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The crustal history of volcanic rocks can be inferred from the mineralogy and compositions of their phenocrysts which record episodes of magma mixing as well as the pressures and temperatures when magmas cooled. Submarine lavas erupted on the Hilo Ridge, a rift zone directly east of Mauna Kea volcano, contain olivine, plagioclase, augite ±orthopyroxene phenocrysts. The compositions of these phenocryst phases provide constraints on the magmatic processes beneath Hawaiian rift zones. In these samples, olivine phenocrysts are normally zoned with homogeneous cores ranging from ∼ Fo81 to Fo91. In contrast, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts display more than one episode of reverse zoning. Within each sample, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts have similar zoning profiles. However, there are significant differences between samples. In three samples these phases exhibit large compositional contrasts, e.g., Mg# [100 × Mg/(Mg+Fe+2)] of augite varies from 71 in cores to 82 in rims. Some submarine lavas from the Puna Ridge (Kilauea volcano) contain phenocrysts with similar reverse zonation. The compositional variations of these phenocrysts can be explained by mixing of a multiphase (plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene) saturated, evolved magma with more mafic magma saturated only with olivine. The differences in the compositional ranges of plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene crystals between samples indicate that these samples were derived from isolated magma chambers which had undergone distinct fractionation and mixing histories. The samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene with small compositional variations reflect magmas that were buffered near the olivine + melt ⇒Low-Ca pyroxene + augite + plagioclase reaction point by frequent intrusions of mafic olivine-bearing magmas. Samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts with large compositional ranges reflect magmas that evolved beyond this reaction point when there was no replenishment with olivine-saturated magma. Two of these samples contain augite cores with Mg# of ∼71, corresponding to Mg# of 36–40 in equilibrium melts, and augite in another sample has Mg# of 63–65 which is in equilibrium with a very evolved melt with a Mg# of ∼30. Such highly evolved magmas also exist beneath the Puna Ridge of Kilauea volcano. They are rarely erupted during the shield building stage, but may commonly form in ephemeral magma pockets in the rift zones. The compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst rims and associated glass rinds indicate that most of the samples were last equilibrated at 2–3 kbar and 1130–1160 °C. However, in one sample, augite and glass rind compositions reflect crystallization at higher pressures (4–5 kbar). This sample provides evidence for magma mixing at relatively high pressures and perhaps transport of magma from the summit conduits to the rift zone along the oceanic crust-mantle boundary. Received: 8 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 January 1999  相似文献   
Electrical resistivity imaging has been used in coastal settings to characterize fresh submarine groundwater discharge and the position of the freshwater/salt-water interface because of the relation of bulk electrical conductivity to pore-fluid conductivity, which in turn is a function of salinity. Interpretation of tomograms for hydrologic processes is complicated by inversion artifacts, uncertainty associated with survey geometry limitations, measurement errors, and choice of regularization method. Variation of seawater over tidal cycles poses unique challenges for inversion. The capabilities and limitations of resistivity imaging are presented for characterizing the distribution of freshwater and saltwater beneath a beach. The experimental results provide new insight into fresh submarine groundwater discharge at Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, East Falmouth, Massachusetts (USA). Tomograms from the experimental data indicate that fresh submarine groundwater discharge may shut down at high tide, whereas temperature data indicate that the discharge continues throughout the tidal cycle. Sensitivity analysis and synthetic modeling provide insight into resolving power in the presence of a time-varying saline water layer. In general, vertical electrodes and cross-hole measurements improve the inversion results regardless of the tidal level, whereas the resolution of surface arrays is more sensitive to time-varying saline water layer.  相似文献   
The mineralogy of Iherzolite inclusions in Victorian basanites indicates an upper mantle origin, but a range of temperatures from igneous to metamorphic (subsolidus) is indicated by the mineral compositions. Pyroxene textural features exhibit a slow cooling history consistent with isotopic evidence that these inclusions are accidental xenoliths. Clinopyroxene-rich inclusions (10–20 vol. % cpx) have higher abundances of Ca, Na, AI, Sc, V, Cr and heavy REE, lower Mg/Mg + Fe2+, lower Ni abundances, and more fayalitic olivines than clinopyroxene-poor inclusions (<5 vol. % cpx). A surprising result is that the refractory Mg-rich, clinopyroxenepoor inclusions contain the highest abundances of incompatible elements such as P, K, Ti, light REE, Th and U. We believe these inclusions are composed of two components (A and B). Component A determines the major element abundances and primary mineralogy of the inclusions. Based on Ni abundances component A is interpreted as a melting residue rather than a crystallization accumulate. Component B forms a small and varying portion of the inclusions, and it contributes P, K, Ti, light REE, Th and U. This component has the geochemical characteristics of a liquid formed in equilibrium with garnet.The following model is presented for the origin of Iherzolite inclusions. Residual Iherzolite (Component A) is left in the lithosphere after partial fusion, and it is later modified by a melt which has migrated to the top of the low velocity zone. Because this liquid (Component B) results from a small degree ( <6 per cent) of melting (probably limited by water abundance), and has equilibrated with garnet, it will be very enriched in P, K, Ti, light REE, Th and U. Subsequent cooling and recrystallization forms the present mineralogy. Finally, explosive volcanism, characteristic of silica-undersaturated magmas, incorporates mantle fragments (Iherzolite inclusions), and the increasing temperature and decreasing pressure during ascent causes incongruent melting of minor hydrous phases such as phlogopite and amphibole.  相似文献   
The classification of meteorites as a whole is briefly presented and discussed; in particular, it is pointed out that the intermediate or transitional group, now universally known as the siderolites (symbol, So), consists of 2 main subdivisions, namely the “irony stones,” hereinafter termed sideraerolites (Sa), and the “stony irons” or so-called lithosiderites (Li).  相似文献   
Watson and Nguyen (1985) and Watson (1987) consider the problem of plotting confidence regions in a ternary diagram, for a trinomial probability vector , based on Pearson's x2. Their results are extended to the power-divergence family of statistics resulting in confidence regions of diverse shapes and sizes. The members of the family with the most accurate coverage probabilities are =2/3 and =1/2.  相似文献   
Ultramafic inclusions from San Carlos, Arizona, are classified into two groups. Group I inclusions are dominated by magnesian (Mg/Mg + ΣFe= 0.86 – 0.91), olivine-rich peridotites containing Cr-rich clinopyroxene and spinel. The less abundant Group I pyroxenites (containing Mg- and Cr-rich pyroxenes) occur as discrete inclusions and as portions of composite inclusions where they have a sharp, planar interface with lherzolite. Group II inclusions are dominated by clinopyroxene-rich peridotites containing Al- and Ti-rich augite and commonly abundant, Al-rich spinel. Compared to Group I inclusions, they are more Fe-rich (Mg/Mg + ΣFe= 0.62 – 0.78) and more hetereogeneous in composition and modal proportions. Similar groups occur at many ultramafic inclusion localities.Our petrographic and geochemical results lead to the following conclusions. Olivine-rich Group I inclusions are not genetically related to the host basanite, and they are formed from two components. Component A is a partial melting residue; it comprises the major portion of these inclusions and determines the modal mineralogy and major and compatible trace element composition. Component B results from a small degree (<5%) of garnet peridotite melting (probably, within the low-velocity zone). This highly LIL-element-enriched melt has migrated upwards into the overlying component A where it crystallized primarily as clinopyroxene and amphibole, and thus, introduced LIL elements into the residual component A. Subsequent cooling and subsolidus recrystallization have removed textural evidence of this mixing. This model has also been proposed for olivine-rich Group I inclusions from Victoria, Australia. At Victoria and San Carlos some relatively clinopyroxene-rich Group I lherzolites are not contaminated by component B, and they represent the best estimates of upper mantle composition prior to melting. Group I orthopyroxenites may be fragments of tectonic layers formed in lherzolite, but they could also be early cumulates (now metamorphosed) from the melt in equilibrium with component A. Group I clinopyroxenites have geochemical features of clinopyroxene in equilibrium with a magma. Thus, they could also represent early cumulates (now metamorphosed) from a magma unrelated to the host basanite. Alternatively, their geochemical characteristics could result from more complex models such as residues from partial remelting of pyroxenite dikes and veins or intradike segregation processes such as filter pressing. All Group II inclusions studied appear to be cumulates derived from a SiO2-undersaturated magma, possibly an early magma in the same volcanic episode which culminated with eruption of the host basanite. The poikilitic texture of amphibole-rich (kaersutite) inclusions is consistent with a cumulate origin. The bulk compositions of Group II inclusions are not equivalent to typical basaltic compositions.  相似文献   
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