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The use of Boomer sources for 3D seismic imaging of shallow marine structures was investigated in a feasibility study. Boomers show sufficient stability to be used in multichannel seismic surveys. The acquisition of a high-frequency, densely sampled seismic data volume was successfully performed in the Baltic Sea. A Pleistocene fluvial channel system and shallow gas accumulations were revealed beneath the unconsolidated sediments which constitute the sea-floor in the southern Kiel Bay.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bildung der Hornblendegarbenschiefer in den Ostalpen, die am Beispiel verschiedener Probengebiete (Greinerserie-Zillertal, Schneebergerzug-Ötztal, Donnersbachwald-Wölzer Tauern, Radenthein-Millstätter Alpe) diskutiert wird, erfolgte bei den Vorkommen des Penninikums im Zuge der alpinen Metamorphose. Alle Garbenschiefer des mittelostalpinen Kristallins sind ein Produkt der variskischen Metamorphose und haben nur eine geringfügige alpine Überprägung erfahren. Für die Vorkommen im Schneebergerzug läßt sich zusätzlich ein früh- oder vorvariskisches Ereignis auf Grund von Reliktstrukturen nachweisen. Die Bildung der Garbenschiefer erstreckt sich vom Metamorphosebereich der obersten Grünschieferfazies bis in die Amphibolitfazies. Für die einzelnen Probengegebiete konnten diepT-Bedingungen der Metamorphose auf Grund koexistierender Mineralphasen festgelegt werden. Im Pauschalchemismus der Garbenschiefer sind neben den für die Bildung der tschermakitischen Hornblenden notwendigen Konzentrationen an Al, Ca und Mg, noch zum Teil sehr beträchtliche TiO2-Gehalte und hohe Na2O-Werte, bei gleichzeitig niederen K2O-Werten, bermerkenswert. Meist variabel sind die Si- und Fe-Konzentrationen.Als Ausgangsmaterial kann man folgende Sedimente in Betracht ziehen: Si- und Al-reiche dolomitische Mergel oder tuffitische Lagen in einem tonigen, sandigen bzw. karbonatreichen Sediment.In einigen Fällen ist eine Entstehung aus dolomitischem Mergel möglich, dies trifft vor allem für die epidot- und karbonatreichen Garbenschiefer zu. Auf Grund der hohen TiO2-Gehalte (bis über 4 Gew-% TiO2) und des hohen Na-Überschuß, ist für die größere Anzahl der Garbenschiefer ein Tuffit als Ausgangsmaterial anzunehmen.
Petrography and genesis of the Hornblendegarbenschiefer of the Eastern Alps
Summary The genesis of the Hornblendegarbenschiefer in the Eastern Alps is discussed as an example of the more important occurrences (Greinerserie-Zillertal, Schneebergerzug-Ötztal, Donnersbachwald-Wölzer Tauern, Radenthein-Millstätter Alpe) formed in the Penninic Area during the Alpine metamorphism. All of the Garbenschiefer in the mittelostalpines Altkristallin are a-product of the Variscian metamorphism and have experienced only a relatively insignificant Alpine influence. Relicts structures indicate an additional earlier event for the occurrences in the Schneebergerzug. The formation of the Garbenschiefer extends from the highes green schist facies to the amphibolit facies. The metamorphicpT conditions for the individual sample locations could be determined from coexisting mineral phases. The Al, Ca and Mg concentrations necessary for tschermakitic hornblende formations are present. What is particularly interesting in the chemical composition of the Garbenschiefer is the presence of high TiO2-concentrations and of Na2O in large amounts but coupled with low K2O values. The most variable concentrations are those for Si and Fe.The Garbenschiefer can be formed from Si- and Al-rich dolomitic marl or tuffitic layers. The development from a dolomitic marl is possible mainly for epidote- and carbonate-rich Garbenschiefer. Because of the high TiO2-contents (up to 4 wt.% TiO2 and the high Na-excess, one can assume a formation from a tuffite for most Garbenschiefer.

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Herrn Prof. DDr.H. Wieseneder zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
The dynamics of stably stratified stellar radiative zones is of considerable interest due to the availability of increasingly detailed observations of Solar and stellar interiors. This article reports the first non-axisymmetric and time-dependent simulations of flows of anelastic fluids driven by baroclinic torques in stably stratified rotating spherical shells – a system serving as an elemental model of a stellar radiative zone. With increasing baroclinicity a sequence of bifurcations from simpler to more complex flows is found in which some of the available symmetries of the problem are broken subsequently. The poloidal component of the flow grows relative to the dominant toroidal component with increasing baroclinicity. The possibility of magnetic field generation thus arises and this paper proceeds to provide some indications for self-sustained dynamo action in baroclinically-driven flows. We speculate that magnetic fields in stably stratified stellar interiors are thus not necessarily of fossil origin as it is often assumed.  相似文献   
Abstract— Several experimentally and naturally shocked silicate samples were analyzed for noble gas contents to further characterize the phenomenon by which ambient gases can be strongly implanted into silicates by shock and to evaluate the possible importance of this process in capturing planetary atmospheres in naturally shocked samples. Gas implantation efficiency is apparently mineral independent, as mono-mineralic powders of oligoclase, labradorite, and diopside and a powdered basalt shocked to 20 GPa show similar efficiencies. The retentivity of shock-implanted gas during stepwise heating in the laboratory is defined in terms of two parameters: activation energy for diffusion as determined from Arrhenius plots, and the extraction temperature at which 50% of the gas is released, both of which correlate with shock pressure. These gas diffusion parameters are essentially identical for radiogenic 40Ar and shock-implanted 40Ar in oligoclase and labradorite shocked to 20 GPa, suggesting that the two 40Ar components occupy analogous lattice sites. Our experiments indicate that gas implantation occurs through an increasing production of microcracks/defects in the lattice with increasing shock pressure. The ease of diffusive loss of implanted gas is controlled by the degree of annealing of these microcracks/defects. Identification of a shock-implanted component requires relatively large concentrations of implanted gas which is strongly retained (i.e., moderate activation energy) in order to separate implanted gas from surface adsorbed gases. Literature data on shocked terrestrial samples indicate only weak evidence for shock-implanted gases, with an upper limit for 40Ar of ~ 10?6 cm3STP/g. New analyses of shocked samples from the Wabar Crater indicate the presence of shock-implanted Ar, having concentrations (~ 10?4 cm3STP/g) and activation energies for diffusive loss which are essentially that expected from experimental studies. Lack of sufficient target porosity or the presence of ground water may explain the sparse evidence for shock-implanted gas at other terrestrial craters. Although Wabar Crater may represent an unusually favorable environment on Earth for shock-implanting gases, surfaces of other planetary bodies, such as Mars, may frequently provide such environments. Analyses of returned samples from old Martian terraines may document temporal changes in earlier atmospheric composition.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine uns vom Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellte Probe des Meteoriten von Steinbach wurde mit einem Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalysator vom Typ CAMECA qualitativ und quantitativ auf die chemische Zusammensetzung der einzelnen Phasen untersucht.Besonders eingehend wurde dabei die Metallphase analysiert, da diese sich durch die Anwesenheit einer gut ausgebildeten Widmanstättenschen Struktur in Gegenwart von Tridymit als Druckindikator auszeichnet.Die nichtmetallischen Phasen wurden ebenfalls quantitativ bestimmt und ergeben leicht abweichende Ergebnisse von den Analysen vonN. Story-Maskelyne, O. Winkler undF. Heide. Interessant sind vor allem der relativ hohe Mangangehalt in Bronzit und Chromit sowie der Chromgehalt des Troilits.Die Anwendung der neuen Berechnungen über die Abkühlungsgeschichte der Meteoritenmutterkörper vonWood auf unsere quantitativen Analysen ergab eine Abkühlungsgeschwindigkeit von 10°/Million Jahre, was einem Mutterkörper von ca. 50–90 km Durchmesser und einem Zentraldruck von 200 b entspricht.
Summary A sample of the meteorite of Steinbach, made available by the Naturhistorisches Museum at Vienna, has been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by a CAMECA electron-beam microanalyzer.Detailed examination has been made on the structure of the metal phase, as the presence of a well-grown Widmanstätten-structure in contact with trydimite as a pressure-indicator is a direct proof for the formation of the Widmanstätten-structure without pressure.The nonmetallic phases have been analyzed quantitatively and the results are slightly different from those ofStory-Maskelyne, Winkler andHeide. Very interesting is the relatively high content of manganese in bronzite and chromite, also the chromium content of troilite.The application of the new computations ofWood, dealing with the cooling history of meteorite-parentbodies to our quantitative analyses indicate a cooling rate of 10° C/Million years, according to a parentbody of appr. 50–90 km diameter and a central pressure of appr. 200 b.

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Herrn Professor Dr.F. Machatschki zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
There is no generally accepted evolutionary scheme for high mass star formation yet. A simple approach to address this problem is to cover several of the known stages during the formation of massive stars in the same cloud and then investigate their properties trying to construct an evolutionary sequence. Here we present such a project conducted with complementary APEX and ATCA observations. These observations show a compact and bright single hot core in the G327.3-0.6 region on a 0.03 pc scale with a mass of 500 M and 0.5–1.5 105 L. Additionally a clumpy filament is seen in N2H+. Together with cm continuum observations, the data reveal like pearls on a string several stages of massive star formation, with likely the youngest stages hiding in the cold N2H+ cores analysed with a multilevel study of the APEX and ATCA observations.  相似文献   
Abstract— A fragment of an L6 chondrite (Allan Hills [ALH] 85017,13) with an initial mass (M0) of 464.1 g was the target in a series of experimental impacts in which the largest remaining fragment (MR) after each shot was impacted by a 3.18 mm ceramic sphere at a nominal speed of 2 km s?1. This continued until the mass of the largest remaining piece was less than half the mass of the target presented to that shot (MS). Two chunks of Bushveldt gabbro with similar initial masses were also impacted under the same conditions until MR was less than half M0. The two gabbro targets required a total of 1.51 × 107 and 1.75 × 107 erg g?1 to attain 0.27 and 0.33 MR/M0, respectively; the chondrite, however, was considerably tougher, reaching 0.40 and 0.21 MR/M0 only after receiving 2.37 × 107 and 3.10 × 107 erg g?1, respectively. The combined ejecta and spallation products from the gabbro impacts were coarser than those from the chondrite and in sufficient quantities that the new surface areas exceeded those from the meteorite until the fifth shot in the chondrite series, which was the number of impacts required to disrupt each gabbro target (i.e., MR/M0 ≤ 0.5). Unlike the behavior shown in previous regolith‐evolution series, neither gabbro target produced an enhancement in the size fraction reflecting the mean size of the crystals composing the rock (about 3 mm), an effect possibly related to the width of the shock pulse. The original chondrite was so fine‐grained and fractured, and the variance in its grain‐size distribution so large, that effects related to grain size were relegated to the<63 μm fraction. Impacts into ALH 85017 produced abundant, fine‐grained debris, but otherwise the slopes of its size distributions were comparable to those from other experiments involving natural and fabricated terrestrial targets. The characteristic slopes of the chondrite's size distributions, however, were notably more constant over the entire nine‐impact series than those from any of the terrestrial targets, a testament to the control over comminution apparently exerted by pre‐existing fractures and other, microscopic damage in the meteorite. The enhancement in the finer fraction of debris from ALH 85017 indicates that ordinary chondrites in solar orbit would be very efficient contributors to the cosmic‐dust complex. At the same time, the greater resistance to disruption displayed by ordinary chondrites relative to that exhibited by igneous rocks indicates that a selection effect could be operative between the annealed, ordinary‐chondritic breccias and relatively weaker, differentiated meteorites. Preferential survival from their time in the regoliths of their parent bodies through their transit to Earth and passage through the atmosphere suggests that meteorite collections could be biased in favor of the ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   
X‐ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) is a useful means of characterizing cosmochemical samples such as meteorites or robotically returned samples. However, there are occasional concerns that the use of μCT may be detrimental to the organic components of a chondrite. Small organic compounds such as amino acids comprise up to ~10% of the total solvent extractable carbon in CM carbonaceous chondrites. We irradiated three samples of the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite under conditions akin to and harsher than those typically used during typical benchtop X‐ray μCT imaging experiments to determine if detectable changes in the amino acid abundance and distribution relative to a nonexposed Murchison control sample occurred. After subjecting three meteorite samples to ionizing radiation dosages between ~300 Gray (Gy) and 3 kGy with bremstrahlung X‐rays, we analyzed the amino acid content of each sample. Within sampling and analytical errors, we cannot discern differences in the amino acid abundances and amino acid enantiomeric ratios when comparing the control samples (nonexposed Murchison) and the irradiated samples. We conclude that a polychromatic X‐ray μCT experiment does not alter the abundances of amino acids to a degree greater than how well those abundances are measured with our techniques and therefore any damage to amino acids is minimal.  相似文献   
In the framework of the Sismovalp European project, an equivalent linear 2D code was developed to compute the response of a valley to SH waves, using the discrete wave-number method proposed by Aki and Larner (Aki K, Larner KL (1970) J Geophys Res 75:5). To overcome the frequency upper bound limitation, the Aki and Larner’s method is combined with a one-dimensional computation using a classical multi-layer method (Aki K, Richards PG (1980) Quantitative Seismology: Theory and Methods, vols. 1 & 2. W.H. Freeman & Co, San Francisco). The so-called “Aki–Larner extended method” is associated to an iterative algorithm, as proposed by Seed and Idriss (Seed HB, Idriss IM (1969) Report No. EERC 70–10, Earthquake Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, California) which accounts for the modulus and damping degradation using a linear visco-elastic model. A comparison of the results in the linear and the equivalent linear cases, for a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, shows that the account for the equivalent linear behaviour of the soil significantly reduces the amplification level, especially at frequencies higher than the fundamental resonance frequency of the site. In the case of site effects or microzonation studies devoted to produce design spectra for engineering structures, this can have a major impact on the associated results and costs, depending on the frequency of interest for the considered structure. As a first application of the developed technique, 2D equivalent linear Aki–Larner computations are used to perform the seismic microzonation study of the upper Rhone valley, in the Visp area (Switzerland), a typical 2D alpine valley. These investigations made it possible to determine site specific spectra, associated with different zones, to be used instead of the code spectra that do not take into account the local 2D amplification.  相似文献   
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