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The objective of this research was to acquire a raindrop size distribution (DSDs) retrieved from C-band polarimetric radar observations scheme for the first time in south China.An observation period of the precipitation process was selected,and the shape-slope (μ-Λ) relationship of this region was statistically analyzed using the raindrop sample observations from the two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) at Xinfeng Station,Guangdong Province.Simulated data of the C-band polarimetric radar reflectivity Z_(HH)and differential reflectivity Z_(DR)were obtained through scattering simulation.The simulation data were combined with DSD fitting to determine the Z_(DR)-Λand log_(10)(Z_(HH)/N_0)-Λrelationships.Using Xinfeng C-band polarimetric radar observations Z_(DR)and Z_(HH),the raindrop Gamma size distribution parametersμ,Λ,and N_0were retrieved.A scheme for using C-band polarimetric radar to retrieve the DSDs was developed.This research revealed that during precipitation process,the DSDs obtained using the C-band polarimetric radar retrieval scheme are similar to the 2DVD observations,the precipitation characteristics of rainfall intensity (R),mass-weighted mean diameter (D_m) and intercept parameter (N_w) with time obtained by radar retrieval are basically consistent with the observational results of the 2DVD.This scheme establishes the relationship between the observations of the C-band polarimetric radar and the physical quantities of the numerical model.This method not only can test the prediction of the model data assimilation system on the convective scale and determine error sources,but also can improve the microphysical precipitation processes analysis and radar quantitative precipitation estimation.The present research will facilitate radar data assimilation in the future.  相似文献   
X 波段双极化雷达对云中水凝物粒子的相态识别   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
人工影响天气研究需对云中降水粒子的相态和分布结构进行准确识别,以便提高人工影响天气作业效率.中国科学院大气物理研究所的车载X波段双极化雷达可提供与云中降水粒子大小、形状、相态等特征密切相关的4个极化参数:反射率因子、差分反射率、差分相移率、水平和垂直极化相关系数.利用这4个极化参数加上环境温度作为5个输入参量,建立了降水粒子相态模糊逻辑识别算法,识别的降水粒子有10种:毛毛雨、雨、湿霰、干霰、小雹、大雹、雨加雹、湿雪、干雪、冰晶.利用此雷达的实际观测资料,并与地面和飞机空中实测资料对照,对我国南、北方地区观测的降水天气过程进行分析,结果表明:建立的模糊逻辑算法对云内水凝物粒子的相态识别分类合理.  相似文献   
我国东部4-9月大尺度南北旱涝的特征及变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了我国东部4—9月逐月、逐季降水的跷跷板结构和气候特征,结果表明:不同时段跷跷板结构的位置和强度不同。当时间尺度加大时,南北旱涝特征更明显。定义并计算了1951—2003年我国的南北旱涝指数。对夏季和8月典型南北旱涝年进行差异的显著性t检验,表明南北旱涝年的划分是合理的。研究了1951—2003年我国南北旱涝特征的长期趋势和年代际变化;研究了南北旱涝指数与冷暖事件年的关系。结果表明,冷暖事件年对6月、6—7月以及夏季大尺度南北旱涝有影响,暖事件年有利于发生北旱南涝;而冷事件年则相反。结果还表明,冷暖事件仅是我国南北旱涝分布的一个影响因素。  相似文献   
The data, measured by a three-wavelength Integrating Nephelometer over Lanzhou City during the winters of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 respectively, have been analyzed for investigating the scattering properties of atmospheric aerosols and exploring their relationship and the status of air pollution. The aerosol particle volume distribution is inverted with the measured spectral scattering coefficients. The results show that the daily variation of the aerosol scattering coefficients is in a tri-peak shape. The average ratio of backscattering coefficient to total scattering coefficient at 550 nm is 0.158; there exists an excellent correlation between the scattering coefficients and the concentration of PM10. The average ratio of the concentration of PM10 to the scattering coefficients is 0.37 g m-2, which is contingent on the optical parameters of aerosol particles such as the size distribution, etc.; an algorithm is developed for inverting the volume distribution of aerosol particles by using the histogram and Monte-Carlo techniques, and the test results show that the inversion is reasonable.  相似文献   
阿利曼  王君  冯锦明  李秀连 《大气科学》2016,40(5):1073-1088
本文利用1979~2014年NCEP-DOE日平均再分析资料和中国区域2375份航空器空中颠簸报告资料,研究中国东部区域高空颠簸的时空分布特征及其与热带中东太平洋海温异常(简称“海温异常”;空间范围:5°S~5°N,120°~170°W)的关系以及产生这种关系的可能原因。结果表明:中国东部地区高空颠簸与东亚副热带西风急流之间存在显著时空相关关系,其原因是高空纬向风引起的垂直风切变是构成高空颠簸时空分布的主导因素。中国东部夏季高空颠簸与海温异常存在正相关关系;冬季呈现南北两个正负相关区:以30°N为界,北部区域存在显著的负相关,南部区存在显著的正相关,在30°N急流轴附近区域无显著相关关系。海温异常影响中国高空颠簸时空分布的可能原因是海温变化引起对流层高层温度出现异常,进而影响温度的经向梯度,导致东亚副热带西风急流强度和位置出现异常(夏季,急流轴南侧出现西风异常;冬季,急流轴北侧出现东风异常,南侧出现西风异常)。高空纬向风的变化导致纬向风的垂直梯度和经向梯度出现异常,最终影响高空颠簸的时空分布特征。对流层高层温度的异常变化可能是由与热带海温异常相关的平流层水汽变化所引起。  相似文献   
2009年中国东北夏季低温及其与前期海气系统变化的联系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
依据中国东北地区拥有百年地面观测记录的长春和哈尔滨测站气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和英国哈得来中心海表温度资料,揭示2009年东北地区发生的迄今已有15年没有出现的夏季低温事件成因.结果表明:发生东北夏季低温时的水平和垂直环流结构均为低值系统,东北冷涡异常活动是其最直接的影响因子;有利的年代际变化背景是,哈尔滨和长春6-8月平均气温年代际尺度(≥9 a)的振荡值1999-2008年约-O.8℃/10 a,显著低于全球变暖东北区域响应的线性增暖值0.2℃/10 a(1961-2000年),与长春和哈尔滨夏季气温呈正相关的前一年冬季太平洋极涡面积指数年代际振荡亦呈显著下降趋势.与1994-2008年东北夏季高温的500 hPa平均环流距平场显著不同,北极涛动呈强的负位相分布,东北亚、阿留申和北大西洋上空为显著负距平区;2009年前一年冬季与明显低温的1972年的前一年冬季北太平洋涛动均呈显著的负位相,春季仍持续,且2009年前一年冬季赤道中东太平洋SSTA为拉尼娜位相,2009年春季明显减弱;2009年6-7月夏季东北冷涡活动异常强与4-5月500 hPa北太平洋地区超长波扰动转为定常波扰动槽有关;SVD和谐波分析表明,北太平洋涛动的异常位相不仅是东北夏季气温变化的重要前期信号,还是大气中除了天气尺度的混沌分量外可提取的一种行星尺度稳定分量.  相似文献   
基于中国气象局公布的1961-2006年中国165个国际交换站无缺测的逐日平均气温资料,利用随机重排去趋势波动分析(S-DFA)方法,计算并分析了中国极端高温事件阈值的空间分布特征,并对S-DFA方法在实际资料中的应用进行了检验。从可预报性的角度给出了极端高温事件强度综合指标的定义。该综合指标将极端高温事件的发生频次和强度综合起来,兼顾不同地区各自特有的区域气候背景,进一步说明综合指标定义的合理性。基于极端高温事件综合指标的空间分布规律,将1961-2006年间中国极端高温事件分为4个不同等级的地区。极端高温事件综合指标在20世纪90年代初期之前一直保持平稳的波动变化,之后则一直处于上升之中,尤其是在90年代中后期开始迅速上升。  相似文献   
利用2007~2010年6~9月四川加密自动气象站雨量监测资料,分析了小时雨量特征,并结合其间的泥石流、滑坡地质灾害个例,对泥石流、滑坡发生时的降雨特点进行了分析。结果表明,1500m以下小时平均雨强较大时段出现在1~7时,1500m以上小时雨强较大时段出现在夜间10时至次日8时,短历时强降雨是诱发泥石流的关键因素,而滑坡的发生受降水的累计和滞后效应影响。海拔1500m以下,发生泥石流、滑坡一般需要50mm的降水,1500~3500m海拔,6小时降水有15~20mm,就有可能引发泥石流、滑坡,而在3500m以上,6小时降水有10~15mm即可。  相似文献   
基于SWCWARMS模式9km×9km分辨率逐小时降水预报,通过时间滞后集合预报方法构建多个集合成员,使用SAL评分值计算相应集合成员的权重系数,进行不等权集合平均,从而得到新的逐小时降水预报。利用SAL、TS和BIAS检验方法对四川省2019年8月的逐小时降水量时间滞后集合预报及相应的SWCWARMS模式最新时次预报进行对比分析,结果表明:(1)时间滞后集合预报SAL检验的L值和A值都较模式预报更接近于0,较好地改善了降水位置和强度的整体预报水平;(2)时间滞后集合预报对逐小时降水晴雨TS评分提升明显,评分提高百分率在10%左右,有效地减小了模式在晴雨方面的空报;(3)临近预报时效,时间滞后集合预报方法对于大量级降水预报也有较好的订正效果。  相似文献   
The performance of the Climate version of the Regional Eta-coordinate Model (CREM), a regional climate model developed by State Key Laboratory of Nu- merical modeling for Atmospheric Science and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics (LASG/IAP), in simulating rainfall anomalies during the ENSO decaying summers from 1982 to 2002 was evaluated. The added value of rainfall simulation relative to reanalysis data and the sources of model bias were studied. Results showed that the model simulated rainfall anomalies moderately well. The model did well at capturing the above-normal rainfall along the Yangtze River valley (YRV) during El Nio decaying summers and the below and above-normal rainfall centers along the YRV and the Huaihe River valley (HRV), respectively, during La Nia decaying summers. These features were not evident in rainfall products derived from the reanalysis, indicating that rainfall simulation did add value. The main limitations of the model were that the simulated rainfall anomalies along the YRV were far stronger and weaker in magnitude than the observations during El Nio decaying summers and La Nia decaying summers, respectively. The stronger magnitude above-normal rainfall during El Nio decaying summers was due to a stronger northward transport of water vapor in the lower troposphere, mostly from moisture advection. An artificial, above-normal rainfall center was seen in the region north to 35°N, which was associated with stronger northward water vapor transport. Both lower tropospheric circulation bias and a wetter model atmosphere contributed to the bias caused by water vapor transport. There was a stronger southward water vapor transport from the southern boundary of the model during La Nia decaying summers;less remaining water vapor caused anomalously weaker rainfall in the model as compared to observations.  相似文献   
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