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空心圆柱仪模拟列车荷载下土中应力路径能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶明安  沈扬  王鑫  戴波 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3166-3172
土体作为各向异性散粒体材料,其动力特性依赖于所处的应力路径。列车荷载下地基土在最大剪应力空间呈心形线旋转应力状态,但目前还未见室内试验中模拟心形线应力路径的相关研究。首先提出了土体动力响应解的简化拟合形式,并通过典型列车荷载作用下地基土所受应力特征分析验证了该简化形式的合理性。针对目前国际上已有的3类空心圆柱仪(HCA),推导出模拟列车荷载下地基土应力特征的加载方式:(1)双向振动HCA可通过确定轴力和扭矩的应力形式来实现心形线应力路径加载,此时球应力p的变化规律与轴力的加载波形一致,中主应力系数b在内、外压相等时呈余弦变化规律;(2)三向振动HCA在模拟列车荷载下的应力特征时,可以保持p不变或b恒为0.5;(3)四向振动HCA能够通过控制轴力、扭矩和内、外压的共同变化来较全面地模拟列车荷载下土单元体的应力特征,并可实现b为任意合理值且保持不变的前提下p、q之间保持恒定线性关系。并推导了3类HCA的加载参数在正应力均以压应力为主及中主应力方向维持在直径方向时的约束条件。  相似文献   
文章在对广西某铅锌矿矿区水文地质条件分析的基础上,采用连通试验对地下水动态特征及其影响因素进行分析评价。实验结果表明,矿山区域地下水流经地下巷道携带大量重金属离子由废旧矿洞口排出地表,地表水流经地表废旧矿渣堆场携带大量污染物和矿洞水汇成溪沟,然后以地表径流方式污染长屯的土壤和水系,最终由长屯南伏流入口汇入洞零水库。尾矿库区域地下水通过地下岩溶管道和溶蚀裂隙向长屯洼地径流,经长屯南伏流入口,汇入洞零水库。  相似文献   
On the basis of the results of simulation experiments, now we better understand the contribution of high carbon number hydrocarbons to diamondoid generation during thermal pyrolysis of crude oil and its sub-fractions(saturated, aromatic, resin, and asphalene fractions). However, little is known about the effect of volatile components in oil on diamondoid generation and diamondoid indices due to the lack of attention to these components in experiments. In this study, the effect of volatile components in oil on diamondoid generation and maturity indices was investigated by the pyrolysis simulation experiments on a normal crude oil from the HD23 well of the Tarim Basin and its residual oil after artificial volatilization, combined with quantitative analysis of diamondoids. The results indicate that the volatile components(≤n C12) in oil have an obvious contribution to the generation of adamantanes, which occurs mainly in the early stage of oil cracking(Easy Ro1.0%), and influences the variations in maturity indices of adamantanes; but they have no obvious effect on the generation and maturity indices of diamantanes. Therefore, some secondary alterations e.g., migration, gas washing, and biodegradation, which may result in the loss of light hydrocarbons in oil under actual geological conditions, could affect the identification of adamantanes generated during the late-stage cracking of crude oil, and further influence the practical application of adamantane indices.  相似文献   
Heights as the basic geographical information are very important to study marine geophysics, geodesy and oceanography. Based on the astronomical leveling principle, we put forward a new method to unify the normal height (NH) datum along one ship route across sea with the ship-borne gravimetry and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) techniques. Ship-borne gravimeter can precisely measure gravity anomalies and the GNSS technique is used to measure precise sea surface heights (SSHs) along the ship track across sea. Precisions of ship-borne gravities and SSHs are improved with the colinear adjustment. To remove the effects of sea wave and wind, the Gaussian filter is used to filter residuals both between the ship-borne and modeled gravities from EGM2008 to degree 2160, and the measured and modeled SSHs from DTM10MSS, respectively. Deflections of the vertical (DOVs) along the ship route are estimated from the measured gravities with the least squares collocation method. The astro-geodetic survey is made on continent and island to improve the accuracy of DOVs along the route. We use the new method to connect NHs on the coastal sea of Shandong Peninsula, China. The results indicate that the method is very efficient to precisely connect the NH along the ship route across sea.  相似文献   
兵棋地图是兵棋的重要组成部分,是战场环境信息的载体,是兵棋推演者认知战场环境的工具。在介绍兵棋地图概念和作用的基础上,阐明兵棋地图可视化设计的重要性,总结目前兵棋地图可视化设计存在的问题和不足。以提高兵棋地图可视化设计效率和改进其可视化表达效果为目的,将地图模板技术运用到兵棋地图可视化设计中,分析兵棋地图可视化模板设计的影响因素,构建兵棋地图可视化模板库,并对其实现机制进行研究,最后给出应用实例,证明效果良好。  相似文献   
以秦岭造山带中热水沉积成矿盆地为例, 讨论了热水沉积成矿盆地的研究思路与方法(1), 在这些盆地中已发现了一批大型-超大型矿床, 也是秦岭超大型矿集区的研究原理、研究及研究内容等基本准则。提出盆地充填史、盆地内同生构造作用等研究沉积盆地形成与发展。认为秦岭热水沉积成矿盆地具有分级特征, 热水沉积岩相是主要的物质组成。总结了秦岭中(火山)热水沉积成矿盆地、深水缺氧环境中热水沉积成矿盆地、叠合盆地、复合盆地、拉分盆地、裂陷盆地等六种构造-沉积岩相时间-空间组合模式, 它们是超大型金属矿床产出部位。  相似文献   
浅谈中国后奥运时期选择性旅游的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大众旅游一直追求经济利益最大化给旅游接待地造成了严重的生态环境破坏,因此人们开始寻求新的旅游形式,选择性旅游应运而生。选择性旅游积极倡导真正意义上的生态旅游。该文研究的主要内容是中国在后奥运这样的特殊时期如何开展选择性旅游,选择性旅游一方面能尽量避免大众旅游所带来的生态环境破坏,另一方面能更好地适应各个国家不同旅游者到中国旅游求新求异的特点。通过对后奥运时期旅游趋势以及旅游市场的分析,中国在后奥运时期开展选择性旅游具有可行性。优先开展选择性旅游,可促进旅游的可持续性发展。  相似文献   
浅谈可视化3维GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据目前3维GIS的相关发展情况,从3维可视化的表现形式、数据组织、关键技术等,简要介绍了3维GIS可视化技术.  相似文献   
LBS (location-based service) is a remarkable outcome of the development from GIS to geospatial information service. Faced by the requirements of geospatial information from the masses and the opportunity provided by the next generation Internet and Web 2.0, a new model of geospatial information service based on DMI (digital measurable image) is presented. First, the concept of LBS and the opportunities of Web 2.0 are introduced, then the characteristic of DMI is discussed. Taking the Image City·Wuhan as an ...  相似文献   
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