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Sediment cores from three lakes (Moss, Sombre and Heywood) in the maritime Antarctic (Signy Island, South Orkney Islands) have been successfully dated radiometrically by210Pb and137Cs. The core inventories of both fallout radionuclides are an order of magnitude higher than that which can be supported by the direct atmospheric flux at this latitude. The elevated values may be explained by fallout onto the catchment during the winter being delivered directly to the lakes during the annual thaw. Two of the lakes (Sombre and Heywood) show marked increases in sediment accumulation afterc. 1950. This appears to be associated with a documented rise in temperature in the South Orkney Islands, which has caused extensive deglaciation at Signy Island.This is the tenth of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20 th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P.G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   
The evolution of the 27-day recurrence in the series of two solar indices (Wolf number WN and 10.7 cm radio flux F) and two geomagnetic indices (Dst and ζ, variance of the geomagnetic field recorded at a magnetic observatory) have been studied over the 1957 – 2007 time span. Spectral energies contained in two period domains (25 – 27.3 and 27.3 – 31 days), designated as E 1 and E 2, have been computed. Whereas the evolution of E 1 is the same for the four indices, that of E 2 is essentially different for WN and F on the one hand, Dst and ζ on the other hand. Some general conclusions on the dynamics of the solar outer layers are inferred from these results. First the solar activity, as measured by WN, and when averaged over a few years, evolves in the same way whatever the latitude. Second, two families of coronal holes (CHs) are identified; the rapidly and the slowly rotating CHs evolve quite differently.  相似文献   
The possible relation between type I noise active regions and the polarity distribution of the interplanetary magnetic field is examined for the period from 13 March to 21 August, 1968 (Solar Rotation Numbers 1842–1847) by using data from ground-based and satellite observations. In general four type I radio regions appeared during each solar rotation period except for Rotation No. 1842. The number of type I regions is the same as the number of sector boundaries. This result suggests that the configuration of the photospheric magnetic field extending into the interplanetary space may be related to the origin of the type I radio regions. Statistically the passage of the sector boundaries is delayed by approximately 5 days after the central meridian passage of the type I noise regions on the solar disk.The position of the source of the sector boundaries and its relation to the type I radio regions are investigated by taking into account the mean bulk velocity of solar winds as observed by space probes. A model of the large-scale structure of type I radio regions and their relation to the sector structure of the magnetic field as observed in the interplanetary space is briefly discussed.NASA Research Associate at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   
The electron-cyclotron maser is believed to be the source of microwave spike bursts often observed during solar and stellar flares. Partial absorption of this radiation as it propagates through the corona can produce plasma heating and soft X-ray emission over an extended region. In this paper, the propagation and absorption of the maser radiation during solar flares are examined through linear theory and electro-magnetic particle simulations. It is shown using linear theory that strong absorption of the radiation should occur as it propagates towards the second harmonic layer where the magnetic field is half as strong as in the emission region. Only radiation propagating nearly parallel to the magnetic field in a low-temperature plasma may be able to escape under certain, limited conditions. Finite temperature effects can cause radiation propagating nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field to refract, causing enhanced absorption. Particle simulations are then used to evaluate the nonlinear response of the plasma as the maser radiation propagates through the absorption layer. It is shown that some of the maser radiation is able to escape through a process of absorption below the second harmonic of the local gyrofrequency and re-emission above it. The fraction able to escape is much higher than that predicted by linear theory, although the amount of escaping energy is only a small fraction of the incident energy. The bulk of incident energy goes into the perpendicular heating of the ambient electrons, with the rate of energy absorption showing no signs of leveling off during the simulations. This indicates that the absorption layer does not become optically thin after continuous heating by the maser radiation. A few electrons are accelerated to several tens of keVs as a result of the heating.  相似文献   
13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of aragonite shells of modern land snails from the southern Great Plains of North America were measured for samples from twelve localities in a narrow east-west corridor that extended from the Flint Hills in North Central Oklahoma to the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Northern New Mexico, USA. Across the study area, shell δ18O values (PDB scale) ranged from −4.1‰ to 1.2‰, while δ13C values ranged from −13.2‰ to 0.0‰. δ18O values of the shell aragonite were predicted with a published, steady state, evaporative flux balance model. The predicted values differed (with one exception) by less than 1‰ from locality averages of measured δ18O values. This similarity suggests that relative humidity at the time of snail activity is an important control on the δ18O values of the aragonite and emphasizes the seasonal nature of the climatic information preserved in the shells. Correlated δ13C values of coexisting Vallonia and Gastrocopta suggest similar feeding habits and imply that these genera can provide information on variations in southern Great Plains plant ecology. Although there is considerable scatter, multispecies, transect average δ13C values of the modern aragonite shells are related to variations in the type of photosynthesis (i.e., C3, C4) in the local plant communities. The results of this study emphasize the desirability of obtaining isotope ratios representing averages of many shells in a locale to reduce possible biases associated with local variations among individuals, species, etc., and thus better represent the “neighborhood” scale temporal and/or spatial environmental variations of interest in studies of modern and ancient systems.  相似文献   
A preliminary analysis of the data from the UCLA magnetometer on board the Apollo 15 subsatellite indicates that remnant magnetization is a characteristic property of the Moon, that its distribution is such as to produce a rather complex pattern or fine structure, and that a detailed mapping of its distribution is feasible with the present experiment. The analysis also shows that lunar induction fields produced by transients in the interplanetary magnetic field are detectable at the satellite orbit so that in principle the magnetometer data can be used to determine the latitudinal and longitudinal as well as radial dependences of the distribution of electrical conductivity within the Moon. Finally, the analysis indicates that the plasma void or diamagnetic cavity which forms behind the Moon when the Moon is in the solar wind, is detectable at the satellite's orbit and that the flow of the solar wind near the limbs is usually rather strongly disturbed.Publication No. 981. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics.  相似文献   
A symposium on the genesis of till entitled Till/Sweden-76 was held in Stockholm 16–18 August 1976. This issue of Boreas contains most of the papers presented at the symposium.  相似文献   
Summary Aircraft single point position accuracy is assessed through a comparison of the single point coordinates with corresponding DGPS-derived coordinates. The platform utilized for this evaluation is a Naval Air Warfare Center P-3 Orion aircraft. Data was collected over a period of about 40 hours, spread over six days, off Florida's East Coast in July 94, using DGPS reference stations in Jacksonville, FL, and Warminster, PA. The analysis of results shows that the consistency between aircraft single point and DGPS coordinates obtained in single point positioning mode and DGPS mode is about 1 m (rms) in latitude and longitude, and 2 m (rms) in height, with instantaneous errors of up to a few metres due to the effect of the ionosphere on the single point L1 solutions.  相似文献   
A broad sample of computed realistic equations of state of superdense matter with a quark phase transition is used to construct a series of models of neutron stars with a strange quark core. The integral characteristics of the stellar configurations are obtained: gravitational mass, rest mass, radius, relativistic moment of inertia, and red shift from the star's surface, as well as the mass and radius of the quark core within the allowable range of values for the central pressure. The parameters of some of the characteristic configurations of the calculated series are also given and these are studied in detail. It is found that a new additional region of stability for neutron stars with strange quark cores may exist for some models of the equation of state.  相似文献   
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