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Electrophoretic variation in proteins encoded by seven presumptive gene loci was analyzed in four populations of the stygobiont amphipodNiphargus rhenorhodanensis. The four populations occur in different habitats, including one in drainage canals, another from sediments of the Ain River, a tributary of the Rhône River, and the remaining two occur in a karstic massif (Dorvan, Ain, France) in the epikarstic and at the base level of the massif, respectively. Six of the seven loci were polymorphic within or among populations, with as many as three electromorphs segregating at the most variable loci. Significant deficiencies in the frequency of heterozygotes were common. Genetic divergence between the two populations of the Dorvan Massif and between the two of the Ain River (forest and sediment habitats) was large. This was highly unexpected, particularly in the case of the two hydrologically connected populations of the Dorvan Massif. It is suggested that either low migration rates or the presence of ecological barriers to gene flow may result in strong genetic differention among local populations ofNiphargus.  相似文献   
Populations of the riparian pioneer species Populus nigra L. which establish on alluvial bars within river channels modulate sediment dynamics and fluvial landforms. Dense cohorts of P. nigra have colonized gravel point bars along the channelized River Garonne, France, during the last 20 years and have enhanced the vertical, lateral and longitudinal development of the bars. For this period, the geomorphic characteristics of two wooded point bars on this laterally stable river are closely linked to the spatial distribution and intensity of establishment and resistance of different cohorts of P. nigra. Furthermore, P. nigra colonization dynamics were controlled by engineer effects of this same species. This relationship is illustrated by a significant correlation between key geomorphic and biological variables measured in situ and characterized with a set of four aerial photographs taken between 2000 and 2010. The development of wooded point bars, which are discrete biogeomorphic units, over the studied period, appear to result from a specific biogeomorphic positive feedback of matter aggregation and vegetation establishment related to sediment trapping and stabilization by pioneer engineer plants. We propose a conceptual model of biogeomorphic unit construction for channelized, lateral stable rivers. We consider the resultant biogeomorphic units as functional from an ecological point of view because P. nigra enhances at the cohort scale (i) its own inherent capacity to resist hydrogeomorphic disturbances, and (ii) its resilience capacity as a result of successful colonization, especially downstream of mature poplar stands. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— We explore the possibility that Te isotopic anomalies measured in Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (Fehr et al. 2009) and in leachates of carbonaceous chondrites (Fehr et al. 2006) may be due to mass‐independent effects controlled by nuclear field shift rather than to nucleosynthetic processes. Fehr et al.'s spectrum of mass‐independent anomalies of Te isotopes shows a smooth correlation with mass number and nuclear charge distribution. Ratios of even to odd isotopes, as the 125Te/126Te ratio used by these authors for normalization are particularly prone to nuclear field shift effects. We show that the alternative normalization of isotopic ratios to 130Te/126Te strongly reduces the trend of isotopic fractionation with mass number, leaving only 125Te as truly anomalous. For both normalizations (125Te/126Te and 130Te/126Te), Fehr et al.'s results fit the theory of Bigeleisen (1996), which suggests that the nuclear field shift effect can potentially account for the observed Te isotope abundances, as an alternative to nucleosynthetic processes. We propose that these mass‐independent effects may be acquired during accretion of sulfides from the solar nebula.  相似文献   
Solar gravity modes (or g modes)—oscillations of the solar interior on which buoyancy acts as the restoring force—have the potential to provide unprecedented inference on the structure and dynamics of the solar core, inference that is not possible with the well-observed acoustic modes (or p modes). The relative high amplitude of the g-mode eigenfunctions in the core and the evanesence of the modes in the convection zone make the modes particularly sensitive to the physical and dynamical conditions in the core. Owing to the existence of the convection zone, the g modes have very low amplitudes at photospheric levels, which makes the modes extremely hard to detect. In this article, we review the current state of play regarding attempts to detect g modes. We review the theory of g modes, including theoretical estimation of the g-mode frequencies, amplitudes and damping rates. Then we go on to discuss the techniques that have been used to try to detect g modes. We review results in the literature, and finish by looking to the future, and the potential advances that can be made—from both data and data-analysis perspectives—to give unambiguous detections of individual g modes. The review ends by concluding that, at the time of writing, there is indeed a consensus amongst the authors that there is currently no undisputed detection of solar g modes.  相似文献   
Most reinforced concrete structures are damaged due to corrosion of reinforcements in concrete. In normal conditions the pH near the reinforcements is around 12–13 which means that steel is in a passive state. But aggressive species, such as chloride ions or carbon dioxide, may penetrate into concrete and promote active corrosion. As a consequence (hydro)oxides are produced leading to degradation of concrete structures. For instance cracking of the concrete is generated due to the pressure induced by rust. In this paper, we study the inception and the propagation of cracking on reinforced mortar plates with rebars located either in the middle or at the corner. Additional experiments have been performed on cylindrical specimens to determine the local effect of rust pressure at the interface rust/mortar. The specimens have been subjected to imposed current density in order to enhance the corrosion and digital image intercorrelation has been used to determine displacement fields. The experiments have been compared to numerical modelling. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We examine the O-H isotope signatures of Alpine ultramafic rocks and eclogitic metagabbros of the Erro-Tobbio peridotite Unit (western Italian Alps), which record a subduction and exhumation cycle. Localization of subduction-related deformation along serpentinite mylonite shear zones favoured preservation of pre-subduction mantle and low temperature (oceanic) alteration assemblages within undeformed (meta)peridotite that underwent partial static recrystallization to high-pressure metamorphic parageneses. Bulk rock and mineral separate (clinopyroxene and serpentine) oxygen isotope ratios of the serpentinized mantle peridotites (5-8‰) are slightly enriched in 18O compared with those of the high-pressure metaperidotites and the serpentinite mylonites (4.4-7.6‰). The lowest values occur in high-pressure veins (3.5-5.7‰) and eclogitic metagabbros (3.1-5.3‰). These variations are comparable to variations observed in modern oceanic rocks and in non-subducted ophiolites. Preservation of pre-eclogitic '18O signatures of the Erro-Tobbio rocks and a lack of oxygen isotope re-equilibration between different shear zones imply local-scale fluid flow at low water/rock ratios and closed system behaviour during high-pressure metamorphism. Different serpentine generations show a bimodal distribution in 'D values: pre-eclogitic lizardite and chrysotile range from -102 to -77‰; high-pressure antigorite in the mylonites and in low strain metaperidotites range from -71 to -57‰ and -83 to -60‰, respectively. Comparable ranges occur in antigorite in the associated high-pressure veins, suggesting that the hydrogen signatures were acquired prior to veining. We propose that the isotopic variations reflect multiple events of fluid uptake in different geodynamic environments. The H- and O-isotope ratios in the eclogitic mylonites suggest that initial hydration occurred over a range of temperatures during local interaction with altered seawater along oceanic shear zones. The 18O-enriched and H-depleted compositions of chrysotile and lizardite in the mantle peridotites suggest that a second hydration event may have occurred as a result of interaction with metamorphic fluids at the early stages of burial in a forearc setting, where slabs undergo large-scale, low-temperature fluid fluxing. The oceanic mantle is thus a candidate for continuous hydration during its oceanic and early subduction history. The Erro-Tobbio unit thus represents an example of cycling of internally-derived fluids, whereby the different structural and textural domains behaved as relatively closed systems to fluid circulation during high-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   
Since 1991, the altimeters of the ERS European Satellites allow the observation of 80% of the Antarctica ice sheet and the whole Greenland ice sheet: They thus offer for the first time a unique vision of polar ice caps. Indeed, surface topography is an essential data thanks to its capacity to highlight the physical processes which control the surface shape, or to test models. Moreover, the altimeter is also a radar which makes it possible to estimate the snow surface or subsurface characteristics, such as surface roughness induced by the strong katabatic wind or ice grain size. The polar ice caps may not be in a stationary state, they continue to respond to the climatic warming of the beginning of the Holocene, that is 18000 years ago, and possibly start to react to present climatic warming: the altimeter offers the unique means of estimating the variations of volume and thus the contribution of polar ice caps to present sea level change.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das impulsoptische Signalübertragungsprinzip mit Funkenlicht als Sender und einem photoelektrischen Impulsempfänger wurde als Transmissometer ausgeführt. Mittels unterkritischem Betrieb der Funkenstrecke unterliegt der Sender keinen störenden Intensitätsschwankungen. Der Meßbereich der Extinktion beträgt 1105, entsprechend etwa 40 m bis Normsichtweite. Das Gerät ist klimafest für Flugplatzbelange ausgebildet und benötigt zum Schreiber hin nur Telephonkabel.
Summary A transmission-measuring apparatus was constructed on the principle of transmitting impulse-optic signals by means of spark light as transmitter and a photo-electric cell as impulse receiver. The transmitter shows no disturbing variations of intensity if the spark gap is operated under the critical value. The measuring range of extinction amounts to 1105 corresponding to a normal range of visibility from about 40 m to infinite. The apparatus is designed for airports. A simple telephon cable serves as conection with the recording system.

Résumé Le procédé à impulsions lumineuses reçues par une cellule photoélectrique a été developpé sous forme d'appareil à transmission. L'emeteur fonctionnant sous longueur sous-critique des étincelles n'éprouve pas de variations gênantes d'intensité. Le domaine de mesure de l'extinction est de 1105, correspondant à une portée comprise entre 40 m. et l'infini. L'appareil, à l'abri des intempéries, se prête à l'emploi sur les aérodromes; la liaison avec l'enregistreur se fait à l'aide d'un simple câble téléphonique.

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