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通过遥感影像稳定获取大范围、连续性海岸线数据,是开展海岸带研究的重要手段之一。针对传统边缘检测算法处理高分辨率遥感影像存在的噪声敏感性、阈值不稳定性等问题,引入一种强鲁棒性的结构森林边缘检测(Strected Forests Edge Detection, SE)算法,对海口市西海岸砂质岸线进行识别,并提出基于Bruun-Dean平衡剖面模式建立拟合剖面模型的潮位校正新方法,结合实测数据对提取结果进行了精度评估和误差分析,最终提取得到了精细海岸线数据。研究表明,SE算法检测所得水边线结果清晰细腻,对比Roberts算子、Canny算子、LoG算子等传统边缘检测算子法更加精准高效,适用于高分遥感影像海岸线提取研究;针对砂质岸线的潮位校正,基于RTK实测剖面数据和拟合剖面模式建立的拟合剖面模型,克服了传统线性模型误差较大的问题,提升了海岸线校正的精度和可行性;基于实测岸线,使用断面法对结果进行定量分析,验证所得提取岸线定位精度优于2.5 m。  相似文献   
基于自适应增强算法(AdaBoost)结合极限学习机(ELM),通过迭代、调整、优化ELM分类器之间的权值,从而构建了具有强鲁棒性、高精度的ELM-AdaBoost强分类器,增强了现有的ELM分类器的稳定性。以珠江口海区侧扫声呐图像为实验数据,对礁石、砂、泥3类典型底质进行分类识别,该方法的平均分类精度超过90%,优于单一ELM分类器的平均分类精度85.95%,也优于LVQ、BP等传统分类器,且在分类所耗时间上也远少于传统分类器。实验结果表明,本文构建的ELM-AdaBoost方法可有效应用于海底声学底质分类,可满足实时底质分类的需求。  相似文献   
The sea ice conditions in the Kara Sea have important impacts on Arctic shipping, oil and gas production, and marine environmental changes. In this study, sea ice coverage (CR) less than 30% is considered as open water, its onset and end dates are defined as Topen and Tclose, respectively. The sea ice melt onset (Tmelt) is defined as the date when ice-sea freshwater flux initially changes from ice into the ocean. Satellite-based sea ice concentration (SIC) from 1989 to 2019 shows a negative correlation between Topen and Tclose (r = –0.77, p < 0.01) in the Kara Sea. This phenomenon is also obtained through analyzing the hindcast simulation from 1994 to 2015 by a coupled ocean and sea-ice model (NAPA1/4). The model results reveal that thermodynamics dominate the sea ice variations, and ice basal melt is greater than the ice surface melt. Heat budget estimation suggests that the heat flux is significant correlated with Topen (r = –0.95, p < 0.01) during the melt period (the duration of multi-year averaged Tmelt to Topen) influenced by the sea ice conditions. Additionally, this heat flux is also suggested to dominate the interannual variation of the heat input during the whole heat absorption process (r = 0.81, p < 0.01). The more heat input during this process leads to later Tclose (r = 0.77, p < 0.01). This is the physical basis of the negative correlation between Topen and Tclose. Therefore, the duration of open water can be predicted by Topen and thence support earlier planning of marine activities.  相似文献   
锦州湾表层海水微塑料分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋微塑料是全球关注的新兴环境问题,海湾由于特殊的地理环境特征,成为微塑料分布研究的热点区域。本研究以锦州湾为研究海域,于2017年10月布设了11个点位开展表层海水微塑料样品采集,在实验室采用湿式氧化法开展样品前处理,应用傅立叶变换显微红外光谱仪分析鉴定微塑料成分。研究结果表明,锦州湾表层水体微塑料平均丰度为(0.93±0.59)个/m3,微塑料数量占全部塑料样品的96.2%。微塑料的主要成分为聚丙烯和聚乙烯,分别占55.0%和23.5%;线状和片状塑料的比例最高,分别占41.7%和26.2%;白色、蓝色和半透明微塑料分别占35.1%、26.0%和21.4%。受水动力条件和陆域河流输入等影响,锦州湾表层水体中微塑料的空间分布整体呈现北部偏高,向南部递减的趋势。  相似文献   
基于2018年8月至2019年5月布放在北极随海冰漂流的自动气象站和温度链浮标获取的观测数据,分析了北极高纬度区域的大气特征和海冰生消过程。根据海冰的漂移轨迹分为两个阶段分析,第1阶段,海冰主要向东南漂移;第2阶段,海冰主要向东北漂移。第1阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–6.6℃和93%,第2阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–29.3℃和76%,第2阶段平均气压高于第1阶段。海冰的漂移轨迹主要受到波弗特高压外围气流的影响。利用自动气象站漂移轨迹计算得到海冰漂移速度,与美国国家冰雪数据中心海冰漂移速度比较显示,两者纬向速度更为接近。海冰在第1阶段以融化为主,海冰厚度略有减小,8月份海冰生长率为–0.11 cm/d;海冰的生长过程主要发生在第2阶段,1–3月生长率均超过0.9 cm/d,2019年3月海冰生长最快,平均生长率为1.3 cm/d,海冰的增长一直持续至观测结束。  相似文献   
仿刺参水溶性海参皂苷的分离制备及抗真菌活性的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用海洋生物资源进行天然抗真菌新药的开发,从冻干海参加工废液中提取了水溶性海参皂苷,并对其抗真菌活性进行了研究。采用大孔吸附树脂法提取水溶性海参皂苷,经Libermann Burchard反应等对提取物的性质进行鉴定后,利用管碟法对所得提取物的抗菌活性进行了测定,并利用琼脂稀释法测定了所得水溶性海参皂苷对6株供试真菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)。提取物在Molish反应、沉淀反应和泡沫实验中均为阳性,说明提取物中确含有皂苷类成分;在Libermann Burchard反应中,液体的颜色处在红色与紫色之间,显示提取物可能是1种三萜类皂苷。水溶性海参皂苷对6株供试真菌均具有显著的抑制作用,且在浓度为0.5~4 mg/mL的范围内,其抑菌活性与所用浓度之间呈明显的正相关性;在浓度为4 mg/mL时,水溶性海参皂苷对6株供试真菌抑制活性的大小依次为裂殖酵母菌、啤酒酵母菌、白色念珠菌、葡萄炭疽病原菌、黄瓜枯萎病原菌和黑曲霉,海参皂苷对6株真菌的MIC值依次分别为0.002,0.016,0.063,0.063,0.125,0.250 mg/mL。  相似文献   
An enhanced numerical model for simulating two-dimensional incompressible viscous flow with distorted free surface is reported. The numerical simulation is carried out through the CIP (Constrained Interpolation Profile)-based method, which is described in the paper. A more accurate interface capturing scheme, the VOF/WLIC scheme (VOF:Volume-of-Fluid;WLIC:weighed line interface calculation), is adopted as the interface capturing method. To assess the developed algorithm and its versatility, a selection of test problems are examined, i.e. the square wave propagation, the Zalesak’s rigid body rotation, dam breaking problem with and without obstacles, wave sloshing in an excited wave tank and interaction between extreme waves and a floating body. Excellent agreements are obtained when numerical results are compared with available analytical, experimental, and other numerical results. These examples demonstrate that the use of the VOF/WLIC scheme in the free surface capturing makes better results and also the proposed CIP-based model is capable of predicting the freak wave-related phenomena.  相似文献   
Simplified techniques based on in situ testing methods are commonly used to predict liquefaction potential. Many of these simplified methods are based on finding the liquefaction boundary separating two categories (the occurrence or non-occurrence of liquefaction) through the analysis of liquefaction case histories. As the liquefaction classification problem is highly nonlinear in nature, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive model taking into account all the independent variables, such as the seismic and soil properties, using conventional modeling techniques. Hence, in many of the conventional methods that have been proposed, simplified assumptions have been made. In this study, an updated support vector machine (SVM) based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to evaluate liquefaction potential in two separate case studies. One case is based on standard penetration test (SPT) data and the other is based on cone penetration test (CPT) data. The SVM model effectively explores the relationship between the independent and dependent variables without any assumptions about the relationship between the various variables. This study serves to demonstrate that the SVM can “discover” the intrinsic relationship between the seismic and soil parameters and the liquefaction potential. Comparisons indicate that the SVM models perform far better than the conventional methods in predicting the occurrence or non-occurrence of liquefaction.  相似文献   
从相空间重构的角度,提出利用伪近邻方法判别ARMA 系统的总阶数。该方法可在数据量较小和阈值固定的情况下判别ARMA 系统总阶数。数值计算表明,使用该方法判别线性ARMA系统总阶数,取得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   
北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷C洼烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷C洼流沙港组烃源岩热史及成熟史研究,对C洼深水油气勘探具有指导意义。在恢复涠西南凹陷C洼地史和热史的基础上,利用EASY%Ro模型计算了流沙港组烃源岩的成熟度史。研究结果表明,在涠西南凹陷发展的裂陷阶段初始期热流值较高,最大值约为77mW/m2,其后热流值逐渐减小,现今热流值约为54mW/m2;涠西南凹陷C洼流沙港组烃源岩开始生烃(Ro=0.5%)时间为51MaBP,达到生烃高峰(Ro=1%)时间为42MaBP,达到高成熟演化阶段(Ro=1.3%)时间为17MaBP;对比涠1井流沙港组烃源岩演化特征,处于C洼深水勘探区的流沙港组烃源岩成熟度较高,生烃能力较强,拥有广阔的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   
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