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桂北泗里口老堡组为一套埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪过渡时期(大约550~540 Ma)深水盆地沉积的硅质岩。它们的SiO2含量普遍高(平均93.8%);Al2O3含量为0.17%~4.92%,沿剖面自下而上明显增加,上部超过2%;Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)比值多高于0.42;Fe/Ti比值大都小于16.3;Al2O3/( Al2O3+Fe2O3)比值多高于0.4,剖面上部样品的比值为0.8~0.9;Y/Ho比值为26.4~36.9,中、下部样品较高(多高于32),上部样品的比值接近地壳值(27);Eu/Eu*平均值为1.0,正异常不明显。剖面下部样品的∑REE含量低(15.9×10-6~27.1×10-6),具有与现代海水相近的REE配分,没有正的Eu异常,不同于海底的热液流体和与其有关的碧玉的REE配分;中部样品的∑REE含量为26.2×10-6~49.4×10-6,由于所含陆源碎屑的增加,REE配分变得平坦,但仍有海水REE的某些特征;上部样品的∑REE含量为40.5×10-6~59×10-6,显示与平均页岩相似的平坦的REE配分,但∑REE含量仅为平均页岩的大约1/4~1/3。这些常量和稀土元素特征表明,海底热液和陆源碎屑都不可能成为泗里口老堡组硅质岩的重要物源。埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪过渡时期华南深水盆地厚层硅质岩沉积反映了这一时期大气高CO2浓度,大量陆源化学风化的硅质流入海洋和大量生物的降解可能是造成这些硅质岩形成的基本原因。  相似文献   
基于改进遗传算法的地下空区边坡稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万文  曹平  冯涛  袁海平 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):2015-2019
以边坡稳定性计算的非圆弧滑动面条分法为基础,提出一种改进的遗传算法。在无需对边坡最危险滑动面的几何形状进行假设的前提下,自由搜索最危险滑动面及其对应的最小安全系数。通过工程实例,将改进方法与其他方法进行对比分析,结果表明:该方法不仅准确可靠,而且总能搜索到全局最优解。该实例也表明:在其他条件不变的情况下,地下空区是导致边坡失稳的主要因素。  相似文献   
白秧坪银铜多金属矿集区位于滇西兰坪中-新生代沉积盆地中北部,由东矿带(上三叠统碳酸盐岩建造内的铅锌银铜矿床)和西矿带(下白垩统碎屑岩建造内的银铜钴铅锌矿床)两部分组成.本研究对该矿集区东、西矿带不同矿段、不同矿化类型矿石样品进行了硫-碳-氧同位素的研究.硫同位素研究表明,东矿带硫主要为地层硫,西矿带热液硫为沉积地层硫、有机硫及深源硫或地幔硫的混合.碳同位素显示,东矿带碳酸盐矿物δ13CPDB值为-3.0‰~+3.1‰,接近于海相碳酸盐,明显区别于其他各类地质体,暗示成矿流体的碳应来自碳酸盐岩;西矿带各矿段的δ13CpDB值变化范围小,除白秧坪少量样品外,其余均为负值(-5.1‰~-1.5‰),表明该区热液流体中碳的来源复杂,存在有机碳、地壳碳酸盐的碳及深源(地幔)碳.综合分析表明,西矿带成矿流体是一种混入深源流体的盆地热卤水,形成了下白垩统碎屑岩建造内的银铜钴铅锌矿床;东矿带成矿流体则是源于大气降水的盆地热卤水,形成了上三叠统碳酸盐岩建造内的铅锌银铜矿床.  相似文献   
位处新疆东昆仑祁漫塔格地区的白干湖是中国西部最新探明的一个具超大型远景规模的钨锡矿田,柯可卡尔德是其中勘查程度最高、规模最大的钨锡矿床.文章在对柯可卡尔德钨锡矿地质特征详细野外调研和剖析的基础上,重点开展了控矿构造和白云母40Ar-39Ar定年研究.结果表明,该矿区内构造活动强烈且具多期次性,可划分为成矿前向西右旋剪切构造、成矿期以NE向为主的左旋张扭性断裂和成矿后近SN向正断层性质断裂等3期.应用白云母40 Ar-39 Ar同位素测年技术,分别测得了强云英岩化钨锡矿化花岗岩脉内白云母的积分年龄为(411.7±2.6) Ma,等时线年龄为(411.8±4.7) Ma(n=8,MSWD=0.21);黑钨矿-石英脉垂直脉壁生长的片状白云母的积分年龄为(412.8±2.4) Ma,等时线年龄为(414.6±3.9) Ma(n=10,MSWD=0.22),厘定了该矿床的成矿时代为晚志留世,认为其形成于东昆仑地区加里东造山旋回的后碰撞构造阶段.  相似文献   
The Qiangtang Basin (QB), located in the central Tibetan Plateau, is a Jurassic marine basin and one of the most important prospective salt resource belts in China. In recent decades, many outcrops of gypsiferous?bed have been found in the Jurassic marine strata in the basin. Salt springs with abnormally high sodium (Na+) contents had been identified in the Late Jurassic Xiali Formation (Fm.) in the basin in the last years. However, to date, no potash or halite deposits have been identified in the QB. Gypsum outcrops and salt springs are very important?signs in the investigation of halite and potash deposits. Therefore, the Xiali Fm. is?a potentially valuable layer to evaluate for the possible presence of halite and potash deposits in the basin. However,?few studies?have explored the formation?conditions of evaporites in the unit. Here, we present detailed geochemical records from the Yanshiping section related to the study of the formation?conditions of evaporites in the Xiali Fm. of the QB. Climate proxies based on the obviously increased anion concentrations of SO42? and Cl? and the significant correlation?coefficients of Ca2+-SO42? (R = 0.985) and Na+-Cl? (R = 0.8974) reveal that the upper member of the Xiali Fm. (the upper Xiali Fm.) formed under an arid climate and evolved into the sulfate phase or early chloride phase. Provenance proxies based on the obviously increased K+ and Na+ ion concentrations and the significant correlation?coefficient of Na+-Cl? (R = 0.8974) suggest that the upper Xiali Fm. featured optimal provenance conditions for the possible formation of halite deposits. The regression and the semi-closed tidal?flat environment in the upper Xiali Fm. were favorable for the formation of potash and halite deposits. The low Mg2+ /Ca2+ values (mean value = 1.82) and significant Na+-Cl? correlation?coefficient (R = 0.8974) also suggest that the upper Xiali Fm. is the layer most likely to contain potential halite deposits. In addition, the macroscopic correlations of tectonism, provenance, paleoclimate, saliferous strata and sedimentary?environment between the QB and the adjoining Amu Darya Basin in Central Asia reveal that the two basins shared similar geologic settings that were favorable for the formation of evaporites during the Late Jurassic. Therefore, the upper Xiali Fm. is a valuable layer to explore for halite deposit and may be potentially valuable in the future exploration for potash deposits in the QB.  相似文献   
利用GRAPES—meso模式和T213资料,对2007年7月18日发生在我国四川盆地和华东地区一次大暴雨过程进行多组数值试验,以分析侧边界资料、驱动资料的垂直分辨率、模式积分区域、云物理参数及边界参数对GRAPES—nleso模式降水预报影响。试验结果表明:(1)侧边界资料对模式降水预报结果影响较小,驱动GRAPES—meso的全球模式产品质量提高,降水预报结果越好;(2)驱动资料垂直分辨率的高低对降水预报结果影响较大,分辨率越高,预报能力越强,反之越弱;(3)模式积分区域对降水预报结果也有明显影响,区域越大,降水预报未必总是最好;(4)物理过程和边界参数试验表明,WSM6方案与KFeta方案组合的24小时降水预报与实况更接近。  相似文献   
The impacts of three periods of urban land expansion during 1990–2010 on near-surface air temperature in summer in Beijing were simulated in this study, and then the interrelation between heat waves and urban warming was assessed. We ran the sensitivity tests using the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with a single urban canopy model,as well as high-resolution land cover data. The warming area expanded approximately at the same scale as the urban land expansion. The average regional warming induced by urban expansion increased but the warming speed declined slightly during 2000–2010. The smallest warming occurred at noon and then increased gradually in the afternoon before peaking at around 2000 LST—the time of sunset. In the daytime, urban warming was primarily caused by the decrease in latent heat flux at the urban surface. Urbanization led to more ground heat flux during the day and then more release at night, which resulted in nocturnal warming. Urban warming at night was higher than that in the day, although the nighttime increment in sensible heat flux was smaller. This was because the shallower planetary boundary layer at night reduced the release efficiency of near-surface heat. The simulated results also suggested that heat waves or high temperature weather enhanced urban warming intensity at night. Heat waves caused more heat to be stored in the surface during the day, greater heat released at night, and thus higher nighttime warming. Our results demonstrate a positive feedback effect between urban warming and heat waves in urban areas.  相似文献   
Space-borne measurements of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations provide global observation constraints for top-down estimates of surface carbon flux.Here,the first estimates of the global distribution of carbon surface fluxes inferred from dry-air CO_2 column (XCO_2) measurements by the Chinese Global Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Scientific Experimental Satellite (Tan Sat) are presented.An ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) data assimilation system coupled with the GEOS-Chem global chemistry transport model is used to optimally fit model simulations with the Tan Sat XCO_2 observations,which were retrieved using the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Carbon dioxide retrieval Algorithm for Satellite remote sensing (IAPCAS).High posterior error reduction (30%–50%) compared with a priori fluxes indicates that assimilating satellite XCO_2 measurements provides highly effective constraints on global carbon flux estimation.Their impacts are also highlighted by significant spatiotemporal shifts in flux patterns over regions critical to the global carbon budget,such as tropical South America and China.An integrated global land carbon net flux of 6.71±0.76 Gt C yr~(-1) over12 months (May 2017–April 2018) is estimated from the Tan Sat XCO_2 data,which is generally consistent with other inversions based on satellite data,such as the JAXA GOSAT and NASA OCO-2 XCO_2 retrievals.However,discrepancies were found in some regional flux estimates,particularly over the Southern Hemisphere,where there may still be uncorrected bias between satellite measurements due to the lack of independent reference observations.The results of this study provide the groundwork for further studies using current or future Tan Sat XCO_2 data together with other surfacebased and space-borne measurements to quantify biosphere–atmosphere carbon exchange.  相似文献   
沟谷地形下高填方涵洞土压力分布规律较为复杂,不同沟谷地形下涵周土压力分布规律与上埋式涵洞差异显著。为探明沟谷地形对高填方拱涵涵周土压力的影响,采用离心模型试验与数值模拟方法,建立了地形-涵洞-填土的相互作用模型,分析了不同沟谷宽度B、沟谷坡度α下的拱涵涵周土压力及涵顶土压集中系数Ks的分布规律,并与最新涵洞设计规范进行了对比,阐述了沟谷地形下高填方拱涵土压力形成机制。研究表明:(1)沟谷宽度B对涵顶土压力集中系数Ks影响显著,沟谷宽度B为4D~6D,D为拱涵的净跨径,涵顶土压力集中系数Ks增幅较大;(2)沟谷宽度B小于4D时,可发挥沟谷地形对涵洞的减载作用;(3)沟谷坡度α在45°~60°时,涵顶土压力及其Ks变化最显著;(4)填土高度为20m,α>70°时,Ks≤1。填土高度为40m,α>50°时,Ks≤1;(5)我国最新涵洞设计规范推荐的Ks与离心模型试验、数值模拟规律存在一定差异,当α=45°时,沟谷宽度B较小时,规范的涵顶土压力集中系数Ks较为保守;(6)沟谷地形下高填方拱涵Ks与拱顶压密区、等压面的形成有关。拱顶压密区可引起拱涵涵顶土压力集中,并引起压密区周边土体...  相似文献   
根据气象常规观测资料、湛江新一代天气雷达资料、CFL-08风廓线雷达资料及卫星云图,分析2012年4月20日粤西沿海特大暴雨的天气环流形势、能量场、对流不稳定度、水汽输送和辐合辐散等环境特征及物理量场特征。结果表明:这次暴雨过程粤西地区共经历两次强降水过程,分别是受飑线系统、以及高空槽和低空切变影响;西南低空急流的出现有利于粤西暴雨的形成、维持和发展;暴雨过程粤西上空垂直累积液水含量达25~30g/m2;暴雨期间风向随高度明显逆转,有冷平流输送;约2.0 km高度以下低空急流的下传和增强与暴雨的产生有密切关系;短时间内多普勒天气雷达的速度回波低层辐合区域远远大于辐散区域是可能产生强降水的标志。  相似文献   
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