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孙丰霖 《海洋通报》2021,40(2):232-240
对赤潮灾害时间序列的特征分析是进行赤潮灾害防灾减灾工作的基础,对未来赤潮灾害的预测具有重要意义.通过观察发现中国沿海赤潮灾害年发生频次和分布面积的时间序列(2004-2019年)均呈现出趋势项和周期项并存的特征,因此利用灰色-周期外延组合预测模型对两个序列中的趋势项和周期项进行提取,模型的拟合度分别达到95.20%和9...  相似文献   
山旺盆地的成因及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗照华  李凤麟 《现代地质》1992,6(1):30-38,T001
前人一般认为山旺盆地是一个深度不大的封闭性淡水剥蚀盆地。笔者认为它是一个火山口成因的封闭—半封闭盆地。盆地的发展经历了3个发展阶段:早期为火山喷发作用形成火山口,并造成火山碎屑物堆积:中期堆积了较厚层的沉积物,主要为粘土质岩石,如硅藻质页岩、泥岩,此外,还有少量的砂岩、砾岩;晚期为玄武岩充填,致使整个盆地完全封闭。在盆地发展过程中,早期为封闭环境,中、晚期为半封闭环境。火山碎屑物的再堆积和分解对于生物死亡和埋藏可能具有重要的意义;该区第三纪中心式火山作用非常强烈,通过详细的区域地质调查,有可能找到更多的化石产地和硅藻土矿。  相似文献   
段隆臣  杨凯华 《现代地质》1996,10(3):423-426
介绍脉冲电镀在人造金刚石孕镶钻头上的应用研究,探讨脉冲电镀机理,采用正交试验法优化脉冲电镀工艺参数;研制了脉冲电镀钻头,生产钻头周期缩短了30%。在室内和野外生产试验中,发现脉冲电镀钻头较直流电镀钻头有如下优点:钻进地层适用范围广、钻进时效高。  相似文献   
共转换点道集的抽取是三维转换波数据处理的重要环节,道集抽取的正确与否受多种因素影响,其中地层倾角的变化能够引起共转换点道集的抽取误差,表现在炮点、检波点的数量与位置的错选。以地层倾向120°,某转换点垂向深度600m,纵横波速度分别为2 500m/s、1 250m/s的单层倾斜模型为例,利用姚陈提出的倾斜界面三维转换波CCP位置计算方法,对地层倾角分别为0°、5°、20°、30°时的炮点、检波点进行统计,确定其对该转换点的贡献情况,结果表明:倾角CCP抽取方法与目前常用的水平界面假设算法计算出的炮点、检波点分布存在很大差异,忽略倾角因素影响将导致不正确的道集叠加,给后期解释带来极大误差。  相似文献   
汤风林  林希强 《现代地质》2000,14(1):100-104
复合土钉支护技术是在土钉支护结构中复合其他土体加固技术的综合支护技术 ,是近年来在城市建筑深基坑支护工程中发展起来的一种具有中国特色的土钉支护技术。通过工程实例讨论了广州地区复合土钉支护工程中使用的基本支护结构、施工技术和工艺流程 ,并在此基础上提出了建议和意见  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠中发育有众多的古河道,其密集区主要集中在大沙漠中部。不同河流的古河道,含水层岩性有明显差异,地下水的富水性也明显不同。但沿古河道,地下水富水性均较两侧好,水质也相对较好,多为淡水和微咸水,为在沙漠区寻找水资源提供了方向  相似文献   
Northeast China is a unique place to study intra-plate volcanism.We analyzed P-wave receiver function data recorded by 111 permanent broadband seismic stations in Northeast China.The results show that the crustal thickness varies from 27.9 km beneath the eastern flank of the Songliao Basin to 40.7 km beneath the Great Xing'an Range region.The large depth variations of the Moho can be largely but not completely explained by surface topography.The residual Moho depth calculated based on the Airy's isostasy mo...  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,对能源的需求大幅增加,供需矛盾越来越突出,煤炭、石油、天然气等常规能源的大量消耗对环境造成的压力也越来越大。浅层地温能是一种可再生的新型环保能源,逐步受到各级政府及社会各界的重视。通过对德州城区浅层地温能赋存条件的分析,利用试验测试数据对浅层地温能热容量进行了计算,并在适宜性分区在基础上,进行了浅层地温能资源潜力评价。结果表明,德州城区120 m深度内浅层地热容量为8.525×10~(13)k J/℃,相当于291万t标准煤。整个德州城区为地下水换热系统不适宜区,而适宜地埋管换热系统。在地埋管换热系统适宜区内,120 m深度范围内考虑土地利用系数,计算得出夏季换热功率为339.18万k W,冬季换热功率为343.22万k W。夏季可制冷面积4.845×10~7m~2,冬季可供暖面积6.240×10~7m~2。  相似文献   
We analyzed a total of 37 427 receiver-function data recorded by national and regional broadband seismic networks of the China Earthquake Administration to study the mantle transition zone beneath eastern and central China.Significant topography on both the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities was clearly imaged in the 3D volume of CCP (common-conversion-point) stacked images that cover an area of 102.5 E-122.5 E and 22.0 N-42.0 N.3D crustal and mantle velocity models were used in computing the Ps time moveout...  相似文献   
The perfectly matched layer(PML) boundary condition has been proven to be effective for attenuating reflections from model boundaries during wavefield simulation. As such, it has been widely used in time-domain finite-difference wavefield simulations. The conventional PML has poor performance for near grazing incident waves and low-frequency reflections. To overcome these limitations, a more complex frequency-shifted stretch(CSF) function is introduced, which is known as the CFSPML boundary condition and can be implemented in the time domain by a recursive convolution technique(CPML). When implementing the PML technique to second-order wave equations, all the existing methods involve adding auxiliary terms and rewriting the wave equations into new second-order partial differential equations that can be simulated by the finite-difference scheme, which may affect the efficiency of numerical simulation. In this paper, we propose a relatively simple and efficient approach to implement CPML for the second-order equation system, which solves the original wave equations numerically in the stretched coordinate. The spatial derivatives in the stretched coordinate are computed by adding a correction term to the regular derivatives. Once the first-order spatial derivatives are computed, we computed the second-order spatial derivatives in a similar way; therefore, we refer to the method as two-step CPML(TS-CPML). We apply the method to the second-order acoustic wave equation and a coupled second-order pseudo-acoustic TTI wave equation. Our simulations indicate that amplitudes of reflected waves are only about half of those computed with the traditional CPML method, suggesting that the proposed approach has computational advantages and therefore can be widely used for forwarding modeling and seismic imaging.  相似文献   
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