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An approach to extraction of viscoelastic parameters from seismic data is implemented and succesfully tested. Viscoelastic inversion is performed using adaptive damping factors to control the sensitivity of the viscoelastic parameters in relation to the τ-p seismic data. A priori information is incorporated through the damping factors as standard deviations of the data and of the viscoelastic model parameters. The stability of the inversion process is controlled by the variation of the damping factors as a function of the residual errors and parameter updates at each iteration. Tests on synthetic and real data show that P- and S-wave quality factors, Qp and Qs, in addition to P- and S-wave velocities and density Cp, Cs and p, can be extracted from τ-p seismic information. Singular value decomposition analysis demonstrates that estimated Qp and Qs values are more affected by the presence of data inaccuracies and noise than are those of Cp and p. Cs and Qs are not uniquely recovered due to the limited contribution of P-S converted waves. Knowledge of the viscoelastic parameters is of particular importance in accurately describing petrophysical properties of rocks and pore fluids existing in the subsurface; this is demonstrated with real data from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
A historic record of spring ice-jam floods of the Peace-Athabasca Delta was analyzed for the years 1826–1995. The temporal pattern of flooding is non-random. The likelihood of a flood following a flood, or a non-flood following a non-flood, is greater than expected by chance. Probability analysis of flood occurrence reveals that the period 1860–1880 was a time of unusually few floods, and the period 1915–1950 was a time of unusually frequent floods. The long-term flood frequency is 1 flood in 6.25 years. Changes in flood frequency over the record reveal a pattern of oscillation described by a sine-based model that is correlated with the long-term (Gleissberg) cycle of solar activity. Monte Carlo simulation was used to test a Bennett Dam Model and a Cyclic Model. The Bennett Dam Model is unlikely to have generated the observed flood history (p=0.04). The observed flood history shows a better fit to the Cyclic Model (p=0.65). No correlations between floods and ENSO cold or warm events was detected. The most recent wet period began about 1900 and ended in the early 1960's prior to completion of the W. A. C. Bennett Dam in British Columbia. As independent corroboration of climatically-driven changes in flood frequency we present three additional lines of evidence. The pattern of annual muskrat returns (95 year record) reveals both 10 year cycles and long-term patterns that agree well with the observed flood cycle. The annual area burned in Wood Buffalo National Park is inversely related to flood occurrence. Incised channels and dendritic drainage patterns in the bed of Lake Mamawi provide probable evidence of a previous dry period in the delta. Climatic change or oscillation likely underlies the drying trend observed in recent decades in the Peace-Athabasca Delta.  相似文献   
Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis coupled with conodont biostratigraphy of a fore-reef slope succession in the Napier Range (Napier Formation) is used to develop a depositional model and relative sea-level history for late Frasnian to late Famennian reef evolution in the Canning Basin of north-western Australia. Changes in sedimentary style on the slope, reflecting differing rates of carbonate production on the platform, are linked to third- and higher order relative sea-level fluctuations. Overlapping slope aprons accumulated along the base of a steep-walled platform margin. Coarse carbonate debris was deposited adjacent to the margin as talus breccias (via rockfall) and debris-flow breccias. Depositional slopes up to 45°, and locally steeper, are demonstrated using rotated geopetal cavity fills. The predominance of channel-filling lithofacies throughout the slope succession indicates the highly channelized nature of the aprons. The middle slope is dominated by sandy oolitic-peloidal turbiditic grainstones interpreted as sediment exported from an active platform. The turbidites and associated debris-flow breccias contrast with condensed carbonate intervals and deep-water, non-fenestral stromatolites that record times of very low platform production. Lower slope turbidites and associated intraclastic breccias indicate widespread redeposition of sediment eroded from lithified and semi-lithified limestones higher up the slope. Several third-order sequences are recognized in the fore-reef succession and these are composed primarily of transgressive and highstand deposits. Carbonate production was severely restricted in the early Famennian coinciding with development of onlapping siliciclastic aprons during a relative sea-level lowstand. Evidence for a subaerial exposure event is also preserved within the siliciclastic strata. Controls on sequence development are difficult to constrain. Although two sequence boundaries can be correlated with falls on the global sea-level curve, the reef complexes evolved in an active extensional regime and it is highly likely that tectonism, in conjunction with eustasy, controlled accommodation on the platform and therefore carbonate productivity.  相似文献   
Hollow magnetic microspherules from along the lower Younger Dryas boundary (c. 12.9 ka bp ) in New Mexico (USA) were studied using scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X‐ray diffraction, and laser‐ablation inductively coupled‐plasma mass spectrometry methods. The shell of the microspherules (10–15% of the spherule's diameter) displays dendritic surface textures, which are likely due to quenching during rapid cooling of molten material. Structurally, multiple single‐magnetite crystals attached together form the bulk of the microspherules. Iron dominates the microspherules’ composition (~90% FeOtot), Mn is the second most abundant element (up to 0.4% MnO), Al is detected in low concentrations (<0.30% of Al2O3). Among the trace elements, the rare earth elements display slightly fractionated patterns with concentrations of 0.1–1.0× CI chondrite. The microspherules contain elevated concentrations of Ni relative to detrital magnetite (up to 435 ppm) and very low concentrations of Ti (down to 5 ppm). Chemical, structural and mineralogical features of the microspherules do not contradict the existing models of the formation during ablation while a meteoroid goes through the Earth's atmosphere. Elevated concentrations of the magnetic microspherules in sediments can be a stratigraphic marker for the lower Younger Dryas boundary in North America.  相似文献   
GEORGE L. HUNT  JR. 《Polar research》1991,10(2):553-560
The distribution and abundance of breeding and foraging seabirds is usually a reflection of the availability of prey in the marine ecosystems on which the birds depend. At the scale of hundreds of km, differences in marine communities may be reflected in variation in the species composition of resident seabirds. At small scales, environmental features such as fronts or ice can influence where birds will aggregate to forage. Features at which prey become concentrated near the surface are of particular importance to bird species dependent upon small planktonic organisms. Concentrations of foraging seabirds frequently indicate the presence of such features, or of areas of unusually high prey biomass. The absence of birds does not mean that concentrations of potential prey are absent. "Assembly rules," by which one might predict aspects of the marine environment that birds should use in selecting foraging areas are proposed.  相似文献   
The Rocky Mountains in the USA and Canada encompass the interior cordillera of western North America, from the southern Yukon to northern New Mexico. Annual weather patterns are cold in winter and mild in summer. Precipitation has high seasonal and interannual variation and may differ by an order of magnitude between geographically close locales, depending on slope, aspect and local climatic and orographic conditions. The region's hydrology is characterized by the accumulation of winter snow, spring snowmelt and autumnal baseflows. During the 2–3-month ‘spring runoff’ period, rivers frequently discharge > 70% of their annual water budget and have instantaneous discharges 10–100 times mean low flow. Complex weather patterns characterized by high spatial and temporal variability make predictions of future conditions tenuous. However, general patterns are identifiable; northern and western portions of the region are dominated by maritime weather patterns from the North Pacific, central areas and eastern slopes are dominated by continental air masses and southern portions receive seasonally variable atmospheric circulation from the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. Significant interannual variations occur in these general patterns, possibly related to ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation) forcing. Changes in precipitation and temperature regimes or patterns have significant potential effects on the distribution and abundance of plants and animals. For example, elevation of the timber-line is principally a function of temperature. Palaeolimnological investigations have shown significant shifts in phyto- and zoo-plankton populations as alpine lakes shift between being above or below the timber-line. Likewise, streamside vegetation has a significant effect on stream ecosystem structure and function. Changes in stream temperature regimes result in significant changes in community composition as a consequence of bioenergetic factors. Stenothermic species could be extirpated as appropriate thermal criteria disappear. Warming temperatures may geographically isolate cold water stream fishes in increasingly confined headwaters. The heat budgets of large lakes may be affected resulting in a change of state between dimictic and warm monomictic character. Uncertainties associated with prediction are increased by the planting of fish in historically fishless, high mountain lakes and the introduction of non-native species of fishes and invertebrates into often previously simple food-webs of large valley bottom lakes and streams. Many of the streams and rivers suffer from the anthropogenic effects of abstraction and regulation. Likewise, many of the large lakes receive nutrient loads from a growing human population. We concluded that: (1) regional climate models are required to resolve adequately the complexities of the high gradient landscapes; (2) extensive wilderness preserves and national park lands, so prevalent in the Rocky Mountain Region, provide sensitive areas for differentiation of anthropogenic effects from climate effects; and (3) future research should encompass both short-term intensive studies and long-term monitoring studies developed within comprehensive experimental arrays of streams and lakes specifically designed to address the issue of anthropogenic versus climatic effects. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The question of the stratigraphy of the Uralian and Permian has received in recent years much attention on the part of specialists from different continents of the Globe. This subject is also a sore and much discussed question for Russian geologists. (?)eologists of the country where these de(?)  相似文献   
Climatic changes result from variables in planetary orbits which modulate solar energy emission and change seasonal and latitudinal distribution of heat received by the Earth. Small insolation changes are multiplied by the albedo effect of the winter snow fields of the Northern Hemisphere, by ocean-atmosphere feedbacks, and, probably, by the stratospheric ozone layer. The role of volcanic explosions and other aperiodic phenomena is secondary. The immediate climate response to insolation trends permits astronomic dating of Pleistocene events. A new glacial insolation regime, expected to last 8000 years, began just recently. Mean global temperatures may eventually drop about 1oC in the next hundred years. A refinement of the Milankovitch theory in terms of the lunar orbit and more data on solar periodicities are needed for reliable long range predictions.  相似文献   
Acoustic reverse-time finite-difference migration for zero-offset data is extended from two- to three-dimensional media. The formulation is based on the full three-dimensional acoustic wave equation and so has no dip restrictions and it involves extrapolation in a velocity distribution variable in three dimensions. The algorithm is demonstrated by successful migration of synthetic data sets for three models: a point diffractor, an oblique pinch-out, and a dome overlying a planar reflector.  相似文献   
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