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The stratigraphy in Vines 1, a 2017.5 m-deep cored stratigraphic hole drilled by the Geological Survey of Western Australia in 2001 near the Western Australian – South Australian border, has been reinterpreted with implications for the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian geological history of the Officer Basin. A previous interpretation considered the intersected succession as a conformable stratigraphic package, the Vines Formation. An assemblage of palynomorphs, found throughout the hole and previously used to infer an age of no older than earliest Cambrian, is now thought to consist of contaminants. An older assemblage, which is considered to be reworked and inherited from underlying rocks, provides a new maximum age constraint of mid-Neoproterozoic. Based on sedimentological interpretations and comparisons with other drillholes in the western Officer Basin, and the succession in the eastern Officer Basin, the Vines 1 succession is reinterpreted as four discrete sedimentary packages, the Pirrilyungka (new name), Wahlgu, Lungkarta and Vines (redefined) Formations, in ascending order. The Pirrilyungka and Wahlgu Formations include glacigenic sediments and may correlate with similar glacial successions in Supersequences 2 and 3 (mid to late Cryogenian) of the Centralian Superbasin, and the Sturt Tillite and Elatina Formation and their equivalents in the Adelaide Rift Complex of South Australia, respectively. The eolian Lungkarta Formation and fluvial Vines Formation are considered, on regional evidence, to be most likely of Ediacaran to earliest Cambrian age.  相似文献   

During May 1985, a comprehensive GPS and acoustic navigation data set was collected off the Monterey, California coast. Three types of GPS units, a LORAN‐C, and a Miniranger operated concurrently with an OCEANO acoustic system to resolve state‐of‐the‐art accuracies for at‐sea geodetic positioning. This report details the acoustic system which displayed baseline errors of only ±0.25 m over distances to 2600 m. Unfiltered point‐to‐point acoustic navigation errors had a standard deviation of ± 1.25 m, which included ship motion errors in addition to surveying errors. Ninety percent of the stations had navigation standard deviations below ±0.75 m The experiment showed that sub‐meter acoustic surveying is the state‐of‐the‐art.  相似文献   
Submillimetre mapping observations of the active edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079 are presented. These maps at 850 and 450 μm were made with the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT).
The source structure at these wavelengths consists of a central unresolved source embedded in diffuse disc emission, similar to that displayed at 1.2 mm. The disc emission is fitted with two optically thin, isothermal dust models which give temperatures of 12 and 31 K, similar to those derived previously by Braine et al. The core component is well described by a single-temperature fit (∼32 K). The combined dust mass from these observations, using the same mass absorption coefficient as Devereux & Young (1990) is 3.5×108 M, of which ∼90 per cent resides in the cold component of the galactic disc. The effect of the cold dust component detected by SCUBA is thus to reduce the global gas-to-dust mass ratio from ∼1400 found in the above study to 85, very similar to the Galactic level. Calculations using the models of Draine & Lee and/or alternative molecular gas mass estimates yield gas-to-dust mass ratios in the range 60–190.
The data presented here, together with previously published 1.2-mm mapping observations and IRAS data, are inconsistent with detections made with the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ). In particular, the latter give an excess of flux at 200 and 180 μm relative to that predicted by our simple model fits (approximately a factor of 2–3).  相似文献   
We studied the radio source associated with the ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5408  ( L X≈ 1040 erg s−1)  . The radio spectrum is steep (index  ≈−1  ), consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission, not with flat-spectrum core emission. Its flux density (≈0.28 mJy at 4.8 GHz, at a distance of 4.8 Mpc) was the same in the March 2000 and December 2004 observations, suggesting steady emission rather than a transient outburst. However, it is orders of magnitude higher than expected from steady jets in stellar-mass microquasar. Based on its radio flux and spectral index, we suggest that the radio source is either an unusually bright supernova remnant, or, more likely, a radio lobe powered by a jet from the black hole (BH). Moreover, there is speculative evidence that the source is marginally resolved with a radius ∼30 pc. A faint H  ii region of similar size appears to coincide with the radio and X-ray sources, but its ionization mechanism remains unclear. Using a self-similar solution for the expansion of a jet-powered electron–positron plasma bubble, in the minimum-energy approximation, we show that the observed flux and (speculative) size are consistent with an average jet power  ≈ 7 × 1038 erg s−1∼ 0.1 L X∼ 0.1 L Edd  , an age ≈105 yr, a current velocity of expansion ≈80 km s−1. We briefly discuss the importance of this source as a key to understand the balance between luminosity and jet power in accreting BHs.  相似文献   
Summary The maximum metamorphic grade in West Rand Group shales from three boreholes to the east and south of the Vredefort Dome is lower greenschist facies. In most samples the peak metamorphic assemblage consists of quartz + muscovite + chlorite, with the phyllosilicates defining a tectonic cleavage. In many of the samples more coarsely crystalline alteration zones that clearly crosscut both bedding and the tectonic cleavage overprint this assemblage. The alteration zones are localized around minor faults and shears where fluid ingress has occurred. Muscovite was not observed in these zones and the cleaved matrix assemblages has been replaced by assemblages consisting of pyrite + quartz ± chlorite ± stilpnomelane ± calcite ± carbonaceous matter ± Mn-garnet ± epidote ± chalcopyrite. In some of the alteration zones stilpnomelane is a very common product and appears to arise through the breakdown of chlorite + muscovite. K and Fe metasomatism are indicated during this reaction, as well as the obvious mobility of S, Cu and C. Assays on small samples indicate gold introduction into the shales during the alteration event. Chlorite thermometry was used to estimate the equilibration temperature of chlorite from the cleaved matrix and the alteration zones. Temperatures close to 300°C are indicated for both chlorite varieties, and for all three boreholes. These results, and the petrographic data, imply that fluid influx post-dated the formation of the tectonic cleavage, but occurred close to the peak of metamorphism. Comparison between the chlorite thermometry data from this study with those from similar studies in the goldfields indicates very similar peak metamorphic grades in both areas, suggesting that these metamorphic conditions may be typical of almost the entire basin. The one exception is obviously the amphibolite facies metamorphism exposed in the northwestern sector of the collar of the Vredefort Dome. Several recent studies have suggested that this metamorphism is representative of a widespread zone of higher grade metamorphism within the central portions of the basin. The results of this study indicate that this is unlikely to be the case and suggest that these amphibolite facies rocks are probably unique to the northern portions of the dome.
Die Metamorphose- und Alterationsgeschichte von Peliten der West Rand Group im distalen Bereich des Witwatersrand Beckens
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel dokumentiert die Metamorphose und Alteration einiger Tonschiefer der West Rand Group, welche in drei Bohrkernen östlich und südlich des Vredefort Domes aufgeschlossen sind. In allen untersuchten Proben entspricht der maximale Metamorphosegrad der unteren Grünschiefer Fazies. Die maximalen metamorphen Bedingungen sind häufig durch die Mineralparagenese Quarz + Muscovit + Chlorit charakterisiert, wobei die Schichtsilikate eine ausgeprägte Schieferung definieren. Viele der Proben zeichnen sich durch gröber kristalline Bereiche intensiver Alteration aus, die sowohl die Schieferung als auch die Schichtung deutlich schneiden und in denen die metamorphe Mineralparagenese überprägt ist. Diese Alterationszonen befinden sich im Bereich von kleineren Störungen und Scherzonen, entlang derer Fluide eingedrungen sind. Muscovit fehlt in diesen Bereichen und die Matrixminerale sind durch die Paragenese Pyrit ± Quarz ± Chlorit ± Stilpnomelan ± Kalzit ± Kohlenstoff-haltiges Material ± Mn-Granat ± Epidot ± Kupferkies verdrängt worden. In einigen Alterationszonen findet man häufig Stilpnomelan, welcher möglicherweise auf Kosten von Muscovit und Chlorit gewachsen ist. Versuche, diese Reaktion mit Hilfe von gemessenen Mineralzusammensetzungen unter Annahme eines isochemischen Systems auszugleichen, scheiterten. Dies ist wahrscheinlich auf die Mobilität von K und Fe, sowie S, Cu and C zurückzuführen. Untersuchungen an kleinen Proben deuten darauf hin, daß die Alteration mit einer Goldanreicherung verbunden war. Die Abschätzung der Gleichgewichtstemperaturen von Chlorit der geschieferten Matrix sowie der Alterationszone mit Hilfe von Chlorit-Thermometrie ergab Temperaturen um 300°C für beide Chlorit-Varietäten aus allen drei Bohrkernen, Diese thermometrischen und petrographischen Daten sprechen dafür, daß die Fluidinfiltration nach Anlegung der Schieferung nahe dem Metamorphosehöhepunkt erfolgte. Ein Vergleich der Daten aus der Chlorit-Thermometrie dieser Studie mit den Ergebnissen ähnlicher Studien in den Goldfeldern ergibt sehr ähnliche metamporphe Bedingungen, was möglicherweise dafür spricht, daß diese Bedingungen typisch für das ganze Becken sind. Die einzige Ausnahme bildet offensichtlich die amphibolitfazielle Metamorphose in den nordwestlichen Randbereichen des Vredefort Domes. Einige neuere Studien spekulieren, daß diese Metamorphose eventuell für eine breite Zone höhergradiger Metamorphose im zentralen Teil des Beckens repräsentativ ist. Unsere Resultate deuten jedoch eher darauf hin, daß diese amphibolitfaziellen Gesteine auf den nördlichen Teil des Domes beschränkt sind.
Differentiation of the continental crust is the result of complex interactions between a large number of processes, which govern partial melting of the deep crust, magma formation and segregation, and magma ascent to significantly higher crustal levels. The anatectic metasedimentary rocks exposed in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt represent an unusually well‐exposed natural laboratory where the portion of these processes that operate in the deep crust can be directly investigated in the field. The formation of these migmatites occurred via absent incongruent melting reactions involving biotite, which produced cm‐ to m‐scale, K2O‐poor garnet‐bearing stromatic leucosomes, with high Ca/Na ratios relative to their source rocks. Field investigation combined with geochemical analyses, and phase equilibrium modelling designed to investigate some aspects of disequilibrium partial melting show that the outcrop features and compositions of the leucosomes suggest several steps in their evolution: (1) Melting of a portion of the source, with restricted plagioclase availability due to kinetic controls, to produce a magma (melt + entrained peritectic minerals in variable proportions relative to melt); (2) Segregation of the magma at near peak metamorphic conditions into melt accumulation sites (MAS), also known as future leucosome; (3a) Re‐equilibration of the magma with a portion of the bounding mafic residuum via chemical diffusion (H2O, K2O), which triggers the co‐precipitation of quartz and plagioclase in the MAS; (3b) Extraction of melt‐dominated magma to higher crustal levels, leaving peritectic minerals entrained from the site of the melting reaction, and the minerals precipitated in the MASs to form the leucosome in the source. The key mechanism controlling this behaviour is the kinetically induced restriction of the amount of plagioclase available to the melting reaction. This results in elevated melt H2O and K2O and chemical potential gradient for these components across the leucosome/mafic residuum contact. The combination of all of these processes accurately explains the composition of the K2O‐poor leucosomes. These findings have important implications for our understanding of melt segregation in the lower crust and minimum melt residency time which, according to the chemical modelling, is <5 years. We demonstrate that in some migmatitic granulites, the leucosomes constitute a type of felsic refractory residuum, rather than evidence of failed magma extraction. This provides a new insight into the ways that source heterogeneity may control anatexis.  相似文献   
Spheres of discharge of springs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although springs have been recognized as important, rare, and globally threatened ecosystems, there is as yet no consistent and comprehensive classification system or common lexicon for springs. In this paper, 12 spheres of discharge of springs are defined, sketched, displayed with photographs, and described relative to their hydrogeology of occurrence, and the microhabitats and ecosystems they support. A few of the spheres of discharge have been previously recognized and used by hydrogeologists for over 80 years, but others have only recently been defined geomorphologically. A comparison of these spheres of discharge to classification systems for wetlands, groundwater dependent ecosystems, karst hydrogeology, running waters, and other systems is provided. With a common lexicon for springs, hydrogeologists can provide more consistent guidance for springs ecosystem conservation, management, and restoration. As additional comprehensive inventories of the physical, biological, and cultural characteristics are conducted and analyzed, it will eventually be possible to associate spheres of discharge with discrete vegetation and aquatic invertebrate assemblages, and better understand the habitat requirements of rare or unique springs species. Given the elevated productivity and biodiversity of springs, and their highly threatened status, identification of geomorphic similarities among spring types is essential for conservation of these important ecosystems.  相似文献   
A previous application of extreme-value statistics to the first, second and third largest geomagnetic storms per solar cycle for nine solar cycles is extended to fourteen solar cycles (1844–1993). The intensity of a geomagnetic storm is measured by the magnitude of the daily aa index, rather than the half-daily aa index used previously. Values of the conventional aa index (1868– 1993), supplemented by the Helsinki Ak index (1844–1880), provide an almost continuous, and largely homogeneous, daily measure of geomagnetic activity over an interval of 150 years. As in the earlier investigation, analytic expressions giving the probabilities of the three greatest storms (extreme values) per solar cycle, as continuous functions of storm magnitude (ad), are obtained by least-squares fitting of the observations to the appropriate theoretical extreme-value probability functions. These expressions are used to obtain the statistical characteristics of the extreme values; namely, the mode, median, mean, standard deviation and relative dispersion. Since the Ak index may not provide an entirely homogeneous extension of the aa index, the statistical analysis is performed separately for twelve solar cycles (1868–1993), as well as nine solar cycles (1868–1967). The results are utilized to determine the expected ranges of the extreme values as a function of the number of solar cycles. For fourteen solar cycles, the expected ranges of the daily aa index for the first, second and third largest geomagnetic storms per solar cycle decrease monotonically in magnitude, contrary to the situation for the half-daily aa index over nine solar cycles. The observed range of the first extreme daily aa index for fourteen solar cycles is 159–352 nT and for twelve solar cycles is 215–352 nT. In a group of 100 solar cycles the expected ranges are expanded to 137–539 and 177–511 nT, which represent increases of 108% and 144% in the respective ranges. Thus there is at least a 99% probability that the daily aa index willAlso Visiting Reader in Physics, University of Sussex, Palmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   
We examine macrofaunal and physico-chemical responses to organic enrichment beneath salmon farms in contrasting flow environments, and reveal pronounced flow-related differences in the magnitude and spatial extent of effects. Total macrofaunal abundances at high flow sites were nearly an order of magnitude greater than at comparable low flow sites, representing a significant benthic biomass. These very high abundances occurred in conjunction with moderate-to-high species richness, and were evident in the absence of appreciable organic matter accumulation. Biological responses to increasing sulfide were variable; however a significant biological threshold was evident at 1500 μM. Macrofaunal responses at high flow sites differed substantially from the Pearson–Rosenberg model. The atypical ecological conditions were attributed to (i) limited accumulation of fine sediments, (ii) maintenance of aerobic conditions in near-surface sediments, and (iii) an abundant food supply. Thus, enhanced resilience to organic waste at well-flushed sites appears related to both biological and physical processes.  相似文献   
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