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Using 32 CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models, this study examines the veracity in the simulation of cloud amount and their radiative effects(CREs) in the historical run driven by observed external radiative forcing for 1850–2005, and their future changes in the RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) 4.5 scenario runs for2006–2100. Validation metrics for the historical run are designed to examine the accuracy in the representation of spatial patterns for climatological mean, and annual and interannual variations of clouds and CREs. The models show large spread in the simulation of cloud amounts, specifically in the low cloud amount. The observed relationship between cloud amount and the controlling large-scale environment are also reproduced diversely by various models. Based on the validation metrics,four models—ACCESS1.0, ACCESS1.3, Had GEM2-CC, and Had GEM2-ES—are selected as best models, and the average of the four models performs more skillfully than the multimodel ensemble average.All models project global-mean SST warming at the increase of the greenhouse gases, but the magnitude varies across the simulations between 1 and 2 K, which is largely attributable to the difference in the change of cloud amount and distribution. The models that simulate more SST warming show a greater increase in the net CRE due to reduced low cloud and increased incoming shortwave radiation, particularly over the regions of marine boundary layer in the subtropics. Selected best-performing models project a significant reduction in global-mean cloud amount of about-0.99% K~(-1)and net radiative warming of 0.46 W m~(-2)K~(-1), suggesting a role of positive feedback to global warming.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The term"Red Beds"has never been used in a restricted sense,because it could include formations of different ages and sometimes theyare not distinctly red in color.The"Red Beds"of Hunan were first  相似文献   
GENERAL FEATURES. The Upper Yangtze valley includes the valleys of the main river and its chief tributaries. Chinshactiang (金沙江) and Yalungchiang (雅龍江) flow in north-south courses through Hsikang, Eastern Tibet, and turn to NEE  相似文献   
Eleven years ago when this society held its Third General Meeting I had the opportunity of calling your attention to certain strange deposits and topographical features that came under my notice in certain parts of North China. I showed you a number of st  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The geology of Szechuan and the adjoining regions has been studied by the pioneer geologists such as F. von Richthofen~1, L. von Loczy~2, B. Willis and E. Blackwelder~3 and E. C. Abendanon~4 respectively on the northern and eastern  相似文献   
土壤营养元素赋存状态和微生物活性是喀斯特地区生态恢复的关键质量指标,温室气体N2O的排放是全球变暖的重要因子。研究了雨季贵阳不同演替阶段森林表层土壤(0~10cm)微生物生物量(SMB)、反硝化酶活性(DEA)、无机氮(N)库和N转化特征,并与玉米地、茂兰喀斯特原始森林土壤做了对比分析。结果表明,微生物群落对土壤水分条件响应强烈,土壤有效N的增加有助于微生物群落的增长,土壤N转化速率越快,微生物N同化作用越低。人为干扰(火烧和农业活动)会增加或降低土壤SMB、增加潜在的气态N流失。总的来说,不同演替阶段土壤SMB、DEA和土壤N库均有显著差异,随植被恢复土壤SMB呈上升趋势,温室气体N2O的排放量呈下降趋势,气态N流失形态从N2O转变为N2,N循环过程趋于优化,表明自发演替是退化喀斯特森林恢复的可靠方式。  相似文献   
The provenance of the Happisburgh Till and Corton Till of the Corton Formation is investigated using erratic clast lithologies and allochthonous palynomorphs to test whether the long held assumption that they were deposited by ice that originated in Scandinavia is valid. The results show a wide range of lithologies including Carboniferous Limestone and Coal Measures, and Permian Magnesian Limestone that are not found in Scandinavia, and an absence of distinctive Scandinavian material such as rhomb porphyry and larvikite. Lithologies found indicate deposition by an ice sheet which flowed southwards into north-east East Anglia from central and southern Scotland eroding and transporting materials derived from outcrops in these areas and from eastern England and the western margins of the southern North Sea Basin. It is concluded that the long held assumption that the Happisburgh Till and Corton Till of the Corton Formation were deposited by a Scandinavian ice sheet is erroneous and that they were instead deposited by Scottish ice.  相似文献   
Major element, trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopiccompositions of ultramafic xenoliths and megacrysts from thecontinental Cameroon line provide evidence for metasomatismof the upper most lithospheric mantle by enriched melts duringthe Mesozoic The megacrysts probably crystallized within thelower continental crust from melts similar to the host magmas.All the xenoliths originated as depleted residues after theextraction of basaltic melts, but some indicate evidence ofinteraction with enriched partial melts before entrainment.The U–Pb isotopic data on garnet are consistent with coolingthrough >900C at >300 Ma. The Sm–Nd isotope systematicsin constituent phases appear to have been in equilibrium ona xenolith scale at the time of entrainment, indicating derivationfrom mantle that remained at temperatures >600C until eruption.Spinel therzolies that show simple light rare earth element(LREE) depletions are characterized by isotopic compositionsthat are comparable with, but slightly more depleted than AtlanticN-MORB, suggesting that the unmetasomatized sub-continentallithosphere of the Cameroon line may be isotopically similarto that of sub-oceanic lithosphere. The Nd-depleted mantle modelages of these xenoliths are consistent with late Proterozoicdepletion, similar in age to much of the overlying continentalcrust. In contrast, samples that have LREE-enriched clinopyr-oxenes(La/Yb =4.7–9.4) contain trace amounts of amphibole, areenriched in U and have more radiogenic Pb and Sr. These xenolithsyield U–Pb and Sm–Nd model ages consistent withMesozoic enrichment, in agreement with the age of enrichmentof the source regions of the basalts, as deduced from Pb isotopiccompositions. Clinopyroxenes record three orders of magnitudeenrichment in U and LREE accompanied by progressive K depletionassociated with the growth of trace amphibole, with K/U ratiosthat range from 12000 to 1. The ratios of the trace elementsthought to have similar bulk D in mantle melting, Ce/Pb, Ba/Rband Nd/Sr ratios, display regional variations related to thetime integrated history of enrichments indicated by Nd isotopiccompositions. Mass balance calculations suggest that the meltsresponsible for the most recent enrichment of the lithospherehad higher La/Yb and U/Pb than Cameroon line host magmas, andwere probably the product of small degrees of partial meltingassociated with the earliest stages of the breakup of Pangea. KEY WORDS: Cameroon line; mantle xenoliths; megacrysts; REE; isotopic composition; trace element  相似文献   
In Korea,trilobites are among the most intensively studied fossil groups in the past century and provide invaluable information about lower Paleozoic stratigraphy,paleogeography,and tectonics of the Korean Peninsula. Trilobites occur in the lower Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup of the Taebaeksan Basin which was part of the Sino-Korean Craton in the Paleozoic. The Joseon Supergroup is divided into the Taebaek,Yeongwol,and Mungyeong groups. The Taebaek and Yeongwol groups are richly fossiliferous,while the Mungyeong Group is poorly fossiliferous. Contrasting trilobite faunal contents of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups resulted in two separate biostratigraphic schemes for the Cambrian–Ordovician of the Taebaeksan Basin. A total of 22 biozones or fossiliferous horizons were recognized in the Taebaek Group; 19 zones were established in the Yeongwol Group; and four biozones were known from the Mungyeong Group. These trilobite biozones of the Taebaeksan Basin indicate the Joseon Supergroup ranges in age from the Cambrian Series 2 to Middle Ordovician and can be correlated well with the formations of North China,South China,and Australia.  相似文献   
从日本凋毛藻的表达序列标记EST库中筛选到2条全长的编码硫氧还蛋白的cDNA序列,分别命名为GjTRX1和GjTRX2。将这2条基因编码的蛋白序列与其它藻类(包括酵母)进行比较,结果表明不同物种及同一物种间TRX的相似性都较差,除GjTRX2编码的蛋白序列外,所有蛋白在活性位点序列WCGPC处都完全保守。推测GjTRX1属于细胞质内分布的硫氧还蛋白。GjTRX1序列推导的蛋白二级结构单元与以往报道的传统上保守的TRX的二级结构单元类型一致,但是顺序有所不同。  相似文献   
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