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This is the first regional study of artisanal fisheries in Pacific Island countries and territories that demonstrated that the future of the region's artisanal fishery sector and the livelihood of coastal communities will be highly dependent on alternative subsistence and income sources, which are necessary to reduce fishing pressure to a sustainable level to maintain ecosystem services and food security. The overall objective of this study was to identify socio-economic indicators and drivers to improve the understanding of the dynamics between socio-economic conditions and current exploitation levels of finfish and invertebrates of coastal communities in 17 Pacific Island countries and territories. We showed that exploitation rates and thus possible overexploitation are not solely the consequence of a simple demographic growth process but are in fact a result of the choices people have. Our results confirmed a close relationship between resource exploitation rates and economic development at the national level and the availability of alternative income opportunities at the community level. Multivariate analysis results suggest that communities in countries with somewhat unfavourable conditions and limited access to alternatives and fishing households in communities with overall favourable economic conditions are at highest vulnerability as they have the highest dependence on coastal fisheries resources. Alternative economic opportunities at the national scale and availability of alternative income at the community level vary significantly between cultural groups. Based on our results, the development of management strategies with realistic expectations of ensuring livelihood of coastal communities and sustainable resource use in Pacific Island countries and territories requires a hierarchical and integral approach. Major drivers identified at the regional, cultural and local levels should be used to identify priorities, to assess overall advantages and limitations at the different levels as well as the vulnerability of communities targeted, and to develop strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

Following the 2010 VEI 4 eruption of Merapi volcano, more than 250 lahars were triggered during two rainy seasons from October 2010 to March 2012. This high number of post-eruption lahars mainly occurred in the Kali (valley) Putih watershed and was mostly associated with high-magnitude rainstorms. A lahar occurring on January 8, 2011, caused significant damage to homes in several communities, bridges, sabo dams, and agricultural crops. The aims of this contribution are to document the impacts of lahars on the Kali Putih watershed and specifically (1) to analyze the lahar frequency during the period of 1969–2012 on an inter-annual and intra-annual basis and to determine the link between the volume of tephra and the frequency of lahars; (2) to detail the lahar trajectory and channel evolution following the January 8th lahar; (3) to map the spatial distribution of the thickness and geomorphic effects of the lahar deposit; and (4) to determine the impacts of the lahar on the infrastructure (sabo dams and roads) and settlements in the distal area of the volcano. The Kali Putih watershed has experienced 62 lahars, which represent 22% of all lahars triggered on 17 rivers at Merapi between 2010 and 2012. The main geomorphic impacts are: (1) excessive sedimentation in valleys, settlements and agricultural areas; (2) undercutting of the river banks by as much as 50 m, accompanied by channel widening; and (3) abrupt changes in the river channel direction in the distal area (15–20 km downstream of the volcano). About 19 sabo dams were damaged, and 3 were totally destroyed. Over 307 houses were damaged, and the National Road Yogyakarta–Semarang was regularly cut (18 times during approximately 25 days). Although the sabo dams on Kali Putih were originally constructed to protect distal areas from lahar damage, they had little effect on the 2010–2012 rain-triggered lahars. The underlying design of those dams along this river is one of the main reasons for the major destruction in this sector of the volcano’s lower slope. The catch basin capacity of the sabo dam was only 1.75?×?106 m3, whereas the total volume of the 2010–2011 lahars exceeded 5?×?106 m3. In order to prepare for future lahars, the government has invested in significant mitigation measures, ranging from structural approaches (e.g., building new sabo dams and developing an early warning system) to non-structural approaches (e.g., contingency and preparedness planning and hazard education).

This study focuses on the sources of alkali and alkaline-earth elements based on the geochemistry of groundwater and surface water in Dschang concerning environmental and anthropogenic constraints. A comprehensive set of 50 samples from groundwater and surface water were analyzed by ICPMS and processed by spatial interpolation in a GIS environment. The results highlight a geochemical anomaly at the center of the densely inhabited area subject to a profusion of open dumps discharges. This anomaly with the highest spatial contents of Be(Cs, Rb, Mg) suggests an anthropogenic source that demarcates with the lowest alkali and alkaline-earth elements on the peripheral area of Dschang. Other findings include lithological constraints with volcanic rocks being the main source compared to granitoid.The study points out good correlations between Be, Cs, Rb and Mg spatial distributions and physicochemical parameters of waters(K, EC, TDS), and inversely with the lowest p H. p H is established as the most functioning physico-chemical constraint of alkali and alkaline-earth mobility in Dschang. The p H lowest values within the geochemical anomaly also highlight the impact of human activities on water acidity, which later enhance elements mobility and enrichment. Despite low elements contents relative to WHO standards, our findings point out an example of anthropogenic impact on water geochemistry linked to solid waste pollution; it also demonstrates significant anthropogenic changes of environmental physicochemical parameters of prime importance in the mobility and distribution of elements in the study area.Similar assessments should be extended in major towns in Cameroon.  相似文献   
Although iron isotopes provide a new powerful tool for tracing a variety of geochemical processes, the unambiguous interpretation of iron isotope ratios in natural systems and the development of predictive theoretical models require accurate data on equilibrium isotope fractionation between fluids and minerals. We investigated Fe isotope fractionation between hematite (Fe2O3) and aqueous acidic NaCl fluids via hematite dissolution and precipitation experiments at temperatures from 200 to 450 °C and pressures from saturated vapor pressure (Psat) to 600 bar. Precipitation experiments at 200 °C and Psat from aqueous solution, in which Fe aqueous speciation is dominated by ferric iron (FeIII) chloride complexes, show no detectable Fe isotope fractionation between hematite and fluid, Δ57Fefluid-hematite = δ57Fefluid − δ57Fehematite = 0.01 ± 0.08‰ (2 × standard error, 2SE). In contrast, experiments at 300 °C and Psat, where ferrous iron chloride species (FeCl2 and FeCl+) dominate in the fluid, yield significant fluid enrichment in the light isotope, with identical values of Δ57Fefluid-hematite = −0.54 ± 0.15‰ (2SE) both for dissolution and precipitation runs. Hematite dissolution experiments at 450 °C and 600 bar, in which Fe speciation is also dominated by ferrous chloride species, yield Δ57Fefluid-hematite values close to zero within errors, 0.15 ± 0.17‰ (2SE). In most experiments, chemical, redox, and isotopic equilibrium was attained, as shown by constancy over time of total dissolved Fe concentrations, aqueous FeII and FeIII fractions, and Fe isotope ratios in solution, and identical Δ57Fe values from dissolution and precipitation runs. Our measured equilibrium Δ57Fefluid-hematite values at different temperatures, fluid compositions and iron redox state are within the range of fractionations in the system fluid-hematite estimated using reported theoretical β-factors for hematite and aqueous Fe species and the distribution of Fe aqueous complexes in solution. These theoretical predictions are however affected by large discrepancies among different studies, typically ±1‰ for the Δ57Fe Fe(aq)-hematite value at 200 °C. Our data may thus help to refine theoretical models for β-factors of aqueous iron species. This study provides the first experimental calibration of Fe isotope fractionation in the system hematite-saline aqueous fluid at elevated temperatures; it demonstrates the importance of redox control on Fe isotope fractionation at hydrothermal conditions.  相似文献   
This article is based on field investigations carried out at Ta Keo and Banteay Srei temples (Angkor, Cambodia), which have similar environmental histories and display the same recurrent decorative pattern (lotus petal) in three different sandstone lithotypes. Based on two original scales of mechanical and chemical weathering, the degree of deterioration of c.2000 sandstone petals was visually assessed, resulting in the proposal of a durability scale. An explanatory scheme was provided, based on laboratory analyses of stone materials (ICP-AES, XRD, SEM-EDS, polarizing microscopy and mercury injection). The key drivers of sandstone durability are both mineralogical and petrophysical. The remarkable preservation of the pink sandstone is due to the quartzose nature of its clasts, the non-swelling clay content of its abundant matrix (kaolinite) and its porosity structure (large connected pores and probable non-connected porosity). The overall good preservation of the green sandstone is due to its extremely low porosity and specific surface area, associated with its strong cementation. The severe deterioration of the grey sandstone is due to its laminated structure (oriented biotites), the susceptibility to hygric swelling and solution of its binding agents (chlorite/smectite and calcite) and its porosity structure, which evolves during a two-stage weathering sequence. The first stage is characterized by a bimodal porosity due to the partial clogging of macropores by swelling clays, and the second stage by a substantial increase in porosity and the penetration of salts (barite and anhydrite). Conversely, oxidation phenomena associated with weathering can lead to a drastic reduction of porosity.  相似文献   
The Menoreh Mountains in Yogyakarta are severely affected by landslides. Due to the high population densities, mass movements are generally damaging and fatal. More than other Javanese mountains, the Menoreh Mountains cumulate several factors causing landslides. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the ways to map landslide risk in order to improve the risk mitigation. The objectives of this paper are to provide landslide hazard and risk assessment that will be useful for risk prevention and landuse planning in the Menoreh Mountains. So far, risk management has been developed by the Research Centre for Disasters Gadjah Mada University in collaboration with the Regional Development Planner (BAPPEDA), which carries out fundamental and applied researches. The results of the studies have been integrated in the risk prevention and landuse planning in order to improve the integrated landslide mitigation programme.  相似文献   
We present mid-infrared observations of the binary L5-Trojan system (617) Patroclus-Menoetius before, during, and after two shadowing events, using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. For the first time, we effectively observe changes in asteroid surface temperature in real time, allowing the thermal inertia to be determined very directly. A new detailed binary thermophysical model is presented which accounts for the system’s known mutual orbit, arbitrary component shapes, and thermal conduction in the presence of eclipses.We obtain two local thermal-inertia values, representative of the respective shadowed areas: and . The average thermal inertia is estimated to be , potentially with significant surface heterogeneity. This first thermal-inertia measurement for a Trojan asteroid indicates a surface covered in fine regolith. Independently, we establish the presence of fine-grained (<a few μm) silicates on the surface, based on emissivity features near 10 and similar to those previously found on other Trojans.We also report V-band observations and report a lightcurve with complete rotational coverage. The lightcurve has a low amplitude of peak-to-peak, implying a roughly spherical shape for both components, and is single-periodic with a period equal to the period of the mutual orbit, indicating that the system is fully synchronized.The diameters of Patroclus and Menoetius are 106±11 and , respectively, in agreement with previous findings. Taken together with the system’s known total mass, this implies a bulk mass density of , significantly below the mass density of L4-Trojan asteroid (624) Hektor and suggesting a bulk composition dominated by water ice.All known physical properties of Patroclus, arguably the best studied Trojan asteroid, are consistent with those expected in icy objects with devolatilized surface (extinct comets), consistent with what might be implied by recent dynamical modeling in the framework of the Nice Model.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) nightglow data from the SPICAV instrument (SPectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Venus) onboard the Venus Express spacecraft, currently in orbit around Venus, are presented. In its extended source mode, SPICAV has shown that the Venus nightglow in the UV contains essentially Lyman-α and Nitric Oxide (NO) emissions. In the stellar mode, when the slit of the spectrometer is removed, an emission is also observed at the limb in addition to the stellar spectrum. A forward model allows us to identify this feature as being an NO emission. Due to radiative recombination of N and O atoms produced on the dayside of Venus, and transported to the nightside, NO nightglow provides important constraints to the Solar-to-Anti Solar thermospheric circulation prevailing above 90 km. The forward model presented here allows us to derive the altitude of the peak of emission of the NO layer, found at 113.5±6 km, as well as its scale height, of 3.4±1 km and its brightness. The latter is found to be very variable with emissions between 19 Kilo-Rayleigh (kR) and 540 kR. In addition, the NO nightglow is sometimes very patchy, as we are able to observe two distinct emission zones in the field of view. Finally, systematic extraction of this emission from stellar occultations extends the database of the NO emission already reported elsewhere using limb observations.  相似文献   
Sediment yields were calculated on the ?anks of Merapi and Semeru volcanoes in Java, Indonesia, using two different methods. During the ?rst year following the 22 November 1994 eruption of Merapi, a sediment yield in excess of 1·5 × 105 m3 km?2 yr?1 was calculated in the Boyong River drainage basin, based on the volumes of sediment that were trapped by ?ve check dams. At Semeru, sediment discharges were assessed in the Curah Lengkong River from direct measurements on the lahars in motion and on the most signi?cant stream?ows. The calculated rate of sediment yield during one year of data in 2000 was 2·7 × 105 m3 km?2 yr?1. Sediment yields are dominated by rain‐triggered lahars, which occur every rainy season in several drainage basins of Merapi and Semeru volcanoes, mostly during the rainy season extending from October to April. The return period of lahars carrying sediment in excess of 5 × 105 m3 is about one year in the Curah Lengkong River at Semeru. At Merapi, the volume of sediments transported by a lahar did not exceed 2·8 × 105 m3 in the Boyong River during the rainy season 1994–95. On both volcanoes, the sediments are derived from similar sources: pyroclastic‐?ow/surges deposits, rockfalls from the lava domes, and old material from the riverbed and banks. However, daily explosions of vulcanian type at Semeru provide a more continuous sediment supply than at Merapi. Therefore, sediment yields are larger at Semeru. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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