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Hubert and Samsonov addressed our paper published in early 2010 (Bebesi et al., 2010) about a plasma event detected in the magnetosheath of Jupiter by the plasma instruments of the Cassini spacecraft. We proposed that the characteristics of the plasma parameter variations were consistent with a slow mode shock (SMS). As our title indicated, we claimed only that the event was a possible “candidate” for an SMS according to our data, which had some restrictions as discussed in the paper. As to the origin, we proposed the following: since there was a crossing of the then highly tilted Heliospheric Current Sheet in less than two days before the event, it might have played a role in initiating the shock front.We highly appreciate the opinion of the authors, but they do not point out any hard fact that would exclude the possibility of the scenario we suggested.  相似文献   
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is capable of creating new and novel high-energy-density (HED) systems relevant to astrophysics. Specifically, a system could be created that studies the effects of a radiative shock on a hydrodynamically unstable interface. These dynamics would be relevant to the early evolution after a core-collapse supernova of a red supergiant star. Prior to NIF, no HED facility had enough energy to perform this kind of experiment. The experimental target will include a 340 ??m predominantly plastic ablator followed by a low-density SiO2 foam. The interface will have a specific, machined pattern that will seed hydrodynamic instabilities. The growth of the instabilities in a radiation-dominated environment will be observed. This experiment requires a ??300?eV hohlraum drive and will be diagnosed using point projection pinhole radiography, which have both been recently demonstrated on NIF.  相似文献   
High-resolution, stratigraphically ordered samples of the Udo tuff cone and lava shield offshore of Jeju Island, South Korea, show complex geochemical variation in the basaltic magmas that fed the eruption sequence. The eruption began explosively, producing phreatomagmatic deposits with relatively evolved alkali magma. The magma became more primitive over the course of the eruption, but the last magma to be explosively erupted had shifted back to a relatively evolved composition. A separate sub-alkali magma batch was subsequently effusively erupted to form a lava shield. Absence of weathering and only minor reworking between the tuff and overlying lava implies that there was no significant time break between the eruptions of the two magma batches. Modelling of the alkali magma suggests that it was generated from a parent melt in garnet peridotite at c. 3 to 3.5 GPa and underwent mainly clinopyroxene + olivine ± spinel fractionation at c. 1.5 to 2 GPa. The sub-alkali magma was, by contrast, generated from a chemically different peridotite with residual garnet at c. 2.5 GPa and evolved through olivine fractionation at a shallower level compared to its alkali contemporary. The continuous chemostratigraphic trend in the tuff cone, from relatively evolved to primitive and back to evolved, is interpreted to have resulted from a magma batch having risen through a single dyke and erupted the batch’s head, core and margins, respectively. The alkali magma acted as a path-opener for the sub-alkali magma. The occurrence of the two distinct batches suggests that different magmatic systems in the Jeju Island Volcanic Field have interacted throughout its history. The polymagmatic nature of this monogenetic eruption has important implications for hazard forecasting and for our understanding of basaltic field volcanism.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of land use, geology, and longitudinal position within the river network on water quality and thermal regime at 23 sites within the Motueka River catchment. The concentrations of suspended solids, nitrate nitrogen, total nitrogen, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter were higher at sites draining pastoral and horticultural land than in similar‐sized native or plantation forest streams. Average daily mean temperature and minimum temperature in summer and maximum winter temperature were higher in unshaded pastoral and horticultural streams than at native forest sites. Differences in water quality and thermal regime were also observed among sites with contrasting geology. Conductivity, pH, and minimum winter temperatures were highest at sites draining marble terrain. In contrast, longitudinal patterns in water quality and temperature regime along the 120‐km length of the river were relatively weak, although longitudinal patterns in amplitude of daily temperature fluctuation matched theoretical predictions. In this study, differences in land use appeared to have the strongest influence on most water quality and thermal variables examined. However, geology was an important factor explaining variation in certain variables (e.g., pH and conductivity). Longitudinal patterns in water quality and temperature were relatively weak and in many instances were linked with longitudinal patterns in land use and geology rather than catchment location alone.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the structural development of the Gunsan Basin in the central Yellow Sea, based on multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and exploratory well data. The basin comprises three depressions (the western, central, and eastern subbasins) filled with a thick (ca. 6000 m) Cretaceous to Paleogene nonmarine succession. It was initiated in the early Cretaceous due to intracontinental extension caused by oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate under the Eurasian plate and sinistral movement of the Tan-Lu fault. The basin appears to have undergone transtension in the late Cretaceous–Eocene, caused by dextral movement of the Tan-Lu and its branching faults. The transtension was accommodated by oblique intra-basinal normal faults and strike-slip (or oblique-slip) movement of a NE-trending bounding fault in the northern margin of the central subbasin. The entire basin was deformed (NE–SW contraction) in the Oligocene when tectonic inversion occurred, possibly due to the changes in strike-slip motion, from right- to left-lateral, of the Tan-Lu fault. During the early Miocene, extension resumed by reactivation of the pre-existing normal and transpressional faults. A combination of extension, uplift, and erosion resulted in differential preservation of the early Miocene succession. At the end of the early Miocene, extension ceased with mild contraction and then the basin thermally subsided with ensued rise in sea level.  相似文献   
Adaptive GPS/INS integration for relative navigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relative navigation based on GPS receivers and inertial measurement units is required in many applications including formation flying, collision avoidance, cooperative positioning, and accident monitoring. Since sensors are mounted on different vehicles which are moving independently, sensor errors are more variable in relative navigation than in single-vehicle navigation due to different vehicle dynamics and signal environments. In order to improve the robustness against sensor error variability in relative navigation, we present an efficient adaptive GPS/INS integration method. In the proposed method, the covariances of GPS and inertial measurements are estimated separately by the innovations of two fundamentally different filters. One is the position-domain carrier-smoothed-code filter and the other is the velocity-aided Kalman filter. By the proposed two-filter adaptive estimation method, the covariance estimation of the two sensors can be isolated effectively since each filter estimates its own measurement noise. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improves relative navigation accuracy by appropriate noise covariance estimation.  相似文献   
The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission was an impact exploration searching for a volatile deposit in a permanently shadowed region (PSR) by excavating near-surface material. We conducted infrared spectral and imaging observations of the LCROSS impacts from 15 min before the first collision through 2 min after the second collision using the Subaru Telescope in order to measure ejecta dust and water. Such a ground-based observation is important because the viewing geometry and wavelength coverage are very different from the LCROSS spacecraft. We used the Echelle spectrograph with spectral resolution λλ ∼ 10,000 to observe the non-resonant H2O rotational emission lines near 2.9 μm and the slit viewer with a K′ filter for imaging observation of ejecta plumes. Pre-impact calculations using a homogeneous projectile predicted that 2000 kg of ejecta and 10 kg of H2O were excavated and thrown into the analyzed area immediately above the slit within the field of view (FOV) of the K′ imager and the FOV of spectrometer slit, respectively. However, no unambiguous emission line of H2O or dust was detected. The estimated upper limits of the amount of dust and H2O from the main Centaur impact were 800 kg and 40 kg for the 3σ of noise in the analyzed area within the imager FOV and in the slit FOV, respectively. If we take 1σ as detection limit, the upper limits are 300 kg and 14 kg, respectively. Although the upper limit for water mass is comparable to a prediction by a standard theoretical prediction, that for dust mass is significantly smaller than that predicted by a standard impact theory. This discrepancy in ejecta dust mass between a theoretical prediction and our observation result suggests that the cratering process induced by the LCROSS impacts may have been substantially different from the standard cratering theory, possibly because of its hollow projectile structure.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of constructing a geogrid-reinforced and pile supported embankment on soft ground to reduce differential settlement has been studied by pilot scale field tests and numerical analysis. Three-by-three pile groups with varying pile spacing were driven into a layer of soft ground, and a layer of geogrid was used as reinforcement over each pile group. Further, a 2-D numerical analysis has been conducted using the computer program FLAC 2D. The mechanisms of load transfer can be considered as a combination of embankment soil arching, geogrid tension, and stress transfer due to the difference in stiffness between pile and soft ground. Based on the pilot scale field tests and results of numerical analysis, we find that the geosynthetic reinforcement slightly interferes with soil arching, and helps reduce differential settlement of the soft ground. Also, the most effective load transfer and vertical stress reduction at the midspan between piles occurs when the pile cap spacing index D/b (D: pile cap spacing, b: diameter of pile) is 3.0.  相似文献   
We present spectropolarimetric observations of seven broad-line radio galaxies. We find significantly polarized broad Hα emission in four objects including two, Arp 102B and 3C 390.3, which have double-peaked line profiles. In these objects the prominent redshifted and blueshifted peaks of the broad Hα line have no clear counterparts in polarized flux. This conflicts with theoretical predictions for a relativistic line-emitting disc with an electron scattering atmosphere, one of the leading models advanced to account for the double-peaked lines. The shapes and widths of the polarized line profiles can be explained if, as expected in unified schemes, the scattering occurs near the poles of an obscuring torus. However, the observed polarization position angles favour geometries in which the scattering plane is perpendicular to the radio jet. A configuration in which Hα photons emitted by a biconical flow are scattered off the inner wall of the torus has this property, and would also produce a single-peaked scattered line profile. With the exception of 3C 227, the sample as a whole conforms to the general trend in powerful radio galaxies for the optical polarization to be aligned with the radio source axis, favouring toroidal rather than polar scattering.  相似文献   
Coastal cliff erosion is caused by a combination of marine forcing and sub-aerial processes, but linking cliff erosion to the environmental drivers remains challenging. One key component of these drivers is energy transfer from wave–cliff interaction. The aim of this study is to directly observe cliff ground motion in response to wave impacts at an individual wave scale. Measurements are described from two coastal cliff sites: a 45-minute pilot study in southern California, USA and a 30-day deployment in Taranaki, New Zealand. Seismometers, pressure sensors and video are used to compare cliff-top ground motions with water depth, significant wave height (Hs) and wave impact types to examine cliff ground motion response. Analyses of the dataset demonstrate that individual impact events can be discriminated as discrete events in the seismic signal. Hourly mean ground motion increases with incident Hs, but the largest hourly peak ground motions occurred across a broad range of incident Hs (0.9–3.7 m), including during relatively calm conditions. Mean hourly metrics therefore smooth the short-term dynamics of wave–cliff interaction; hence, to fully assess wave impact energy transfer to cliffs, it is important also to consider peak ground motion. Video analyses showed that the dominant control on peak ground motion magnitude was wave impact type rather than incident Hs. Wave–cliff impacts where breaking occurs directly onto the cliff face consistently produced greater ground motion compared to broken or unbroken wave impacts: breaking, broken and unbroken impacts averaged peak ground motion of 287, 59 and 38 μm s−1, respectively. The results illustrate a novel link between wave impact forcing and cliff ground motion response using individual wave field measurements, and highlight the influence of wave impact type on peak energy transfer to coastal cliffs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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