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Backward erosion piping (BEP) is a failure mechanism that can affect the safety of water-retaining structures. It can occur when a local anomaly on the downstream side of an embankment causes a concentration of seepage flow at that location. Shallow pipes may then form, progressing in the upstream direction and leading to a collapse of the water-retaining structure. A novel and economically appealing measure against BEP is the coarse sand barrier (CSB), which is now being developed in a multiscale experimental programme in the Netherlands. The method involves placing a trench filled with coarse sand below the blanket layer on the downstream side of the embankment. The CSB prevents the upstream progression of the pipe and significantly enhances resistance to BEP. This paper presents medium-scale laboratory tests involving a range of sands, barrier depths and relative densities. The piping process and the observations of pipe progression in the presence of a CSB are presented, followed by a conceptual model. The presence of a CSB changed the erosion pattern. It resulted in pipe formation perpendicular to the flow direction over the entire width of the barrier before the barrier was damaged. The findings also demonstrate the effect of material properties on pipe initiation, progression and pipe depth. Measurements of the pipe depth are presented and analysed, revealing the significance of pipe depth for understanding the piping process. This analysis shows considerable erosion in the downstream background sand and demonstrates that erosion profiles and measured pipe depths are significantly larger than in BEP tests without a CSB.

The period following the election of the National government in 2008 has been controversial for Aotearoa New Zealand's aid programme for a number of reasons. This article examines changes in funding modalities and other aspects of non‐governmental organisation (NGO)–government relations as the sites of contested philosophies that surround aid and development discourse. In focusing on the introduction of the Sustainable Development Fund in 2010, the article argues that this shift has generated significant uncertainty among the aid community and may ultimately undermine many of the relationships NGOs previously enjoyed with partners in the Global South.  相似文献   
Hip-hop solutions of the 2N-body problem with equal masses are shown to exist using an analytic continuation argument. These solutions are close to planar regular 2N-gon relative equilibria with small vertical oscillations. For fixed N, an infinity of these solutions are three-dimensional choreographies, with all the bodies moving along the same closed curve in the inertial frame.  相似文献   

A distributed 1D rainfall–runoff model is presented. It consists of the Saint Venant continuity and momentum equations for overland flow and a modified Green-Ampt model for the infiltration on railway embankment steep slopes. The model is applied to adjacent 10-m-wide erosion control experimental plots with different percentages of grass cover. A relationship between the 2-day antecedent rainfall and initial moisture content was established and used to predict the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Average values of Ks for 0, 50 and 100% grass cover were found to be 0.1, 1.19 and 2.56 mm/h, respectively. For the majority of cases, the model simulated runoff with acceptable accuracy, 68% having Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) values above 0.50. The average NSE value varied between 0.60 and 0.80, with 0% grass-covered plots yielding the highest values. As expected, the runoff volume decreased with increasing percentage of grass cover.

Citation Sajjan, A.K., Gyasi-Agyei, Y., and Sharma, R.H., 2013. Rainfall–runoff modelling of railway embankment steep slopes. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1162–1176.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   
Electrical anisotropy occurs when electric current flow varies with azimuth. In porous media, this may correspond to anisotropy in the hydraulic conductivity resulting from sedimentary fabric, fractures, or dissolution. In this study, a 28‐electrode resistivity imaging system was used to investigate electrical anisotropy at 13 sites in the Biscayne Aquifer of SE Florida using the rotated square array method. The measured coefficient of electrical anisotropy generally ranged from 1.01 to 1.12 with values as high as 1.36 found at one site. The observed electrical anisotropy was used to estimate hydraulic anisotropy (ratio of maximum to minimum hydraulic conductivity) which ranged from 1.18 to 2.83. The largest values generally were located on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge while the lowest values were in low elevation areas on the margin of the Everglades to the west. The higher values of anisotropy found on the ridge may be due to increased dissolution rates of the oolitic facies of the Miami formation limestone compared with the bryozoan facies to the west. The predominate trend of minimum resistivity and maximum hydraulic conductivity was E‐W/SE‐NW beneath the ridge and E‐W/SW‐NE farther west. The anisotropy directions are similar to the predevelopment groundwater flow direction as indicated in published studies. This suggests that the observed anisotropy is related to the paleo‐groundwater flow in the Biscayne Aquifer.  相似文献   
Jordanian authorities have achieved a nearly one hundred percent connection rate to municipal water supply services in urban areas. Following this unusual achievement for a lower-income country, a private management contractor was introduced to the capital city Amman, along with a form of economic regulation. However, water rationing due to extreme water scarcity, amplified by high and irregular population growth, disproportionately affects the city’s low-income households. This paper investigates the status of water supply service and regulatory arrangements with respect to poor and vulnerable consumers who were targeted in a household survey in June/July 2005. It identifies specific regulatory challenges which were not within the remit of or addressed by the acting quasi-regulator and the water authorities. In its extremes of connection coverage, water scarcity and population, the management of water supply in Amman presages the pro-poor water service challenge of many, even lower income, economies irrespective of the extent to which they may achieve the access targets of the Millennium Development Goals.  相似文献   
地下水人工回灌可以高效地利用雨季丰沛的水量来缓解地下水过量开采造成的海水入侵、泉水断流等环境水文地质问题,但回灌堵塞一直是制约人工回灌效率的关键问题。针对雨洪水回灌携带的大量气泡问题,设计室内砂柱试验模拟装置,利用曝气水进行人工回灌,定时记录试验过程中测压管读数及出流流量,利用达西定律计算各层渗透系数,研究气相堵塞的发展过程和规律。结果表明:回灌过程中由于气相堵塞导致含水层渗透系数随时间呈指数衰减,气相堵塞主要发生在介质浅表层(0~30 cm),且随时间有向下发展的趋势,堵塞速率随深度的增加逐渐减小,在回灌过程中适时停灌进行排气有利于减小气相堵塞对回灌效率的影响。  相似文献   
The crystal structures of natural jadeite, NaAlSi2O6, and synthetic kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, were studied at room temperature, under hydrostatic conditions, up to pressures of 30.4 (1) and 40.2 (1) GPa, respectively, using single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Pressure–volume data have been fit to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state yielding V 0 = 402.5 (4) Å3, K 0 = 136 (3) GPa, and K 0  = 3.3 (2) for jadeite and V 0 = 420.0 (3) Å3, K 0 = 123 (2) GPa and K 0  = 3.61 (9) for kosmochlor. Both phases exhibit anisotropic compression with unit-strain axial ratios of 1.00:1.95:2.09 for jadeite at 30.4 (1) GPa and 1:00:2.15:2.43 for kosmochlor at 40.2 (1) GPa. Analysis of procrystal electron density distribution shows that the coordination of Na changes from 6 to 8 between 9.28 (Origlieri et al. in Am Mineral 88:1025–1032, 2003) and 18.5 (1) GPa in kosmochlor, which is also marked by a decrease in unit-strain anisotropy. Na in jadeite remains six-coordinated at 21.5 (1) GPa. Structure refinements indicate a change in the compression mechanism of kosmochlor at about 31 GPa in both the kinking of SiO4 tetrahedral chains and rate of tetrahedral compression. Below 31 GPa, the O3–O3–O3 chain extension angle and Si tetrahedral volume in kosmochlor decrease linearly with pressure, whereas above 31 GPa the kinking ceases and the rate of Si tetrahedral compression increases by greater than a factor of two. No evidence of phase transitions was observed over the studied pressure ranges.  相似文献   
Several cryptotephra layers that originate from Icelandic volcanic eruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of ≤ 4 and tephra volumes of < 1 km3 have previously been identified in Northern Europe, albeit within a restricted geographical area. One of these is the Hekla 1947 tephra that formed a visible fall-out in southern Finland. We searched for the Hekla 1947 tephra from peat archives within the previously inferred fall-out zone but found no evidence of its presence. Instead, we report the first identification of Hekla 1845 and Hekla 1510 cryptotephra layers outside of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and the UK. Additionally, Hekla 1158 tephra was found in Finland for the first time. Our results confirm that Icelandic eruptions of moderate size can form cryptotephra deposits that are extensive enough to be used in inter-regional correlations of environmental archives and carry a great potential for refining regional tephrochronological frameworks. Our results also reveal that Icelandic tephra has been dispersed into Finnish airspace at least seven times during the past millennium and in addition to a direct eastward route the ash clouds can travel either via a northerly or a southerly transport pathway.  相似文献   
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