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1. Introduction Clouds are active factors in the climate system, and have significant influences on the global hydrolog- ical and thermal budgets. More and more the climate model developers and researchers have realized the im- portance to appropriately describe the interactions be- tween cloud and radiation in the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). It is well known that cloud is one of the contributing factors to the uncertainties in the simulation of climate by AGCM. Especiall…  相似文献   
This paper investigates the processes behind the double ITCZ phenomenon, a common problem in Coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Models (CGCMs), using a CGCM-FGCM-0 (Flexible General Circulation Model, version 0). The double ITCZ mode develops rapidly during the first two years of the integration and becomes a perennial phenomenon afterwards in the model. By way of Singular ValueDecomposition (SVD) for SST, sea surface pressure, and sea surface wind, some air-sea interactions are analyzed. These interactions prompt the anomalous signals that appear at the beginning of the coupling to develop rapidly. There are two possible reasons, proved by sensitivity experiments: (1) the overestimatedeast-west gradient of SST in the equatorial Pacific in the ocean spin-up process, and (2) the underestimatedamount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast in CCM3 (the Community Climate Model, VersionThree). The overestimated east-west gradient of SST brings the anomalous equatorial easterly. The anomalous easterly, affected by the Coriolis force in the Southern Hemisphere, turns into an anomalouswesterly in a broad area south of the equator and is enhanced by atmospheric anomalous circulationdue to the underestimated amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast simulated by CCM3. Theanomalous westerly leads to anomalous warm advection that makes the SST warm in the southeast Pacific.The double ITCZ phenomenon in the CGCM is a result of a series of nonlocal and nonlinear adjustmentprocesses in the coupled system, which can be traced to the uncoupled models, oceanic component, andatmospheric component. The zonal gradient of the equatorial SST is too large in the ocean componentand the amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast is too low in the atmosphere component.  相似文献   
A statistically-based low-level cloud parameterization scheme is introduced, modified, and applied in the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-0). It is found that the low-level cloud scheme makes improved simulations of low-level cloud fractions and net surface shortwave radiation fluxes in the subtropical eastern oceans off western coasts in the model. Accompanying the improvement in the net surface shortwave radiation fluxes, the simulated distribution of SSTs is more reasonably asymmetrical about the equator in the tropical eastern Pacific, which suppresses, to some extent, the development of the double ITCZ in the model. Warm SST biases in the ITCZ north of the equator are more realistically reduced, too. But the equatorial cold tongue is strengthened and extends further westward, which reduces the precipitation rate in the western equatorial Pacific but increases it in the ITCZ north of the equator in the far eastern Pacific. It is demonstrated that the low-level cloud-radiation feedback would enhance the cooperative feedback between the equatorial cold tongue and the ITCZ. Based on surface layer heat budget analyses, it is demonstrated that the reduction of SSTs is attributed to both the thermodynamic cooling process modified by the increase of cloud fractions and the oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthened surface wind in the eastern equatorial Pacific, but it is mainly attributed to oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthening of surface wind in the central and western equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   
一个统计低云方案及其在大气环流模式中应用初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
文中利用湍流耗散特征时间尺度和湍流垂直扩散系数对湍流二阶距进行参数化 ,将一个统计云方案与一阶湍流闭合方案进行耦合。基于数值试验 ,在不同的相对湿度、温度垂直梯度、以及湍流耗散特征时间尺度条件下 ,对该方案云量模拟能力的分析 ,发现该统计云方案对其采用的参数及湍流耗散特征时间尺度敏感。基于该数值模拟分析 ,修改了该统计云方案 ,并结合其他边界层积云参数化方案 ,给出了一个基于统计的低云参数化方案。将其初步应用于NCARCCM 3后发现 :该方案可以显著增强CCM 3对副热带低云的模拟能力 ,可以合理地模拟出大洋东部大陆西岸冷海域低云量大值中心 ,显示出该方案对于改进大气环流模式低云参数化具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   
“九·五“期间 ,厦门地震台实施 95 - 0 1 - 0 2项目 ,安装DSQ水管倾斜仪、SS -Y伸缩仪、VS型垂直摆和DZW重力仪等四台套数字形变仪器。众所周知 ,台址与环境改造、仪器设备和良好的管理是获得优秀的观测成果不可缺少的三个重要因素。而良好的台址条件与环境改造又是三要素之首。在台址确定之后 ,环境改造必须科学地、精心地组织设计与施工 ,以使工程质量达到最佳效果。本文阐述的即是该项目设计、施工的做法与经验  相似文献   
与其他耦合环流模式一样,LASG耦合模式FGCM-0也存在虚假的“双ITCZ”。为了认识FGCM-0中“双ITCZ”,首先研究了FGCM-0的大气分量模式,剧INCAR(美国国家大气研究中心)的公用气候模式CCM3对秘鲁和加利福尼亚沿岸低云以及低层大气整体稳定度的模拟能力。发现:尽管CCM3模拟的低层大气整体稳定度与利用NCEP(美国国家环境预报中心)再分析资料分析的结果较一致,但模拟的低云量比ISCCP(国际卫星云气候计划)观测值显偏少。利用ISCCP低云量与由NCEP再分析温度场分析的低层整体稳定度之间的回归关系,修改了CCM3中低云参数化方案,并用于敏感性试验,以研究副热带东太平洋低云对FGCM-0中“双ITCZ”的影响。结果发现,修改的方案能显增强对低云量的模拟,秘鲁沿岸冷海域低云量增加能显减弱赤道以南热带东太平洋海表面温度(SST)的暖偏差,但同时也将使赤道冷舌增强、向西伸展更远;加利福尼亚沿岸低云量增加可以有效减弱赤道以北ITCZ区SST暖偏差。为了检验秘鲁沿岸SST与低云间的正反馈,又实施了一个控制秘鲁沿岸SST的敏感性试验,结果表明:控制秘鲁沿岸SST抑制其增暖,对自东南太平洋向西北至中、西赤道太平洋广大区域产生的影响,与增加秘鲁沿岸低云量产生的影响相似。  相似文献   
On the basis of introducing the basic categories of atmospheric refraction and their existing conditions,the forming processes of three kinds of atmospheric ducts are expounded.Several main characteristics of atmospheric duct are summarized and analyzed,and field sounding data from the WEstern North-Pacific cloud-radiation EXperiment(WENPEX) and meteorological data around the Xisha sea area are used to validate these characteristics.Meanwhile the sensitivities of the evaporation duct height to the variations of atmospheric humidity.the air-sea temperature difference.and horizontal wind speed are examined.With the analysis of the effect of atmosphericduct on the propagation of electromagnetic wave.the maximum trapped-wavelength and the critical emitting angle of elevation for electromagnetic wave which can form duct propagation are derived.At the same time the four kinds of necessary conditions for electromagnetic wave to form ductpropagation are brought forward.The effects of atmospheric duct on ultrashort wave propagation,radar observation.short wave communication etc.are also discussed.  相似文献   
近年来,全球气温升高、北极地区冰层消融,使得俄罗斯北部的东北航线通航可能性越来越大,而俄罗斯也组建了庞大的破冰船队用来维护其北部港口和航道的安全。通过对俄罗斯破冰船划分标准的详细介绍,以及新型破冰船在技术标准、冰区通过能力和艏部外形等设计特点的概述,对破冰船的发展方向进行了展望,并为我国未来的极地运输船的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The effects of land use on river water chemistry in a typical karst watershed (Wujiang River) of southwest China have been evaluated. Dissolved major ions and Sr isotopic compositions were determined in 11 independent sub-watersheds of the Wujiang River to investigate the spatio-temporal variations in river water chemistry and their relationship to land use. The results show significant spatial variability in pH, major ions, total dissolved solids (TDS), and Sr isotopic compositions throughout the basin. Correlation analysis indicates that nitrogen content is significantly related to forest coverage. Nitrogen and potassium generally have higher values in the rainy season, and the percentage of agricultural land controlled NO3- levels, which originate from anthropogenic sources. Forest cover, which varies between 35% and 71%, has no statistically significant impact on river solute concentrations, but the TDS flux is low in sub-watersheds with greater forest cover. Geological sources have a significant influence on pH and Sr isotopic compositions in river water throughout the basin.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Han, G., Li, F., and Tan, Q., 2014. Effects of land use on water chemistry in a river draining karst terrain, southwest China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 1063–1073.  相似文献   
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