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Zusammenfassung Der Vergleich der Gitterkonstanten und der Atomparameter von Amblygonit LiAI[PO4](OH,F), Kieserit Mg[SO4](H2O) und Titanit CaTi[SiO4](O) zeigt, daß diese Strukturen analog gebaut sind. Das Geriist von tetraedrischen und oktaedrischen Koordinationspolyedern ist in allen 3 Fallen gleich. Die Grundstruktur ist die des Kieserits. Die Amblygonitstruktur entsteht aus ihr durch Verzerrung und Auffüllung mit einem weiteren Bauelement, dem Li, die Titanitstruktur nur durch Auffullung ohne Symmetrieverminderung.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Drei Waldbodenprofile auf Zechsteinletten, Unterem Buntsandstein und Zechsteindolomit am südwestlichen Harzrand wurden mit Hilfe von Korngrößenanalysen, optischen und röntgenographischen Methoden auf ihren qualitativen und quantitativen Mineralbestand untersucht. Außerdem konnte anhand von Bodendünnschliffen ein Einblick in die Mikromorphologie der in ihrer Lagerung nicht gestörten Bodenhorizonte gewonnen werden. Dabei ließen sich mit dem Mikroskop nicht mehr auflösbare Strukturelemente auf röntgenographischem Wege aus dem Dünnschliff heraus identifizieren.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Künstlich hergestellter Löweit kristallisiert trigonal in kleinen Rhomboedern. Die Gitterkonstanten für die hexagonale Zelle sind:a = 18,96 Å,c = 13,47 Å. Die systematischen Auslöschungen führen auf die Raumgruppe R 3 oder R 3. Der Zellinhalt wird diskutiert.  相似文献   
Summary At Broomstock Mine, three types of gold mineralization have been identified: (i) jaspilite-hosted ore, (ii) ore confined to shear zones within meta-basalts, and (iii) supergene ore. The present study, which is focused on the jaspilite-hosted ore, revealed that areas carrying economic gold grades are characterized by fracturing, brecciation and abundant arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization. The mineralization was introduced by hydrothermal fluids which used dilatant fractures in the jaspilites as channelways. Deposition of gold and sulfides occurred in response to changing P-T conditions and through chemical reactions of the fluids with the iron-rich jaspilites. Gold and accompanying elements may either originate from processes of intraformational remobilization, or they were derived from external, distant sources.
Geologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Goldlagerstätte Broomstock im Kwekwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: Bedeutung für Goldvererzung in jaspitischen Eisenformationen
Zusammenfassung In der Broomstock Mine treten drei Typen von Goldmineralisationen auf: (i) Vererzungen in Jaspiliten, (ii) Vererzungen in Scherzonen, die Metabasalte durchsetzen, und (iii) supergene Vererzungen.Die vorliegende Untersuchung befaßt sich vornehmlich mit den Vererzungen der Jaspilite. Kartierungen und Beprobungen zeigten, daß ökonomische Goldgehalte an Be-reiche der Jaspilite gebunden sind, die tektonisch zerbrochen und brekziiert sind. Zudem treten in diesen Bereichen Arsenkies und Pyrit in hohen Konzentrationen auf. Die Mineralisation stellt den Absatz hydrothermaler Lösungen dar, die dilatante Bruchzonen innerhalb der Jaspilite als Zufuhrkanäle benutzten. Der Absatz der Sulfide und des Goldes erfolgte aufgrund sich ändernder P-T-Bedingungen und durch chemische Reaktionen zwischen den Lösungen und den eisenreichen Jaspiliten. Als Modell zur Herkunft des Goldes und der begleitenden Elemente wird entweder eine intraformationale Umlagerung, oder eine Zufuhr aus externen, entfernteren Quellen angenommen.
Summary The last Ice Age (Würm) glacier cover was reconstructed on the basis of standard geomorphological indicators in S Tibet between the S slope and N slope of the Himalaya by way of the Tibetan Himalaya to the Transhimalaya (28° – 29° 50' N/85° 40' – 91° 10' E). At the same time, though subject to varying density of data, the process of Late and Post-Glacial deglaciation to Neo-Galacial and Recent glacier cover was considered. Evidence of an almost total glaciation of S Tibet was found in indicators like glaciated knobs, trough valleys with pronounced flank polishings and limits of glacial scouring on nunataks, as well as in findings of erratics, lateral moraines, end moraines, and terraces of outwash plains. This total glaciation took the form of an ice-stream network and attained a thickness of at least 1200 m. Ice-free to about 87° – 86° E, the Tsangpo valley with its sander deposits occupied the gap between the glacier areas of the Tibetan and High Himalayas in the S (I 3) and those of the Transhimalaya in the N (I 2). In the light of recently glaciated Late Glacial terminal moraines and ice marginal rapms it has been possible to estimate a glacio-isostatic uplift of c. 400 m during 10 x 103 years (an average of 40 mm/year) following deglaciation. It is about 3 to 8 times greater than the tectonic uplift of the High Himalaya. The post-glacially intensified uplift of the S Tibetan Plateau by comparison with the High Himalaya is attributed to the much greater glacier burden during the Ice Age.In the area under investigation a High Glacial ELA depression (equilibrium line altitude depr.) of at least 1200 (1180) m was reconstructed for a mean altitude of about 4700 (4716) m asl. Assuming constant hygric conditions and a gradient of 0.7° C/100 m, the temperature drop at the time would have been 8.4° C. Since precipitation during the Ice Age must, if anything, have been less, a drop in summer temperature of about 10° C may be regarded as probable.  相似文献   
The aim of this investigation was the classification of East Rhodope mountain ridge area and the surrounding hills and plains into mapping units by visual interpretation of 1:500,000 paper print enlargements of MSS false colour composites (bands 1, 2 and 4) of LANDSAT-4 and MSS (band 7) of LANDSAT-1, supported by limited field observation and background information available from earlier surveys and maps. The basic mapping units used in the present study was the land systems (developed by CSIRO in Australia) because they are easily recognizable on LANDSAT images by their destinctive combination of physiography, soils and vegetation.The twenty various land systems occurring in the study area, such as high/low mountains with smooth/sharp summits, nearly flat/undulated plains, slightly/strongly dissected hilles etc., were defined and mapped on small scale of 1:500,000. They are of considerable interest because they provide the framework for production of the same scale geological and geo-morphological maps, erosion studies, soil, vegetation and other thematic mapping for natural resources surveys, because LANDSAT images reveal details of terrain and microrelief that can never be reproduced on a topographic map. Also this land system map may modify or add to earlier small scale thematic maps (geology, soils and vegetation/forestry maps) produced in the past by other techniques.  相似文献   
Numerical model for rock bolts with consideration of rock joint movements   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The stability of any underground structure during and after excavation is the most important question for designers, because any kind of collapse may destroy large parts of a finished tunnel, causing major repairs and time loss. Preliminary calculations are therefore of great importance. A calculation is only useful, however, when the underlying numerical model correctly describes natural behaviour. The rock bolts used in tunnel excavations are mostly untensioned grouted bolts, and this type of bolt is the main focus of this work. From the model of the grouted bolt, other types of rock bolts can also be modelled by the theory presented herein. Bolt behaviour in intact rock mass is so different from behaviour when a bolt intersects a joint, that a model with two different elements is suggested for a numerical calculation; one element for the bolt in the rock mass and one as a bolt intersecting with a joint.The model for both elements is verified by the experimental results. The numerical results correspond favourably with the experimental work. A variation of the parameters important for the behaviour of the bolt in intersection with the joint is shown. As an implementation of the bolt model, the numerical simulation of excavation and stabilisation of one road tunnel is presented.  相似文献   
Until recently the world economy was focused on four core areas: in western Europe, North America, the Soviet Union, and Japan. Beyond them was the periphery. The economic growth of the periphery depended on core-periphery trade. Since the existing core areas were too few to absorb the periphery's potential production, much of the periphery was producing below capacity. Currently more core areas are coming into existence in Brazil, South Korea, and India. They promote economic development by enlarging the market for peripheral products, drawing resources from the remaining periphery, and providing competition to existing core areas. Latent potentials for core area growth exist in the Near East and southern Africa, but their realization presumes political settlements. The west European core area has expanded onto the Iberian Peninsula and may expand soon beyond the erstwhile Iron Curtain.  相似文献   
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