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Numerically generated discrete fracture networks are used to simulate the flow of water through rock fractures. The fractures are modeled as random assemblages of conductive elements in a nonconductive matrix. Because large numbers of fractures often are needed to represent fractured rock adequately, minimizing the required computer time and memory is crucial. For steady-state flow, any portion of the mesh that is linked to the rest of the mesh by only one point is a dead end and does not contribute to water flow. The removal of such dead-end clusters simplifies the mesh and therefore speeds up computation, without changing its response. An algorithm for removing these dead ends is described in detail. Its effectiveness is discussed with regard to the connectivity of a network.  相似文献   
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from mollusc aragonite extracted from sediment cores provide new information on the origin and history of sedimentation in the southwestern area of the central basin of Lake Erie. Sediments infilling the Sandusky subbasin consist of three lithologic units overlying glacial deposits. The lowest of these is a soft gray mud overlain by a shell hash layer containing Sphaerium striatinum fragments. A fluid mud unit caps the shell hash layer and extends upwards to the sediment-water interface. New stable isotope data suggest that the soft gray mud unit is of postglacial, rather than proglacial, origin. These data also suggest that the shell hash layer was derived from erosional winnowing of the underlying soft gray mud layer. This winnowing event may have occurred as a result of the Nipissing flood.The Pelee-Lorain moraine, which forms the eastern boundary of the Sandusky subbasin, is an elevated area of till capped by a sand deposit that originated as a beach. The presence of both the shell hash layer and relict beach deposit strengthens the interpretation that the Nipissing flood was a critical event in the development of the southwestern area of the central basin of Lake Erie. This event, which returned drainage from the upper lakes to the Lake Erie basin, was a dominant influence on regional stratigraphy, bathymetry, and depositional setting.  相似文献   
We present a new method to automatically track filaments over the solar disk. The filaments are first detected on Meudon Spectroheliograph Hα images of the Sun, applying the technique developed by Fuller, Aboudarham, and Bentley (Solar Phys. 227, 61, 2005). This technique combines cleaning processes, image segmentation based on region growing, and morphological parameter extraction, including the determination of filament skeletons. The coordinates of the skeleton pixels, given in a heliocentric system, are then converted to a more appropriate reference frame that follows the rotation of the Sun surface. In such a frame, a co-rotating filament is always located around the same position, and its skeletons (extracted from each image) are thus spatially close, forming a group of adjacent features. In a third step, the shape of each skeleton is compared with its neighbours using a curve-matching algorithm. This step will permit us to define the probability [P] that two close filaments in the co-rotating frame are actually the same one observed on two different images. At the end, the pairs of features, for which the corresponding probability is greater than a threshold value, are associated using tracking identification indices. On a representative sample of filaments, the good agreement between automated and manual tracking confirms the reliability of the technique to be applied on large data sets. This code is already used in the framework of the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) to populate a catalogue dedicated to solar and heliospheric features (HFC). An extension of this method to other filament observations, and possibly sunspots, faculae, and coronal-holes tracking, can also be envisaged.  相似文献   
This research presents the individual amino acid δ13C values in bone collagen of humans (n = 9) and animals (n = 27) from two prehistoric shell midden sites in Korea. We obtained complete baseline separation of 16 of the 18 amino acids found in bone collagen by using liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LC-IRMS). The isotopic results reveal that the humans and animals in the two sites had similar patterns in essential amino acids (EAAs) and non-essential amino acids (NEAAs). The EAA and NEAA δ13C values in humans are intermediate between those in marine and terrestrial animals. However, the threonine δ13C values in humans and animals measured in this study are more highly enriched than those of other amino acids. At both sites, all amino acids in marine animals are 13C-enriched relative to those of the terrestrial animals. The isotopic evidence suggests that the Tongsamdong human had EAAs and NEAAs from marine food resources, while the Nukdo humans mainly had EAAs from terrestrial food resources but obtained NEAAs from both terrestrial and marine resources. The δ13C isotopic differences in amino acids between marine and terrestrial animals were the largest for glycine (NEAA) and histidine (EAA) and the smallest for tyrosine (NEAA) and phenylalanine (EAA). In addition, threonine among the EAAs also had a large difference (∼8‰) in δ13C values between marine and terrestrial animals, and has the potential to be used as an isotopic marker in palaeodietary studies. Threonine δ13C values were used in conjunction with the established Δ13CGlycine-phenylalanine values and produced three distinct dietary groups (terrestrial, omnivorous, and marine). In addition, threonine δ13C values and Δ13CSerine-phenylalanine values were discovered to separate between two dietary groups (terrestrial vs. marine), and these δ13C values may provide a potential new indicator for investigating the distinction between marine and terrestrial protein sources in human diets.  相似文献   
A thick sequence of volcaniclastic sediments drilled at site 953 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 157 northeast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) contains an almost complete magneto-stratigraphy back to the shield stage of the island 14.8 Ma ago. Onshore, a sequence of reversals has been identified and dated in 19 dominantly peralkaline rhyolitic ignimbrites, one rhyolitic, and one basaltic lava flow of the Mogán Group (13.35-13.95 Ma), which overlie basalt flows of the island's shield stage (>14 Ma). The magneto-stratigraphy of the ignimbrites onshore has been correlated with the marine magneto-stratigraphy at site 953, determined in syn-ignimbritic volcaniclastic turbidites, which were deposited practically synchronously immediately following the entry of the parent pyroclastic flows into the sea around the circumference of the island. The four polarity intervals recorded in the sequence of the Mogán Group ignimbrites correspond to C5ACr, C5ACn, C5ADr and C5ADn. Single crystal 40Ar/39Ar-age determinations of the ignimbrites bracketing the polarity changes gave the following ages and uncertainties for the reversals C5AD (t) (13.95ǂ.07 Ma), C5AC(o) (13.89ǂ.08 Ma), and C5AC(t) (13.47ǂ.09 Ma). The newly dated polarity changes fit and refine the Miocene age model proposed in the global polarity time scale.  相似文献   
Microstructure-based finite element simulations were used to study the influence of grain shape fabric and crystal texture on thermoelastic responses related to marble degradation phenomena. Calcite was used as an illustrative example for studying extremes of shape preferred orientation (SPO) in shape fabric and lattice preferred orientation (LPO) in crystal texture. Three SPOs were analyzed: equiaxed grains, elongated grains, and a mixture of equiaxed and elongated grains. Three LPOs were considered: a random orientation distribution function and two degrees of strong directional crystal texture. Finally, the correlation between the direction of the LPO with respect to that of the SPO was examined. Results show that certain combinations of SPO, LPO, and their directional relationship have significant influence on the thermomechanical behavior of marble. For instance, while there is no major dependence of the elastic strain energy density and the maximum principal stress on SPO for randomly textured microstructures, there is a strong synergy between LPO and its directional relationship with respect to the SPO direction. Microcracking precursors, elastic strain energy density, and maximum principal stress, decrease when the crystalline c-axes have fiber texture perpendicular to the SPO direction, but increase significantly when the c-axes have fiber texture parallel to the SPO direction. Moreover, the microstructural variability increases dramatically for these latter configurations. In general, the influence of LPO was as expected, namely, the strain energy density and the maximum principal stress decreased with more crystal texture, apart from for the exception noted above. Spatial variations of these precursors indicated regions in the microstructure with a propensity for microcracking. Unexpectedly, important variables were the microstructural standard deviations of the spatial distributions of the microcracking indicators. These microstructural standard deviations were as large as or larger than the variables themselves. The elastic misfit-strain contributions to the coefficients of thermal expansion were also calculated, but their dependence was as expected.  相似文献   
This article presents a bibliometric analysis of the vulnerability research field. We analyze 200 articles on vulnerability published between 1973 and 2012, in the context of the United States. The intent of this article is to compare the levels of activity of several academic disciplines and bodies of work in vulnerability scholarship and to examine which topics are most studied in them. Topic code use was assessed using the qualitative research data analysis tool Atlas.ti, which permits users to locate, code, and annotate article text fragments. Article categorization was measured both by coding first author organizational affiliation and using the ISI Web of Knowledge journal citation reports categorization scheme that assigns journals to a discipline; each article was coded by its journal category.  相似文献   
Continuous measurements of the natural remanent magnetization of six cores from central Lake Michigan have been made, using a cryogenic magnetometer designed to permit the passage of long cores through its sensing region. The output of each of the three-component sensors is deconvolved with the appropriate system response function and combined to yield continuous records of inclination, declination and intensity with a resolution of approximately 6 cm. The paleomagnetic record extends to about 13,500 years B.P. and includes two features which may be excursions of the earth's field. Other features may be correlated between different cores, and the magnetic sequence is, in general, consistent with the stratigraphic sequence. There is an indication of a repeated sequence of field changes, which is somewhat reminiscent of the solar field cycle.  相似文献   
Apollo 12 lunar fines sample 12070,403 was annealed at 1000°C and subsequently irradiated with a beam of 130 MeV Fe9+ ions. Adsorptions of nitrogen and water were measured before and after the irradiation. Prior to the irradiation, the fines were non-porous and water had no effect on the physical characteristics of the lunar fines. In contrast, after the irradiation, the interaction with water caused an increase in the specific surface area and created a pore system. These results are definitive evidence that the interaction of water with damage tracks is the prime factor involved in the alteration of lunar fines by adsorbed water.  相似文献   
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