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Ab initio calculations of thermo-elastic properties of beryl (Al4Be6Si12O36) have been carried out at the hybrid HF/DFT level by using the B3LYP and WC1LYP Hamiltonians. Static geometries and vibrational frequencies were calculated at different values of the unit cell volume to get static pressure and mode-γ Grüneisen’s parameters. Zero point and thermal pressures were calculated by following a standard statistical-thermodynamics approach, within the limit of the quasi-harmonic approximation, and added to the static pressure at each volume, to get the total pressure (P) as a function of both temperature (T) and cell volume (V). The resulting P(V, T) curves were fitted by appropriate EoS’, to get bulk modulus (K 0) and its derivative (K′), at different temperatures. The calculation successfully reproduced the available experimental data concerning compressibility at room temperature (the WC1LYP Hamiltonian provided K 0 and K′ values of 180.2 Gpa and 4.0, respectively) and the low values observed for the thermal expansion coefficient. A zone-centre soft mode \( P6/mcc \to P\bar{1} \) phase transition was predicted to occur at a pressure of about 14 GPa; the reduction of the frequency of the soft vibrational mode, as the pressure is increased, and the similar behaviour of the majority of the low-frequency modes, provided an explanation of the thermal behaviour of the crystal, which is consistent with the RUM model (Rigid Unit Model; Dove et al. in Miner Mag 59:629–639, 1995), where the negative contribution to thermal expansion is ascribed to a geometric effect connected to the tilting of rigid polyhedra in framework silicates.  相似文献   
An ab initio Hartree–Fock study of spodumene structure has been performed, and the wave function was used for a topological analysis of the electron density. The three non-equivalent oxygen atoms (O1, O2 and O3) of spodumene differed mainly in their valence shell charge concentration (VSCC). In particular, O1 shows a maximum of charge concentration along the Si–O bond path, and two other maxima, which can be regarded as lone pairs, point in the opposite direction with respect to the silicon position. O2 shows a torus of local charge concentration, whose axis is parallel to the Al–Si direction, with a bulge on the external side of the Si–O2–Al angle; even if no maximum exists in the Si direction, the valence shell of O2 appears to be strongly polarized toward the silicon; a slight polarization also exists along the Al–O bond path. A similar situation is displayed by O3, whose charge concentration has a torus-like shape, with the axis parallel to the Si–Si direction, and a bulge on the external side of the Si–O3–Si angle; as in the case of O2, a significant polarization of the valence shell of O3 is observed, towards the two Si directions. By recasting the calculated electron distribution in terms of the valence bond theory, a correlation has been found between structural details (bond lengths) and the hybridization state of the oxygen atoms.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal characterization of geochemical tracers over Alpine glacierized catchments is particularly difficult, but fundamental to quantify groundwater, glacier melt, and rain water contribution to stream runoff. In this study, we analysed the spatial and temporal variability of δ2H and electrical conductivity (EC) in various water sources during three ablation seasons in an 8.4‐km2 glacierized catchment in the Italian Alps, in relation to snow cover and hydro‐meteorological conditions. Variations in the daily streamflow range due to melt‐induced runoff events were controlled by maximum daily air temperature and snow covered area in the catchment. Maximum daily streamflow decreased with increasing snow cover, and a threshold relation was found between maximum daily temperature and daily streamflow range. During melt‐induced runoff events, stream water EC decreased due to the contribution of glacier melt water to stream runoff. In this catchment, EC could be used to distinguish the contribution of subglacial flow (identified as an end member, enriched in EC) from glacier melt water to stream runoff, whereas spring water in the study area could not be considered as an end member. The isotopic composition of snow, glacier ice, and melt water was not significantly correlated with the sampling point elevation, and the spatial variability was more likely affected by postdepositional processes. The high spatial and temporal variability in the tracer signature of the end members (subglacial flow, rain water, glacier melt water, and residual winter snow), together with small daily variability in stream water δ2H dynamics, are problematic for the quantification of the contribution of the identified end members to stream runoff, and call for further research, possibly integrated with other natural or artificial tracers.  相似文献   
The hydrodispersive properties of porous sediments are strongly influenced by the heterogeneity at fine scales, which can be modeled by geostatistical simulations. In order to improve the assessment of the properties of three different geostatistical simulation methods (Sequential indicator simulation, SISIM; Transition probability geostatistical simulation, T-PROGS; Multiple point simulation, MPS) a comparison test at different scales was performed for a well-exposed aquifer analogue. In the analysed volume (approximately 30,000?m3) four operative hydrofacies have been recognised: very fine sand and silt, sand, gravelly sand and open framework gravel. Several equiprobable realizations were computed with SISIM, MPS and T-PROGS for a test volume of approximately 400?m3 and for the entire volume, and the different outcomes were compared with visual inspection and connectivity analysis of the very or poorly permeable structures. The comparison of the different simulations shows that the geological model is best reproduced when the simulations are realised separately for each highest rank depositional element and subsequently merged. Moreover, the three methods yield different images of the volume; in particular MPS is efficient in mapping the geometries of the most represented hydrofacies, whereas SISIM and T-PROGS can account for the distribution of the less represented facies.  相似文献   
The Dawn spacecraft mission has provided extensive new and detailed data on Vesta that confirm and strengthen the Vesta–howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED) meteorite link and the concept that Vesta is differentiated, as derived from earlier telescopic observations. Here, we present results derived by newly calibrated spectra of Vesta. The comparison between data from the Dawn imaging spectrometer—VIR—and the different class of HED meteorites shows that average spectrum of Vesta resembles howardite spectra. Nevertheless, the Vesta spectra at high spatial resolution reveal variations in the distribution of HED‐like mineralogies on the asteroid. The data have been used to derive HED distribution on Vesta, reported in Ammannito et al. (2013), and to compute the average Vestan spectra of the different HED lithologies, reported here. The spectra indicate that, not only are all the different HED lithologies present on Vesta, but also carbonaceous chondritic material, which constitutes the most abundant inclusion type found in howardites, is widespread. However, the hydration feature used to identify carbonaceous chondrite material varies significantly on Vesta, revealing different band shapes. The characteristic of these hydration features cannot be explained solely by infalling of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and other possible origins must be considered. The relative proportion of HEDs on Vesta's surface is computed, and results show that most of the vestan surface is compatible with eucrite‐rich howardites and/or cumulate or polymict eucrites. A very small percentage of surface is covered by diogenite, and basaltic eucrite terrains are relatively few compared with the abundance of basaltic eucrites in the HED suite. The largest abundance of diogenitic material is found in the Rheasilvia region, a deep basin, where it clearly occurs below a basaltic upper crust. However, diogenite is also found elsewhere; although the depth to diogenite is consistent with one magma ocean model, its lateral extent is not well constrained.  相似文献   
In the framework of performance-based assessment of existing RC buildings, an important step is the definition of an intensity measure (IM) of the seismic action that be accurate and efficient in correlating with the engineering demand parameters (EDP) of interest and in reducing the variability in their prediction. Objective of this work is to assess five different IMs, when they are applied to an in-plan irregular three-dimensional building subjected to bi-directional earthquake motion. The objective is pursued through multiple regression of the results obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses. The study shows that certain IMs are more suitable to evaluate EDPs when dealing with 3D structures subjected to 2D earthquakes.  相似文献   
The continental shelf and the upper slope of the Gulf of Palermo (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) in the depth interval ranging from 50 to 1,500 m were mapped for the first time with Multi Beam echosounder and high resolution seismic. Seven submarine canyons are confined to the upper slope or indent the shelf-edge and enter the Palermo intraslope basin at a depth of around 1,300 m. The canyons evolved through concurrent top-down turbiditic processes and bottom-up retrogressive mass failures. Most of the mass failure features of the area are related to canyon-shaping processes and only few of them are not confined to the upper slope. In general, these features probably do not represent a significant tsunami hazard along the coast. The geological element that controls the evolution of the canyons and induces sediment instability corresponds to the steep slope gradient, especially in the western sector of the Gulf, where the steepest canyons are located. The structural features mapped in the Palermo offshore contributed to the regulation of mass failure processes in the area, with direct faults and antiform structures coinciding with some of the canyon heads. Furthermore, the occurrence of pockmarks and highs that probably consist of authigenic carbonates above faulted and folded strata suggests a local relationship between structural control, fluid escape processes and mass failure. This paper presents a valuable high-resolution morphologic dataset of the Gulf of Palermo, which constitutes a reliable base for evaluating the geo-hazard potential related to slope failure in the area.  相似文献   
An energy-based methodology for the assessment of seismic demand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A methodology for the assessment of the seismic energy demands imposed on structures is proposed. The research was carried out through two consecutive phases. Inelastic design input energy spectra for systems with a prescribed displacement ductility ratio were first developed. The study of the inelastic behavior of energy factors and the evaluation of the response modification in comparison with the elastic case were performed by introducing two new parameters, namely: (1) the Response Modification Factor of the earthquake input energy (RE), representing the ratio of the elastic to inelastic input energy spectral values and (2) the ratio α of the area enclosed by the inelastic input energy spectrum in the range of periods between 0.05 and 4.0 s to the corresponding elastic value. The proposed design inelastic energy spectra, resulting from the study of a large set of strong motion records, were obtained as a function of ductility, soil type, source-to-site distance and magnitude.Subsequently, with reference to single degree of freedom systems, the spectra of the hysteretic to input energy ratio were evaluated, for different soil types and target ductility ratios. These spectra, defined to evaluate the hysteretic energy demand of structures, were described by a piecewise linear idealization that allows to distinguish three distinct regions as a function of the vibration period. In this manner, once the inelastic design input energy spectra were determined, the definition of the energy dissipated by means of inelastic deformations followed directly from the knowledge of hysteretic to input energy ratio.The design spectra of both input energy and hysteretic to input energy ratio were defined considering an elasto-plastic behavior. Nevertheless, other constitutive models were taken into account for comparison purposes.  相似文献   
Response parameters used to estimate nonstructural damage differ depending on whether deformation‐sensitive or acceleration‐sensitive components are considered. In the latter case, seismic demand is usually represented through floor spectra, that is response spectra in terms of pseudo‐acceleration, which are calculated at the floor levels of the structure where the nonstructural components are attached to. Objective of this paper is to present a new spectrum‐to‐spectrum method for calculating floor acceleration spectra, which is able to explicitly account for epistemic uncertainties in the modal properties of the supporting structure. By using this method, effects on the spectra of possible variations from nominal values of the periods of vibration of the structure can be estimated. The method derives from the extension of closed‐form equations recently proposed by the authors to predict uniform hazard floor acceleration spectra. These equations are built to rigorously account for the input ground motion uncertainty, that is the record‐to‐record variability of the nonstructural response. In order to evaluate the proposed method, comparisons with exact spectra obtained from a standard probabilistic seismic demand analysis, as well as spectra calculated using the Eurocode 8 equation, are finally shown. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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