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Foundation soils are often under non-proportional cyclic loadings. The deformation behaviour and the mechanism of non-coaxiality under continuous pure principal stress rotation for clays are not clearly investigated up to now. In order to study the effect of pure principal stress rotation, a series of cyclic undrained tests on Shanghai soft clay subjected to cyclic rotation of principal stress directions keeping the deviatoric stress constant under the pure rotation condition were conducted using hollow cylinder apparatus. Based on this, the evolutions of excess pore pressure and strains during cyclic loading were investigated, together with the effects of the intermediate principal stress parameter and the deviatoric stress level on stress–strain stiffness and non-coaxiality. The result can provide an experimental basis for constitutive modelling of clays describing the behaviour under non-proportional loadings.  相似文献   
In this paper, numerical and analytical methods are used to evaluate the ultimate pullout capacity of a group of square anchor plates in row or square configurations, installed horizontally in dense sand. The elasto-plastic numerical study of square anchor plates is carried out using three-dimensional finite element analysis. The soil is modeled by an elasto-plastic model with a Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion. An analytical method based on a simplified three-dimensional failure mechanism is developed in this study. The interference effect is evaluated by group efficiency η, defined as the ratio of the ultimate pullout capacity of group of N anchor plates to that of a single isolated plate multiplied by number of plates. The variation of the group efficiency η was computed with respect to change in the spacing between plates. Results of the analyses show that the spacing between the plates, the internal friction angle of soil and the installation depth are the most important parameters influencing the group efficiency. New equations are developed in this study to evaluate the group efficiency of square anchor plates embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depth (H = 4B). The results obtained by numerical and analytical solutions are in excellent agreement.  相似文献   
A novel study on using geoelectrical resistivity, soil property, and hydrogeochemical analysis methods for delineating and mapping of heavy metal in aquifer system is presented in this paper. A total of 47 surveys of geoelectrical resistivity with Wenner configuration were conducted to determine the subsurface and the groundwater characteristics. The groundwater sample from 53 existing wells and 2 new wells has been analyzed to derive their water chemical content. The chemical analysis was done on the soil sample obtained from new two wells and from selected locations. The water and soil chemical analysis results from the new two wells were used as calibration in resistivity interpretation. The occurrence of heavy metal in aquifer system was expected to detect using the geoelectrical resistivity survey for the whole study area. The result of groundwater analysis shows that the groundwater sample contains a relatively low concentration of Fe (<?0.3 mg/L) elongating from the south up to the middle region. While in the middle and the northwestern, Fe concentration is relatively high (around 12 mg/L). Chemical analysis of soil sample shows that in the lower resistivity zone (<?18 Ωm), Al and Fe concentrations are comparatively high with an average of 68,000 and 40,000 mg/kg, respectively. Starting from the middle to the northwestern zone, the resistivity value appears to be low. It is definitely caused by higher Al and Fe concentration within the soil, and it is supported also by lower total anion content in the groundwater. While the resistivity value of more than 40 Ωm in aquifers is obtained in the zone which Fe concentration is relatively lower in the soil but not present in the groundwater. Correlation Fe concentration in the soil and Fe concentration in the groundwater sample shows the trend of positively linear; however, the Al concentration in soil has no correlation with Al content in groundwater. Finally, the probability of high heavy metal zone in the aquifer system is easily delineated by the distribution of geoelectrical resistivity presented in depth slice shapes which extend from the Boundary Range Composite Batholith in the north to the northwest.  相似文献   
The study of drying process in soils has received an increased attention in the last few years. This is very complex phenomenon that generally leads to the formation and propagation of desiccation cracks in the soil mass. In recent engineering applications, high aspect ratio elements have proved to be well suited to tackle this type of problem using finite elements. However, the modeling of interfaces between materials with orthotropic properties that generally exist in this type of problem using standard (isotropic) constitutive model is very complex and challenging in terms of the mesh generation, leading to very fine meshes that are intensive CPU demanding. A novel orthotropic interface mechanical model based on damage mechanics and capable of dealing with interfaces between materials in which the strength depends on the direction of analysis is proposed in this paper. The complete mathematical formulation is presented together with the algorithm suggested for its numerical implementation. Some simple yet challenging synthetic benchmarks are analyzed to explore the model capabilities. Laboratory tests using different textures at the contact surface between materials were conducted to evaluate the strengths of the interface in different directions. These experiments were then used to validate the proposed model. Finally, the approach is applied to simulate an actual desiccation test involving an orthotropic contact surface. In all the application cases the performance of the model was very satisfactory.  相似文献   
Based on the analyses of mineralogical compositions by X-ray diffraction and microstructure by optical microscopy, the Young’ modulus and hardness of a claystone were characterized by the nano-indentation technique and homogenization method. Three distinct microstructural zones are identified in the claystone: clay matrix, a composite matrix of clay and small mineral grains and imbedded quartz grains. The elastic modulus and hardness of different zones were determined by nano-indentation testing. Based on the statistical analysis of nano-indentation results, the spatial mappings and frequency distributions of elastic modulus and hardness of the different zones were obtained. The elastic moduli of main constituent phases of the claystone are then estimated from the nano-indentation tests. These values were further used for the determination of the macroscopic elastic modulus of the claystone using two different homogenization schemes: the dilute scheme and Mori–Tanaka scheme. The predicted values by the homogenization schemes are compared with experimental data obtained from conventional uniaxial compression tests.  相似文献   
Internal erosion is the most common reason which induces failure of embankment dams besides overtopping. Relatively large leakage is frequently concentrated at defects of impervious element, and this will lead to eventual failure. The amount of leakage depends not only on integrity of impervious element, but also on dam height, shape of valley, shape of impervious element and water level in reservoir. The integrity of impervious element, which represents the relative level of seepage safety, is not easy to be determined quantitatively. A simple method for generalization of steady seepage state of embankment dams with thin impervious element is proposed in this paper. The apparent overall value of permeability coefficient for impervious element can be obtained by this method with reasonable accuracy and efficiency. A defect parameter of impervious element is defined as an index to characterize seepage safety of embankment dams. It equals the ratio of the apparent overall value of permeability coefficient to the measured value in laboratory for intact materials. Subsequently, seepage safety of three dams is evaluated and the evolution of defect level of impervious element of dams is investigated. It is proved that the newly proposed method in this paper is feasible in the evaluation of relative seepage safety level of embankment dams with thin impervious element.  相似文献   
This introductory editorial paper provides a review and prospective outlook of the achievements and challenges in karst research under a changing environment. A brief discussion of the past and future karst research has been focused on: (1) data and new technologies; (2) modeling of karst flow and reactive transport; (3) responses of karst hydrosystems to climate variability and changes across scales.  相似文献   
Drought monitoring is a key topic in environmental monitoring and assessment although there is still a need to determine the correlation between drought monitoring indices and remote sensing products. We analyzed the correlation between the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (sc_PDSI), the Standardized Precipitation Index and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and terrestrial water storage monitored through the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) on a monthly timescale from 2002 to 2015 in China. As a consequence of anomalies in the soil water budget, the highly significant correlation between the sc_PDSI and the GRACE satellite-observed terrestrial water storage suggested that these two datasets are the most suitable for use in monitoring droughts. In comparing the three drought indices, the sc_PDSI was introduced as a means of drought monitoring in the Yangtze, Pearl, Huaihe, Southeast and Songhua River Basins, whereas the SPEI was found to be more applicable to other major river basins, such as the Inland River Basin. These diverse spatial behaviors are caused by the differences between the hydrological droughts characterized by these three drought indices.  相似文献   
Due to its negative impact on the living environment of human beings, ambient air pollution has become a global challenge to human health. In this study, surface observations of six criteria air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO and O3, were collected to investigate the spatial and temporal variation in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region during 2013–2016 and to explore the relationships between atmospheric pollutants and meteorological variables using quantile regression model (QRM) and multiple linear regression model (MLRM). The results show that BTH region has experienced significant air pollution, and the southern part generally has more severe conditions. The annual average indicates clear decreasing trends of the particulate matters, SO2 and CO concentrations over the last 4 years and slight increasing trends of NO2 and O3 in several cities. The seasonal and monthly characteristics indicate that the concentrations of five species reach their maxima in the winter and their minima in the summer, whereas O3 has the opposite behaviour. Finally, the pseudo R2 values show that the QRMs have the best performance in the winter, followed by spring, fall, and summer. Specifically, all the meteorological factors have significant impacts on air pollution but change with pollutants and seasons. The MLRM results are generally consistent with the QRM results in all seasons, and the inconsistencies are more common in the fall and winter. The results of this research provide foundational knowledge for predicting the response of air quality to climate change in the BTH region.  相似文献   
Tailings resulted from sulphuric acid leaching process of uranium from sedimentary rocks contain high concentrations of 226Ra and its daughters, the most important of which is 222Rn. Movement of radon gas out of the tailings is strongly influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of these tailings especially their radium content and the grain size. So, the tailing samples were size fractionated into four sizes (>?250, 250–125, 125–74 and <?74 µm). The natural radioactivity was investigated using hyper-pure germanium detector and solid-state nuclear track detectors (CR-39) for bulk size and after size fractionation. The activity concentrations of different radionuclides in size-fractionated tailing samples have been shown to be strongly dependent on the size of the particles. In the range of >?250 and <?74 µm, the activity concentrations of 230Th, 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 210Pb, 232Th and 40K increased throughout with decreasing particle size, while that of 238U, 234U and 235U have an opposite effect. The results revealed an inverse relationship between the radon exhalation rate and size fractionation. Also, the results showed a good correlation between radium activity concentration and radon mass exhalation rate.  相似文献   
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