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奥陶系鹰山组一直是塔里木盆地油气勘探的重点层位。综合运用岩心、薄片、成像测井、分析测试以及三维地震资料,对鹰山组储层特征以及影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:鹰山组整体岩性以粉-细晶白云岩,砂屑灰岩,灰质白云岩为主,储集空间以溶蚀孔洞、裂缝为主;上部为风化壳岩溶储层,溶孔-裂缝发育,中下部为裂缝性储层,裂缝发育,纵向上具有上孔下缝特征,储层非均质性强;加里东中期I幕运动形成的构造不整合面是该区岩溶储层发育的重要因素;加里东中期—早海西期形成的断裂和构造裂缝是该区储层发育的关键;早二叠世时期与火山作用伴生的岩溶烘烤以及埋藏溶蚀作用对储层发育具有积极作用。  相似文献   
Global electron content (GEC) as a new ionospheric parameter was first proposed by Afraimovich et al. [2006]. GEC is equal to the total number of electrons in the near-Earth space. GEC better than local parameters reflects the global response to a change in solar activity. It has been indicated that, during solar cycle 23, the GEC dynamics followed similar variations in the solar UV irradiance and F 10.7 index, including the 11-year cycle and 27-day variations. The dynamics of the regional electron content (REC) has been considered for three belts: the equatorial belt and two midlatitude belts in the Northern and Southern hemispheres (±30° and 30°–65° geomagnetic latitudes, respectively). In contrast to GEC, the annual REC component is clearly defined for the northern and southern midlatitude belts; the REC amplitude is comparable with the amplitude of the seasonal variations in the Northern Hemisphere and exceeds this amplitude in the Southern Hemisphere by a factor of ~1.7. The dayside to nightside REC ratio, R(t), at the equator is a factor of 1.5 as low as such a GEC ratio, which indicates that the degree of nighttime ionization is higher, especially during the solar activity maximum. The pronounced annual cycle with the maximal R(t) value near 8.0 for the winter Southern Hemisphere and summer Northern Hemisphere is typical of midlatitudes.  相似文献   
在R和I波段对Mkn 501进行了测光观测,并结合历史文献得到Mkn 501在近30年间的光学、红外和射电等多个波段的光变曲线;讨论了光变与色指数之间的关系,发现色指数(B—V)与(B—R)之间有强相关,相关系数r=0.73.利用DCF方法分析了多波段光变的相关性,发现B波段与4.8GHz和红外波段的光变存在一定的正相关,利用CLEANest方法对B波段的光变曲线进行频谱分析,结果表明Mkn 501的光变曲线存在2个可能的周期,即(10.06±0.04)年和(21.60±0.17)年.  相似文献   
出露在青藏高原北缘的红柳沟-拉配泉蛇绿混杂岩带一直以来为深入研究北阿尔金早古生代构造格架及演化提供了宝贵信息。经详细的野外地质填图和构造解析,文章针对红柳沟-拉配泉蛇绿混杂岩带内的构造样式、变形特征及形成时限进行研究,将北阿尔金蛇绿混杂岩带进一步细分为北侧混杂单元、中间层序单元和南侧混杂单元三个次级构造单元,南、北两侧混杂单元内以发育一系列复杂褶皱和逆冲断层为典型构造特征。卷入褶皱变形的最年轻地层岩石为中-晚奥陶世硅质岩,并被(416.8±3.7)Ma未变形的正长斑岩脉所截切;卷入逆冲断层的混杂岩中辉长岩和斜长花岗岩年龄为479~521 Ma和512.1~518.5 Ma,随后也被410.7~418.5 Ma未变形的冰沟岩体所侵位。这些基本事实表明,褶皱构造与逆冲断层均形成于中奥陶世-早泥盆世,推测其成因与北阿尔金洋俯冲作用导致的洋壳强烈缩短变形有关。在南侧混杂单元,褶皱构造样式自北向南逐渐由直立褶皱转变为斜歪褶皱,最后转变为倒转褶皱,显示出递进变形特征。褶皱所对应的应变椭球体也发生了旋转,表现出顶端指向北北东向的剪切作用,与混杂单元内逆冲断层所具有的向北北东方向逆冲、推覆特征相一致,从而推测它们与北阿尔金洋南南西向俯冲消减有密切联系。另外,在北侧混杂单元内还发育有同时期向南南东方向逆冲的断层以及轴面倾向北北东的斜歪褶皱,暗示北阿尔金洋在早古生代可能还发育有北北东方向的俯冲极性,整个北阿尔金洋俯冲消减模式可能具有双向性。   相似文献   
基于双侧向测井资料的裂缝孔隙度计算及其标定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
裂缝孔隙度是评价裂缝性储集层的关键参数.FMI成像测井评价裂缝孔隙度较为精确,但其成本较高,应用受限.常规测井资料具有经济实用,应用广泛的特点,采用裂缝双侧向测井响应快速解释方法计算裂缝孔隙度,并用FMI成像资料提供的裂缝孔隙度对其进行标定,建立二者之间的定量关系.实际处理资料表明,应用双侧向测井资料计算裂缝孔隙度,在经过FMI成像资料标定后数值准确,得到的储层解释结论与试油结论符合,为应用常规测井资料评价裂缝孔隙度,提供了有效的方法.  相似文献   
黄河源区陆面过程观测和模拟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陆面过程对黄河源区水资源变化有重要的影响,探索黄河源区陆面过程和水分循环特征的关联机理有十分重要的意义.首先简述了黄河源区气候变化背景和陆面过程的基本特征,并详细介绍了近年来在黄河源区开展的一系列陆面过程野外观测试验及相关研究主题和研究进展;进一步给出了在野外试验观测资料分析、卫星遥感、数据同化应用和数值模拟等方面取得...  相似文献   
Petrochemical characteristics of igneous, sedimentary, and metasomatic rocks; chemical and isotopic compositions of minerals and fluids; and PT parameters of mineral formation at the Nezhdaninsky deposit are reported. A model of hydrothermal system formation is developed on this basis. In addition to decreasing Ba/Rb and Li/Mg ratios in the course of the hydrothermal process, resulting in the formation of ore-bearing metasomatic rocks, increasing K/Ba and diminishing K/Cs ratios indicate the probable participation of magmatic fluid in the ore deposition. The agreement of the K/Rb and K/Ba ratios with the values typical of the main trend of igneous rocks (MT) implies that the K, Rb, and Ba contents were distributed in the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid according to the ratios in the source magmatic chamber. The K/Rb ratios in metasomatic rocks correspond to the MT and approach the pegmatitic-hydrothermal trend and the composition of orthomagmatic fluid of Mo-W greisen. Similar REE patterns of igneous and terrigenous rocks do not allow the REE source to be constrained unequivocally. The lithological control of lithophile element distribution testifies to the supply of host rock components to the hydrothermal system. All studied rocks and minerals are enriched in LREE. The REE total and the contribution of HREE decrease from preore to synore metasomatic rocks, from preore to regenerated carbonates, and from older to younger scheelite. A similar tendency is noted in granitoids of the Kurum pluton. The δ18O values of quartz range from +10.3 to +12.6‰ in Au-Mo-W zones, from +15.9 to +16.4‰ in metasomatic rocks, from +14.8 to +16.6‰ in gold-ore veins, and from +13.5 to +16.9‰ in silver-base-metal ore mineralization. The estimates of \(\delta ^{18} O_{H_2 O} \) suggest that water was supplied from a magmatic source (δ18O = +(5.5?9.0‰)) and as a product of sedimentary rock dehydration. High-temperature (up to 390°C) and highly concentrated (up to 31 wt % NaCl equiv) fluids participated in the mineral formation. The phase separation of the fluid into H2O-CO2 liquid and predominantly carbon dioxide gas was combined with mixing of a high-temperature and relatively highly concentrated chloride solution with a low-temperature and poorly mineralized fluid. The redox conditions varied from equilibrium with CH4-bearing fluid at the gold-molybdenum-tungsten stage to equilibrium with CO2-bearing fluid during the gold-ore stage.  相似文献   
大量的试验数据表明石英砂和陶粒组成的双层滤料,其净水处理性能明显好于石英砂和无烟煤双层滤料以及单层石英砂滤料,特别是出水浊度、微絮凝作用,反冲洗周期、藻类的去除、絮凝剂的使用量等指标上具有明显优势,陶粒做为一种新的水处理滤料,正被应用于净水和污水处理。  相似文献   
The West Kunlun orogenic belt is located at the conjunction of the paleo-Asian tectonic system and the Tethys tectonic system. Petrological and mineralogical studies of the Early Cambrian metamorphic surface crust in this region have shown that in case the metamorphism reached low-temperature granulate facies, the typical mineral assemblage is biotite-garnet-silimanite-K feldspar-plagioclase-quartz. The peak metamorphic temperatures are within the range of 720–740°C and the pressure is 0.6 GPa ±. Three types of metamorphic zircon have been detected in the metamorphic rocks: the complex inclusion-bearing type ; the early relic zircon inclusion-bearing type; and the inclusion-free type. SHRIMP age determination of these three types of metamorphic zircon have revealed that these zircons were formed principally during 400–460 Ma, indicating that pre-Cambrian metamorphic surface crust rocks underwent low-temperature granulite facies metamorphism during the Caledonian. In combination with the geological characteristics of this region, it is considered that when the oceanic basin was closed, there occurred intense intracontinental subduction (type A), bringing part of the Early Cambrian metamorphic basement in this region downwards to the lower crust. Meanwhile, there were accompanied with tectonic deformation at deep levels and medium- to high-grade metamorphism. This study provided important chronological and mineralogical evidence for the exploration of the evolutionary mechanism and process of the West Kunlun Early Paleozoic. Part of the results from the research project “ Research on the West Kunlun pre-Cambrian tectonic events” under the program “ Research on the important geological problems of China’ s pre-Cambrian” (No. 200113900070) sponsored by the China National Geological Surveying Bureau.  相似文献   
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