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Cheng  Yinhe  Zhou  Shengqi  Wang  Dongxiao  Lu  Yuanzheng  Huang  Ke  Yao  Jinglong  You  Xiaobao 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2016,34(3):619-628
The observed characteristics of lower atmospheric ducts over the South China Sea(SCS) were analyzed based on Global Position Systerm(GPS) radiosonde data collected four times daily during autumn open cruises from 2006 to 2012.Duct occurrence,thickness,and strength over the SCS were about 40%,150-m thick,and 8 M units,respectively,which were larger than during the summer monsoon period.Most ducts occurred at heights 1 500 m and these ducts easily trap electromagnetic wave clusters with wavelengths 2 m.Diurnal variation of the SCS ducts appeared evident.They occurred more often at midnight at higher altitudes(about 1 100 m),with a thickest layer of about 145 m and less frequently during the evening at lower altitudes(about 800 m),with a thinnest layer of about 125 m.Moreover,ducts during the daytime at a mean height of about 900 m,with the greatest strength of about 10 M units.Furthermore,all duct variables observed over the SCS in autumn decreased from north to south.These findings are useful not only in the design of radar and communication systems,but also for evaluating possible effects of anomalous propagation on meteorological radar and military applications.  相似文献   
Du  Yao  Ma  Teng  Deng  Yamin  Shen  Shuai  Lu  Zongjie 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1047-1059
Hydrogeology Journal - Quantifying groundwater/surface-water interactions is essential for managing water resources and revealing contaminant fate. There has been little concern on the exchange...  相似文献   
为了进一步评估和提高区域模式对西南地区东部高分辨率气候的模拟能力,利用 WRF模式,采用 多种边界层参数化方案(下称“不同方案”)对西南地区东部 1998—2019年夏季降水和气温进行双重嵌套模拟 (外层为D01,内层为D02)。对比不同方案模拟结果表明:多年平均降水量在D01中基本为湿偏差;D02中在四 川盆地和重庆低海拔地区为干偏差,湿偏差主要位于贵州和重庆的城口、石柱和武隆一带的地形复杂区;总体 上D01中ACM2方案误差最小,D02中MYJ方案误差最小。对多年平均气温的模拟在D01中除了四川盆地一 带为暖偏差外其余大部地区基本为冷偏差,D02 中大部地区为暖偏差;总体上 D01 和 D02 中 MYJ方案误差最 小,YSU方案最大。对于降水量和平均气温年际变化的模拟技巧在D01和D02中相对较高的地区均集中在重 庆中西部和湖北大部地区;降水量总体为 YSU 方案最高,MYJ 方案最低;平均气温总体为 MYJ 方案最高, ACM2方案最低。因此,提升模式分辨率至对流尺度后对不同气象要素模拟技巧最优的方案存在差异,需根据 业务情况选择适合本地的参数化方案。  相似文献   
The availability of high-resolution satellite precipitation measurement products provides an opportunity to monitor precipitation over large and complex terrain and thus accurately evaluate the climatic, hydrological and ecological conditions in those regions. The Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM) mission is an important new program designed for global satellite precipitation estimation, but little information has been reported on the applicability of the GPM’s products for the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The object of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM(IMERG) Final Run product under different terrain and climate conditions over the TP by using 78 ground gauges from April 2014 to December 2017. The results showed the following:(1) the 3-year average daily precipitation estimation in the IMERG agrees well with the rain gauge observations(R~2=0.58, P0.01), and IMERG also has a considerable ability to detect precipitation, as indicated by a high probability of detection(78%-98%) and critical success index(65%-85%);(2) IMERG performed better at altitudes from 3000 m to 4000 m with a small relative bias(RB) of 6.4%. Precipitation change was not significantly affected by local relief;(3) the climate system of the TP was divided into four climate groups with a total of 12 climate types based on the K?ppen climate classification system, and IMERG performed well in all climate types with the exception of the arid-desert-cold climate(Bwk) type. Furthermore, although IMERG showed the potential to detect snowfall, it still exhibits deficiencies in identifying light and moderate snow. These results indicate that IMERG could provide more accurate precipitation data if its retrieval algorithm was improved for complex terrain and arid regions.  相似文献   
平方千米阵列即将开始建设,各子工作包也进入关键设计评估阶段。基于云与容器技术是平方千米阵列科学数据处理器未来可能采用的平台技术。针对超大规模海量数据处理面临的天文应用软件快速部署、运行与实测要求,充分考虑天文应用软件运行环境复杂、云计算环境下超大规模计算集群部署困难等问题,系统研究并给出了一种使用容器技术的天文应用软件通用自动部署方法。以目前较为常用的可见度函数校准软件SAGECaL为例,首先分析了SAGECaL的相关特性和分布式部署方面存在的困难,进而给出了基于容器技术的SAGECaL分布式集群的自动部署方法。实验结果表明,自动部署方法极大地提高了SAGECaL分布式集群的部署效率,满足项目组承担平方千米阵列科学数据处理器相关测试工作所需要的基础平台部署与切换等需求,同时也为其它天文软件在云端的快速部署与执行提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   
本文使用1979—2021年国家气候中心160站(R160)和国家级地面气象观测站2 314站(R2314)逐月降水观测资料,利用EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function)分解和相关分析等方法,研究两类资料夏季降水时空变化特征及其与海气因素之间物理联系的表征水平差异,并分析了差异的可能原因。结果表明,R160在我国西北、青藏高原等地区站点极为稀疏,导致其各EOF模态对上述地区降水的时空变化特征描述失真,中东部地区偏低的空间分辨率会使局地强降水的变化特征信号损失,造成降水的年际变率降低。而R2314主模态能够更为真实地反映我国降水的时空演变特征,特别是在极端降水频发的江淮地区以及降水受局地地形影响较大的山区,其EOF主模态的空间分布和时间系数演变与ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation)、西太平洋副热带高压、青藏高原雪盖等气候强迫信号之间的相关性更为显著。  相似文献   
Two photometric follow-up transit (primary eclipse) observations on WASP-43 b and four observations on TrES-3 b are performed using the Xuyi Near-Earth Object Survey Telescope. After differential photometry and light curve analysis, the physical parameters of the two systems are obtained and are in good match with the literature. Combining with transit data from a lot of literature, the residuals (O ? C) of transit observations of both systems are fitted with the linear and quadratic functions. With the linear fitting, the periods and transit timing variations (TTVs) of the planets are obtained, and no obvious periodic TTV signal is found in both systems after an analysis. The maximum mass of a perturbing planet located at the 1:2 mean motion resonance (MMR) for WASP-43 b and TrES-3 b is estimated to be 1.826 and 1.504 Earth mass, respectively. By quadratic fitting, it is confirmed that WASP-43 b may have a long-term TTV which means an orbital decay. The decay rate is shown to be P? = (?0.005248 ± 0.001714) s·yr?1, and compared with the previous results. Based on this, the lower limit of the stellar tidal quality parameter of WASP-43 is calculated to be Q*1.5×105, and the remaining lifetimes of the planets are presented for the different Q* values of the two systems, correspondingly.  相似文献   
利用引入水稳定同位素循环的ECHAM4、GISS E、HadCM3、MUGCM以及iAWBM的模拟数据,分析了全球降水中稳定同位素效应的空间分布特征,对不同模式的模拟结果之间以及模拟结果与GNIP(Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation)的实际监测结果之间进行了比较,旨在对稳定同位素大气环流模式的模拟有效性进行评价,改善对水循环中水稳定同位素效应的理解和认识。结果显示,5个模式均很好地再现了全球降水中平均δ18O和平均δ18O季节差的空间分布特征,降水中稳定同位素的温度效应、降水量效应的分布特点以及全球大气水线GMWL(Global Meteoric Water Line)均被很好地模拟出。比较而言,ECHAM4模拟的降水中的平均δ18O以及δ18O平均季节差的空间分布与GNIP的实际分布最接近,拟合水平也最高;ECHAM4、GISS E、MUGCM和iAWBM再现全球温度效应空间分布的能力较强,拟合水平大致相当;由iAWBM模拟的降水量效应空间分布与实际分布之间的相关性最强,5个模式模拟的与实测的δ18O/P相关系数符号相同的站点数大致位于同一水平;GISS E和iAWBM模拟的全球大气水线与实测的GMWL最接近。  相似文献   
The Plastic Scintillator Detector(PSD) onboard the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)is designed to measure cosmic ray charge(Z) and to act as a veto detector for gamma ray identification.To fully exploit the charge identification potential of PSD and to enhance its capability to identify gamma ray events, we develop an alignment method for the PSD. The path length of a given track in the volume of a PSD bar is derived taking into account the shift and rotation alignment corrections. By examining energy spectra of corner-passing events and fully contained events, position shifts and rotations of all PSD bars are obtained, and are found to be on average about 1 mm and 0.0015 radian respectively. To validate the alignment method, we introduce artificial shifts and rotations of PSD bars into the detector simulation.These shift and rotation parameters can be recovered successfully by the alignment procedure. As a result of the PSD alignment procedure, the charge resolution of the PSD is improved from 4% to 8%, depending on the nuclei.  相似文献   
Geomorphological classification of the Fujian province was done based on remote-sensing imaging, digital elevation maps, and slope gradient data acquired by ArcGIS 9.2. The engineering geological units in the Fujian province were divided into five types by the geomorphologic shape and genesis. The relationship among geomorphological type, engineering geological unit, and site category was determined using engineering geological data and site category data. Then, after making a preliminary site classification adjusted by drill hole data, the site was classified into four types: I0, I1, II, and III according to site classification standards of equivalent shear-wave velocity and overburden thickness. The results showed that the site categories in the Fujian province mainly consist of type II, which accounts for 85.26 % of the land area. The percentage of I0 was the smallest, which accounts for only 2.44 % of the total area.  相似文献   
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