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Beginning with the Swabian Jura earthquake in 1911 the seismic activity in Central Europe is concentrated to this area. A comparison with other events of the same epicentral region shows that the largest earthquake in Germany has the character of a left-lateral horizontal strike slip striking N — NNE. The focal parameters can be assumed within the following intervalls: Seismic moment Mo = 1…8·1017 Nm; focal area Fo = 18…53 km2; average dislocation do = 20…53 cm and stress drop Δpo = 13…19 bar.  相似文献   
A novel method for synthesis of aluminium hematites, based upon the homogeneous precipitation of Fe and Al oxinates in various proportions, is presented. The precursor precipitates are heated in air at 700?°C. X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses, BET, FTIR, optical reflection analysis, TEM and Mössbauer spectroscopy at room temperature and 80?K of the resulting products indicate that single-phase hematites are formed with structural Al substitution of up to 10 at%. Interestingly, the particle size (>100?nm) is not substantially reduced by the Al content. Although it remains difficult to obtain a homogeneously distributed Al substitution in the final hematite, this processing line offers a unique opportunity to separate the effects of grain size and Al substitution on the Morin transition temperature (T M) of Al hematite. From the comparison between the present hematites and a series of Al-substituted hematites with lepidocrocite as precursor, it could be shown that the effect on T M, associated with a change of a factor 10 in grain size, is about 1/3 of the effect caused by a change of 10 in the degree of substitution. Finally, it is suggested that proper thermal treatments under different conditions of the same precursors are likely to produce spinel phases.  相似文献   
The Random Forests (RF) algorithm is a machine learning method that has recently been demonstrated as a viable technique for data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity, and thus, it is instructive to further examine its usefulness in this particular field. A case study was carried out using data from Catanduanes Island (Philippines) to investigate further (a) if RF modeling can be used for data-driven modeling of mineral prospectivity in areas with few (i.e., <20) mineral occurrences and (b) if RF modeling can handle predictor variables with missing values. We found that RF modeling outperforms evidential belief (EB) modeling of prospectivity for hydrothermal Au–Cu deposits in Catanduanes Island, where 17 hydrothermal Au–Cu prospects are known to exist. Moreover, just like EB modeling, RF modeling allows analysis of the spatial relationships between known prospects and individual layers of predictor data. Furthermore, RF modeling can handle missing values in predictor data through an RF-based imputation technique whereas in EB modeling, missing values are simply represented by maximum uncertainty. Therefore, the RF algorithm is a potentially useful method for data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity in regions with few (i.e., <20) occurrences of mineral deposits of the type sought. However, further testing of the method in other regions with few mineral occurrences is warranted to fully determine its usefulness in data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity.  相似文献   
The effects of multiple stressors on the benthic macroinvertebrate community were monitored in Tecuitlapa Norte, a shallow, perennially-astatic, warm, mesosaline, sodaalkaline lake in Mexico. Physico-chemical and biological variables were determined monthly for one year. Tecuitlapa Norte displayed a clear seasonal environmental pattern (dry and rainy seasons). The benthic macroinvertebrate community consisted of five species:Culicoides occidentalis sonorensis Jorgensen,Ephydra hians Say,Stratiomys sp.,Eristalis sp., andLimnophora sp. of which the first two were dominant and the rest scarce.C. occidentalis was the most important species numerically (76 percent of the total), whileE. hians dominated the biomass (73 percent of the total). Primarily salinity and secondarily pH appear to be the most important environmental factors controlling dominance of benthic organisms in Tecuitlapa Norte. Seasonal abundance dynamics of the dominant organisms was associated with phases in their reproductive cycles: environmentally-triggered (i.e., temperature rise, water-level descent) pupation and emergence periods. We concluded that whereas physical and chemical factors (i.e., salinity, pH) exerted the primary control on benthic macroinvertebrate community composition in Tecuitlapa Norte, another assembly of variables (e.g., water-level, temperature) influenced species distribution and abundance.  相似文献   
Coronal holes are regions of dominantly monopolar magnetic field on the Sun where the field is considered to be ‘open’ towards interplanetary space. Magnetic bipoles emerging in proximity to a coronal hole boundary naturally interact with this surrounding open magnetic field. In the case of oppositely aligned polarities between the active region and the coronal hole, we expect interchange reconnection to take place, driven by the coronal expansion of the emerging bipole as well as occasional eruptive events. Using SOHO/EIT and SOHO/MDI data, we present observational evidence of such interchange reconnection by studying AR 10869 which emerged close to a coronal hole. We find closed loops forming between the active region and the coronal hole leading to the retreat of the hole. At the same time, on the far side of the active region, we see dimming of the corona which we interpret as a signature of field line ‘opening’ there, as a consequence of a topological displacement of the ‘open’ field lines of the coronal hole. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Relocation of intermediate and deep earthquakes of Tyrrhenian Sea area through joint hypocenter determination for the period 1962–1979, has allowed a more detailed definition of the geometry of this peculiar Benioff zone. Earthquakes dip along a quasi-vertical plane to 250 km depth; there is a 50° dip in the 250–340 km depth range, and a low dip angle to 480 km depth. The structure sketched from the hypocenters is almost continuous, but most energy has been released in the 230–340 km depth interval. An evaluation of fault plane solutions of intermediate earthquakes in this area indicates predominance of down-dip compressions in the central part of the slab. At the border, strike-slip motion occurs independent of depth. Some earthquakes that occurred at intermediate depth (less than 100 km) along the Ionian margin of Calabria show predominance of reverse faulting, with the P-axis oriented SE-NW. However, shallow earthquakes in the Calabria-Sicily region indicate a more complex motion, with predominance of normal faulting. A possible interpretation of these features according to the available geological history, which involves subduction of continental lithosphere, is discussed.  相似文献   
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