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We have used a suite of remotely sensed data, numerical lava flow modeling, and field observations to determine quantitative characteristics of the 1995 Fernandina and 1998 Cerro Azul eruptions in the western Galápagos Islands. Flank lava flow areas, volumes, instantaneous effusion rates, and average effusion rates were all determined for these two eruptions, for which only limited syn-eruptive field observations are available. Using data from SPOT, TOPSAR, ERS-1, and ERS-2, we determined that the 1995 Fernandina flow covers a subaerial area of 6.5×106 m2 and has a subaerial dense rock equivalent (DRE) volume of 42×106 m3. Field observations, ATSR satellite data, and the FLOWGO numerical model allow us to determine that the effusion rate declined exponentially from a high of ~60–200 m3 s-1 during the first few hours to <5 m3 s-1 prior to ceasing after 73 days, with a mean effusion rate of 4–16 m3 s-1. Integrating the ATSR-derived, exponentially declining effusion rate over the eruption duration produces a total (subaerial + submarine) DRE volume of between 27 and 100×106 m3, the range in values being due to differing assumptions about heat loss characteristics; only values in the higher part of this range are consistent with the independently derived subaerial volume. Using SPOT, TOPSAR, ERS-1, and ERS-2 data, we determine that the 1998 Cerro Azul flow is 16 km long, covers 16 km2, and has a DRE volume of 54×106 m3. FLOWGO produces at-vent velocity and effusion rate values of 11 m s-1 and ~600 m3 s-1, respectively. The velocity value agrees well with the 12 m s-1 estimated in the field. The mean effusion rate (total DRE volume/duration) was 7–47 m3 s-1. Dike dimensions, fissure lengths, and pressure gradients along the conduit based on magma chamber depth estimates of 3–5 km produce mean effusion rates for the two eruptions that range over nearly four orders of magnitude, the range being due to uncertainty in the magma viscosity, dike dimensions, and pressure gradient between magma chamber and vent. Although somewhat consistent with mean effusion rates from other techniques, their wide range makes them less useful. The exponentially declining effusion rates during both eruptions are consistent with release of elastic strain being the driving mechanism of the eruptions. Our results provide independent input parameters for previously published theoretical relationships between magma chamber pressurization and eruption rates that constrain chamber volumes and increases in volume prior to eruption, as well as time constants of exponential decay during the eruption. The results and theoretical relationships combine to indicate that at both volcanoes probably 25–30% of the volumetric increase in the magma chamber erupted as lava onto the surface. In both eruptions the lava flow volumes are less than 1% of the magma chamber volume.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a straightforward random walk model for fast evaluation of push‐pull tracer tests. By developing an adaptive algorithm, we overcome the problem of manually defining how many particles have to be used to simulate the transport problem. Beside this, we validate the random walk model by evaluating a push‐pull tracer test with drift phase and confirm the results with MT3DMS. The random walk model took less than 1% of computational time of MT3DMS, thus allowing a remarkable faster evaluation of push‐pull tracer tests.  相似文献   
We present the main results from the second model intercomparison within the GEWEX (Global Energy and Water cycle EXperiment) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS). The target is to examine the diurnal cycle over land in today??s numerical weather prediction and climate models for operational and research purposes. The set-up of the case is based on observations taken during the Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study-1999 (CASES-99), which was held in Kansas, USA in the early autumn with a strong diurnal cycle with no clouds present. The models are forced with a constant geostrophic wind, prescribed surface temperature and large-scale divergence. Results from 30 different model simulations and one large-eddy simulation (LES) are analyzed and compared with observations. Even though the surface temperature is prescribed, the models give variable near-surface air temperatures. This, in turn, gives rise to differences in low-level stability affecting the turbulence and the turbulent heat fluxes. The increase in modelled upward sensible heat flux during the morning transition is typically too weak and the growth of the convective boundary layer before noon is too slow. This is related to weak modelled near-surface winds during the morning hours. The agreement between the models, the LES and observations is the best during the late afternoon. From this intercomparison study, we find that modelling the diurnal cycle is still a big challenge. For the convective part of the diurnal cycle, some of the first-order schemes perform somewhat better while the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) schemes tend to be slightly better during nighttime conditions. Finer vertical resolution tends to improve results to some extent, but is certainly not the solution to all the deficiencies identified.  相似文献   
Conventional finite-difference modelling algorithms for seismic forward modelling are based on a time-stepping scheme with a constant (global) time step. Large contrasts in the velocity model or in the spatial sampling rate cause oversampling in time for some regions of the model. The use of locally adjustable time steps can save large amounts of computation time for certain modelling configurations. The computation of spatial derivatives across the transition zone between regions of the model with different temporal sampling requires the definition of the wavefield at corresponding time levels on both sides of the transition zone. This condition can be obtained by extrapolation in time, which is inaccurate, or by multiple time integration in the transition zone. The error in the latter solution is of the same order as the conventional time-stepping scheme because both methods are based on the same iteration formula. The technique of multiple time integration simply requires the use of different sizes of time step. It is applicable only for certain factors of variation of the time step.  相似文献   
A continuously operated gas monitoring station was emplaced within the epicentral area of the NW Bohemian swarm earthquakes overlying directly the active Mariánské Lázně fault. The recordings of 8-month continuous monitoring period are presented. The variations in radon concentrations are similarly to variations in CO2, i.e. CO2 is considered to be the carrier gas for radon. Very small diurnal variations in gas concentration are caused by the earth tides, as daily variations in meteorological conditions cannot explain a short daily minimum at midday times. Sudden changes in gas concentration, which clearly exceed these diurnal variations occur and are always linked with seismic activities. Decreased gas concentration may indicate compression resulting in reduced fault permeability as is implied by negative peaks following local earthquake swarms. A sudden increase in CO2 and Rn concentration may indicate an increased fault permeability caused by stress redistribution, giving rise to opening of migration pathways. This implies a repeatedly sudden rise in gas concentration before local earthquake swarms. Several variations in gas concentration were monitored linked with remote earthquakes of ground motion amplitudes  >1 μm. These seismic events are accompanied by an interference of the diurnal gas concentration–stress-cycle along the Mariánské Lázně fault. However, if shocks of remote earthquake can alter properties of the migrating fluids or the fault properties it can be suggested that these are able to trigger local seismicity, as indicated in the case of the Slovenia earthquake on 12th July 2004.  相似文献   
Energy Optimization of Well Fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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