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Moderate increase in the number of composition ranges used in the definition of a rock type drastically reduces the number of specimens qualifying for membership in the type. Classifications based on more than a very small number of rather broad ranges will be unrealistically exclusive.  相似文献   
An effect of closure on the structure of principal components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The principal components transformation generates, from any data array, a new set of variables—the scores of the components—characterized by a total variance exactly equal to that of the initial set. It is in this sense that the transformed variables are said to contain, preserve, or account for, the variance of the original set. The scores, however, are uncorrelated. In the course of the transformation, what becomes of the strong interdependence of variance and covariance so characteristic of closed arrays? The question seems to have attracted little attention; we are aware of no study of it in the earth sciences. Experimental work reported here shows quite clearly that the overall equivalence of variance and covariance imposed by closure, though absent from the component scores,may emerge in relations between the coefficientsof each of the lower-order components; if the raw data are complete rock analyses, the sum of all the covariances of the coefficients of such a component is negative, and is very nearly equal to the sum of all the variances in absolute value. (In all cases so far examined, the absolute value of the first sum is a little less than that of the second.) The principal components transformation provides an elegant escape from closure correlation if a petrographic problem can be restated entirely in terms of component scores, but not if a physical interpretation of the component vectors is required.  相似文献   
Exhumation during crustal folding in the Namche-Barwa syntaxis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Geological observation in the eastern end of the Himalaya shows that the Asia/India Suture is folded. Metamorphic rocks derived from India occur structurally below the suture, in the core of a regional antiform. Isotopic and fission track dating establish cooling-exhumation of rocks from c.30 km depth within the last 4 Myr. We argue that exhumation is caused by ~ 10 mm yr-1 erosion coeval with crustal scale folding.  相似文献   
Retrospective understanding of the magnitude and pace of urban expansion is necessary for effective growth management in metropolitan regions. The objective of this paper is to quantify the spatial–temporal patterns of urban expansion in the Greater Kumasi Sub-Region (GKSR)—a functional region comprising eight administrative districts in Ghana, West Africa. The analysis is based on Landsat remote sensing images from 1986, 2001 and 2014 which were classified using supervised maximum likelihood algorithm in ERDAS IMAGINE. We computed three complementary growth indexes namely; Average Annual Urban Expansion Rate, Urban Expansion Intensity Index (UEII) and Urban Expansion Differentiation Index to estimate the amount and intensity of expansion over the 28-year period. Overall, urban expansion in the GKSR has been occurring at an average annual rate of 5.6 %. Consequently, the sub-region’s built-up land increased by 313 km2 from 88 km2 in 1986 to 400 km2 in 2014. The analysis further show that about 72 % of the total built-up land increase occurred in the last 13 years alone, with UEII value of 0.605 indicating a moderate intensity of urban expansion. Moreover, the metropolitan-core of the sub-region, being the focal point of urban development and the historical origins of expansion, accounted for more than half of the total built-up land increase over the 28-year period. Over the last decade and half however, urban expansion has spilled into the neighbouring peripheral districts, with the highest intensity and fastest rate of expansion occurring in districts located north and north east of the sub-regional core. We recommend a comprehensive regional growth management strategy grounded in effective strategic partnerships among the respective administrative districts to curb unsustainable urban expansion.  相似文献   
Summary The chemical composition of olivine phenocrysts was determined for 13 basaltic samples taken from the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic line to estimate the compositions of the primary olivine phenocrysts and the primary magmas. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines attain 0.91, though many of the magnesian olivines are identified on a textural basis as xenocrysts from peridotite inclusions. Most magnesian olivine phenocrysts have Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 0.87–0.88 and NiO contents of 0.32–0.35 wt %. The NiO versus Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines can be used to estimate the compositions of the primary phenocrysts in a range of Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.88–0.90. Assuming the Fe(3)/(total Fe) ratios of the magmas are 0.17–0.25, which is estimated from the Fe-Mg partitioning between plagioclase and groundmass, the compositions of the primary magmas were obtained from the Fe2+-Mg partition equilibrium with the primary olivine phenocrysts. The primary magmas of the Cameroonian basalts have 13.5 ± 4.0 wt MgO, which is similar to the compositions of basalts with highest MgO contents reported so far from the Cameroon volcanic line.
Olivin Kristalle in einigen Basalten aus Kamerun: Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung des primitiven Magmas
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Olivin Phenokristallen wurde in 13 Basalt-Proben, die vom Zentralteil .des Kamerun-Vulkangürtels stammen, bestimmt, um Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung der primären Olivineinsprenglinge and des primären Magmas zu erlangen. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse der Olivine reichen bis 0.91, obwohl viefle dieser Mg-Olivine auf Grund textureller Kriterien als aus Peridotit-Einschlüssen stammende Xenokristalle zu identifizieren sind. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnsse der Hauptmasse der Olivin-Phenokristalle liegen im Bereich von 0.87 bis 0.88, die Ni0 Gehalte zwischen 0.32 und 0.35 Gew %. Die Ni0 gegen Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse eignen sich zur Abschätzung der Zusammensetzung der primären Phenokristalle, solange die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse im Bereich von 0.88 bis 0.90 liegen. Die Zusammensetzung des Primärmagmas wurde mittels der Fe2+-Mg-Verteilung zwischen dem Magma und den sich mit dem Magma im Gleichgewicht befindlichen primären Olivinkristallen unter der Annahme eines Fe3+/Fe total Verhältnisses von 0.17–0.25, welches sich aus der Mg-Fe Verteilung zwischen Plagioklas und Grundmasse ergibt, bestimmt. Demnach ergibt sich für das primäre Magma der Kamerun Basalte ein MgO Gehalt von 13.5 + 4.0 Gew%. Dieser Wert ist mit der Zusammensetzung von Basalten mit höchsten MgO-Gehalten, wie sie bisher vom Kamerun-Vulkangürtel berichtet worden sind, vergleichbar.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
In this study, single crystals of pure enstatite (Mg2Si2O6) were synthesised under water-saturated conditions at 4 and 8 GPa and 1,150°C with variable silica activity, leading to phase assemblages enstatite + forsterite, enstatite or enstatite + coesite. Run products were investigated using an FTIR spectrometer equipped with a focal plane array detector enabling IR imaging with a lateral pixel resolution of 2.7 μm. IR spectra within the OH-absorption region show two different groups of absorption bands: group 1 (wavenumbers at 3,592 and 3,687 cm?1) shows strongest absorptions for E||n β, whereas group 2 (wavenumbers at 3,067 and 3,362 cm?1) shows strongest absorptions for E||n γ. The groups are related to different defect types, group 1 to tetrahedral defects (T-site vacancies) and group 2 to octahedral defects (M-site vacancies). The intensity ratio of the bands within one group (i.e. A 3067/A 3362 and A 3592/A 3687) and the intensity ratio of E||n γ and E||n α in group 2 bands remain constant within error. In contrast, the intensity ratio of group 2 to group 1 absorption bands [e.g. (A 3362)/(A 3687)] is sensitive to the SiO2 activity and pressure. On the basis of the results of this and previous studies, a barometer for pure orthoenstatite coexisting with forsterite can be formulated:\( P\,[{\text{GPa}}] = 1.056 + \sqrt {{\frac{{1.025 - A_{{\left( {3362} \right)/\left[ {(3362) + (3687)} \right]}} }}{0.009}}} , \) where A (3362) and A (3687) are the integral absorbances of the component E||n γ of the absorption bands at 3,362 cm?1 and the component E||n β of the absorption band at 3,687 cm?1, respectively.  相似文献   
Fault rocks from various segments of the Periadriatic fault system (PAF; Alps) have been directly dated using texturally controlled Rb-Sr microsampling dating applied to mylonites, and both stepwise-heating and laser-ablation 40Ar/39Ar dating applied to pseudotachylytes. The new fault ages place better constraints on tectonic models proposed for the PAF, particularly in its central sector. Along the North Giudicarie fault, Oligocene (E)SE-directed thrusting (29-32 Ma) is currently best explained as accommodation across a cogenetic restraining bend within the Oligocene dextral Tonale-Pustertal fault system. In this case, the limited jump in metamorphic grade observed across the North Giudicarie fault restricts the dextral displacement along the kinematically linked Tonale fault to ~30 km. Dextral displacement between the Tonale and Pustertal faults cannot be transferred via the Peio fault because of both Late Cretaceous fault ages (74-67 Ma) and sinistral transtensive fault kinematics. In combination with other pseudotachylyte ages (62-58 Ma), widespread Late Cretaceous-Paleocene extension is established within the Austroalpine unit, coeval with sedimentation of Gosau Group sediments. Early Miocene pseudotachylyte ages (22-16 Ma) from the Tonale, Pustertal, Jaufen and Passeier faults argue for a period of enhanced fault activity contemporaneous with lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. This event coincides with exhumation of the Penninic units and contemporaneous sedimentation within fault-bound basins.  相似文献   
Using groundwater quality data from the Lusatian post-mining district a hydrogeochemical model is derived for the evolution of mining affected groundwaters in pyrite-rich dumps which consist mainly of silicates and variable amounts of calcite. Pyrite oxidation paralleled by buffer processes leads to gypsum saturation in a significant portion of the water. Gypsum precipitation controls SO4 and Ca concentrations in groundwaters above an ionic strength (I) of 60 mM. It has been found that there is always a clear relationship between I, SO4 and Ca concentrations. In particular, there is a tendency that Ca concentrations decrease with increase in ionic strength above = 60 mM and a striking rareness of samples with SO4 concentrations between 20 and 30 mM above an ionic strength of 100 mM. These observations are explained by a genetic model. This model also explains the observed relationship between the c(Fe)/c(SO4)-ratio, the ionic strength, and the observed pH-values. Based on the field data and supported by geochemical equilibrium calculations, it is shown that silicate weathering along with calcite dissolution must be a significant buffering process at least in some areas.  相似文献   
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