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王子娟  刘新荣  傅晏  张梁  袁文 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3231-3239
选取三峡库区某边坡的泥质砂岩为研究对象,分别对pH=3和pH=7溶液下干、湿循环作用的泥质砂岩进行电镜扫描试验(SEM)、4种围压下的三轴压缩试验,通过MATLAB软件处理得到不同pH值和干、湿循环次数下SEM图像的骨架面积比和分形维数。研究表明:在相同的干、湿循环次数下,pH=3酸性环境下的分形维数比pH=7的要大;分形维数与吸水率成正比例相关;与骨架面积、凝聚力成反比例相关;泥质砂岩在干、湿循环作用下的临界骨架面积比为0.55左右;提出了泥质砂岩在干、湿循环作用下的侵蚀度概念,计算并拟合了泥质砂岩的侵蚀度随干、湿循环次数变化的关系曲线;推导出凝聚力的损伤变量公式,为研究不同pH水环境对岩石的侵蚀作用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
为提升太湖缓冲带林带的生态功能,减少入湖污染负荷,采用人工草坪替代林下杂草的方式,建立林草复合带.选取白三叶(Trifolium repens)、红花酢浆草(Oxalis corymbosa)、麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus)、马蹄金(Dichondra erpens)和狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)5种草坪,在典型缓冲带林地按间距25 cm统一移栽种植.采用定位监测的方法分析草坪的生长特征与发展趋势.结果表明:2011-2014年期间,除狗牙根无法形成稳定的种群被杂草取代外,其他4种草坪均能正常生长,并形成优势种群;4种草坪中,以麦冬和马蹄金生长状况最好,生物量、盖度、均一性和青绿期综合指标等级较高,其次是白三叶;红花酢浆草种群不稳定,受水热的影响大.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the raindrop size distribution(DSD) during regional freezing rain(FR) events that occur throughout the phase change(from liquid to solid) are poorly understood due to limited observations. We investigate the evolution of microphysical parameters and the key formation mechanisms of regional FR using the DSDs from five disdrometer sites in January 2018 in the Jianghan Plain(JHP) of Central China. FR is identified via the size and velocity distribution measured from a disdrom...  相似文献   
目的:探讨CT尿路造影 (CTU) 对泌尿系结核的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析进行CTU或IVP检查并经临床确诊的泌尿系结核患者的影像资料, 与病理结果对照。结果:79例纳入研究。50例CTU检查提示诊断46例。29例IVP检查提示诊断13例。CTU诊断率高于IVP。泌尿系结核的CTU征象主要有:肾实质内多发或单发类圆形低密度灶、肾内点片状钙化灶、肾盏不均匀扩张、尿路上皮增厚、输尿管僵直、“串珠样”改变及膀胱挛缩等。结论:CTU能准确反映泌尿系结核的不同病理改变, 可作为一线检查手段, 特别是对于肾功能差和IVP显影不良的患者能提供更多的诊断信息。  相似文献   
To research the faults distribution and deep structures in the southern segment of Tan-Lu fault zone(TLFZ) and its adjacent area, this paper collects the Bouguer gravity data and makes separation by the multi-scale wavelet analysis method to analyze the crustal transverse structure of different depths. Meanwhile Moho interface is inversed by Parker variable density model. Research indicates that the southern segment of TLFZ behaves as a NNE-directed large-scale regional field gravity gradient zone, which separates the west North China-Dabie orogen block and the east Yangtze block, cutting the whole crust and lithosphere mantle. There are quite differences of density structures and tectonic features between both sides of this gradient belt. The sedimentary and upper crustal density structure is complex. The two east branches of TLFZ behave as linear gravity anomalous belt throughout the region, whereas the two west branches of TLFZ continue to extend after truncating the EW-trending gravity anomaly body. The lower crustal density structure is relatively simple. TLFZ behaves as a broad and gentle low abnormal belt, which reflects the Cretaceous-Paleogene extension environment caused graben structure. The two west branches of TLFZ, running through Hefei city, extend southward along the west margin of Feidong depression and pinch out in Shucheng area due to the high density trap occlusions in the south of Shucheng. The Feizhong Fault, Liu'an-Hefei Fault, and Feixi-Hanbaidu Fault intersect the two west branch faults of TLFZ without extending to the east. Recent epicenters are mainly located in conversion zones between the high-density and the low-density anomaly, especially in TLFZ and the junction of the faults, where earthquakes frequently occurred in the upper and middle crust. As strong earthquakes rarely occur in the southern segment of TLFZ, considering its deep feature of abrupt change of the Moho and intersections with many EW-trending faults, the hazard of strong earthquake cannot be ignored.  相似文献   
Foundationitem:UndertheauspicesoftheKeyProjectoftheChineseAcademyofSciences(KZ951-Al-203)1IntroductionTherearellcoastalprovincesandprovince-levelmwhcipalihesinChina,excludingTaiwan,HongKong,andallcao,withl8OOodri-longcoastallines(FigUrl).Thisregionisaneconondodly-develoPedanddensely-populatedzonewithalandareaofl3.8%ofthenahon'stOtal,55.6%ofitSgrossdomesticproducLnd39-8%,PfitSPOPulationinl997.Thepopulallondensityis4.4hmesthaofthetalonalaverage.The299cihesinthesellcoastalprovincesare4…  相似文献   
基于GRACE重力卫星数据,采用P3M6去相关滤波技术、350 km半径的高斯平滑技术与差分方法,提取2004年苏门答腊Mw9.3地震的同震和震后重力场时空演化过程。该地震断层下盘同震重力变化达到4.6 μGal,上盘同震重力变化最大值为-8.3 μGal,该结果与球体位错理论计算结果在量级和分布形态上具有较好的一致性。震后7 a断层下盘重力变化累计达到5.6 μGal,超过同震变化信号|而断层上盘震后重力变化只有0.6 μGal,仅为同震变化信号的11%。该现象表明,断层下盘所在海洋地层的粘滞性较低,地层相对柔软,其地层在震后由于较大的粘滞性松弛效应而持续变形,并伴随较大的重力变化|而断层上盘所在的地层接近陆地地壳特性,地层相对脆硬,震后受地层的粘滞性响应而导致的重力变化相对较小。  相似文献   
利用福建地区厦门、漳州、莆田、南平、龙岩5个台站地倾斜固体潮观测资料,分别计算了地震平静期的倾斜固体潮潮汐变化特征量,并进行了对比分析;除此之外还对固体潮特征进行了地球动力学分析。结果表明,沿海地区海潮是决定倾斜固体潮特征的主要因素。  相似文献   
OpendTect软件倾角控制模块在地震解释中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OpendTect软件是集地震数据处理、解释和三维可视化于一体的新一代地震资料解释系统,其基础系统平台是完全开放的,可供其他研究机构在平台基础上开发相应的模块^[1]。该解释系统除具备一般解释软件所具有的普遍功能如地震资料属性提取、层位追踪外^[2],基于倾角控制(dip-steering)的中值倾角滤波(media-dip-steering filter)是其优于其他地震解释软件的主要特色之一^[3],经实例验证中值滤波后可以显著提高地震剖面质量,在此基础上做层位追踪或属性提取可以提升确信度。结合应用实例介绍这一核心模块,并交流使用心得。  相似文献   
土地复垦地籍调绘及数据处理中的MATLAB方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏省徐州市贾汪区为研究对象,详述矿区土地复垦中地籍测量的全过程;以JSCORS技术和全站仪相结合的野外作业方式大大提高数据采集的速度,深入讨论全站仪野外作业记录格式与CASS6.0不一致时数据的转换问题,详细分析MATLAB与其他传统的编程方式比较所体现出来的优越性。  相似文献   
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