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汉诺坝玄武岩及大同火山群的岩石学和同位素地球化学   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用主元素、造岩矿物、REE及Sr、Nd、Pb同位素资料,对汉诺坝玄武岩和大同火山群的岩石学、地球化学、地幔源区特征、岩浆的分异和演化、玄武岩岩浆活动的构造条件进行了讨论。  相似文献   
本文对隧道洞外、洞内控制网设计的一般法则进行了简略的论述,采用S-变换通过模拟数据计算验证了这些法则。应用两期变形测量原理将数理统计检验方法用于隧道测量。指出在隧道设计和施工阶段的测量和平差方法。  相似文献   
上个世纪,地球科学的发展已具有很强的了解和预测地球系统事件的能力。过去的10年,定量地球科学研究蓬勃发展。随着观测系统和计算工具的进步,人们能以前所未有的时空分辨率来模拟和预测地球物理过程,地球科学也将继续加速发展。随着这些进步,需要反思地球科学研究的现状,重新评估地球科学研究发展的方向和明确能实现的现实目标。  相似文献   
通常人们认为,占据湿热带海岸大片地区的红砂层年代是无法测定的。本文根据热释光法取得了这些沉积物绝对年龄的初步成果,同时讨论了热释光法应用在了解环境地球化学情况方面的重要性。有关斯里兰卡海岸地区研究的结果表明,该区70,000年以来海平面可能受到过区域地质构造运动的影响。根据在现场发现红砂中的具有几何图形的细石器来看,可认为其年龄约为距今25,000年,这表明它确实比到目前为止人们所认为的年龄更老。  相似文献   
Following the spill of fuel oils from the New Carissa in February 1999, approximately 300 km of beaches on the Pacific coast of North America were surveyed. A long-term observation program focused on the documentation of stranded tar balls in the vicinity of the spill site. Systematic beach surveys which were conducted over the period March 1999 to April 2001 and semi-logarithmic scale, time-series plots proved the most useful format for identifying trends. Beach monitoring continued through to August 2001. by which time 212 tar balls had been analyzed by GC/MS for their chemical characteristics. The samples of tar balls collected between February 1999 and August 2001 were qualitatively compared with New Carissa source oils (NCSO) and 101 (48%) were not consistent with NSCO. The presence of tar balls that are not related to an incident can confound attempts to define cleanup or endpoint criteria and to assess possible injury to natural resources.  相似文献   
辐射脉冲约1S或更短持续时间的震源理论研究表明:对于假定为实际地壳结构的双力偶震源,短周期P波地震图最突出的震相当是P,PP和SP波。已注意到显示P波与地面反射的某些地震图,并可以充分模拟,然而,由浅地震观测到的这种地震图数目很小,通常,观测到的地震图要私很简单,即它们显示出突出的初至,而很少有其他信息,要么地震图很复杂,即显示振幅大于或等于初至振幅的30S以上的震相,简单和或复杂地震图上缺乏清晰  相似文献   
Sedimentary aliphatic (AH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Total AH ranged from 2.20 to 11.82 μg g−1 and consisted of n-alkanes and a dominant petroleum-related unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Within the n-alkanes, terrestrial plant wax compounds prevailed at nearly all stations. Of the PAHs, biogenic perylene dominated at stations receiving riverine inputs. Anthropogenic PAHs originating from combustion/pyrolysis processes varied from 17 to 157 ng g−1, while fossil PAH concentrations ranged from 42 to 187 ng g−1. Both biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons are primarily derived from riverine discharges and accumulate at shallow-water stations. Distinct phase associations lead, nevertheless, to different sedimentation patterns. Fossil PAHs are enhanced at offshore stations where they are introduced directly by shipping activities. Biomarker fingerprints ascribe their source to Chinese crude oils. The overall levels of anthropogenic hydrocarbons are low compared to relevant areas worldwide and reveal a low/moderate level of hydrocarbon pollution.  相似文献   
O.  G.  Lockwood  H.  Kanamori  郑建常 《世界地震译丛》2007,(3):19-27
试图利用小波变换在地震图开始部分检测长周期成分。分析了2004年12月6日苏门答腊—安达曼M_w9.2级地震和2005年3月28日尼亚斯M_w8.7级地震的位移地震图。小波分析能够在S波到达台站前清楚地区分两次地震的长周期W震相的振幅。结果显示,2004年地震W震相的振幅明显更大。这一方法可以用于快速识别具有引发海啸可能的巨大地震。  相似文献   
发展了一种用记震记录寻求和和滤波预报特定地点未来大地震地面运动的简便方法,并用洛马普列塔地震(M=7.0)同一地点的余震(M=3.7 ̄4.0)记录模拟主震强运动试验了这一方法。选用凹凸体破裂模型,其中断层面上平均的均方根应力降下随地震矩改变而改变。观测谱表明从3级余震直到7级主震的应力降均不变,而地震矩相关约6个量级。每次模拟对一个个余震图引入与传播破裂相对应的时间延迟后求和,并体现方向性和场地响  相似文献   
An overview of toxicant identification in sediments and dredged materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of toxicants affecting aquatic benthic systems is critical to sound assessment and management of our nation's waterways. Identification of toxicants can be useful in designing effective sediment remediation plans and reasonable options for sediment disposal. Knowledge of which contaminants affect benthic systems allows managers to link pollution to specific dischargers and prevent further release of toxicant(s). In addition, identification of major causes of toxicity in sediments may guide programs such as those developing environmental sediment guidelines and registering pesticides, while knowledge of the causes of toxicity which drive ecological changes such as shifts in benthic community structure would be useful in performing ecological risk assessments. To this end, the US Environmental Protection Agency has developed tools (toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) methods) that allow investigators to characterize and identify chemicals causing acute toxicity in sediments and dredged materials. To date, most sediment TIEs have been performed on interstitial waters. Preliminary evidence from the use of interstitial water TIEs reveals certain patterns in causes of sediment toxicity. First, among all sediments tested, there is no one predominant cause of toxicity; metals, organics, and ammonia play approximately equal roles in causing toxicity. Second, within a single sediment there are multiple causes of toxicity detected; not just one chemical class is active. Third, the role of ammonia is very prominent in these interstitial waters. Finally, if sediments are divided into marine or freshwater, TIEs perforMed on interstitial waters from freshwater sediments indicate a variety of toxicants in fairly equal proportions, while TIEs performed on interstitial waters from marine sediments have identified only ammonia and organics as toxicants, with metals playing a minor role. Preliminary evidence from whole sediment TIEs indicates that organic compounds play a major role in the toxicity of marine sediments, with almost no evidence for either metal or ammonia toxicity. However, interpretation of these results may be skewed because only a small number of interstitial water (n = 13) and whole sediment (n = 5) TIEs have been completed. These trends may change as more data are collected.  相似文献   
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