Hydraulic gradients from planar water tables, or piezometric surfaces, and horizontal flow regimes can be quickly and conveniently calculated from data sets involving numerous wells. The matrix-solving functions of a modem spreadsheet program (Excel) were used to determine the equation of a water-table plane, Ax + By + Cz - D = 0, and the equation coefficients were then used to determine the magnitude of the hydraulic gradient, according to gradient = square root of A2 + B2/C2, and its direction, according to alpha = arctan B/A, where alpha is the angle measured from the x-axis. A pre-prepared Excel file constructed to handle data from up to 20 wells at once is available for free downloading at www.geo.ku.edu/hydro/KUHydro.html. 相似文献
Central elements of the challenges of the future are the population, supply and disposal trap, the question of how the increasing world population will be supplied with long‐lasting and effective sources of energy, raw materials and food? How do we deal with the problems of greenhouse effect, ozone hole, forest dieback, ground erosion, desertification and other environmental threats? Driven by the dynamics of the technical progress the world is in the midst of experiencing the transition from an industrial to an information society. The process of globalization is intrinsically tied to the information society and plays a vital role in the path to a new, digital development of the world. Therefore, new challenges have been added to the traditional ecological challenges at the beginning of the 21st century, which the world community must react swiftly to. 相似文献
Preliminary results of a space experiment using the IKFS-2 infrared sounder (Meteor-M2 satellite) showed high-quality of measurements of spectra of the outgoing thermal radiation of the atmosphere–surface system and the adequacy of developed IR radiation atmospheric models in the 15-μm carbon gas absorption band used to recover the vertical profiles of the atmospheric temperature. Outgoing radiation spectra measured by IKFS-2 instruments make it possible to restore vertical temperature profiles with errors close to 1K in most of the 0–30 km high-altitude region, except for the lower troposphere and altitudes above 30 km, where these errors are close to 2–3K. 相似文献
The geomagnetic induction tensor is a means of summarizing the response of the earth at a given observing site to a geomagnetic variation source field. In this paper the characteristics of the tensor elements are examined, both generally and for the special cases of one-dimensional and two-dimensional geologic structure. The first-order model is taken of uniform source fields originating external to a semi-infinite half-space. Graphical ways of presenting the information contained in an induction tensor are explored, including ellipses of rotation, polar diagrams, and diagrams analogous to the Mohr circles of elasticity theory. Criteria to distinguish “two-dimensional” data from “three-dimensional” data are established. The advantages of simultaneously recording “normal” and “anomalous” variations are demonstrated in terms of the extra tensor elements which may then be estimated. The most practical way of presenting information from many stations on a map may be by drawing, for each site, arrows which summarize the response in the vertical field and quadrics which summarize the response in the horizontal field. 相似文献
Abstract— Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90054, from Antarctica, is a rare clino- and orthopyroxene-bearing ureilite with a coarse equigranular oriented texture (grains up to 3 mm); it is classified as a low-shock Ca-rich type. The crystal chemistry of its clinopyroxene (Wo39.3En54.6Fs6.1), orthopyroxene (En84 2Fs11Wo4.8) and olivine (Fa12.6Fo86.9) was investigated by single-crystal x-ray structural refinements and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations to obtain data on the evolutionary history of the parent body. The M1 octahedron and unit cell volumes of the orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are consistent with low-pressure crystallization. The closure temperatures for intracrystalline Mg-Fe2+ ordering yielded values of 674 °C and 804 °C for opx and 596 °C for cpx, which indicate high-temperature equilibration and fast cooling. Trasmission electron microscope investigations were performed on clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and pigeonite. The (100) twin lamellae in the clinopyroxene and intergrowth of clino- and orthoenstatite lamellae in orthopyroxene most probably originated by deformation. Exsolution was not observed in any of the phases, which suggests rapid cooling. Analysis by TEM also revealed interstitial Na-rich glass and pigeonite with sharp h + k odd reflections and rare stacking faults parallel to (100). Textural and crystal chemical data, obtained by TEM, indicated rapid cooling that was probably due to fast radiative heat loss as a result of the disintegration of the parent body into small fragments, which subsequently reassembled into a larger body. One or more collisional events caused fine-scale stacking faults and partial melting. 相似文献
This paper analyses the responses related to land use of coffee growers in Chiapas, Mexico to the impact of Hurricane Stan
(October 2005). A multi-temporal analysis of the effect on land cover was performed through the combination of unsupervised
classification of SPOT multispectral images and visual interpretation of panchromatic images (8 months previous to the hurricane,
and 2, 14, and 40 months after the hurricane). The information provided by this geographic analysis was interpreted in light
of information gathered though household surveys. Although the hurricane wrecked havoc across the region, the main impact
in the study area was in the riparian zones where the extent of the loss experienced in terms of coffee harvest and soil was
such that, even 14 months after the event, households with land in those areas were struggling to recover. Nevertheless, after
40 months, the zones that had suffered total soil loss began to support soil and vegetation, indicating the possibility of
replanting coffee in those areas. Although the hurricane occurred when the coffee sector was particularly fragile as a result
of the preceding several years of poor prices, the impact did not trigger extensive land use change. The surveys showed, however,
that people are now more informed of the risk of living and farming on the river margins and are now performing soil conservation
practices and planting trees to reduce risk. 相似文献
In underground flow tracing studies, the estimation of the nature and the importance of interactions undergone by the substance used very often constitutes an obstacle to good modeling of mass-transfer processes in solution.
We propose a method to quantify these phenomena by the use of lanthanides as tracers.
For this study, we set up an analytical methodology adapted to routine measurements. The quality of five lanthanides as indicators has been examined. We have demonstrated the formation, by substitution, of a carbonate complex which is extremely stable in the natural environment. The field experiments carried out demonstrated the efficiency of those tracers and confirmed their great stability.
Tracer recovery graphs show that, in accord with our hypothesis, convection and dispersion are identical for all the lanthanide elements. Moreover, we have established a direct relation between their fixing rate on earth materials and the value of their stability constants.
Thus, we demonstrate the possibility of correlative multitracing, with known and quantifiable interelement relations.
Dans les études de circulations souterraines par traceur, l'estimation de la nature et de l'importance des interactions subies par la substance utilisée constitue, bien souvent, un obstacle à une bonne modélisation des processus de transfert de masse en solution.
Nous proposons une méthode de quantification de ces phénomènes par l'utilisation des lanthanides comme traceurs.
Pour cette étude, nous avons mis au point une méthodologie analytique adaptée aux mesures de routine. Les qualités, en tant qu'indicateurs, de cinq lanthanides ont été examinées. Nous avons démontré la formation, par substitution, d'un complexe carbonaté extrèment stable en milieu naturel. Les expériences de terrain réalisées ont prouvé l'efficacité de ces traceurs et confirmé leur grande stabilité.
Les courbes de restitution obtenues ont montré que, conformément à nos hypothèses, la convection et la dispersion sont identiques pour l'ensemble de ces éléments. De plus, il a été établi une relation directe entre leurs taux de fixation sur le terrain et la valeur de leurs constantes de stabilité.
On dispose ainsi d'une possibilité de multitraçage corrélatif, avec des relations interélémentaires connues et quantifiables. 相似文献