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Secondary carbonate formations, such as travertine and calcareous tufa deposits, are important archives for quaternary continental climate studies and archaeology. The extremely complex growth mechanisms result in some serious problems for precise mass spectrometric uranium-series dating. Often, detrital and organic particles contaminate the carbonate and large pore volumes yield a great potential for open system behavior. We utilized microscopic, mineralogical and geochemical methods prior to sample selection to determine the abundance of primary calcite, i.e. micrite and spar. Furthermore, the state of alteration was characterized by cathodoluminescence and trace-element analysis. We conclude that travertine and calcareous tufa are appropriate for precise U-series age determination if a) micrite and/or spar are the dominant phases; b) cathodoluminescence of both phases is weak or absent; c) Fe and Al levels are low; and d) Sr concentrations are close to the average of the studied site. We mapped and sampled solely areas of major micrite/spar abundance having minor alteration for accurate U-series dating. When this new method was applied, travertines located in eastern Germany (sites Bad Langensalza, Burgtonna and Weimar-Ehringsdorf) gave single 230Th/238U-ages consistent with the lithological growth sequence and greatly improved compared to previously published chronologies. In addition, we determined 230Th/U isochron ages on bulk samples that confirm our single ages. In contrast to primary calcite, pore cements are homogeneously distributed throughout the travertine fabric and reflect early diagenetic processes and/or weathering.  相似文献   
In this paper it is argued that the re-establishment of a metropolitan government in the Greater Copenhagen Area in 2000 (Greater Copenhagen Authority) is not to be seen as a return to the kind of regional, coordinative authority (Greater Copenhagen Council) that was abolished in the Thatcherite climate of the 1980s. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s new forms of urban governance, entrepreneurialism and a higher national priority to the capital region were introduced, which changed the conditions under which the new metropolitan government is operating. This `contextualization' of the analysis of the two generations of metropolitan government points to the fact that typologies of metropolitan government, such as the one put forward by Sharpe (1995), often lacks analytical cogency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A. H. N. Rice  W. Frank 《Tectonophysics》2003,374(3-4):219-236
The relative significance of early (Finnmarkian) and late (Scandian) Caledonian deformation in N. Norway is uncertain. Early studies suggested pervasive Finnmarkian deformation whilst later results indicated a restricted Finnmarkian domain. The present work suggests it was more widespread than accepted and that inter Finnmarkian–Scandian deformation occurred. 40Ar/39Ar dating of 2–6 and 6–11 μm pelitic fractions from the lower to mid-greenschist facies Tanahorn Nappe (five samples; base Middle Allochthon) and the epizone Løkvikfjellet and Barents Sea Groups (three samples; North Varanger Region) in the north Scandinavian Caledonides show slightly discordant spectra. Most spectra from the Tanahorn Nappe preserve possible evidence of an early Caledonian event in the high temperature steps, with recoil/excess Ar effects in the low temperature steps; no pre-Caledonian relict component has been recorded. The results indicate Finnmarkian deformation continued to 460 Ma, with Scandian reactivation at 425–415 Ma. From the North Varanger Region, a strongly crenulated sample yielded plateau ages (444–442 Ma); means of combined young steps from weakly to uncrenulated samples gave 470–450 Ma, suggesting penetrative strike-slip deformation occurred in the late Finnmarkian to inter-Finnmarkian–Scandian period. No Scandian ages were recorded in the North Varanger Region. Reassessment of published data from the Laksefjord Nappe and Gaissa Thrust Belt suggests they were affected by Finnmarkian deformation.  相似文献   
Adakite-like features are recognized in the Late Miocene (~10 Ma) porphyritic intrusions of the Los Pelambres giant porphyry copper deposit, central Chile (32°S). Located within the southern portion of the flat-slab segment (28–33°S) of the Chilean Andes, the Al- and Na-rich porphyries of Los Pelambres display distinctly higher Sr/Y (~100–300) and LaN/YbN (~25–60) ratios than contemporaneous and barren magmatic units (e.g., La Gloria pluton, Cerro Aconcagua volcanic rocks) of the same Andean magmatic belt. Strong fractionation of heavy rare earth elements (HREE), absence of Eu anomalies, high Sr/Y and Zr/Sm and low Nb/Ta ratios suggest melt extraction from a garnet-amphibolite source. The Late-Miocene adakite-like porphyritic intrusions at Los Pelambres formed closely related in time and space to the subduction of the Juan Fernández Ridge (JFR) hotspot chain along the Chilean margin. Current tectonic reconstructions reveal that, at the time of formation of the Los Pelambres rocks, a W-E segment of the JFR started to subduct beneath them, producing a slow-down of a previously rapid southward migration of a NE-ridge—trench collision. These particular tectonic conditions are favorable for the origin of the Los Pelambres porphyry suite by melting of subducting young hotspot rocks under flat-slab conditions. The incorporation of crustal components into the oceanic lithopheric magma source by subduction erosion is evidenced by the Sr-Nd isotope composition of the Los Pelambres rocks different from the MORB signatures of true adakites. A close relationship apparently exists between the origin of this adakite-like magmatism and the source of the mineralization in the Los Pelambres porphyry copper deposit.Editorial handling: R.J. Goldfarb  相似文献   
We present hafnium (Hf) and neodymium (Nd) isotopic compositions and concentrations in surface waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean between the coast of Spain and South-Africa. These data are complemented by Hf and Nd isotopic and concentration data, as well as rare earth element (REE) concentrations, in Saharan dust.Hafnium concentrations range between a maximum of 0.52 pmol/kg in the area of the Canary Islands and a minimum value of 0.08 pmol/kg in the southern Angola Basin. Neodymium concentrations also show a local maximum in the area of the Canary Islands (26 pmol/kg) but are even higher between ∼20°N and ∼4°N reaching maximum concentrations of 35 pmol/kg. These elevated concentrations provide evidence of inputs from weathering of the Canary Islands and from the partial dissolution of dust from the Sahara/Sahel region. The inputs from ocean island weathering are also reflected in radiogenic Hf and Nd isotopes.The Hf isotopic compositions of dust samples themselves are highly variable, ranging between εHf = −20 and −0.6. The combined Hf and Nd isotopic compositions of dust plot close to the “terrestrial array” during periods of appreciable dust load in the atmosphere. During low atmospheric dust loading combined Hf and Nd isotopic compositions similar to seawater are observed. Most of the variability can be explained in terms of variable degrees of zircon loss from the dust samples, which in turn is linked to sorting during atmospheric transport to the eastern Atlantic Ocean and possibly presorting by sedimentary redistribution on the continent. In addition, increasing relative proportions of radiogenic clay minerals with decreasing grain size may contribute to the radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions observed.While the Nd isotopic composition in the surface ocean reflects the Nd isotopic composition of the Saharan dust adjacent to the Sahara/Sahel region, the release of Hf from that dust appears to be incongruent and results in surface ocean Hf isotopic compositions which are ∼10 εHf more radiogenic than the bulk dust. Radiogenic Hf appears to be released from clays and possibly from trace apatite. Rare earth element patterns of dust samples indicate the presence of apatite but provide no evidence for ferromanganese grain coatings, suggesting that such coatings are insignificant in the release of Hf and Nd from Saharan dust to the surface ocean.The Nd isotopic composition of the surface waters becomes less radiogenic south of the equator, most likely reflecting the release of Nd from Congo river sediments. The release of Hf from Saharan dust and the Congo river sediments, however, does not produce distinct Hf isotopic signatures in the surface ocean, implying that the mobile fraction of Hf integrated over large continental areas is isotopically uniform. The Hf isotopic uniformity in the surface ocean means that the limited variability in deep water isotopic compositions is consistent with a short deep water residence time and reflects homogenous continental inputs rather than efficient deep water homogenization.  相似文献   
It is common practice today in soil micromorphology to scan slides with a flatbed scanner for slide documentation as well as for mesoscopic scale observation. However, the imagery produced by flatbed scanners often results in boundaries becoming diffuse when zooming in, a side effect of the continuously changing refraction of light caused by the moving scan head. This can be restricting or even unsatisfactory to specialists who rely on such imagery and while alternatives exist, their availability or suitability is not always guaranteed. This paper describes two variations on a static high‐resolution image acquisition method using a professional camera and common attributes of a standard photography studio. Minor postphotography processing too can be done with commonly used software packages. The presented method results in pictures with a resolution of 36 million pixels per image, providing high enough quality and resolution (approximately 4200 dpi) to allow the soil micromorphology practitioner to navigate the entire mesoscopic spectrum and as such offers a continuum of observation from the macroscopic scale to the optical microscopic observation at low (40×) magnification.  相似文献   
We present one millennium-long (1171-year), and three 100 year long annually resolved δ13C tree-ring chronologies from ecologically varying Juniperus stands in the Karakorum Mountains (northern Pakistan), and evaluate their response to climatic and atmospheric CO2 changes. All δ13C records show a gradual decrease since the beginning of the 19th century, which is commonly associated with a depletion of atmospheric δ13C due to fossil fuel burning. Climate calibration of high-frequency δ13C variations indicates a pronounced summer temperature signal for all sites. The low-frequency component of the same records, however, deviates from long-term temperature trends, even after correction for changes in anthropogenic CO2. We hypothesize that these high-elevation trees show a response to both climate and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and the latter might explain the offset with target temperature data. We applied several corrections to tree-ring δ13C records, considering a range of potential CO2 discrimination changes over the past 150 years and calculated the goodness of fit with the target via calibration/verification tests (R2, residual trend, and Durbin-Watson statistics). These tests revealed that at our sites, carbon isotope fixation on longer timescales is affected by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations at a discrimination rate of about 0.012‰/ppmv. Although this statistically derived value may be site related, our findings have implications for the interpretation of any long-term trends in climate reconstructions using tree-ring δ13C, as we demonstrate with our millennium-long δ13C Karakorum record. While we find indications for warmth during the Medieval Warm Period (higher than today’s mean summer temperature), we also show that the low-frequency temperature pattern critically depends on the correction applied. Patterns of long-term climate variation, including the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, and 20th century warmth are most similar to existing evidence when a strong influence of increased atmospheric CO2 on plant physiology is assumed.  相似文献   
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