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Theory of the motion of an artificial Earth satellite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An improved analytical solution is obtained for the motion of an artificial Earth satellite under the combined influences of gravity and atmospheric drag. The gravitational model includes zonal harmonics throughJ 4, and the atmospheric model assumes a nonrotating spherical power density function. The differential equations are developed through second order under the assumption that the second zonal harmonic and the drag coefficient are both first-order terms, while the remaining zonal harmonics are of second order.Canonical transformations and the method of averaging are used to obtain transformations of variables which significantly simplify the transformed differential equations. A solution for these transformed equations is found; and this solution, in conjunction with the transformations cited above, gives equations for computing the six osculating orbital elements which describe the orbital motion of the satellite. The solution is valid for all eccentricities greater than 0 and less than 0.1 and all inclinations not near 0o or the critical inclination. Approximately ninety percent of the satellites currently in orbit satisfy all these restrictions.  相似文献   
The mountainous areas of Central Asia provide substantial water resources, and studying change in water storage and the impacts of precipitation and snow cover in the mountain ranges of Central Asia is of the greatest importance for understanding regional water shortages and the main factors. Data from the GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites, precipitation products and snow-covered area data were used to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of water storage changes and the effects of precipitation and snow cover from April 2002 to December 2013. The results were computed for each mountain ranges, and the following conclusions were drawn. The water storage in the mountainous areas of Central Asia as a whole increases in summer and winter, whereas it decreases in autumn. The water storage is affected by precipitation to some extent and some areas exhibit hysteresis. The area of positive water storage changes moves from west to east over the course of the year. The water storage declined during the period 2002–2004. It then returned to a higher level in 2005–2006 and featured lower levels in 2007–2009 Subsequently, the water storage increased gradually from 2010 to 2013. The Eastern Tianshan Mountains and Western Tianshan Mountain subzones examined in this study display similar tendencies, and the trends observed in the Karakorum Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains are also similar. However, the Eastern Tianshan Mountains and Western Tianshan Mountains were influenced by precipitation to a greater degree than the latter two ranges. The water storage in Qilian Mountains showed a pronounced increasing trend, and this range is the most strongly affected by precipitation. Based on an analysis of all investigated subzones, precipitation has the greatest influence on total water storage relative to the snow covered area in some areas of Central Asia. The results obtained from this study will be of value for scientists studying the mechanisms that influence changes in water storage in Central Asia.  相似文献   
Dendrochronological analysis of fossil wood from Two Creeks, Wisconsin, reveals that the Two Creekan Intetstade lasted at least 252 yr. The sites crossdated by tree rings cover an area of about 970 km2. AMS determinations from the beginning and end of the chronology open a 14 C time window for the episode from 12,050 to 11,750 yr B.P. The interval is contemporaneous with the Older Dryas in northern Europe. The development of a forest covering at least 970 km2 on the western shore of Lake Michigan indicates a water level about as low as in modern times. Glacier retreat must have opened drainage channels either through the Straits of Mackinac or via the Indian River Plateau into the eastern lakes. The beginning of the tree-ring chronology coincides with the peak of meltwater pulse 1A at 12,000 yr B.P. Increased amounts of meltwater seem to have disturbed the heat exchange between the waters and the atmosphere in the North Atlantic off the Gulf of St. Lawrence or affected the δ18O-ratio of the evaporation, causing the climatic or isotopic reversal of the Older Dryas in Greenland and northern Europe.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new approach to applying confining stress to flexible boundaries in the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is developed to facilitate its applications in geomechanics. Unlike the conventional SPH methods that impose confining boundary conditions by creating extra boundary particles, the proposed approach makes use of kernel truncation properties of SPH approximations that occur naturally at free-surface boundaries. Therefore, it does not require extra boundary particles and, as a consequence, can be utilised to apply confining stresses onto any boundary with arbitrary geometry without the need for tracking the curvature change during the computation. This enables more complicated problems that involve moving confining boundaries, such as confining triaxial tests, to be simulated in SPH without difficulties. To further enhance SPH applications in elasto-plastic computations of geomaterials, a robust numerical procedure to implement Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model in SPH is presented for the first time to avoid difficulties associated with corner singularities in Mohr-Coulomb model. The proposed approach was first validated against two-dimensional finite element (FE) solutions for confining biaxial compression tests to demonstrate its predictive capability at small deformation range when FE solutions are still valid. It is then further extended to three-dimensional conditions and utilised to simulate triaxial compression experiments. Simulation results predicted by SPH show good agreement with experiments, FE solutions, and other numerical results available in the literature. This suggests that the proposed approach of imposing confining stress boundaries is promising and can handle complex problems that involve moving confining boundary conditions.  相似文献   
Fifty diamond crystals of different morphological types (octahedra, dodecahedroids, cubes and single tetrahexahedroid) with differing internal structures were examined using methods of cathodoluminescence (CL), anomalous birefringence and local infrared (IR) analysis. The main objective of the study was to examine the regularities of nitrogen impurity distribution in diamond with differing internal structures. Almost all the analyzed octahedra, as well as dodecahedroids with zonal structures and the blocky dodecahedroids, are characterized either by nearly isothermic growth conditions or by a decrease in formation temperature during the crystallization process. In contrast to zoned octahedra and dodecahedroids, dodecahedroids with zonal–sectorial and sectorial internal structures show a notably different distribution of nitrogen defects, with Ntot generally decreasing from crystal cores to marginal areas, and degree of nitrogen aggregation increasing in the same direction. From this, it would follow that in these crystals, the temperature of diamond formation of the outer crystal zones is approximately 40–50 °C higher than that of the inner zones. The same result (15 to 80 °C) was obtained for diamond crystals with cubic habit, which generally show a fibrous internal structure, reflecting normal mechanisms of growth. The anomalous distribution of nitrogen centres in diamond crystals that grew through the normal mechanism, with a high rate of growth and in an oversaturated medium, might point to non-equilibrium relationships between the concentrations of different nitrogen centres. It is likely that in crystals of this type, the rate of growth is higher than the rate of structural nitrogen aggregation. Thus, it appears that in these peculiar crystals of diamond we deal with non-equilibrium concentrations of nitrogen B centres and, consequently, with anomalous, non-actual diamond formation temperatures.  相似文献   
The city of Tulum, in the state of Quintana Roo (Mexico) depends almost exclusively on groundwater for water supply. The groundwater is exploited from a coastal aquifer which contains a karst network that is considered as one of the largest ones on earth. Given the nature of karst aquifers, the whole area is very sensitive to contaminants and bacteria transport, because flow paths, residence time and degradation rates differ significantly from what can be observed in the porous aquifer. The present study focuses on isotopes (18O and 2H), dissolved ions’ concentration and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The result of our survey points out the anthropic impact on groundwater quality. Furthermore, the chloride concentrations illustrate the influence of seawater mixing and geological heterogeneity over the study area. Due to an exponential growth of the tourism industry, the needs in terms of water supply and water treatment increase significantly. Tulum is a coastal city, facing a coral reef and is bordered by the Sian Ka’an biosphere reserve, therefore, an environmental issue is added to the sanitary issue, both being the basis of the local economic development. Our results show that E. coli remains a major issue, as several samples tested were contaminated, in particular those in the city center. Ions’ survey shows an anthropic impact through nitrate, phosphate and fluoride concentrations, but the obtained values are not alarming. Considering the saline intrusion, chloride concentrations indicate that the area below the Tulum city center seems to be less permeable (and maybe less karstified) than the surrounding areas, as groundwater is less subject to seawater mixing than other sampling sites at similar distance to the coast.  相似文献   
Indoor and outdoor concentrations of atmospheric gaseous pollutants as well as composition, size, and morphology of particulate matter have been investigated at the monastery of San Jerónimo in Granada (Southern Spain). Complementary micro- and nano-analytical techniques were applied; elemental and mineralogical composition and morphological characteristics of particulate matter were investigated combining electron probe microanalysis at the single particle level, and bulk aerosol samples were analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Microclimatic conditions at the monastery were monitored, and gas concentrations were assessed by means of diffusion tubes subsequently analyzed with ion chromatography. Results revealed high abundances of soil dust particles (aluminosilicates, calcite, dolomite, quartz), salt aerosols (chlorides, sulfates and ammonium-rich salts), and NO2 and SO2 both outdoors and indoors. Amorphous black carbon particles had surprisingly high abundances for Granada, a non-industrialized city. The composition of indoor particles corresponds to severe weathering affecting the construction materials and artworks inside the church; moreover their composition promotes a feedback process that intensifies the deterioration. Chemical reactions between chloride-rich salts and pigments from paintings were confirmed by TEM analyses. Indoors, blackening of surface decorative materials is fostered by particle re-suspension due to cleaning habits in the monastery (i.e. dusting). This is the first air quality study performed in a monument in the city of Granada with the aim of developing a strategy for preventive conservation.  相似文献   
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