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 The extremely young (2.5 Ma) I-type Eldzhurtinskiy granite complex (Central Caucasus) is uniform with respect to modal composition, major and trace element chemistries of bulk rocks and mineral phases. In contrast, it reveals two types of alkali feldspar megacrysts differing in tetrahedral Al-content (2t1) and exsolution microtextures: 1. Alkali feldspar megacrysts (Or70An2Ab28) from the top of the body consist of ideally coherent intergrowths of fine-scale regular Or- and Ab-rich lamellae. The exsolved K-feldspar host is monoclinic (2t1=0.7), the exsolved Na-rich phase consists of Albite- and/or Pericline-twinned albite. 2. Megacrysts from greater depths have the same bulk composition, but the exsolved Ab-rich phase occurs in the form of optically visible, broad lamellae and patches of low albite. In addition, the K-rich host yields a higher degree of (Al, Si) ordering (2t1=0.8). The evolution of the distinct types of megacrysts reflects differences in the cooling history within the upper and lower part of the granite body. The occurrence of the coherent lamellae in the megacrysts from the top of the body is attributed to exsolution under dry conditions during fast cooling, whereas coarsening of lamellae and formation of albite patches in the megacrysts from the lower part are caused by fluid-feldspar interaction. The transition zone in the body between the two types of megacrysts is sharp (in a depth interval of 100–200 m) and not related to shear zones. Received: 12 June 1995 / Accepted: 29 January 1996  相似文献   
 Mantle peridotites of the Internal Liguride (IL) units (Northern Apennines) constitute a rare example of the depleted lithosphere of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys. Detailed chemical (ICP-MS and SIMS techniques) and isotopic investigations on very fresh samples have been performed with the major aim to constrain the timing and mechanism of their evolution and to furnish new data for the geodynamic interpretation. The data are also useful to discuss some general geochemical aspects of oceanic-type mantle. The studied samples consist of clinopyroxene-poor spinel lherzolites, showing incipient re-equilibration in the plagioclase-facies stability field. The spinel-facies assemblage records high (asthenospheric) equilibration temperatures (1150–1250° C). Whole rocks, and constituent clinopyroxenes, show a decoupling between severe depletion in highly incompatible elements [light rare earth elements (LREE), Sr, Zr, Na, Ti] and less pronounced depletion in moderate incompatible elements (Ca, Al, Sc, V). Bulk rocks also display a relatively strong M(middle)REE/H(heavy)REE fractionation. These compositional features indicate low-degree (<10%) fractional melting, which presumably started in the garnet stability field, as the most suitable depletion mechanism. In this respect, the IL ultramafics show strong similarity to abyssal peridotites. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, determined on carefully handpicked clinopyroxene separates, indicate an extremely depleted signature (87Sr/86Sr=0.702203–0.702285; 143Nd/144Nd=0.513619–0.513775). The Sm/Nd model ages suggest that the IL peridotites melted most likely during Permian times. They could record, therefore, the early upwelling and melting of mid ocean ridge basalt (MORB) type asthenosphere, in response to the onset of extensional mechanisms which led to the opening of the Western Tethys. They subsequently cooled and experienced a composite subsolidus evolution testified by multiple episodes of gabbroic intrusions and HT-LP retrograde metamorphic re-equilibration, prior to their emplacement on the sea floor. The trace element chemistry of IL peridotites also provides useful information about the composition of oceanic-type mantle. The most important feature concerns the occurrence of Sr and Zr negative anomalies (relative to “adjacent” REE) in both clinopyroxenes and bulk rocks. We suggest that such anomalies reflect changes in the relative magnitude of Sr, Zr and REE partition coefficients, depending on the specific melting conditions. Received: 15 February 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   
Summary Chromitites (Cr ores) of the Ojen lherzolite massif (Serranía de Ronda, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) were found to contain platinum-group minerals (PGM) as discrete inclusions in the chromite and in the associated silicates. The PGM mineralogy consists of sulfides [laurite, erlichmanite, malanite, unnamed (Ni-Fe-Cu)2 (Ir, Rh) S3, unidentified Pd-S], sulfarsenides (irarsite, hollingworthite, ruarsite, and osarsite), arsenides [sperrylite, unidentified (Pd, Ni)-As], one unidentified Pd-Bi compound, and native platinum group elements (PGE) consisting of Ru and Pt-Fe alloys. Textural considerations suggest that the PGE chalcogenides with S and As were formed in the high-temperature magmatic stages, as part of the chromite precipitation event (primary PGM), in contrast with the native PGE, which originated during the low-temperature serpentinization of the ultramafic host of the chromitites (secondary PGM).The primary PGM inclusions in the Ojen chromite are unusual compared with PGM inclusions in chromitites from tectonitic upper-mantle of ophiolites and other alpine-type complexes in that i) they display a great variety of mineral species sulfides, sulfarsenides and arsenides, and ii) comprise specific phases of all six PGE. The singularity of the primary PGM mineralization probably reflects high activities of both S and As during chromite precipitation at Serrania de Ronda to be related with particular physico-chemical conditions during uplifting of sub-continental, astenospheric mantle.The nature, composition, and paragenetic association of secondary PGM at Ojen confirm the relatively-high mobility of the PGE at low temperature, and indicate that remobilization can be selective under appropriate redox conditions causing separation and redistribution of the PGE in the rocks as a result of the alteration process.
Platingruppen-Minerale in chromititen aus dem ojen-lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien)
Zusammenfassung Platingruppen-Minerale in Chromititen aus dem Ojen-Lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien) In den Chromititen (Cr-Erzen) aus dem Ojen-Lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien) warden Platingruppen-Minerale (PGM) als einzelne Einschlüsse im Chromit and in den begleitenden Silikaten gefunden. Die Mineralogie der PGM setzt sich aus Sulfiden [Laurit, Erlichmanit, Malanit, einem unbenannten (Ni-Fe-Cu)2 (Ir, Rh)S3 und einem nicht identifizierten Pd-S], Sulfarseniden (Irarsit, Hollingworthit, Ruarsit und Osarsit), Arseniden [Sperrylit, einem nicht identifizierten (Pd, Ni)-As], einer nicht identifizierten Pd-Bi-Verbindung sowie gediegenen Platingruppen-Elementen (PGE) bestchend aus Ru and Pt-Fe-Legierungen, zusammen. Texturelle Untersuchungen haben ergeben, daß die PGE-Chalkogenide mit S und As im Zuge der Chromitfällung (primäre PGM) in den hochtemperierten, magmatischen Stadien gebildet warden, während die gediegenen PGE während der niedriggradigen Serpentini sierung des ultramafischen Nebengesteins der Chromitite (sekundäre PGM) gebildet warden.Die primären PGM-Einschlüsse in den Ojen-Chromiten sind im Vergleich zu PGM-Einschlüssen in Chromititen aus dem tektonisierten oberen Mantel in Ophiolithen und anderen alpinotypen Komplexen ungewöhnlich: i) Einerseits zeigen sie eine große Vielfalt an Mineralarten aus der Gruppe der Sulfide, Sulfarsenide und Arsenide. ii) Andererseits enthalten sie spezifische Phasen aller sechs PGE. Die Einzigartigkeit der primären PGM-Mineralisation könnte hohe Aktivitäten von S and As während der Chromit-Fällung in Serranía de Ronda widerspiegeln, die mit besonderen physiko-chemischen Bedingungen während der Hebung des subkontinentalen, asthenosphärischen Mantels zusammenhängen.Die Art, die Zusammensetzung and die paragenetische Vergesellschaftung von sekundären PGM in Ojen bestätigen die relativ hohe Mobilität der PGE bei niedriger Temperatur und zeigen, daß die Remobilisierung unter geeigneten Redox-Bedingungen selektiv wirken kann, wodurch eine Trennung und Neuverteilung der PGE in den Gesteinen als Ergebnis des Alterationsprozesses bewirkt wird.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
The recently developed method of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) allows the determination of 207Pb/206Pb ages of single zircon grains. The main advantages of the method are minimal sample preparation, low cost, and high throughput. In this work we present an analytical routine for geochronological analyses of zircon and monazite by LA-ICPMS and its application to the Ribeira Belt of the Brazilian Orogen in southeastern Brazil. The 207Pb/206Pb ages of one hundred and thirty-seven detrital zircons from amphibolite facies quartzites from three lithotectonic domains in the central Ribeira Belt indicate that they are derived mainly from Paleoproterozoic crust of Transamazonian age (2.0−2.3 Ga). A small number of zircons originated in 2.6−2.9 Ga Archean crust. These results are coherent with 2.1−2.2 Ga and 2.6−3.0 Ga U---Pb ages previously obtained for basement gneisses. The viability of the method to date monazite is also assessed. Monazites from the same quartzite samples yield ages between 2.1 Ga and 0.57 Ga. indicating variable resetting of the U---Pb system during amphibolite facies metamorphism. In contrast, monazite from a basement migmatite and syn-metamorphic granitoids yields ages in the 500–700 Ma range, in general agreement with U-Pb ages of 590-565 Ma for the main metamorphic event.

The LA-ICPMS 207Pb/206Pb ages are coherent and agree with expected results based on previous U---Pb geochronology, and show that the method has immediate applicability. At present, the most significant limitations of the method are the inability to yield reliable U/Pb values, analytical precision in the 1–10% range, and the requirement of grains larger than 80 gmm The method may be advantageous for provenance studies of Precambrian detrital sequences.  相似文献   

The understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a clay barrier is needed for the prediction of its final in situ properties after the hydration and thermal transient in a radioactive waste repository.

As part of the CEC 1990–1994 R&D programme on radioactive waste management and storage, the CEA (Fr), CIEMAT (Sp), ENRESA (Sp), SCK · CEN (B), UPC (Sp) and UWCC (UK) have carried out a joint project on unsaturated clay behaviour (Volckaert et al., 1996). The aim of the study is to analyse and model the behaviour of a clay-based engineered barrier during its hydration phase under real repository conditions. The hydro-mechanical and thermo-hydraulic models developed in this project have been coupled to describe stress/strain behaviour, moisture migration and heat transfer. A thermo-hydraulic model has also been coupled to a geochemical code to describe the migration and formation of chemical species.

In this project, suction-controlled experiments have been performed on Boom clay (B), FoCa clay (Fr) and Almeria bentonite (Sp). The aim of these experiments is to test the validity of the interpretive model developed by Alonso and Gens (Alonso et al., 1990), and to build a database of unsaturated clay thermo-hydro-mechanical parameters. Such a database can then be used for validation exercises in which in situ experiments are simulated.

The Boom clay is a moderately swelling clay of Rupellian age. It is studied at the SCK · CEN in Belgium as a potential host rock for a radioactive waste repository. In this paper, suction-controlled experiments carried out on Boom clay by SCK · CEN are described. SCK · CEN has performed experiments to measure the relation between suction, water content and temperature and the relation between suction, stress and deformation. The applied suction-control techniques and experimental setups are detailed. The results of these experiments are discussed in the perspective of the model of Alonso and Gens. The influence of temperature on water uptake was rather small. The measured swelling-collapse behaviour can be explained by the Alonso and Gens model.  相似文献   

Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Sputnik kimberlite pipe, Yakutia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Sputnik kimberlite pipe is a small “satellite” of the larger Mir pipe in central Yakutia (Sakha), Russia. Study of 38 large diamonds (0.7-4.9 carats) showed that nine contain inclusions of the eclogitic paragenesis, while the remainder contain inclusions of the peridotitic paragenesis, or of uncertain paragenesis. The peridotitic inclusion suite comprises olivine, enstatite, Cr-diopside, chromite, Cr-pyrope garnet (both lherzolitic and harzburgitic), ilmenite, Ni-rich sulfide and a Ti-Cr-Fe-Mg-Sr-K phase of the lindsleyite-mathiasite (LIMA) series. The eclogitic inclusion suite comprises omphacite, garnet, Ni-poor sulfide, phlogopite and rutile. Peridotitic ilmenite inclusions have high Mg, Cr and Ni contents and high Nb/Zr ratios; they may be related to metasomatic ilmenites known from peridotite xenoliths in kimberlite. Eclogitic phlogopite is intergrown with omphacite, coexists with garnet, and has an unusually high TiO2 content. Comparison with inclusions in diamonds from Mir shows general similarities, but differences in details of trace-element patterns. Large compositional variations among inclusions of one phase (olivine, garnet, chromite) within single diamonds indicate that the chemical environment of diamond crystallisation changed rapidly relative to diamond growth rates in many cases. P-T conditions of formation were calculated from multiphase inclusions and from trace element geothermobarometry of single inclusions. The geotherm at the time of diamond formation was near a 35 mW/m2 conductive model; that is indistinguishable from the Paleozoic geotherm derived by studies of xenoliths and concentrate minerals from Mir. A range of Ni temperatures between garnet inclusions in single diamonds from both Mir and Sputnik suggests that many of the diamonds grew during thermal events affecting a relatively narrow depth range of the lithosphere, within the diamond stability field. The minor differences between inclusions in Mir and Sputnik may reflect lateral heterogeneity in the upper mantle.  相似文献   
The 1900–1700 Ma Waterberg Group in the main Waterberg fault-bounded basin consists of dominantly coarse siliciclastic red beds with minor volcanic rocks. The sedimentary rocks were deposited mainly by alluvial fans, fluvial braidplains and transgressive shallow marine environments, with lesser lacustrine and aeolian settings. Uplifted, largely granitic source areas were located along the Thabazimbi-Murchison lineament (TML) fault system in the south, and along the Palala shear zone in the northeast. Palaeoplacer titanomagnetite-ilmenite-zircon heavy mineral deposits, best developed in the Cleremont Formation in the centre of the basin, reflect initial fluvial reworking and subsequent littoral marine concentration. Coarse alluvial cassiterite placer deposits are found in the Gatkop area in the southwest of the basin, and appear to have been derived from stanniferous Bushveld Complex lithologies south of the TML. Hydrothermal zinc and U-Cu mineralisation in the Alma lithologies in the same area appears to be related to the TML fault system. Small manganese deposits and anomalous tungsten values occur in the south of the basin, where they are again closely spatially associated with the TML. Copper-barium mineralisation is found associated with dolerite dykes, and in stratigraphically controlled, inferred syngenetic settings. The most interesting of these apparently syngenetic occurrences is found within green coloured reduced mudrocks and inferred volcanic rocks, at an unconformity developed within the overall red bed sequence of the Waterberg Group, adjacent to the TML in the southwest of the basin. The most important potential mineralisation in the main Waterberg basin thus encompasses shoreline placer Ti and the possibility of substantial sediment-hosted copper deposits. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 February 1997  相似文献   
R- andQ-mode factor analysis is applied to 51 groundwater samples collected from wells drilled in the Plio-Pleistocene aquifers of NW Achaia, Greece. The purpose ofR- andQ-mode factor analysis application is to identify (i) the regional groundwater flow pattern, and (ii) the deterioration of groundwater quality. Sixteen hydrogeological parameters are used in order to examine their importance and to provide significant insight into their correlations. In theR-mode factor analysis, a six-factor model is suggested which can explain more than 77.5% of the total variance. The contribution of each factor at every site (factor scores) also is computed. Maps are constructed showing the geographical distribution of the factor scores. From these maps, the high salinity areas are delineated (seawater intrusion, possible appearance of halite layers) and the areas with elevated contribution of karastic-water are defined. Using theQ-mode correspondence analysis the meaning of the electrical conductivity as the most important variable in groundwater quality characterization is demonstrated.  相似文献   
We present an overview of our recent results on utilizing small earthquakes in the earthquake engineering practice. Site-specific ground motion time-histories of large earthquakes can be successfully simulated using recordings of small earthquakes which are often referred to as 'empirical Green's functions' in seismology. Another important practical problem is whether and how these observations can be used in seismic risk studies which are based on empirical attenuation relations for ground motion parameters. We study a possibility of extrapolating attenuation relations for small earthquakes, to larger magnitudes using the data from the Garner Valley downhole array in Southern California. Finally we introduce efficient ground motion processing techniques in frequency- and time-domains and apply them to site response estimation.  相似文献   
The seismic ground motion of a test area in the eastern district of Naples is computed with a hybrid technique based on the mode summation and the finite difference methods. This technique allows us the realistic modelling of source and propagation effects, including local soil conditions. In the modelling, we consider the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, a good example of strong shaking for the area of Naples, which is located about 90 km from the epicenter.The detailed geological setting is reconstructed from a large number of drillings. The sub-soil is mainly formed by alluvial (ash, stratified sand and peat) and pyroclastic materials overlying a pyroclastic rock (yellow neapolitan tuff), representing the neapolitan bedrock. The detailed information available on mechanical properties of the sub-soil and its geometry warrants the application of the sophisticated hybrid technique.As expected, the sedimentary cover causes an increase of the signal's amplitudes and duration. If thin peat layers are present, the amplification effects are reduced, and the peak ground accelerations are similar to those observed for the bedrock model. This can be explained by the backscattering of wave energy at such layers, that tend to seismically decouple the upper from the lower part of the structure.For SH-waves, the influence of the variations of the S-wave velocities on the spectral amplification is studied, by considering locally measured velocities and values determined from near-by down-hole measurements. The comparison between the computed spectral amplifications confirms the key role of an accurate determination of the seismic velocities of the different layers.The comparison performed between a realistic 2-D seismic response and a standard 1-D response, based on the vertical propagation of waves in a plane layered structure, shows considerable difference, from which it is evident that serious caution must be taken in the modelling of expected ground motion at a specific site.  相似文献   
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