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A transverse crescentic draa in the Algodones dune field, California, was monitored for a year using surface process mapping, aerial photography and supplemental wind measurement. The draa is oriented by the long-term resultant wind, whereas its superimposed features are in equilibrium with the bedform-modified secondary airflow. Surface airflow and the movement of superimposed bedforms is typically oblique or parallel to the draa brinkline, particularly on the lee slope. Comparison of measurements of draa movement and sand deposition on the lee slope, with expected rates calculated from wind data and draa size, confirm that there is a significant component of sand flow parallel to the draa brinkline. The internal structure being generated at the base of the draa lee slope is inferred from the surface processes active there. Within the space of a kilometer two types of compound cross-strata, separated by an area of simple cross-strata, are being produced. This has significant implications for interpretations of ancient aeolian strata. Variations in internal structure types found in lateral sequence may be generated by one complex bedform, and these cross-strata may be simple or compound. Second-order bounding surface orientations indicate resultant primary palaeowind directions; compound cross-strata dip directions indicate secondary flow conditions. The existence of cross-strata dip directions oblique or perpendicular to the second-order surface indicates longitudinal secondary flow on the lee face, but not necessarily a longitudinal or oblique draa. Without further detailed knowledge about various draa configurations and behaviour, stratification attributed to draas can be used only to interpret activity on the lower draa lee face.  相似文献   
The increase of soil mass flux with distance downwind, the fetch effect for wind erosion, has been observed and reported on since 1939. This model incorporates the following three mechanisms. (1) The ‘avalanching’ mechanism in which one particle moving downwind would dislodge one or more particles upon impact with the surface. The result of a chain of such events is an increase of mass flux with distance. (2) The ‘aerodynamic feedback’ effect, suggested by P. R. Owen, in which the aerodynamic roughness height is increased by saltation of particles; the resulting increased momentum flux increases saltation. These increases define a positive feedback loop with respect to distance downwind. (3) The ‘soil resistance’ mechanism, which is largely an expression of the change with distance of threshold velocity. Change of threshold velocities may be caused by inhomogeneities of the soil or progressive destruction of aggregates and crust in the direction of saltation fetch. An experiment was run in March 1993 at Owens Lake to test this model. Detailed measurements of wind profiles and mass fluxes were taken on a line parallel to the wind direction. These data support the proposed three-mechanism model.  相似文献   
Abstract— The presence of several short-lived (now extinct) radionuclides in the early solar system demands that they were synthesized and added to preexisting solar system materials shortly (on a time scale on the order of the relevant radionuclide lifetime) before formation of solar system solids. For diverse reasons, it is often suggested that the solar system distributions of these radionuclides were radically heterogeneous, perhaps because of the late addition. Much attention has been given to the astrophysical circumstances that might govern the synthesis and distribution of these short-lived radionuclides, but comparatively little attention has been devoted to the distribution of cosynthesized isotopes. The focus of this paper is a systematic, quantitative evaluation of the collateral consequences in stable and long-lived isotopes that might be expected if short-lived radionuclides, in particular 26Al or 53Mn, were injected at their canonical levels and inhomogeneously distributed in the early solar system. We mix model massive star yields of Meyer et al. (1995) and Woosley and Weaver (1995) into a reservoir of cosmic composition, as tabulated by Anders and Grevesse (1989). To mitigate the effects of systematic deviations that may be present in these mixtures due to uncertainties in model stellar yields, we follow Timmes and Clayton (1996) and also mix into a “renormalized” proxy solar system composition computed from a galactic chemical evolution model based primarily on the stellar yields of Woosley and Weaver (1995). The results are very unfavorable to the likelihood of heterogeneously distributed 26Al derived from supernova ejecta. If a massive star is invoked to account for 26Al, its ejecta must have been rather uniformly distributed, as inferred from the lack of measured collateral anomalies in several elements, notably Ca, Cr, and Ni. Conversely, if 26Al were indeed radically heterogeneously distributed, some other nucleosynthetic source more efficient at producing 26Al is required. In principle, a similar statement applies to 53Mn, but the situation is more complicated. The inferred anomalies at 53Cr will depend not only on how much 53Mn is added by a heterogeneous component, but also more sensitively on the contributions to the associated stable nuclides, 53Cr, 52Cr, and 50Cr. Consideration of predicted collateral anomalies provides no direct support for heterogeneously distributed supernova-derived 53Mn, but the required quantity of supernova contribution, and thus also the collateral anomalies, are much less for 53Mn than for 26Al. With allowance for model calculation uncertainties, it could be argued that anomalies collateral to heterogeneous 53Mn might be small enough to have evaded detection.  相似文献   
The most recent deglaciation resulted in a global sea‐level rise of some 120 m over approximately 12 000 years. In this Part I of two parts, a moving boundary numerical model is developed to predict the response of rivers to this rise. The model was motivated by experiments at small scale, which have identified two modes describing the transgression of a river mouth: autoretreat without abandonment of the river delta (no sediment starvation at the topset–foreset break) and sediment‐starved autoretreat with abandonment of the delta. In the latter case, transgression is far more rapid and its effects are felt much further upstream of the river mouth. The moving boundary numerical model is checked against experiments. The generally favourable results of the check motivate adaptation of the model to describe the response of the much larger Fly‐Strickland River system, Papua New Guinea to Holocene sea‐level rise; this is done in the companion paper, Part II.  相似文献   
The pattern of dunes within the Gran Desierto of Sonora, Mexico, is both spatially diverse and complex. Identification of the pattern components from remote‐sensing images, combined with statistical analysis of their measured parameters demonstrate that the composite pattern consists of separate populations of simple dune patterns. Age‐bracketing by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) indicates that the simple patterns represent relatively short‐lived aeolian constructional events since ~25 ka. The simple dune patterns consist of: (i) late Pleistocene relict linear dunes; (ii) degraded crescentic dunes formed at ~12 ka; (iii) early Holocene western crescentic dunes; (iv) eastern crescentic dunes emplaced at ~7 ka; and (v) star dunes formed during the last 3 ka. Recognition of the simple patterns and their ages allows for the geomorphic backstripping of the composite pattern. Palaeowind reconstructions, based upon the rule of gross bedform‐normal transport, are largely in agreement with regional proxy data. The sediment state over time for the Gran Desierto is one in which the sediment supply for aeolian constructional events is derived from previously stored sediment (Ancestral Colorado River sediment), and contemporaneous influx from the lower Colorado River valley and coastal influx from the Bahia del Adair inlet. Aeolian constructional events are triggered by climatic shifts to greater aridity, changes in the wind regime, and the development of a sediment supply. The rate of geomorphic change within the Gran Desierto is significantly greater than the rate of subsidence and burial of the accumulation surface upon which it rests.  相似文献   
The melting relations of five metamorphosed basalts and andesites(greenstones and amphibolites), collected from the late JurassicSmartville arc complex of California, were investigated experimentallyat 800–1000? C and 1, 3, and 6. 9 kb. Dehydration-melting(no water added) experiments contained only the water structurallybound in metamorphic minerals (largely amphiboles). They yieldedmildly peraluminous to metaluminous granodioritic to trondhjemiticmelts (Na/K is a function of starting composition) similar inmajor element composition to silicic rocks in modern oceanicarcs. The dehydration melts are water-undersaturated, with,and coexist with the anhydrous residual solid (restite) assemblageplagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + magnetite ? ilmen-ite,with plagioclase constituting 50% of the restite mode. In thedehydration-melting experiments at 3 kb the onset of meltingoccurred between 850 and 900 ? C, as amphibole and quartz brokedown to yield pyroxenes plus melt. Total pressure is greaterthan in the dehydration-melting experiments and has little effecton melt composition or phase relations. In the water-saturated (water added, so that experiments, meltsformed at 3 kb and above are strongly peraluminous, rich inCa and poor in Fe, Mg, Ti, and K. Their compositions are unlikethose of most silicic igneous rocks. These melts coexist withthe amphibole-rich, plagioclase-poor restite assemblage amphibole+ magnetite ? clinopyroxene ? plagioclase ? ilmenite. The highlyaluminous nature of the melts and the plagioclase-poor natureof the restite both reflect the substantial contribution ofplagioclase (along with quartz) to melts in high-pressure water-saturatedsystems. Water pressure equals Ptoul in the water-saturatedexperiments and has a profound effect on both melt compositionand phase relations. At 1 kb, the water-saturated experimentsyielded melt and mineral products with some characteristicsof the dehydration-melting experiments (no amphibole at highT), and some characteristics of the 3-kb, water-saturated experiments(amphibole plus melt coexisting at lower T, elevated Al, loweredFe). As pressure is increased from 3 to 6. 9 kb, the stabilityfields of both plagioclase and clinopyroxene decrease relativeto amphibole and the Al contents of the melts increase. These experiments have important implications for the petrogenesisof low-K silicic rocks in arcs. First, dehydration melting isa viable mechanism for the formation of these rocks; water-saturatedmelting is not. Second, because of the influence of rock compositionon melt composition, low-grade metamorphic and hydrothermalprocesses that alter the alkali contents and Na/ K in arc basementterranes may have a direct impact on the petrogenesis of silicicmagmas in arcs, particularly the formation of extremely low-Ktrondhjemites. Third, the experiments predict that anhydrous,pyroxene- and plagioclase-rich ‘granulitic’ restiteassemblages should develop as a result of partial melting inarc terranes. Such assemblages occur in at least two deeplyeroded arc complexes.  相似文献   
Pattern formation is a fundamental aspect of self‐organization in fields of bedforms. Time‐series aerial photographs and airborne light detection and ranging show that fully developed, crescentic aeolian dunes at White Sands, New Mexico, interact and the dune pattern organizes in systematically similar ways as wind ripples and subaqueous dunes and ripples. Documented interactions include: (i) merging; (ii) lateral linking; (iii) defect repulsion; (iv) bedform repulsion; (v) off‐centre collision; (vi) defect creation; and (vii) dune splitting. Merging and lateral linking are constructive interactions that give rise to a more organized pattern. Defect creation and bedform splitting are regenerative interactions that push the system to a more disorganized state. Defect/bedform repulsion and off‐centre collision cause significant pattern change, but appear to be neutral in overall pattern development. Measurements of pattern parameters (number of dunes, crest length, defect density, crest spacing and dune height), dune migration rates, and the type and frequency of dune interactions within a 3500 m box transect from the upwind margin to the core of the dune field show that most pattern organization occurs within the upwind field. Upwind dominance by constructive interactions yields to neutral and regenerative interactions in the field centre. This spatial change reflects upwind line source and sediment availability boundary conditions arising from antecedent palaeo‐lake topography. Pattern evolution is most strongly coupled to the pattern parameters of dune spacing and defect density, such that spatially or temporally the frequency of bedform interactions decreases as the dunes become further apart and have fewer defects.  相似文献   

Two network-design technologies are compared by random sub-sampling of actual streamflow data. The technologies, Network Analysis for Regional Information (NARI) and Network Analysis Using Generalized Least Squares (NAUGLS), have a common objective, viz. to maximize regional information within a limited budget and time horizon. The data used for intercomparison are from a network of 146 streamgauges in the central part of the United States. In general, the results for the illustrative example indicate that the NAUGLS method conveys more information than the NARI method to the network designer interested in maximizing regional information about mean annual flows with a limited budget.  相似文献   
The use of radars to characterize the physical properties of a snow cover offers an attractive alternative to manual snow pit measurements. Radar techniques are non-invasive and have the potential to cover large areas of a snow-covered terrain. A promising radar technique for snow cover studies is the frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. The use of a multiband radar approach for snow cover studies was investigated in order to fully exploit the capabilities of FMCW radars. FMCW radars operating at and near the C-, X- and Ka-bands were used to obtain radar profiles over a wide range of snow cover conditions. These frequency-dependent radar signatures were used to identify important snow cover features such as ice and depth hoar layers. Snow grain size information was also obtained from the frequency-dependent scattering losses that were observed in the snow cover. Several case studies of FMCW radar profiles are presented in order to demonstrate the advantages of a multiband radar approach for monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of snow cover properties and/or processes over an extended area.  相似文献   
Element analysis of modern-day floodplains provides a framework for characterizing associations amongst depositional forms, the processes responsible for them and their local depositional environment. From interpretation of the spatial association of elements, mechanisms of floodplain evolution can be analysed. The Squamish River, in southwestern British Columbia, is a high-energy, gravel-based river, which exhibits a distinct downstream gradation in channel planform type. The floodplain sedimentology of this river is evaluated using an element approach. Five elements, defined on the basis of their morphological outline, position within sediment sequences and sedimentological character, describe the floodplain sedimentology: (i) top-stratum, (ii) chute channel; (iii) ridge; (iv) bar platform; (v) basal channel gravels. The sedimentological composition of each element is described. Each of these units relates directly to morphostratigraphic units which make up contemporary bars of the Squamish River. Associations among facies defined at the bedform scale, morphostratigraphic units on bar surfaces and elemental floodplain features are described and explained. The vertical stacking arrangement of elements is analysed in trenches (dug perpendicular to the main channel) and in bank exposures. Two elemental sedimentology models are proposed. In the first model, bar platform sands are discontinuous above basal channel gravels. Chute channel, ridge and proximal topstratum elements form thick sequences above. The second model is characterized by sequences in which distal top-stratum deposits are observed. In these instances, bar platform sands are better preserved beneath the distal top-stratum element, with proximal top-stratum elements above. The applicability of these models is determined primarily by position on the floodplain. Chute channel reworking of floodplain sediments and replacement by top-stratum elements is the dominant process marginal to contemporary bars. Sites in which channel avulsion has resulted in preservation of distal top-stratum deposits in the midsequence of the present-day channel banks determine the occurrence of the second model. Although channel planform style changes down-valley in the study reach from braided to meandering, these two models apply in each reach. It is concluded that processes operative at the element scale, rather than the channel planform scale, determine floodplain sedimentology.  相似文献   
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