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Abandoned shorelines are an important archive used to constrain past fluctuations in the hydrological balance of lakes around the globe. Within Australia, the shorelines preserved at Lake George, NSW, form one of the few shoreline archives in the south-east of the continent that record palaeoenvironmental conditions throughout the late Quaternary. Here, we examined and tested the lake-level record for Lake George constructed in the 1970s by dating a well-preserved shoreline sequence at Luckdale, on the lake's eastern shore, using single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Ten stratigraphic units were identified, and these suggest a late Quaternary highstand for Lake George in MIS 3, with fluctuations superimposed upon an overall drying trend throughout MIS 2 and into the present. At Luckdale, the highest four shoreline-associated units were deposited ~13 to 19 m above lake base and date to between 39 ± 2 and 29 ± 1 ka ago. Our study pushes back the timing of maximum lake depth at Lake George to at least MIS 3, rather than MIS 2. The overall drying trend is supported by similar reductions in both Riverine Plain fluvial activity and other associated lake-level records from within the Murray basin.  相似文献   
The Plio-Pleistocene wedge off mid Norway is characterized by a pronounced increase in sonic velocities versus depth. At its base, a velocity inversion of 0.55 km s−1 exists with respect to the underlying unit. We propose that the inversion may be a result of the stage margin evolution, in which both the pre-depositional physiography of the margin and the depositional history of the wedge itself have been key elements. The glaciation of the uplifted mainland and the cyclic advancement of glaciers over the shelf led to the formation of the Plio-Pleistocene prograding megasequence. Underlying sequences may have been overpressured due to the rapid deposition of the wedge and because shales at the base of the wedge, deposited in a distal deltaic environment, represented a seal for water drainage. Overpressure provides sediment instability, and is an attractive mechanism to explain intra-sequence deformation and partly lateral mass movements.  相似文献   
To study the geological control on groundwater As concentrations in Red River delta, depth-specific groundwater sampling and geophysical logging in 11 monitoring wells was conducted along a 45 km transect across the southern and central part of the delta, and the literature on the Red River delta’s Quaternary geological development was reviewed. The water samples (n = 30) were analyzed for As, major ions, Fe2+, H2S, NH4, CH4, δ18O and δD, and the geophysical log suite included natural gamma-ray, formation and fluid electrical conductivity. The SW part of the transect intersects deposits of grey estuarine clays and deltaic sands in a 15–20 km wide and 50–60 m deep Holocene incised valley. The NE part of the transect consists of 60–120 m of Pleistocene yellowish alluvial deposits underneath 10–30 m of estuarine clay overlain by a 10–20 m veneer of Holocene sediments. The distribution of δ18O-values (range −12.2‰ to −6.3‰) and hydraulic head in the sample wells indicate that the estuarine clay units divide the flow system into an upper Holocene aquifer and a lower Pleistocene aquifer. The groundwater samples were all anoxic, and contained Fe2+ (0.03–2.0 mM), Mn (0.7–320 μM), SO4 (<2.1 μM–0.75 mM), H2S (<0.1–7.0 μM), NH4 (0.03–4.4 mM), and CH4 (0.08–14.5 mM). Generally, higher concentrations of NH4 and CH4 and low concentrations of SO4 were found in the SW part of the transect, dominated by Holocene deposits, while the opposite was the case for the NE part of the transect. The distribution of the groundwater As concentration (<0.013–11.7 μM; median 0.12 μM (9 μg/L)) is related to the distribution of NH4, CH4 and SO4. Low concentrations of As (?0.32 μM) were found in the Pleistocene aquifer, while the highest As concentrations were found in the Holocene aquifer. PHREEQC-2 speciation calculations indicated that Fe2+ and H2S concentrations are controlled by equilibrium for disordered mackinawite and precipitation of siderite. An elevated groundwater salinity (Cl range 0.19–65.1 mM) was observed in both aquifers, and dominated in the deep aquifer. A negative correlation between aqueous As and an estimate of reduced SO4 was observed, indicating that Fe sulphide precipitation poses a secondary control on the groundwater As concentration.  相似文献   
Previous investigations suggest that contaminant transport from the large Kennebec/Androscoggin watershed is an important large-scale process in mid-coast Maine. To investigate this phenomenon, we determined the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn in the surface sediments of 47 stations in the tidal Kennebec/Androscoggin system. Most stations exhibited elevated metal concentrations. Highest levels were found in the main stem of the system. Distribution patterns lead to the conclusion that metals enter the system from the watershed and are transported to the nearshore Gulf of Maine. The coarse-grained, ebb tide dominated flow prevents the accumulation of contaminants in the estuary. This supports the hypothesis of Larsen and Gaudette (1995) that the Kennebec and Androscoggin watersheds are sources for contaminants observed in the nearshore Gulf of Maine.  相似文献   
The mobilization of arsenic (As) to the groundwater was studied in a shallow Holocene aquifer on the Red River flood plain near Hanoi, Vietnam. The groundwater chemistry was investigated in a transect of 100 piezometers. Results show an anoxic aquifer featuring organic carbon decomposition with redox zonation dominated by the reduction of Fe-oxides and methanogenesis. Enhanced PCO2 pressure causes carbonate dissolution to take place but mainly in the soil and unsaturated zone. The concentration of As increases over depth to a concentration of up to 550 μg/L. Most As is present as As(III) but some As(V) is always found. Arsenic correlates well with NH4, relating its release to organic matter decomposition and the source of As appears to be the Fe-oxides being reduced. Part of the produced Fe(II) is apparently reprecipitated as siderite containing less As. Results from sediment extraction indicate most As to be related to the Fe-oxide fractions. The measured amount of sorbed As is low. In agreement, speciation calculations for a Fe-oxide surface suggest As(III) to constitute only 3% of the surface sites while the remainder is occupied by carbonate and silica species. The evolution in water chemistry over depth is homogeneous and a reactive transport model was constructed to quantify the geochemical processes along the vertical groundwater flow component. A redox zonation model was constructed using the partial equilibrium approach with organic carbon degradation in the sediment as the only rate controlling parameter. Apart from the upper meter a constant degradation rate of 0.15 C mmol/L/yr could explain the redox zonation throughout the aquifer. Modeling also indicates that the Fe-oxide being reduced is of a stable type like goethite or hematite. Arsenic is contained in the Fe-oxides and is first released during their dissolution. Our model further suggests that part of the released As is adsorbed on the surface of the remaining Fe-oxides and in this way may be retarded.  相似文献   
Cospectra and quadrature spectra are calculated for six pairs of tall offshore measurement masts near the Horns Rev I wind farm in the Danish North Sea and the Nysted wind farm in the Baltic sea. The mast-pairs are separated from one another by horizontal distances of 2.13–12.4 km. Cospectra and quadrature spectra for the two sites are classified in terms of the angle between the mean wind direction and the line connecting each pair of masts. The frequency axes of the spectra are normalized to remove the effect of mean wind speed and separation distance. Results indicate a larger contribution to the quadrature spectrum for flow from the sea than for flow from the land, and the patterns in the spectra are clearer and better defined for Horns Rev I (which has a long uninterrupted sea-fetch from the west) than for Nysted (which is surrounded by a more complicated coastline). The analysis is replicated based on 3-month simulations using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) numerical model with a horizontal grid spacing of 2 km. For the sea-fetch directions, good agreement in spectral properties between the model and observations is found. Analytical expressions based on the properties of the cross-correlation function and an exponentially decaying coherence function are fitted to the normalized cospectra and quadrature spectra. The expressions are shown to be a good fit to the spectra calculated from the WRF simulations and to the observed spectra for directions with a long sea-fetch, which suggests that to a good approximation, the average cospectra and quadrature spectra over the sea can be written as functions of frequency, mean wind speed, separation distance and the angle between the wind direction and the orientation of the masts.  相似文献   
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