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Chennai city suffered moderate tremors during the 2001 Bhuj and Pondicherry earthquakes and the 2004 Sumatra earthquake. After the Bhuj earthquake, Indian Standard IS: 1893 was revised and Chennai city was upgraded from zone II to zone III which leads to a substantial increase of the design ground motion parameters. Therefore, a comprehensive study is carried out to assess the seismic hazard of Chennai city based on a deterministic approach. The seismicity and seismotectonic details within a 100 km radius of the study area have been considered. The one-dimensional ground response analysis was carried out for 38 representative sites by the equivalent linear method using the SHAKE91 program to estimate the ground motion parameters considering the local site effects. The shear wave velocity profile was inferred from the corrected blow counts and it was verified with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) test performed for a representative site. The seismic hazard is represented in terms of characteristic site period and Spectral Acceleration Ratio (SAR) contours for the entire city. It is found that structures with low natural period undergo significant amplification mostly in the central and southern parts of Chennai city due to the presence of deep soil sites with clayey or sandy deposits and the remaining parts undergo marginal amplification.  相似文献   
Body size changes of Bison and mortality age structure data document the effects of climate-driven environmental change and human hunting pressure on large mammals in North America. Morphometric and mortality data are drawn from 58 archaeological and 9 paleontological localities dating between 37,000 and 250 calBP. Proxy information on body size is based on measurements recorded on 901 adult calcanei (os calcis) and 1026 humeri. In addition, published mortality profiles from 24 archaeological faunal assemblages spanning the last 14,000 years were used to approximate the age structure of bison populations. These results suggest that dramatic diminution in bison body size occurred in several short bursts, rather than a continuous gradual decline. These periods of rapid size reduction correlate with times of ecological reorganization, when aridity-driven changes in grasslands decreased forage quality and availability. Mortality age data indicate that the decrease in body size occurred in a context where there was no evidence for a progressively severe juvenile bias in bison populations. Overall, it appears that the changes in body size were a reaction to environmental conditions rather than the result of human predation pressure.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to assess the susceptibility of landslides in parts of Western Ghats, Kerala, India, using a geographical information system (GIS). Landslide inventory of the area was made by detailed field surveys and the analysis of the topographical maps. The landslide triggering factors are considered to be slope angle, slope aspect, slope curvature, slope length, distance from drainage, distance from lineaments, lithology, land use and geomorphology. ArcGIS version 8.3 was used to manipulate and analyse all the collected data. Probabilistic-likelihood ratio was used to create a landslide susceptibility map for the study area. The result was validated using the Area under Curve (AUC) method and temporal data of landslide occurrences. The validation results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the existing data on landslide locations. As the result, the success rate of the model was (84.46%) and the prediction rate of the model was (82.38%) shows high prediction accuracy. In the reclassified final landslide susceptibility zone map, 5.68% of the total area is classified as critical in nature. The landslide susceptibility map thus produced can be used to reduce hazards associated with landslides and to land cover planning.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a sufficiently high residual salt load in the dry sediments of the St Lucia Estuary to cause salinity problems should it later fill up with either freshwater or seawater. The estuary lakes have suffered the effects of a severe drought since 2002 with the result that many areas were dry, and the salinity of the residual water varied between 4 psu and up to five times that of seawater. Measurements of the salts content in the sediments to a depth of 20 cm showed that more than 2 million tonnes of salt was held in this layer of the sediment in 2006. Recent management of the estuary (since 1970) has ensured that the mouth was not artificially opened. This was to prevent the inflow of seawater, with its salts, that would otherwise enter while the drought was in place. The results of the sediment salinity data showed that if the drought had been broken and the lake area filled with rain and river water, the resulting salinity would be about 6 psu. In March 2007, Cyclone Gamede in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of South Africa produced a wave climate at sea that resulted in the mouth breaching; thus introducing an estimated 12 million tonnes of salts. The high salinity in the system resulting from this breach is expected to have an adverse effect on the ecology of the system, whereas the residual salinity in the sediments would not have caused an environmental problem. If the estuary and lake system were to fill completely with seawater, the residual salts together with seawater will raise the salinity to an initial value higher than 40 psu, which will have the effect of suppressing much of the important submerged vegetation that is vital for sustaining juvenile fish in the system. Many of the large fauna will also suffer from a shortage of freshwater.  相似文献   
This work deals with disposal of slurries generated during the cutting and polishing processes of slabs of decorative sedimentary carbonate rocks in the north western Sicily. At present, they are used as fillers of dismantled quarries near the sawmills and, as a final step of reclamation, are covered with earth layers. In spite of such inexpensive solution, there is lack of knowledge about the composition of the waste. In order to assess if there is any threat for the environment and to suggest indications for alternative solutions, such as recycling or inactivation processes, the slurries were analysed by XR diffraction, simultaneous thermal analysis, ICP/MS, ionic chromatography, FTIR, UV-Vis, COD and TOC measurements, grain size analysis. Results indicate that the slurries can threaten the groundwater, because of the high chemical oxygen demand; furthermore they can modify the mechanism of groundwater recharge, because of their grain size distribution. Some laboratory tests show that, even in very aggressive conditions, the solid pollutants persist in the waste and slowly release into water the products of their degradation. The slurry therefore should be subjected to inactivation treatment before disposal or, alternatively, recycled as secondary raw material for a suitable process.  相似文献   
Experiments have been conducted in the P-T range 2.5–15 GPa and 850–1,500°C using bulk compositions in the systems SiO2–TiO2–Al2O3–Fe2O3–FeO–MnO–MgO–CaO–Na2O–K2O–P2O5 and SiO2–TiO2–Al2O3–MgO–CaO–Na2O to investigate the Ca-Eskola (CaEs Ca0.50.5AlSi2O6) content of clinopyroxene in eclogitic assemblages containing garnet + clinopyroxene + SiO2 ± TiO2 ± kyanite as a function of P, T, and bulk composition. The results show that CaEsss in clinopyroxene increases with increasing T and is strongly bulk composition dependent whereby high CaEs-contents are favoured by bulk compositions with high normative anorthite and low diopside contents. In this study, a maximum of 18 mol% CaEsss was found at 6 GPa and 1,350°C in a kyanite-eclogite assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + kyanite + rutile + coesite. By comparison, no significant increase in CaEsss with increasing P could be observed. If the formation of oriented SiO2-rods frequently observed in eclogititc clinopyroxenes is due to the retrogressive breakdown of a CaEs-component then these textures are a cooling rather than a decompression phenomenon and are most likely to be found in kyanite-bearing eclogites cooled from temperatures ≥750°C. The presence of clinopyroxene with approx. 4 mol% CaEsss in an experiment conducted at 2.5 GPa/850°C confirms earlier suggestions based on field data that vacancy-rich clinopyroxenes are not necessarily restricted to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic conditions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
146Sm–142Nd and 147Sm–143Nd systematics were investigated in garnet inclusions in diamonds from Finsch (S. Africa) and Hadean zircons from Jack Hills (W. Australia) to assess the potential of these systems as recorders of early Earth evolution. The study of Finsch inclusions was conducted on a composite sample of 50 peridotitic pyropes with a Nd model age of 3.3 Ga. Analysis of the Jack Hills zircons was performed on 790 grains with ion microprobe 207Pb/206Pb spot ages from 3.95 to 4.19 Ga. Finsch pyropes yield 100 × ?142Nd = ? 6 ± 12 ppm, ?143Nd = ? 32.5, and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1150. These results do not confirm previous claims for a 30 ppm 142Nd excess in South African cratonic mantle. The lack of a 142Nd anomaly in these inclusions suggests that isotopic heterogeneities created by early mantle differentiation were remixed at a very fine scale prior to isolation of the South African lithosphere. Alternatively, this result may indicate that only a fraction of the mantle experienced depletion during the first 400 Myr of its history. Analysis of the Jack Hills zircon composite yielded 100 × ?142Nd = 8 ± 10 ppm, ?143Nd = 45 ± 1, and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.5891. Back-calculation of this present-day ?143Nd yields an unrealistic estimate for the initial ?143Nd of ? 160 ?-units, clearly indicating post-crystallization disturbance of the 147Sm–143Nd system. Examination of 146,147Sm–142,143Nd data reveals that the Nd budget of the Jack Hills sample is dominated by non-radiogenic Nd, possibly contained in recrystallized zircon rims or secondary subsurface minerals. This secondary material is characterized by highly discordant U–Pb ages. Although the mass fraction of altered zircon is unlikely to exceed 5–10% of total sample, its high LREE content precludes a reliable evaluation of 146Sm–142Nd systematics in Jack Hills zircons.  相似文献   
Deep dissolution affects great part of soluble rocks (e.g. gypsum and anhydrite) of the Western Italian Alps. The related superficial phenomena (sinkholes, gravity-induced processes and a local worsening of geomechanical rock properties) are not limited to typical karsts landscape and cause slope instability also affecting populated sites and infrastructures. The paper aims to describe general characteristic of dissolution phenomena, to interpret their conditioning factors and evolutionary stages and to assess possible hazards due to their superficial effects.The search for evidences of deep dissolution leads to the selection of representative sites in the central part of the Western Italian Alps (Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Region). Detailed geological and geomorphological studies have been used to classify the selected sites by type, size and variable state of activity. Very different evolutionary stages of dissolution phenomena have been interpreted by comparison of case-studies: some are early “embryonic”; others are more evolved, up to typical sinkholes, or even remodelled by other phenomena. Some cases show an extreme complexity in the interactions between corrosion phenomena and other geomorphic processes: slope deformations, from one side, and karst, fluvial and glacial phenomena, to the other. A wide range of movement rates on slope instabilities induced by deep dissolution have been estimated by topographic and geomorphic data. Geochemical data on removed rocks by dissolution indicate 0.4 mm/year values for local subsidence. Historical and technical data indicate low frequency of major dissolution-induced collapses, but highlight widespread damages to tunnels, roads and buildings, especially along slopes.  相似文献   
Sorption of U(VI) to goethite is a fundamental control on the mobility of uranium in soil and groundwater. Here, we investigated the sorption of U on goethite using EXAFS spectroscopy, batch sorption experiments and DFT calculations of the energetics and structures of possible surface complexes. Based on EXAFS spectra, it has previously been proposed that U(VI), as the uranyl cation , sorbs to Fe oxide hydroxide phases by forming a bidentate edge-sharing (E2) surface complex, >Fe(OH)2UO2(H2O)n. Here, we argue that this complex alone cannot account for the sorption capacity of goethite (α-FeOOH). Moreover, we show that all of the EXAFS signal attributed to the E2 complex can be accounted for by multiple scattering. We propose that the dominant surface complex in CO2-free systems is a bidentate corner-sharing (C2) complex, (>FeOH)2UO2(H2O)3 which can form on the dominant {101} surface. However, in the presence of CO2, we find an enhancement of UO2 sorption at low pH and attribute this to a (>FeO)CO2UO2 ternary complex. With increasing pH, U(VI) desorbs by the formation of aqueous carbonate and hydroxyl complexes. However, this desorption is preceded by the formation of a second ternary surface complex (>FeOH)2UO2CO3. The three proposed surface complexes, (>FeOH)2UO2(H2O)3, >FeOCO2UO2, and (>FeOH)2UO2CO3 are consistent with EXAFS spectra. Using these complexes, we developed a surface complexation model for U on goethite with a 1-pK model for surface protonation, an extended Stern model for surface electrostatics and inclusion of all known UO2-OH-CO3 aqueous complexes in the current thermodynamic database. The model gives an excellent fit to our sorption experiments done in both ambient and reduced CO2 environments at surface loadings of 0.02-2.0 wt% U.  相似文献   
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