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New geochronology from Syros in the Cycladic eclogite–blueschist belt, Aegean Sea, Greece, shows that 40Ar/39Ar geochronology consistently dates microstructural events in metamorphic rocks. We demonstrate that the age spectra depend on microstructure in a predictable and systematic way. Ages can be inferred by applying the method of asymptotes and limits to data from the step ‐ heating experiments. The results are consistent with previously published estimates for the timing of a sequence of distinct and discrete episodes of high ‐ P metamorphic mineral growth observed regionally across this belt. Arrhenius plots from these experiments imply that phengitic white mica is highly retentive of argon, and therefore (if these data can be extrapolated to the natural environment) the ages can be interpreted as recording the timing of episodic deformation and metamorphism. Porphyroblastic growth begins: (i) for omphacite – jadeite–eclogite facies parageneses at c. 53 Ma; and (ii) for garnet – glaucophane facies parageneses at c. 47 Ma. The Kini Shear Zone started as an extensional post ‐ epidote–albite‐transitional–blueschist facies shear zone that had completed operation by c. 31 Ma. The scatter in ages is due to the effect of deformation, recrystallization and multiple growth events in shear zones that continued operating for 3 – 6 million years from the start of each episode.  相似文献   
An experiment was performed to test an alternative dredging strategy for the Westerschelde estuary. Clean sand dredged from the navigation channel was disposed seawards of an eroding intertidal flat in order to modify morphology and hydrodynamics, improving the multi-channel system with ecologically productive shallow water habitat. Five years of intensive monitoring revealed that part of the disposed sediment moved slowly towards the flat, increasing the very shallow subtidal and intertidal area, as planned. The sand in the impact zone became gradually finer after disposal, possibly due to reduced current velocities. Nevertheless, no changes in macrobenthic biomass, density, species richness and composition were detected in the subtidal zone, also demonstrating rapid macrobenthic recovery. In the intertidal zone, no ecological effects could be revealed superimposed on trends associated with long-term sediment fining. Thus, despite morphological success and absence of detected negative ecological impacts of the experiment, new beneficial habitat was not created.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Irumiden-Gebirge (E.Ackermann 1950) Nordrhodesiens konnten mit Hilfe von Gefüge-Auswertungen zwei altersverschiedene tektonische Verformungspläne mit jeweils voneinander abweichenden Richtungen herausgestellt werden.Jedem der orogenetischen Abläufe kann ein spezifischer Metamorphose-Zyklus zugeordnet werden.Für die erste Metamorphose ist eine Plagioklas-Blastese mit vermutlicher Natrium- und eventuell auch Kalziumzufuhr, für die letzte eine sehr kräftige Kalizufuhr von größter Bedeutung. Die Plagioklas-reichen Gneise, die Endprodukte der ersten Metamorphose, sind in kleineren reliktischen Komplexen über das gesamte Gebiet verbreitet, während sich die Kalifeldspat-Porphyroblasten-Gneise und Gneis-Granite auf ENE und NE gerichtete und in dieser Richtung vielfach gelängte und durchbewegte Züge verteilen. Zur Sprossung von sehr großen idiomorphen Mikroklinen und zu großen KF-Anreicherungen kommt es zu beiden Seiten der irumidisch-ENE-gerichteten Scheitelzonen (siehe E.Ackermann und A.Forster 1960). Innerhalb dieser hochmetamorphen Gneise und Gneisgranite treten die erstgenannten Plagioklas-betonten Gneise als reliktische, unverdaute Schollen auf. Die Plagioklase und wenigen Kalifeldspäte der älteren Feldspatgeneration werden zusammen mit ihren Biotitsäumen in den bis zu Kinderkopf-großen jüngeren Mikroklinporphyroblasten der sogenannten Mkushi-Gneise eingeschlossen.
In the Irumide-Mountains of Northern Rhodesia, petrofabric analysis shows two intersecting systems of deformations being of different age. Each orogeny can be traced to a specific cycle of metamorphism. The earlier metamorphism was connected with a blastesis of plagioclase and with probable influx of sodium and calcium, the later-one with a strong addition of potassium. Final products of the first cycle occur (as small relict complexes of plagioclase-gneisses) within the whole area of highly metamorphous gneisses of the second phase. Gneisses containing porphyroblasts of potassium feldspars and granitic gneisses strike ENE and NE. At both flanks of the ENE-striking anticlinoria, blastesis of large euhedral microcline crystals and enrichment of potassium feldspars occur. Plagioclases and potassium feldspars of the older generations are found (as big inclusions) within the porphyroblasts of microcline belonging to the younger generation.

Résumé Dans le massif des Irumides (E.Ackermann 1950) en Rhodésie du Nord on trouve deux systèmes de déformation d'âge différent avec des directions distinctes et un cycle spécifique de métamorphoses. Pour la première métamorphose on constate une blastèse à plagioclase avec probablement un apport de Na et éventuellement de Ca—pour la dernière un fort apport de K. Les produits finaux du premier cycle, sous la forme de complexes résiduels à base de gneiss plagioclasiques, se rencontrent dans toute le région des gneiss fortement métamorphiques de la seconde phase. Des gneiss à porphyroblastes de feldspath de potasse et des granites gneissiques ont une direction ENE et NE. Une blastèse de grands microclines idiomorphes et de grands enrichissements en feldspath de potasse se sont effectués sur les flancs des zones de crête irumidiques de direction ENE. Les plagioclases avec leurs bordures à biotite de la génération plus ancienne sont entourés par des porphyroblastes à microcline dans les gneiss de Mkushi.

(. , 1950) , , . . , .
As with other benthic fish which bury themselves in sand, in Genyagnus monopterygius it is the branchiostegal apparatus which makes the major contribution to ventilation of the gills. The prolonged abduction of the branchiostegal membranes draws water in through the mouth, and exhaled water moves away from the fish through mucus‐lined channels in the sand. The steady and continuous flow of water during ventilation may avoid detection of the stargazer by prey or predators. Associated with its sluggish habits and the low gill surface area available for gas exchange, Genyagnus has a low rate of oxygen consumption (15.8 ml kg‐1 h‐1 for a 100 g fish at 17°C). At partial pressures of oxygen (PO2) below 6 kPa (45 mm Hg) oxygen consumption is reduced, but the fish does not emerge from the sand until the PO2 falls below 2 kPa. There is evidence that the fish can sustain an oxygen debt. Respiration in the stargazer is discussed in relation to the fish's ability to withstand temporary hypoxia when it is stranded above the water level in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   
Radiative forcing and climate sensitivity have been widely used as concepts to understand climate change. This work performs climate change experiments with an intermediate general circulation model (IGCM) to examine the robustness of the radiative forcing concept for carbon dioxide and solar constant changes. This IGCM has been specifically developed as a computationally fast model, but one that allows an interaction between physical processes and large-scale dynamics; the model allows many long integrations to be performed relatively quickly. It employs a fast and accurate radiative transfer scheme, as well as simple convection and surface schemes, and a slab ocean, to model the effects of climate change mechanisms on the atmospheric temperatures and dynamics with a reasonable degree of complexity. The climatology of the IGCM run at T-21 resolution with 22 levels is compared to European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Reanalysis data. The response of the model to changes in carbon dioxide and solar output are examined when these changes are applied globally and when constrained geographically (e.g. over land only). The CO2 experiments have a roughly 17% higher climate sensitivity than the solar experiments. It is also found that a forcing at high latitudes causes a 40% higher climate sensitivity than a forcing only applied at low latitudes. It is found that, despite differences in the model feedbacks, climate sensitivity is roughly constant over a range of distributions of CO2 and solar forcings. Hence, in the IGCM at least, the radiative forcing concept is capable of predicting global surface temperature changes to within 30%, for the perturbations described here. It is concluded that radiative forcing remains a useful tool for assessing the natural and anthropogenic impact of climate change mechanisms on surface temperature.  相似文献   
Nematode species composition, trophic structure and body size distributions were followed over an annual production cycle in the central North Sea; to test responses to temporally changing food quality and quantity in the sediment. Changes in the phytoplankton concentration in the water column were quantitatively reflected in the concentration of chlorophyll a and breakdown products in the sediment, with higher concentrations in spring and autumn following blooms, and lower concentrations in summer and winter. The taxonomic and trophic structure of nematode communities differed significantly among stations over relatively short distances, potentially masking some of the temporal dynamics. Spatio-temporal differences in nematode species composition were linked to changes in the quality and quantity of organic material reaching the seabed, reflecting a species-specific response to the nutritional quality of sedimenting organic material and the biochemical changes in the sediment associated with its decomposition. The size distributions of selected nematode species indicated that most species bred continuously throughout the sampling period, although one species, the epigrowth feeder Spilophorella paradoxa, had periods of increased growth following the deposition of the spring phytoplankton bloom. There was no consistent temporal relationship between the trophic composition of nematode communities and spring chlorophyll a or carbon sedimentation, most likely a result of the trophic plasticity of most feeding types and the capacity of the community to use both freshly sedimented material as well as the subsequent breakdown products and refractory organic matter. Community metrics implied that there were small responses to the seasonal production cycle, but these belied strong responses of a few species with life histories that allowed them to track the availability of suitable food resources.  相似文献   
Many geohazards affect the United Kingdom, both directly and indirectly. As climate might change in the future, it may affect the geohazards that we, and our descendents, will have to face as a consequence of those changes.  相似文献   
Many actions to reduce GHG emissions have wider impacts on health, the economy, and the environment, beyond their role in mitigating climate change. These ancillary impacts can be positive (co-benefits) or negative (conflicts). This article presents the first quantitative review of the wider impacts on health and the environment likely to arise from action to meet the UK's legally-binding carbon budgets. Impacts were assessed for climate measures directed at power generation, energy use in buildings, and industry, transport, and agriculture. The study considered a wide range of health and environmental impacts including air pollution, noise, the upstream impacts of fuel extraction, and the lifestyle benefits of active travel. It was not possible to quantify all impacts, but for those that were monetized the co-benefits of climate action (i.e. excluding climate benefits) significantly outweigh the negative impacts, with a net present value of more than £85 billion from 2008 to 2030. Substantial benefits arise from reduced congestion, pollution, noise, and road accidents as a result of avoided journeys. There is also a large health benefit as a result of increased exercise from walking and cycling instead of driving. Awareness of these benefits could strengthen the case for more ambitious climate mitigation action.

Policy relevance

This article demonstrates that actions to mitigate GHG emissions have significant wider benefits for health and the environment. Including these impacts in cost–benefit analysis would strengthen the case for the UK (and similar countries) to set ambitious emissions reduction targets. Understanding co-benefits and trade-offs will also improve coordination across policy areas and cut costs. In addition, co-benefits such as air quality improvements are often immediate and local, whereas climate benefits may occur on a longer timescale and mainly in a distant region, as well as being harder to demonstrate. Dissemination of the benefits, along with better anticipation of trade-offs, could therefore boost public support for climate action.  相似文献   

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