Twenty-seven colonies of wild scyphistomae ofChrysaora quinquecirrha were observed for a period of ten weeks during the summer. Asexual activities of individual organisms were recorded several times each week. Polyps most often proceeded to strobilate in mid-June and then strobilate a second time 18 days later. They then detached and changed position by means of stolons and then produced podocysts. Initial cysts first excysted and the resulting polyps then strobilated. A second strobilation was not generally observed. The developmental implications of these activities are discussed. 相似文献
Measurements with Piche evaporimeters have been conducted within a thermometer screen over a grass surface at several heights. The results show a good correlation with model calculations but differ somewhat in absolute value. Comparisons with the Penman potential evaporation results show a considerable overestimation. With a simple factor, or with a lower measuring position, the results can be brought in a better agreement. The idea of G. Stanhill was verified and proved to be useful only for long periods. 相似文献
Curved or planar discordant surfaces occurring within a limited stratigraphic range immediately beneath shallow marine deposits represent penecontemporaneous shear surfaces along which slumps have moved. Rotated packets of strata frequently retained within the curved discordant surfaces show both internal and external evidence of having moved laterally. Movement is considered to have been triggered off by a sudden shock or shocks which may have been either of sedimentary or tectonic origin. The slumping occurred at the change in gradient between slope and shallow marine shelf deposits. 相似文献
Range and range rate measurements play an important role in geodetic applications of electromagnetic waves (terrestrial as
well as from space, including Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)) Recent developments of measuring, techniques have
led to the situation that the measuring accuracy is no longer the limiting factor in the final accuracies of range and range
rate measurements. The main error stems now from the influence of the atmosphere and from assumptions and approximations in
context with the derivation of refractive index used to describe the wave propagation properties of the atmosphere. Only in
the case that the geometrical optics approximation holds is it possible to calculate or to measure range error for wave propagation
in the atmosphere of the earth (troposphereand ionosphere) from knowledge of the refractive index as a function of space (location) and time. Otherwise we have to consides
additionally scattering and/or diffraction effects.
A discussion of the formulae for the refractive indices in the troposphere and in the ionosphere is followed by a review of
the propagation of electromagnetic waves described by the geometrical optics approximation and on the limitations, of geometrical
optics. A comprehensive discussion of range errors in the non-ionized atmosphere (troposphere) and in the ionosphere follows.
For this purpose we use the elevation of the “ray” at a ground station for division into four domains: a) vertical incidence
(as a special case), b) elevation between 90° and 30°, c)elevation between 30° and 5°, d) elevation smaller than 5°. 相似文献
The distribution of zinc, manganese, nickel, copper and cadmium in water and biological material has been measured in the southern North Sea and Straits of Dover, and off the north-east coast of England. These investigations provide baseline values against which future pollution changes can be measured. 相似文献
Geology of Ore Deposits - Rare thallium minerals, avicennite and weissbergite, were found for the first time within the karst zones of the Khokhoy field of the Verkhnyaya Amga gold area, South... 相似文献
A series of exploratory experiments on the concentration of base metals through ion exchange reactions on clay minerals show promising results. The extraction of Pb, Zn and Cd from bentonite, illite, kaolinite and montmorillonite was successful and megascopic quantities of PbS, CdS and ZnS could be obtained at specific loci, depending essentially on the flow velocity, and the other cations present. These or similar exchange reactions are tentatively proposed as possible mechanisms of economic metal concentration during diagenesis.
Zusammenfassung Es werden experimentelle Resultate zur Anreicherung von Schwermetallen durch Tonminerale (Montmorillonite, Illite und Kaolinite) mitgeteilt. Eine erste Anreicherung kann über den Kationenaustausch bewirkt werden. In dem darauffolgenden zweiten, sehr viel wirksameren Schritt werden die Schwermetallionen aus den Tonlagern extrahiert und in deren Nähe als schwerlösliche Sulfide oder Carbonate gefällt. Die Extraktion beruht darauf, daß Tonschichten als Kationen-permeable Membranen wirken können. Sie wird von der Art der Tonminerale und der Kationen, den Lösungsgenossen, den Konzentrationsverhältnissen, dem pH-Wert, der Reaktionstemperatur, dem Porenvolumen und der Porenverteilung im Sediment beeinflußt.
The Archean metamorphic rocks of the Superior province of the Canadian Shield occur in lithologically defined belts or subprovinces. The tectonically more stable interiors of belts possess consistent primary components of magnetic remanence. In the case of the Quetico belt, these stable directions are tightly grouped about 005°/55° with some minor dispersion and most were acquired during the cooling that followed syntectonic recrystallisation.
This study examines the directions of primary remanence components for rocks along the margins of the Quetico belt, within 4 km of the strongly deformed vertical, ENE-trending boundaries. The boundaries are known to have experienced dextral transpression involving penetrative single-phase deformation which out-lasted metamorphism. Within a few kilometres of the belt boundaries, the primary remanence components are re-distributed along a vertical ENE-trending, great-circle girdle which is nearly parallel to the plane of transpressive shear and regional schistosity. It is suggested that the effects of transpression have mechanically deflected the components of primary remanence toward this plane. 相似文献