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晚二叠世时,湖北赤壁位于扬子台地与北部硅质岩盆地的过渡地带.特殊的古地理位置,使该地区发育一套独特的地层 沉积序列.沉积微相、古生物化石和草莓状黄铁矿的综合研究表明,晚二叠世长兴期至早三叠世早期,赤壁剖面沉积环境演化 可分为6个阶段:近氧化的深水台缘硅质岩沉积、含氧量正常的台缘缓坡沉积、火山活动加剧而含氧量正常的台缘缓坡沉积、 大灭绝后严重缺氧环境的沉积、大灭绝后贫氧环境下的沉积、大灭绝后氧化环境的沉积.由于赤壁剖面处在远离陆地的台缘缓 坡环境,陆源剥蚀的影响可能比较有限,因此火山作用带来的营养物质可能是引起大灭绝后海洋缺氧的主要原因.   相似文献   
华北克拉通在中生代以来遭受了显著破坏。前人的研究对克拉通破坏的机制和峰期取得了较大共识, 但是关于克拉通破坏的启动时间一直存在争议。本文通过对冀北金台子中生代盆地构造特征及其填充的火山岩地球化学和年代学进行分析, 为华北克拉通破坏启动时间提供新的约束。研究表明, 金台子盆地为一伸展断陷盆地。盆地呈北东-南西向展布, 东侧被正断层控制, 西侧为地层超覆边界。盆地内自下而上发育后城组、白旗组、啕北营组、九佛堂组火山-沉积组合。后城组是一套稳定的河流相红色砂砾岩沉积地层;白旗组和啕北营组主体为巨厚层流纹岩、流纹质凝灰熔岩, 局部夹安山岩和火山碎屑岩;九佛堂组是一套以砾岩、砂砾岩等为主体的碎屑岩。地球化学分析表明金台子盆地中发育的酸性火山岩源于地壳重熔。锆石U-Pb年代学研究显示, 金台子盆地内流纹岩自约145 Ma开始广泛喷发并形成巨厚层的酸性火山岩地层, 表明此时在华北北缘地区的岩石圈减薄和破坏可能就已非常剧烈, 据此华北克拉通在其北缘的破坏至少应早于145 Ma。  相似文献   
Carbon isotopic composition of marine carbonates is a record for various important geological events in the process of earth development and evolution. The carbonates of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic, as the transition from Paleozoic to Mesozoic-Cenozoic have very high 13C value. Taking this as the main point, and combined with the oxygen, strontium isotopic composition in carbonates, distribution of carbonate basin area through geologic time, the correlation of carbon isotopic composition of marine carbonates to sea level change, organic carbon burial flux, exchange of CO2 content in atmosphere and ocean, and long cycle evolution of the earth ecosystems were approached. The results are shown as follows: ①The interval of 13C >3‰ during Phanerozoic was concentrated in Carboniferous, Permian and the beginning of Triassic, but the beginning of Triassic was characterized by higher frequency and larger fluctuations in 13C value during a short time, whereas the Carboniferous-Permian presented a continuously stable high 13C value, indicating a larger amount of organic carbon accumulation in this time interval. Relatively high 18O values during this time was also observed, showing a long time of glaciations and cold climate, which suggest a connection among rapid organic carbon burial, cold climate, as well as pCO2 and pO2 states of atmosphere. ②The over consumption of atmosphere CO2 by green plants during the time with high 13C of seawater forced CO2 being transferred from ocean to atmosphere for the balance, but the decrease in the seawater amount and water column pressure caused by the global cooling could weaken dissolution capacity of CO2 in seawater and carbon storage of marine carbonates, and also reduce the carbonate sedimentary rate and decrease the carbonate basin area globally from Devonian to Carboniferous and Permian. During the middle-late Permian carbonate was widely replaced by siliceous sediments even though in shallow carbonate platform, which resulted in the decrease of marine invertebrates, suggesting the Permian chert event should be global. ③The Phanerozoic 87Sr/86Sr trend of seawater showed a sharp fall in Permian and drop to a minimum at the end of the Permian, indicting input of strontium from the submarine hydrothermal systems (mantle flux). Such process should accompany with a supplement of CO2 from deep earth to atmosphere and ocean system, but the process associated with widespread volcanism and rises of earth’s surface temperature pricked up the mass extinction during the time of end Permian. ④Cold climate and increase of continental icecap volume, the amalgamation of northern Africa and Laurentia continentals were the main reasons responsible for the sea level drop, but the water consumption result from the significantly increased accumulation of organic carbon should also be one of the reasons for the sea level drop on the order of tens of meters. ⑤The mass extinction at the end Permian was an inevitable event in the process of earth system adjustment. It was difficult for marine invertebrates to survive because of the continuously rapid burial of organic carbon, and of the decrease of sea water amount and its dissolution ability to CO2. At last, at the end of Paleozoic, the supplement of CO2 to atmosphere and ocean by widely magma activities resulted in a high temperature of earth surface and intensified mass extinction.  相似文献   
城市经济学的理论表明,城市人口增长和交通改善等因素都会导致城市的空间扩张,但其作用的机理不同。结合中国的情况,将城市空间扩张的影响因素分为城镇化和郊区化2个市场化动力,二者都会推动城市空间扩张,导致城市边界向外延伸。历年截面数据和面板数据分析结果都表明,在中国城市空间扩张进程中,城镇化动力和郊区化动力都在起作用,城镇化动力占主导地位,与此同时,郊区化动力也有增强的趋势。人口增长和交通改善推动城市空间扩张,城市建成区面积扩张的推动力远大于阻力。作为城市空间扩张速度变化的分水岭以及市场作用下收入水平显著性改变的分界点,1998年的住房制度改革对于中国城市空间扩张进程有着里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   
文章基于经济增长收敛理论,从区域合作视角,展开服务业发展收敛性研究.包括阐释服务业发展收敛的内涵、与经济增长收敛的关联、服务业发展的收敛机制,以及分析服务业发展收敛的模型与指标选择,并最终运用所构建的方法,对CEPA实施后大珠江三角洲的金融业收敛性进行了实证检验.结果显示,2004-2008年该区域金融业发展呈发散趋势.这一结果与近年来以其他方法与指标检验金融收敛性得出的结论基本一致,证实了基于经济增长收敛理论及分析模型的服务业发展收敛研究思路与分析模型具有可信性与可行性,亦从一个侧面对大珠三角金融合作的成效作出了评判.  相似文献   
大同盆地是汾渭盆地北端一个地面沉降较严重的区域,地下水开采是该区域地面沉降发生的一个重要原因。然而地下水活动与地面沉降在空间和时间的相关性却鲜有研究。为了掌握该地区地下水活动与地面沉降的内在联系,该文基于Envisat ASAR数据,利用短基线集(small baseline subset,SBAS)-In SAR技术对大同盆地地面沉降形变特征进行监测;同时利用地下水位监测数据,研究地面沉降中心与地下水位漏斗在空间和时间上的对应关系,定量分析2处地下水位波动与地表形变的关系。研究表明,地下水开采是大同盆地水源地地面沉降的主要原因,但并非所有的地下水位漏斗都存在地面沉降。该研究成果对指导该地区地下水开采及控制地面沉降有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
双向测距与时间同步系统采用的是双向单程伪距测量机制。因此设备时延包含在伪码测距的测距值与钟差值之中,这对系统的测距精度产生了不良的影响。针对这种设备时延,提出了双向测距与时间同步终端闭环校准方法。实验及分析表明该方法是有效的,并为系统的下一步设计提供了有效的参考。  相似文献   
Characterizing the response of temperature variables to agricultural irrigation is expected to be an important challenge for understanding the full impact of water management on regional climate change. In this paper, the trend analysis and abrupt change test were applied to detect the global warming effect. Then, the quantitative irrigation-induced cooling effects on temperature variables between April and August from 1970 to 2010 in the Lhasa River basin were estimated using historical time series of gridded meteorological records and a map of the area equipped for irrigation. Trends in the maximum temperature (Tmax) were statistically positive, and a significant increasing trend for the minimum temperature (Tmin) was detected at the 0.01 and 0.05 confidence levels. No abrupt changing point of warming was detected in the time series for Tmax. The abrupt changes in Tmin in the irrigation concentration period took place in 1995, 5 years later than the corresponding change in April. Affected by global warming, the increase in temperature was the largest in July and August, when the irrigation-induced cooling effect was also the most significant. The irrigation-induced cooling effect for Tmax and Tmin in April–August (except for June) ranged from − 0.017 to − 0.009 °C/decade and from − 0.011 to − 0.001 °C/decade, respectively, and the cooling effect for diurnal temperature range (DTR) ranged from − 0.011 to 0 °C/decade. The cooling effect on temperature reached above 0.01 °C in July and August, but for the growing seasons, the effect was weak, only 0.001 °C. The Tmax and Tmin trends during the whole growing seasons decreased by both 0.002 °C/decade, respectively, with a 10% increase in irrigation land proportion. Even in July and August, the trends were expected to decrease by about 0.005 °C/decade with a 10% increase in irrigation land proportion. The irrigation-induced cooling effect could partially slow global warming.  相似文献   
轨道误差和长波大气延迟组成的系统误差是影响InSAR形变监测精度的重要因素之一.传统方法在空间域对干涉图的系统误差建模,容易导致长波形变和系统误差相混淆.本文在时空域利用附加系统参数对系统误差建模,同时根据观测值质量对差分相位观测值定权,采用附加系统参数的加权最小二乘法估计形变参数和系统误差,实现了长波形变和系统误差的分离.模拟实验结果表明,在形变与系统误差的空间变化特性完全一致的极端情况下,本文方法能实现两者的有效分离,估计的形变速率均方根误差比传统方法降低了98.8%.ASAR数据实验显示当形变尺度较小且分散分布时,本文方法和传统方法得到的结果相似;当形变在研究区内表现为长波变化时,本文方法比传统方法估计的形变结果更为稳健.  相似文献   
Mesoscale simulations of gravity waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over North America and North Atlantic Ocean in January 2003 are compared with satellite radiance measurements from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A). Four regions of strong gravity wave (GW) activities are found in the model simulations and the AMSU-A observations: the northwestern Atlantic, the U.S. Rockies, the Appalachians, and Greenland. GWs over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean are associated with the midlatitude baroclinic jet-front system, while the other three regions are apparently related to high topography. Model simulations are further used to analyze momentum fluxes in the zonal and meridional directions. It is found that strong westward momentum fluxes are prevalent over these regions over the whole period. Despite qualitative agreement between model simulations and satellite measurements, sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the simulated GWs are sensitive to the model spin-up time.  相似文献   
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