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In coastal marshes, fish larvae may be exposed simultaneously to extreme salinities and to atrazine, a widely used herbicide. To assess the effects of salinity on the toxicity of atrazine, newly-hatched mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) were exposed to atrazine (0, 5, 50 and 500 microg/L) at three salinities (3, 15 and 35PSU). Whole body cortisol was measured after 24 h. Body length, condition factor, whole body proteins, lipids, residual masses and water contents were assessed after 96 h. Significants effects were found for both condition factor and water content. Condition factors were lower at salinity 3 and 35 compared to near isoosmotic salinity, 15PSU. In addition, atrazine decreased condition factor at 500 microg/L. Reduction in condition was likely due to retardation in axial growth since body length, percentages of proteins or lipids were not affected. In the absence of atrazine, salinity had no effect on the prevalence of dehydrated (81% water) or hyperhydrated (85% water) larvae. In larvae exposed to atrazine, the prevalence of hyperhydrated larvae increased at 3PSU and 5 microg/L atrazine and that of dehydrated larvae increased at 15 and 35PSU and 5 microg/L atrazine. Severity of dehydratation increased with atrazine concentration at salinity 35PSU. Thus, a short-term exposure to environmentally realistic concentrations of atrazine affects osmotic control in mummichog larvae with possible effects on buoyancy, survival and recruitment.  相似文献   
Glass composition-based correlations of volcanic ash (tephra) traditionally rely on extensive manual plotting. Many previous statistical methods for testing correlations are limited by using geochemical means, masking diagnostic variability. We suggest that machine learning classifiers can expedite correlation, quickly narrowing the list of likely candidates using well-trained models. Eruptives from Alaska's Aleutian Arc-Alaska Peninsula and Wrangell volcanic field were used as a test environment for 11 supervised classification algorithms, trained on nearly 2000 electron probe microanalysis measurements of glass major oxides, representing 10 volcanic sources. Artificial neural networks and random forests were consistently among the top-performing learners (accuracy and kappa > 0.96). Their combination as an average ensemble effectively improves their performance. Using this combined model on tephras from Eklutna Lake, south-central Alaska, showed that predictions match traditional methods and can speed correlation. Although classifiers are useful tools, they should aid expert analysis, not replace it. The Eklutna Lake tephras are mostly from Redoubt Volcano. Besides tephras from known Holocene-active sources, Holocene tephra geochemically consistent with Pleistocene Emmons Lake Volcanic Center (Dawson tephra), but from a yet unknown source, is evident. These tephras are mostly anchored by a highly resolved varved chronology and represent new important regional stratigraphic markers.  相似文献   
The performance of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS 3.5) was assessed using turbulent fluxes derived from data recorded at two micrometeorological stations located in a potato field in Quebec, Canada. The minimum stomatal resistance, the maximum leaf area index, and the initial water content of the third soil layer were optimized using the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II and the mean square error of the latent heat flux. With respect to benchmark solutions, the optimization improved the sensible and latent heat fluxes by 31 and 23%, respectively. The use of a pedotransfer rule in adjustment of the water content of mineral soils having small percentages of organic matter provided better estimates of the evapotranspiration during the growing stage. However, like the original version of the model (without the pedotransfer rule), it underestimated evapotranspiration throughout the maturity stage. It is noteworthy that the original version produced a good estimate of cumulative evapotranspiration over the entire season as a result of over- and underestimates at the beginning and maturity stage of the growing season, respectively.  相似文献   
A network of varve and dendrochronological time series that provide annual resolution of Boreal tree growth conditions and Arctic snow pack and melt variability were used to investigate the imprint of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on continental hydroclimatic variability in northeastern and northern North America from 1550 to 1986 AD. The hydroclimatic proxies show a coherent, AMO-like spectral pattern active since the late sixteenth and the early eighteenth century in the Canadian Arctic and southeastern Boreal regions, respectively. Positive AMO phases are associated with more intense spring runoff in the Arctic and with longer growth season and increased summer moisture availability in the southeastern boreal forest. These results offer new insights about the widespread response of North American hydroclimate to low frequency changes in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   
T. Praharaj  D. Fortin   《Applied Geochemistry》2008,23(12):3728-3740
Several studies have shown that SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB) are active in acidic sulfide-rich mine tailings and sediments impacted by mining activities. SRB activity in acidic tailings has been shown to vary with seasons as a result of fluctuating in situ physico-chemical conditions. Iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB) also play an important role in Fe cycling in sediments impacted by mining activities, but their activity in mine tailings is poorly understood, despite the fact that geochemical evidence indicates that they might be active. The present study was undertaken to assess the seasonal changes in SRB and FeRB abundance and activity in alkaline Pb–Zn mine tailings (Calumet tailings) located near Ottawa, ON, Canada. Results showed that FeRB and SRB populations were present throughout the year at two different sampling sites at the Calumet tailings, but SO4 reduction rates (SRR) were lower in the spring than in the summer, indicating that SRB activity was affected by organic C availability and/or temperature. Surface agricultural runoff at one site provided ample nutrients and organic C to the tailings, but SRB activity remained lower than the site not impacted by nutrient runoff, suggesting that the type of organic C was different between the two sites and that less labile organic substrates were available to SRB in the organic-rich site. High SRB activity in the site containing low organic C inhibited the abundance of FeRB, and possibly their activity, as a result of abiotic reduction of Fe(III)-rich minerals by biogenic sulfides, which lowered the pool of final electron acceptors. The abiotic reduction pathway was consistent with the porewater data which showed that sulfide was consumed and SO4 produced, along with Fe(II). These results show a strong interdependence between SRB and FeRB activity, as observed in other environments, such as saltmarsh sediments. Low temperature did not appear to hinder FeRB abundance in alkaline tailings. Finally, despite evidence that SRB populations were active at both sites, the |S isotopic composition of the AVS and CRS fractions were not representative of biogenic sulfides, indicating that the overall S-isotope signature of mine tailings is more representative of abiotic sulfides originating from the ore body.  相似文献   
Field capacity is a commonly used soil parameter in surface water hydrological models, loosely defined as the moisture content of a soil after drainage. The most commonly applied expression for field capacity is defined as the remaining water in a vertical soil column subject to 1/3 atm. of pressure head. While this quantification is sufficient in some cases, the definition is not consistent with the use of bulk field capacity in calculations of lateral drainage from hillslopes, as required by some surface soil parameterizations, nor does it address additional complications arising from differences in soil texture or sample size. Here, a simple alternative expression for bulk field capacity in a sloping or vertical soil is derived directly from Richards equation with the use of the Brooks‐Corey characteristics. It is demonstrated that this expression is consistent with data acquired from vertical soil columns, but may be extended to additional situations commonly found in surface water models and land surface schemes. The calculation of bulk field capacity requires only the Brooks‐Corey pore size distribution index, soil air‐entry pressure, and hillslope length and slope, and may be considered a physically based alternative to pedotransfer function or lookup table approaches. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Crown in the right of Canada.  相似文献   
A statistic–stochastic multi‐fractal downscaling technique was evaluated from a hydrologic point of view. Ensemble hydrologic forecasts with a time step of 3 h were performed for original and disaggregated ensemble rainfall forecasts issued by the Canadian Global Ensemble Prediction System in its 2009 operational version. This hydro‐meteorological operational forecasting chain was conducted using the hydrological model SWMM5. The model was implemented on a small 6‐km2 urban catchment located in the Québec City region. The hydrological evaluation was based on the comparison of forecasted flows to the observed ones, calculating several deterministic and probabilistic scores, and drawing rank histograms and reliability diagrams. Disaggregated products led to a better representation of the ensemble members' dispersion. This disaggregation technique represents an interesting way of bridging the gap between the meteorological models' resolution and the high degree of spatial precision sometimes required by hydrological models in their precipitation representation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The timing of clastic sedimentation in two glacial‐fed lakes with contrasting watersheds was monitored using sequencing sediment traps for two consecutive years at Allison Lake (Chugach Range, Alaska) and four months at Shainin Lake (Brooks Range, Alaska). Shainin Lake is a weakly stratified lake fed by distant glaciers, whereas Allison Lake is more strongly stratified and fed predominantly by proximal glaciers. At Shainin Lake, sediment accumulation started in late June and reached its maximum in mid‐August, just before lake mixing and during a period of low river discharge. The grain size of the sediment reaching the sediment trap in Shainin Lake was homogenous throughout the summer. At Allison Lake, pulsed sedimentation of coarse particles during late summer and early fall storms were superimposed on the fine‐grained sedimentation pattern similar to that observed at Shainin Lake. These storms triggered underflows that were observed in the thermal structure of the lake and deposited abundant sediment. The sequencing sediment traps reveal a lag between fluvial discharge and sediment deposition at both lakes, implying limitations to interpreting intra‐annual sedimentary features in terms of inflow discharge.  相似文献   
Succint results of recent geomorphological research conducted by a Canadian team from Université Laval (Quebec city) in the Khabur valley of northeastern Syria confirms the hypothesis put forward by one of the authors concerning the function of the tell 'Atij site during the Early Bronze Age period (3000–2500 B. C.). The detailed study of a stratigraphically controlled cross section of 25 m × 6 m, on the abrupt western side of the main tell of the site, combined with observations made in a trench linking the principal tell to the secondary one showed that these two tells, now forming 'Atij, were small islands on the ancient Khabur River. At the time of their occupation, i. e., the first half of the 3rd millenium, the Khabur was wider, deeper and navigable. Another investigation trench, 400 m N. E. of the main tell, disproved the suggested existence of an ancient irrigation canal in the area. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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