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水资源持续利用系统规划   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
基于可持续发展概念,构思了一个新型水资源系统持续利用规划的理论框架。其中包括:现行水资源系统规划(含环境影响评价)的缺陷、新型水资源系统规划的指导思想和原则、不同层次规划的任务与内容、坝址及水库容量选择,以及水资源持续利用的综合评价。  相似文献   
高温后花岗岩力学性质及微孔隙结构特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐小丽  高峰  沈晓明  金春花 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1752-1758
采用MTS815液压伺服试验系统及9310型微孔结构分析仪对花岗岩在温度作用下(常温~1 300 ℃)的宏观力学性质及微孔隙结构特征进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明:①在800 ℃之前,岩样力学性质变化规律不明显;超过800 ℃,岩样强度迅速劣化;达到1 200 ℃,岩样基本失去了承载能力。②岩样孔隙率随温度升高而增大,孔隙率的阀值温度在800 ℃左右,与岩样在该温度点强度突然降低相一致。③岩样孔隙率较小,但连通性好,在阶段进汞曲线上显示为不同宽度微裂隙并存的特征,累计进汞曲线呈台阶状,温度超过800 ℃,超微孔逐渐向微孔隙转化,岩样连通性增强。④岩样孔隙分布分形维数随温度的升高反而降低。在高温作用下,岩样中的热损伤由初始非规则的裂隙结构逐渐向均匀化的孔穴结构转化,非均匀性弱化是导致岩样孔隙分布分形维数降低的根本原因。  相似文献   
“健康老龄化”背景下,促进身体活动是提升老年人健康水平的重要方式,也是当前多学科交叉研究的热点。依托南京市居民身体活动调查数据,选择老年人日常生活中最普遍且有益健康的步行活动作为研究主题,探究建成环境的影响,以期为相关理论与实践提供有益探索。研究表明:① 老年人日常步行空间范围可作为步行所涉及建成环境边界,不同类型的主要活动场所则可识别建成环境要素需求差异。② 日常生活所涉及的公共开放空间、商业及公共服务设施的密集性,以及主观建成环境感知对老年人交通性/休闲性步行活动具有显著影响。③ 基于老年人日常步行活动习惯及建成环境对步行活动的影响,可从有效供给日常步行生活空间、积极引导健康生活方式方面提出相应规划策略。  相似文献   
The North Yellow Sea Basin ( NYSB ), which was developed on the basement of North China (Huabei) continental block, is a typical continental Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the sea area. Its Mesozoic basin is a residual basin, below which there is probably a larger Paleozoic sedimentary basin. The North Yellow Sea Basin comprises four sags and three uplifts. Of them, the eastern sag is a Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary sag in NYSB and has the biggest sediment thickness; the current Korean drilling wells are concentrated in the eastern sag. This sag is comparatively rich in oil and gas resources and thus has a relatively good petroleum prospect in the sea. The central sag has also accommodated thick Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments. The latest research results show that there are three series of hydrocarbon source rocks in the North Yellow Sea Basin, namely, black shales of the Paleogene, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The principal hydrocarbon source rocks in NYSB are the Mesozoic black shale. According to the drilling data of Korea, the black shales of the Paleogene, Jurassic and Cretaceous have all come up to the standards of good and mature source rocks. The NYSB owns an intact system of oil generation, reservoir and capping rocks that can help hydrocarbon to form in the basin and thus it has the great potential of oil and gas. The vertical distribution of the hydrocarbon resources is mainly considered to be in the Cretaceous and then in the Jurassic.  相似文献   
选取湛江市霞山区观海长廊红树林湿地为研究区域,运用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定红树林表层土壤及红树植物根、枝、叶中重金属(铜Cu、锌Zn、铅Pb、镉Cd、铬Cr、镍Ni、砷As)的质量分数;运用Hakanson潜在生态风险指数评估红树林土壤的重金属污染风险水平,结合相关性分析和聚类分析探讨重金属的影响因素...  相似文献   
天山乌鲁木齐河融雪和河川径流的水文化学过程   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
刘凤景 Willi.  M 《冰川冻土》1999,21(3):213-219
研究结果表明, 含 Ca C O3矿物的溶解作用在乌鲁木齐河源区居主导地位 尽管融雪径流的 “离子脉冲”作用可以释放峰值强度达 3~4 倍的 S O24 和 N O-3 流, 并且引起了总控断面河川径流与之相像的“离子脉冲”现象,但河川径流仍然呈现弱碱性;河源区强烈的含 S矿物的氧化溶解作用,产生大量的 H+ ,被含 Ca C O3矿物的溶解作用所缓冲, 未引起河川径流的酸化乌鲁木齐河以冰川站为界, 以上地区的水文化学过程为矿物的侵蚀- 溶解过程,以下则发生部分矿物的沉淀,如 Ca C O3的沉淀 Ca C O3 的沉淀作用一定程度上又增强了河流的酸缓冲力   相似文献   
郭迟辉  张茂省  王尧  刘永鹏  刘锋  冯立 《地质通报》2023,42(10):1745-1756
黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展是重大国家战略,要推进黄河流域大保护、大治理,保障黄河长治久安,让黄河成为造福人民的幸福河,在生态保护修复过程中加强对自然生态系统本身恢复能力的利用,突出水资源保护与优化配置,已成为黄河流域及黄土高原地区生态修复中亟需解决的重要科学问题。在分析陕西省榆林市生态特征与生态功能定位的基础上,运用现状调查、综合评判等方法识别当前存在的主要生态问题,比如水土流失、矿山生态破坏、黄河沿岸生态系统脆弱、局部地区地下水位下降趋势明显等。针对性地提出"保持水土资源,恢复自然生态"理念、以保水为主线的基于自然(NbS)的生态修复方案,构建了"一廊两带三区多点"的生态修复格局,形成了4种基于水和NbS的黄土高原地区生态修复模式,布置了16项生态修复工程。通过优化榆林地区生态修复理论与模式,增强对水资源的保护和利用,发展基于自然的生态修复模式,提高了黄河中游生态安全格局,进而促进了黄河流域高质量发展。研究成果为黄河中游国土空间生态修复提供了理论支持。  相似文献   
吉林省伊舒盆地地层富水性良好、地热资源丰富,具有良好的地热资源开发利用前景。基于研究区伊舒盆地已有地热地质调查和评价资料,结合相关标准、规范和水化学方法,梳理分析研究区水文地质和地热地质条件,探讨了研究区内地热流体赋存条件、水化学和同位素组成特征,并利用热储岩体参数计算研究区的地热储量。结论表明: 研究区地热流体主要赋存于深层碎屑岩类裂隙孔隙中,形成条件具有较高相似性和一定的同源性,溶解性固体(total dissolved solids, TDS)较高、含氟和偏硅酸的低温碱性地下热水,水化学类型为HCO3--Na+型。氢氧同位素组成表明,研究区地下流体补给以古降水为主,地热流体年龄为27 Ka。地热流体储存水量为4.20×1010 m3,年可开采量为3 446.94×104 m3/a。研究成果可为吉林省后续地热资源管理、开发和利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
在区域地质调查及综合研究的基础上,对位于西秦岭天水东南部地区的原百花岩体进行了详细的岩石学、岩石地球化学、岩体接触关系、同位素年龄研究,从中解体出熊山沟岩体,并初步了解了该岩体的岩浆活动规律。熊山沟岩体早期岩石类型为斜长花岗岩,岩石化学成分K2O含量较低,K2O∕Na2O比值为0.33~0.42;晚期岩石类型为二长花岗岩,岩石相对富集K2O,K2O∕Na2O比值为1.01~1.43,岩石属拉斑-钙碱性系列;微量元素富集Th、Hf、Nb、Zr等元素;稀土元素以富集轻稀土,无铕负异常或铕负异常不明显为主要特征;氧同位素值较低(δ^18O为+3.32‰),岩石具Ⅰ型花岗岩的特征,岩浆来源于下地壳物质,形成于大陆弧构造环境。  相似文献   
In order to understand the vertical structure of the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt, common Pb isotopic compositions of omphacites in eclogites and feldspars in gneisses from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project (100–5000 m) have been investigated in this study. Samples from 0 to 800 m (unit 1) in the drilling core have moderately high radiogenic Pb isotopes with small variations of 206Pb/204Pb (16.82–17.38), 207Pb/204Pb (15.37–15.49), and 208Pb/204Pb (37.21–37.72), indicating either high µ (238U/204Pb) or high initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. In contrast, the samples from 1600 to 2040 m (unit 3) and most of samples from 3200 to 5000 m (unit 5) have moderately or very unradiogenic Pb (unit 3: 206Pb/204Pb from 16.05 to 16.46, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.22 to 15.29, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.68 to 37.48; unit 5: 206Pb/204Pb from 15.52 to 15.69, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.15 to 15.27, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.48 to 37.20), indicating either low µ or low initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. Pb isotopes of samples from 800 to 1600 m (unit 2) and from 2040 to 3200 m (unit 4) in the drilling core with abundant ductile shear zones are intermediate between those of units 1 and 3 or 5 and display larger variations. Pb isotopes combined with the published oxygen isotope data of the CCSD samples reveal the original positions of the five units before the Triassic continental subduction. Units 1, 3, and 5 as three UHPM rock slabs could be derived from the subducted upper continental crust, upper–middle continental crust and lower–middle continental crust, respectively. The ductile shearing zones in units 2 and 4 could be the interfaces where the detachment and decoupling took place between the upper, upper–middle and lower–middle continental crusts. The detachment between the upper slab and subducting continental lithosphere probably occurred during continental subduction, and the upper slab (unit 1) was uplifted to a shallow depth along the detachment surface by thrusting. Units 3 and 5 may be detached later from the subducted middle and lower crust and uplifted to a shallow level underneath unit 1. The low δ18O values (? 4.0 to ? 7.4‰) [Xiao, Y.-L., Zhang, Z.-M., Hoefs, J., Kerkhof, A., 2006. Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Chinese Continental Drilling Project-II Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Distributions through Vertical Sections. Contribution Mineral Petrology 152, 443–458.; Zhang, Z.-M., Xiao, Y.-L., Zhao, X.-D., Shi, C., 2006. Fluid-rock interaction during the continental deep subduction: oxygen isotopic profile of the main hole of the CCSD project. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22 (7), 1941–1951.] in units 2 and 4 suggest that the detachment interfaces could be developed along an ancient fault zones which were the channels of meteoric water activity during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
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