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The non-linear equations of the spherical α = const-dynamo are solved by a linearisation with respect to the deviation of α from the critical value. The magnitude of the induced magnetic field is derived. Representations of the toroidal and the poloidal component of the magnetic field are given.  相似文献   
Modifications to the upper Bathonian zonal scale for northern East Siberia provided by the newly available paleontological record on Middle Jurassic reference sections in the Arctic regions of Yakutia and by the revised earlier collections, are justified. The oldest East Siberian members of Cadoceras are found to be characteristic not of the initial Callovian age as believed by Russian paleontologists, but of the terminal Bathonian age as was previously shown in the biostratigraphic scheme of East Greenland. The succession of zones and index species analogous to that of the latter is revealed in the studied region and the zonal boundaries in Siberia and East Greenland are inferred to be synchronous. Finds of Cadoceras calyx in the upper Bathonian scale permitted, for the first time, the recognition of a corresponding zone. The Bathonian-Callovian boundary is placed between the calyx and anabarense zones. The upper Bathonian zonal scale of northern East Siberia is now in total agreement with the East Greenland zonal scale.  相似文献   
Limnological changes in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, over the Holocene were investigated by using proxy evidence from diatoms and other siliceous microfossils in a radiometrically dated sediment core (HH26comp), together with environmental data derived from sediment pollen and oxygen and carbon isotope analyses. The evidence demonstrates that the site of Hamilton Harbour has changed over the past 8300 y from a shallow, separate waterbody, to a deep embayment of Lake Ontario. The earliest evidence, from 8300 BP to 7000 BP, is of a mesotrophic pond of moderate alkalinity, warmer than present, and probably with an extensive marginal wetland. An initial transitory connection with the rising water level of Lake Ontario was established at c. 7000 BP, possibly via a deep outlet channel. This connection is 2000 y earlier then previously estimated. Permanent confluence with Lake Ontario was established at c. 6200 BP, causing a decline in inferred trophic level and water temperatures. Microfossils reach a minimum at 4400 BP coincident with the Nipissing Flood. Decreased mixing of Lake Ontario water from about 4000 BP following the Nipissing Flood highstand is evidenced in isotopic and diatom data. Three isolated shifts in the diatom spectrum at c. 4900 BP, 4500 BP, and 3500 BP may be associated with extreme turbidity or storm deposit events. Between 3200 BP and 280 BP, Hamilton Harbour was evidently a moderately alkaline embayment of Lake Ontario, oligotrophic to mesotrophic, and relatively cooler than present. The final 280 y sedimentary record reveals the magnitude of anthropogenically induced changes to the harbour, including eutrophication and organic pollution.  相似文献   
An ephemeral estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs at high water in the macrotidal Taf estuary (SW Wales, United Kingdom). A new mechanism of ETM formation, due to resuspension and advection of material by flood tidal currents, is observed that differs from classical mechanisms of gravitational circulation and tidal pumping. The flood tide advances across intertidal sand flats in the main body of the estuary, progressively entraining material from the rippled sands. Resuspension creates, a turbid front that has suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) of about 4,000 mg I−1 by the time it reaches its landward limit which is also the landward limit of salt penetration. This turbid body constitutes the ETM. Deposition occurs at high slack water but the ETM retains SSC values up to 800 mg I−1, 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than ambient SSC values in the river and estuarine waters on either side. The ETM retreats down the estuary during the ebb; some material is deposited thinly across emergent intertidal flats and some is flushed out of the estuary. A new ETM is generated by the next flood tide. Both location and SSC of the ETM scale on Q/R3 where Q is tidal range and R is river discharge. The greatest expression of the ETM occurs when a spring tide coincides with low river discharge. It does not form during high river discharge conditions and is poorly developed on neap tides. Particles in the ETM have effective densities (120–160 kg m−3) that are 3–4 times less than those in the main part of the estuary at high water. High chlorophyll concentrations in the ETM suggest that flocs probably originate from biological production in the estuary, including production on the intertidal sand flats.  相似文献   
Holocene climate modes are identified by the statistical analysis of reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) from the tropical and North Atlantic regions. The leading mode of Holocene SST variability in the tropical region indicates a rapid warming from the early to mid Holocene followed by a relatively weak warming during the late Holocene. The dominant mode of the North Atlantic region SST captures the transition from relatively warm (cold) conditions in the eastern North Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea (the northern Red Sea) to relatively cold (warm) conditions in these regions from the early to late Holocene. This pattern of Holocene SST variability resembles the signature of the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO). The second mode of both tropical and North Atlantic regions captures a warming towards the mid Holocene and a subsequent cooling. The dominant modes of Holocene SST variability emphasize enhanced variability around 2300 and 1000 years. The leading mode of the coupled tropical-North Atlantic Holocene SST variability shows that an increase of tropical SST is accompanied by a decrease of SST in the eastern North Atlantic. An analogy with the instrumental period as well as the analysis of a long-term integration of a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model suggest that the AO/NAO is one dominant mode of climate variability at millennial time scales.  相似文献   
The extent of agreement amongst current global climate models (GCMs) on the global pattern of rainfall change simulated under enhanced greenhouse conditions is assessed. We consider the results of five experiments which use a simple mixed layer ocean formulation and five which use a fully dynamic ocean model (coupled experiments). For many regions of the northern hemisphere there is strong agreement amongst both mixed layer and coupled experiments on the sign of simulated rainfall change. However, in the southern hemisphere there are large, and apparently systematic, differences between the coupled and mixed layer experiments. In particular, whereas the mixed layer experiments agree on simulated rainfall increase in summer in the tropics and subtropics of the Australian sector, the coupled experiments agree (although more weakly) on rainfall decreases. These differences appear to relate to the much reduced warming simulated by the coupled experiments in the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. However, recent oceanographie evidence suggests that this suppressed warming may be considerably overestimated. We conclude therefore that despite the in-principle advantages of coupled models, it may be too soon to base some regionally specific climate change scenarios solely on the results of coupled experiments.  相似文献   
Summary The island of Samothrace, northeastern Aegean Sea, consists of five main geological units: (i) A basement unit consisting of low grade metamorphic rocks (metapelites, marbles, metavolcanic rocks, and a metaconglomerate); (ii) an ophiolitic complex with K-Ar hornblende date of 154 ± 7 and 155 ± 7 Ma; (iii) A granite intrusion with biotite K-Ar dates of 14.5 ± 0.3 and 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma, and a contact metamorphic event dated at 40.9 + 2.2 Ma; (iv) a unit of Cenozoic volcanic rocks: orogenic volcanism apparently occurred in two cycles with Upper Eocene tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and post-Eocene high-K andesites to trachytes. (v) Quaternary clastic sedimentary rocks which occur around the peripheral parts of the island. The granitic intrusion is predominantly a hornblende-biotite granite, granodiorite or quartz monzonite, with porphyritic variants and mafic enclaves. The pluton is cut by granophyre, aplite and rare granodioritic veins. All lithological units of the Samothrace intrusion show smooth and continuous major element trends and similar chondrite- and Ocean Ridge Granite-normalized incompatible element profiles. ORG-normalized incompatible element contents of Hf, Zr, Sm are explained with fractionation close to the normalizing values Y and Yb contents combined with high K/Yb ratios; Rb and Th are significantly enriched relative to Nb and Ta. In Y-Nb and Rb-SiO2 space most samples of the Samothrace granite, plot in the volcanic arc and the syn-collisional granite fields. In Y + Nb-Rb space they are equally distributed within and transgress these two domains. The geochemical and regional data suggest a subduction or collision environment but biotite mineral data do not support a collisional setting for magma genesis. The Samothrace granite was probaby associated with a post-collisional domain after the closure of the Axios section of the Tethys Ocean.
Ein Einblick in das Wirken von Mikroplattentektonik in der Tethys—Die Geochemie des Samothrake Granites, Agäisches Meer
Zusammenfassung Die Insel Samothrake in der nordöstlichen Ägäis besteht aus fünf geologischen Haupteinheiten: (i) einem schwach metamorphen Basement (Metapelite, Marmore, Metavulkanite und Metakonglomerate); (ii) einem ophiolithischem Komplex, der mit K-Ar Datierungen an Hornblende ein Alter von 154 ± 7 und 155 ± 7 Ma ergab; (iii) ein granitischer Intrusionskörper mit K-Ar Altern an Biotit von 14.0 ± 0.3 und 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma und einem kontaktmetamorphen Ereignis, das mit 40.9 ± 2.2 Ma datiert ist; (iv) eine Abfolge känozoischer Vulkanite, wobei der orogene Vulkanismus offensichtlich in zwei Zyklen ablief mit tholeiitischen bis kalkalkalischen Vulkaniten im oberen Eozän und high-K Andesiten bis Trachyten im post-Eozän; (v) quartären klastischen Sedimentgesteinen, die im Randbereich der Insel auftreten. Die Granitintrusion setzt sich hauptsächlich aus Hornblende-Biotitgraniten, Granodioriten oder Quarzmonzoniten mit teilweise porphyrischen und mafischen Enklaven enthaltenden Varietäten zusammen. Der Pluton wird von Granophyren, Apliten und seltener von granodioritischen Gängen durchschlagen. Alle lithologischen Einheiten der Samothrake Intrusion zeigen kontinuierliche Hauptelementtrends und ähnliche Chondrit und ORG-normalisierte inkompatible Elementprofile. Die Gehalte an den inkompatiblen Elementen Hf, Zr, Sm sind sehr ähnlich denen von ozeanischen Graniten (ORG). Die niedrigen Y und Yb-Gehalte und die hohen K/Yb Verhältnisse werden durch Fraktionierung erklärt. Rb und Th sind signifikant angereichert im Vergleich zu Nb und Ta. In Y-Nb und Rb-SiO2 Diagrammen plotten die meisten Proben des Samothrake Granites im Feld der vulkanischen Inselbogen- und Synkollisionsgranite. Im Y + Nb-Rb Diagramm zeigt sich eine gleichmäßige und überlappende Verteilung. Die geochemischen und regionalen Daten weisen auf einen Subduktions- oder Kollisionsbereich hin, obwohl die Biotitzusammensetzungen nicht für eine Bildung der Magmen in einem Kollisionsbereich sprechen. Die Bildung des Samothrake Granites steht möglicherweise mit post-Kollisionstektonik nach dem Schließen der Axioszone in der Tethys in Zusammenhang.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
A major portion of the southern part of the Indian subcontinent is classified as a stable continental region. However, a few segments in this region are punctuated by rifts and shear zones that are seismically active. The Godavari rift that sutures the eastern Dharwar and the Bastar cratons is one such region, prone to seismic hazard. Estimation of the sedimentary thickness in these seismically active regions assumes importance since locales of thick and soft sediments are vulnerable to destruction due to surface waves generated by earthquakes. In the present study, data from five broadband seismological stations are utilized to estimate the average sedimentary thickness of the Godavari region using the difference in travel times of the direct S and converted Sp phases from local earthquakes. The thickness of sediments varies between 0.32 and 4.32 km. Also, the site-specific response in terms of the fundamental resonance frequency and the corresponding amplifications are estimated using the well-established Nakamura technique. The predominant frequencies are in the range of 1.3–4.61 Hz, and the amplifications are higher (>1.5) for the stations inside the Godavari basin. Both the thickness and amplification values clearly indicate that the sediments tend to get thicker toward the center of the basin, in good agreement with the geological distribution of the sedimentary units.  相似文献   
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