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C23 UV spectroscopy of the PG1159-type star NGC7094 C26 Variations of the radio synchrotron spectral index in the interstellar medium of M33 C38 Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Brown Dwarfs and Low Mass Stars C48 The radio halo of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253 C95 Signatures of early metal enrichment in Damped-Lyman Alpha systems C113 CO 4 → 3 and [CI] 1 → 0 in the centers of NGC4945 and Circinus C115 Ratio of atomic and molecular gas and gravitational stabilty in the disk of M51 C130 The Interstellar Mediumat Early Cosmic Times: Molecular Gas in Distant Quasar Host Galaxies C188 Probing the interstellar medium in distant galaxies with SPICA/ESI C191 The evolution of spectral energy distributions of galaxies over cosmic times C197 Observations of 60Fe in the Galaxy with INTEGRAL/SPI C204 Evolution of Interstellar Clouds in a hot Gas Environment C205 The effect of clouds in a galactic wind on the evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies C206 Energy and element deposit into the interstellar medium during the lives of massive stars C209 The distribution and kinematics of massive stars in the inner Galaxy mapped with SPI/INTEGRAL 26Al 1.8 MeV line observations C213 PDR modelling of the Galactic FIR line emission C239 Towards a complete picture of the molecular ISM in local Luminous Infrared Galaxies: first results from the JCMT/IRAM line survey C242 The Search for the Very High-redshift Tail of Submillimeter Galaxies  相似文献   
Air pollution and its related health impacts are a global concern. This paper addresses how current policies on air pollution, climate change and access to clean cooking fuels can effectively reduce both outdoor and household air pollution and improve human health. A state of the art modeling framework is used that combines an integrated assessment model and an atmospheric model to estimate the spatial extent and distribution of outdoor air pollution exposures. Estimates of household energy access and use are modeled by accounting for heterogeneous household energy choices and affordability constraints for rural and urban populations spanning the entire income distribution. Results are presented for 2030 for a set of policy scenarios on air pollution, climate change and energy access and include spatially explicit emissions of air pollutants; ambient concentrations of PM2.5; and health impacts in terms of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) from both ambient and household air pollution. The results stress the importance of enforcing current worldwide air quality legislation in addressing the impacts of outdoor air pollution. A combination of stringent policies on outdoor air pollution, climate change and access to clean cooking fuels is found to be effective in achieving reductions in average ambient PM2.5 exposures to below World Health Organization recommended levels for a majority of the world's population and results in a significant decline in the global burden of disease from both outdoor and household air pollution.  相似文献   
The effect of ionic interactions of the major components of natural waters on the oxidation of Cu(I) and Fe(II) has been examined. The various ion pairs of these metals have been shown to have different rates of oxidation. For Fe(II), the chloride and sulfate ion pairs are not easily oxidized. The measured decrease in the rate constant at a fixed pH in chloride and sulfate solutions agrees very well with the values predicted. The effect of pH (6 to 8) on the oxidation of Fe(II) in water and seawater have been shown to follow the rate equation
-d in [Fe(II)]/dt = k1β1αFe/[H+] + k2β2αFe/[H+]2
where k1 and k2 are the pseudo first order rate constants, β1 and β2 are the hydrolysis constants for Fe(OH)+ and Fe(OH)0. The value of αFE is the fraction of free Fe2+. The value of k1 (2.0 ±0.5 min?1) in water and seawater are similar within experimental error. The value of k2 (1.2 × 105 min?1) in seawater is 28% of its value in water in reasonable agreement with predictions using an ion pairing model.For the oxidation of Cu(I) a rate equation of the form
?d ln [Cu(I)]/dt = k0αCu+ k1β1αCu[Cl]
was found where k0 (14.1 sec?1) and k1 (3.9 sec?1) are the pseudo first order rate constants for the oxidation of Cu+ and CuCl0, β1 is the formation constant for CuCl0 and αCu is the fraction of free Cu+. Thus, unlike the results for Fe(II), Cu(I) chloride complexes have measurable rates of oxidation.  相似文献   
Recognition that the cooling of the core is accomplished by conduction of heat into a thermal boundary layer (D″) at the base of the mantle, partly decouples calculations of the thermal histories of the core and mantle. Both are controlled by the temperature-dependent rheology of the mantle, but in different ways. Thermal parameters of the Earth are more tightly constrained than hitherto by demanding that they satisfy both core and mantle histories. We require evolution from an early state, in which the temperatures of the top of the core and the base of the mantle were both very close to the mantle solidus, to the present state in which a temperature increment, estimated to be ~ 800 K, has developed across D″. The thermal history is not very dependent upon the assumption of Newtonian or non-Newtonian mantle rheology. The thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle (i.e., D″) developed within the first few hundred million years and the temperature increment across it is still increasing slowly. In our preferred model the present temperature at the top of the core is 3800 K and the mantle temperature, extrapolated to the core boundary without the thermal boundary layer, is 3000 K. The mantle solidus is 3860 K. These temperatures could be varied within quite wide limits without seriously affecting our conclusions. Core gravitational energy release is found to have been remarkably constant at ~ 3 × 1011 W. nearly 20% of the core heat flux, for the past 3 × 109 y, although the total terrestrial heat flux has decreased by a factor of 2 or 3 in that time. This gravitational energy can power the “chemical” dynamo in spite of a core heat flux that is less than that required by conduction down an adiabatic gradient in the outer core; part of the gravitational energy is used to redistribute the excess heat back into the core, leaving 1.8 × 1011 W to drive the dynamo. At no time was the dynamo thermally driven and the present radioactive heating in the core is negligibly small. The dynamo can persist indefinitely into the future; available power 1010 y from now is estimated to be 0.3 × 1011 W if linear mantle rheology is assumed or more if mantle rheology is non-linear. The assumption that the gravitational constant decreases with time imposes an implausible rate of decrease in dynamo energy. With conventional thermodynamics it also requires radiogenic heating of the mantle considerably in excess of the likely content of radioactive elements.  相似文献   
The spectrophotometric measurements of chloro complexes of lead in aqueous HCl, NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 solutions at 25°C have been analyzed using Pitzer's specific interaction equations. Parameters for activity coefficients of the complexes PbCl+, PbCl20 and PbCl3? have been determined for the various media. Values of K1 = 30.0 ± 0.6, K2 = 106.7 ± 2.1 and K3 = 73.0 ± 1.5 were obtained for the cumulative formation constants. [Pb2+ + nCl? → PbCln2?n)]. These values are in reasonable agreement with literature data. The Pitzer parameters for the PbCl ion pairs in various media were used to calculate the speciation of Pb2+ in an artificial seawater solution.  相似文献   
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