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To enhance global water use assessment, the WaterGAP3 model was improved for back-calculating domestic, manufacturing and thermoelectric water uses until 1950 for 177 countries. Model simulations were carried-out on a national scale to estimate water withdrawals and consumption as well as cooling water required for industrial processes and electricity production. Additionally, the amount of treated and untreated wastewater as generated by the domestic and manufacturing sectors was modeled. In the view of data availability, model simulations are based on key socio-economic driving forces and thermal electricity production. Technological change rates were derived from statistical records in order to consider developments in water use efficiency, which turned out to have a crucial role in water use dynamics. Simulated domestic and industrial water uses increased from ca. 300 km3 in 1950 to 1345 km3 in 2010, 12% of which were consumed and 88% of which were discharged back into freshwater bodies. The amount of domestic and manufacturing wastewater increased considerably over the last decade, but only half of it was untreated. The downscaling of the untreated wastewater volume to river basin scale indicates a matter of concern in East and Southeast Asia, Northern Africa, and Eastern and Southern Europe. In order to reach the Millennium Development Goals, securing water supply and the reduction of untreated wastewater discharges should be amongst the priority actions to be undertaken. Population growth and increased prosperity have led to increasing water demands. However, societal and political transformation processes as well as policy regulations resulting in new water-saving technologies and improvements counteract this development by slowing down and even reducing global domestic and industrial water uses.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - In coring operations, core jamming is a permanent concern, taking place when the rock core sample becomes stuck within the inner core barrel, thus...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Unterperm bildet sich mit den küstennahen Innenschelf-Sedimenten der Unteren Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) und über der klastischen Fazies der im hochenergetischen Intertidal-Subtidal-Grenzbereich entstandenen Grenzlandbänke (GB) die Karbonatplattform der Oberen Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK) heraus. Ökologische Zonenfolgen, die eine zunehmende Verschiebung zu küstenferneren Bereichen anzeigen, weisen die OPK als Ablagerungen des subtidalen Außenschelf-Bereiches aus.Verschieden alte Schelfrandriffe (Karnische Alpen, Sextener Dolomiten) und die Klastischen Trogkofelschichten als Innenschelfentwicklung im E und SE setzen die Entwicklung der Plattform in der Trogkofelstufe fort.Bodenunruhen mit Brekzienbildungen in den Klastischen Trogkofelschichten gipfeln in einem Zerbrechen der Karbonatplattform an der Wende Unter/Mittelperm und führen zur Ablagerung der Tarviser Brekzie in lokalen Senken.Mit den im W zunächst noch kontinentalen, in den Karnischen Alpen und Westkarawanken aber überwiegend marinen Grödener Schichten und den bei fortschreitender Transgression abgelagerten Bellerophonschichten setzt der alpidische Sedimentationszyklus ein.
Paleontological and sedimentological data of Permian rocks from the Carnic Alps and its neighbouring areas south of the Periadriatic Lineament could fit to the following paleogeographical patterns:The Untere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) of the Rattendorfer Schichten were cyclically deposited in the inner-shelf area. During the upper UPK erosive activities and source areas of the clastics were changing. Increasing sedimentation of clastics due to the temporary erosion of metamorphic rocks and acid plutonites characterizes the Grenzland-Bänke (GB), deposited in a near-shore high-energy environment with intertidal to subtidal conditions (mega-ripples). The outer shelf sedimentation pattern of the Obere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK) is indicated by special associations of organisms in subtidal offshore areas.On this carbonate platform some knoll reefs of different age were built up during the Trogkofel stage (Carnic Alps, Sextener Dolomiten). Towards the east and southeast the platform shows again characteristics of the inner shelf (Klastische Trogkofel-Schichten).Synsedimentary tectonic activities during the late Lower Permian are manifested by the carbonate breccias of the Klastische Trogkofel-Schichten (Garnie Alps, Karawanken, Slovenia). The components of these breccias are dated as Middle Carboniferous to late Lower Permian. A further destruction of the platform at the Lower/Middle Permian boundary results in the sedimentation of the Tarviser Brekzie.The alpidic cycle Starts with the sedimentation of the clastic Grödener Schichten which during the first phase of sedimentation were deposited as continental clastics in South Tyrol but as predominately marine sediments in the Carnic Alps and in the Karawanken.The increasing transgression during the Upper Permian results in the deposition of bituminous sediments and basal evaporites of the Bellerophon-Schichten. In the south-western near-coast area the evaporites are dominating (facies fiammaza) whereas in northeastern South Tyrol gypsum with open marine carbonates prevails (facies badiotica). The Bellerophon-Schichten of the Carnic Alps indicate connections with the marine Zazar-Schichten in the Save area and with the limestones and dolomites of the Velebit mountains.

Résumé L'étude paléontologique et sédimentologique du Permien des Alpes carniques et des régions septentrionales, voisines du linéament périadriatique, a permis d'en tracér une equisse paléogéographique. - Les Untere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) qui marquent le début des Rattendorfer Schichten, constituent une sédimentation cyclique de nature littorale, à laquelle succède, à la suite d'une activité érosive intense, les Grenzlandbänke (GB) caractérisés par un facies clastique de haute énergie, avec, dans ce dernier, des intervalles où apparaissent des roches métamorphiques et des roches plutoniques acides. Ce milieu, parcouru par des courants instables, nous indique un domaine mitoyen» subtidal-intertidal «(méga-ripples), à labase des marées. Des faunes et flores, variées et abondantes, sont distribuées dans une succession de zones écologiques de plus en plus distantes de la côte. Les Obere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK), déposés ensuite, se sont donc formés sur le plateau continental extérieur à caractère subtidal.Sur cette plate-forme à formations carbonatées, et au cours de l'étage de Trogkofel, des récifs ont pu s'installer, tandis que l'E et le SW de la plate-forme, plus rapprochés de la côte, ont reçu une sédimentation clastique (Klastische Trogkofelschichten). — Les mouvements de la fin du Permien inférieur se sont traduits par des brèches intercalées dans les Klastische Trogkofelschichten; des fragments de roches du Carbonifère moyen (étage de Moscow) sont inclus dans ces brèches. Enfin cette tendance arrive à son comble à la limite Permien inférieur/Permien moyen, lorsque la plateforme se désintègre avec formation de la Taviser Brekzie dans des effondrements local.Le cycle de sédimentation alpin débute par les Grödener Schichten — encore terrestres à l'Ouest, mais surtout marines dans les Alpes carniques et les Karawanken occidentales — et par les Bellerophonschichten marquant une mer en transgression.

, , (GB) , ( ) (UPK). , , , , . — , — , -, . . , . . , — — .
The origin of relativistic solar protons during large flare/CME events has not been uniquely identified so far. We perform a detailed comparative analysis of the time profiles of relativistic protons detected by the worldwide network of neutron monitors at Earth with electromagnetic signatures of particle acceleration in the solar corona during the large particle event of 20 January 2005. The intensity – time profile of the relativistic protons derived from the neutron monitor data indicates two successive peaks. We show that microwave, hard X-ray, and γ-ray emissions display several episodes of particle acceleration within the impulsive flare phase. The first relativistic protons detected at Earth are accelerated together with relativistic electrons and with protons that produce pion-decay γ rays during the second episode. The second peak in the relativistic proton profile at Earth is accompanied by new signatures of particle acceleration in the corona within ≈1R above the photosphere, revealed by hard X-ray and microwave emissions of low intensity and by the renewed radio emission of electron beams and of a coronal shock wave. We discuss the observations in terms of different scenarios of particle acceleration in the corona.  相似文献   
Eclogites in the Texel Unit (Eastern Alps; South Tyrol, Italy) represent the westernmost outcrops of the E–W striking Eoalpine High‐Pressure Belt (EHB). East of the Tauern Window, the EHB forms part of a Cretaceous intracontinental south‐dipping subduction/collision zone; however, the same nappe stack displays a northwest dip at its western end. This prominent change in dip direction gave rise to discussions on the general setting of the Eoalpine collision. Based on our own observations and literature data, we present a new tectonic model for the western end of the EHB. Due to the special situation of this area at the tip of the Southalpine indenter, originally south(east) dipping structures became overturned, and former thrusts appear as normal faults (e.g. Schneeberg fault zone) while former normal faults presently display thrust geometries (e.g. Jaufen fault). Thus, we explain the current configuration with a coherent Eoalpine subduction direction.  相似文献   
Water in microcrystalline quartz of volcanic origin: Agates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agates of volcanic origin, containing the different quartz species, fibrous, length-fast chalcedony (CH), granular fine quartz (FQ), and fibrous, length-slow, to lepidospheric quartzine (QN), have been investigated to evaluate possible relations between microstructure, i.e. crystallite size and texture, refractive indices, densities, contents of trace elements and of water, as well as dehydration behaviour. By means of near infrared spectroscopy, total water contents , could be differentiated quantitatively into contents of molecular water, , and silanole-group water, . Despite the low total water contents of the agates studied ( between 1 and 2 wt.%), near infrared spectroscopy results in reliable data on and .Wall-layering CH consists of fibrous quartz crystals and exhibits higher C-ratios, , than horizontally layered FQ which consists predominantly of granular quartz crystals (C CH=0.45±0.11 (N=6), C FQ=0.36±0.10 (N=4). This result is interpreted to be due to analogy with the behaviour of C-ratios in fluid phase-deposited opals-AN (hyalithe) and liquid phase-deposited opals-AG (non-crystalline opal) or -CT (common opal) (Langer and Flörke 1974).Translucent layers of CH show mostly lower refractive indices, when measured parallel than when measured perpendicular to the axes of the quartz fibers. The same is true for milky layers of CH. Crystallite sizes are smaller in the latter than in the former.For all samples studied, exists a positive correlation between at% (1/2Ca+1/2Mg+Na+K+Li) and at% (Al3++Fe3+). This indicates that at least parts of (A13++ Fe3+) substitute for Si in the quartz structure. The charge is balanced by incorporation of di- and mono-valent cations in structural interstices. When the quantity at % H+, as obtained from , is included into the sum at% (1/2 Me2++Me+), the above correlation is destroyed. This result could be indicative for a strong concentration of the Si-OH groups in the surface of the quartz microcrystallites.  相似文献   
Bazilevskaya  G.A.  Krainev  M.B.  Makhmutov  V.S.  Flückiger  E.O.  Sladkova  A.I.  Storini  M. 《Solar physics》2000,197(1):157-174
A distinctive peak and gap structure in a number of solar indices was observed in the maximum phase of solar cycles 21 and 22. The effect became even more prominent after separating the northern and southern solar hemispheres. In cycle 21 the multi-peaked structures observed in the two solar hemispheres were not synchronous and their sum resulted in the rather shallow two-peaked solar maximum for the parameters taken over the whole solar disk. In cycle 22 there were only double peaks in each hemisphere which were rather synchronous. Examination of solar activity in the northern and southern hemispheres has shown that the structured maximum appears to be due to the superposition of two quasi-oscillating processes with characteristic time-scales of 11 years and of 1–3 years (quasi-biennial oscillations). The absolute amplitude of the quasi-biennial oscillations depends on the 11-year cycle phase and reaches its maximum at the maximum of the 11-year cycle. This explains the occurrence of a double- or triple-peak structure in the solar maximum phase.  相似文献   
Smallholder farming is among the most vulnerable sectors due to its great social and economic sensitivity. Despite future climate change, current climate variability is already an issue of concern that justifies adaptation efforts. In Brazil, the Semi-Arid Region is a climate hotspot, well known for both historic socioeconomic setbacks, and agriculture failures caused by dry spells and severe droughts. In 2010, the Brazilian government enacted the National Policy on Climate Change, which states as one of its key goals the identification of vulnerabilities and the adoption of adequate measures of adaptation to climate change. The improvement of vulnerability assessment tools is a response to the growing demand of decision makers for regular information and indicators with high spatial and temporal resolution. This article aims at undertaking a comparative assessment of smallholder farming’s vulnerability to droughts. An integrated assessment system has been developed and applied to seven municipalities located in the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region (within the State of Ceará). Results show regional vulnerability contrasts driven by institutional and socioeconomic factors, beyond climatic stressors.  相似文献   
The article departs from empirical studies of two competitive firms in an organisationally thin region in Norway. The main question in the article is how these firms have achieved global competitiveness. The article focuses its inquiry on how the firms organise their innovation activity, giving special attention to the firms' organisational learning and absorptive capacity. It is found that find that workplace learning enables the firms to utilise knowledge in uncommon ways. The learning rests on specific organisational traits in the firms, such as broad participation, long-term on-the-job training, the use of practice-based knowledge in innovation projects, and links to national and global knowledge sources. The characteristics of thin regions indicate that these traits make up a generally applicable strategy in such regions.  相似文献   
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