移;明清时期的温泉有419处,遍布全国,已基本与温泉客观分布地重合,且主要集中在山地丘陵地带。古代温泉资源的空间演化规律为:分布地由中原向四周扩展,分布重心东移南迁,南北、东西差异逐渐扩大。自然环境、社会需求、区域发展过程等是影响温泉资源空间分布变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
Studies of rock slices showed that there were many kinds of symbioses between bacteria and algae and corals-stromatoporoids in the coral-stromatoporoid reefs from the Devonian Ganxi section of Sichuan and the Dushan section of Guizhou in South China. They included encrustations, microborings, bioclaustration, etc. In the host corals-stromatoporoids invaded by bacteria and algae were many residues of dead soft issue in the infected parts, where the skeletal structures were injured. Therefore, we considered there were direct interactions between corals-stromatoporoids and bacteria and algae in coral-stromatoporoid reefs, which included that bacteria and algae blocked growth of corals-stromatoporoids and the latter had the ability of self-healing. And the bacteria and algae usually was the active side. In the Middle Devonian with normal seawater condition, corals and stromatoporoids had the ability to resist the invasion of bacteria and algae, and the host coral-stromatoporoids would not be killed; but in the Late Devonian with deterioration of seawater quality, the ability of bacteria and algae infection increased while corals-stromatoporoids’ ability to resist infection declined, and therefore the host corals-stromatoporoids would be dead. Hence we suggested that the invading of bacteria and algae was a possible biokiller for mass-extinction of the Devonian coral-stromatoporoid reefs ecosystem. Beyond that, blooming of bacteria and algae and its triggering cumulative environmental effects played an important role in the reduction and extinction of metazoan in the Late Devonian. Furthermore, it can be used as a useful example to learn the trend and the reasons for the disease and decrease of modern coral reefs.  相似文献   
针对从单一层面对地理实体增量信息表达方法的不足,提出了一种基于空间变化类型、动态更新操作和图形数据差的居民地要素增量信息表达模型。通过对居民地空间变化进行分类,建立了空间变化类型、动态更新操作和图形数据差之间的关联,最终建立了居民地增量信息表达模型,并利用实验验证了该模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
王旭丹  郑福  刘松  龚晓鹏 《测绘科学》2021,46(10):46-53
针对如何对由信号畸变导致的伪距偏差数据快速准确地进行判断分类这个问题,该文进行了分析研究,提出采用聚类分析中的K-medoids算法展开伪距偏差特性研究,实现信号畸变导致的伪距偏差自动判别.通过对实际观测数据的分析比较可以看出,引入聚类分析方法实现伪距偏差的自动判别比仅按照接收机厂商、接收机模型划分伪距偏差更加符合实际情况.由信号畸变导致的伪距偏差在全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)精密数据处理中至关重要,会对精密单点定位精度和收敛性能、电离层延迟提取等产生影响.随着卫星导航系统以及GNSS跟踪网的建设与完善,海量的基准站及丰富的接收机类型为GNSS精密处理带来了更多的挑战.引入聚类分析方法实现了伪距偏差的自动判别,对于卫星导航精密数据处理性能具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
在线地理编码服务是非专业用户最常用的非空间数据空间化的手段。然而,大量在线地理编码服务的出现增加了用户选择的困难,因此通过对主流的在线地理编码服务质量进行评价,为公众的日常应用提供选择上的指导,并有助于在线地理编码服务商发现服务存在的缺陷,进一步完善服务。基于国内主流的4种在线地理编码服务——百度、高德、搜狗和腾讯,采用与衣食住行相关的4类地址作为检验数据,分别从地址匹配率、地理编码服务位置精度和一致性三个方面,对4种服务进行质量评价,得到以下结论:造成4种服务质量差异的主要原因是其参考库的质量差异;高德地图有最高的地址匹配率和最差的位置精度;腾讯地图整体表现较为优异,具有较高的数据质量和较完备的地址数据。  相似文献   
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