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New geochronologic data from midcontinental Laurentia demonstrate that emplacement of the 1476-1470 Ma Wolf River granitic batholith was not an isolated igneous event,but was accompanied by regional metamorphism,deformation,and sedimentation.Evidence for such metamorphism and deformation is best seen in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the Baraboo Interval,which were deposited closely following the1.65-1.63 Ga Mazatzal orogeny.In Baraboo Interval strata,muscovite parallel to slatey cleavage,in hydrothermal veins,in quartzite breccia,and in metamorphosed paleosol yielded ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age s of 1493-1465 Ma.In addition,U-Th-total Pb dating of neoblastic overgrowths on detrital monazite gave an age of 1488±20 Ma,and recrystallized hematite in folded metapelite gave a mean U/Th-He age of 1411± 39 Ma.Post-Baraboo,arkosic polymictic conglomerate,which contains detrital zircon with a minimum peak age of 1493 Ma,was intruded by a 1470 Ma granite porphyry at the northeastern margin of the Wolf River batholith.This episode of magmatism,regional deformation and metamorphism,and sedimentation,which is designated herein as the Baraboo orogeny,provides a midcontinental link between the Picuris orogeny to the southwe st and the Pinware orogeny to the northeast,completing the extent of early Mesoproterozoic(Calymmian) orogenesis for 5000 km along the southern margin of Laurentia.This transcontinental orogen is unique among Precambrian orogenies for its great width(~1600 km),the predominance of ferroan granites derived from partial melting of lower continental crust,and the prevalence of re gional high T-P metamorphism related to advective heating by granitic magmas emplaced in the middle to upper crust.  相似文献   
Isoetids, as indicators of near-pristine softwater lakes, have a high priority in national and international (European Water Directive Framework) assessments of ecological lake quality. Our main goal was to identify the most important environmental factors that influence the composition of plant communities and specifically determine the presence and abundance of the isoetid Lobelia dortmanna in NW European softwater lakes. Geographical position and composition of surface water, porewater, sediment and plant communities were examined in 39 lakes in four regions (The Netherlands, Denmark, West Norway and East Norway) distributed over a 1,200-km long distance. We confirmed that lake location was accompanied by significant changes in environmental variables between NW European lakes. Lake location was the single most important determinant of vegetation composition and it had significant individual contributions independent of the coupling to environmental variables. This influence of location was supported by a significant decline of community similarity with geographical distance between pairs of lakes at regional, inter-regional and international scales. Combining the geographical position with environmental variables for surface water, porewater and sediment significantly improved prediction of vegetation composition. Specifically, the combination of latitude, surface water alkalinity, porewater phosphate and redox potential offered the highest correlation (BIO ENV correlation 0.66) to vegetation composition. This complex analysis can also account for high sediment variability in the littoral zone of individual lakes, by using site-specific physico-chemical sediment factors, and offer better predictions of vegetation composition when lake water chemistry is relatively homogeneous among lakes within regions.  相似文献   
Crevasse splays are common geomorphological features in alluvial and deltaic floodplains. Although crevasse splays can develop into full avulsions, thereby transforming large areas of floodbasins, little is known about their sedimentary and geomorphological development at the decadal scale and their avulsion potential. We used aerial photography and lithological cross‐sections to reconstruct crevasse‐splay formation in the largely unmanaged floodplain of the Saskatchewan River in the Cumberland Marshes (Saskatchewan, Canada). Based on surface geomorphology and subsurface deposits, various stages of crevasse‐splay development were described which were linked to both external forcing and internal morphodynamics. Initial splay deposition, following a levee breach during a large flood, occurred as a broad but relatively thin sandy sheet in a down‐basin direction in the receiving backswamp area. In a next phase, these primary crevasse‐splay deposits blocked local down‐basin flow, thereby forcing the crevasse‐splay channel in a direction perpendicular to the parent channel and original floodbasin gradient. This created an asymmetrical splay sequence composition, which differs in appearance from more commonly observed dendritic crevasse splays. It is concluded that sedimentation patterns in the splay have been influenced by inherited effects of previously formed deposits. Feedbacks of the original floodbasin gradient and earlier stages of splay formation are suggested as prominent mechanisms in creating the current morphology, orientation, and architecture of its deposits. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The distribution of archaeal lipids, including archaeol and glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), in dolomite concretions and surrounding sediment from the Monterey Formation (Miocene) and the Sisquoc Formation (Miocene-Pliocene) were examined to distinguish planktic from benthic contributions. For this purpose, dolomites with positive δ13C values (+7‰ to +13‰) were chosen; such highly positive values point to pronounced methanogenesis of benthic archaea in the sedimentary column. At first glance, distributions and relative abundances of GDGTs in both dolomites and background sediment were similar, resembling patterns of marine planktic crenarchaea. A contribution of benthic euryarchaea to the GDGT pool became evident only from variations in the δ13C values of different biphytanes obtained after ether cleavage of GDGTs. Whereas bi- and tricyclic biphytanes had an isotopic signal typical of planktic archaea (δ13C −23.6‰ to −20.5‰ and −23.4‰ to −21.2‰, respectively) for both dolomite and background sediment, acyclic and monocyclic biphytanes showed lower values for dolomite samples (−25.1‰ to −22.6‰ and −27.6‰ to −24.7‰, respectively), indicating a contribution of lipids from benthic archaea. The isoprenoid diether archaeol (δ13C −23.9‰ to −22.9‰), assigned to euryarchaea, was only detected in dolomite samples, also reflecting additional input from sedimentary archaea, probably autotrophic methanogens. The occurrence of lipids derived from methanogenic archaea agrees with the strong 13C-enrichment of dolomites and with mineral formation taking place in the zone of archaeal methanogenesis. This implies that the lipid biomarker inventory of sedimentary strata needs to be interpreted carefully, as it is often not straightforward to discriminate between input from the water column and sedimentary microbial activity.  相似文献   
The central question of this article is What does the urban and architectural design of The Hague tell us about the Dutch political and administrative ambitions in representing the state and national identity from 1814–1917? In this period many European capital cities grew fast, governmentas acquired new ambitions and new powers, and nationalism spread. Many governments developed impressive national building activities. In The Netherlands there was hardly any urge to emphasize the state power by transforming the urban landscape even in its governmental center The Hague. One reason is that the dominant liberal politics refrained from social and economic interventions. A second reason is that the various population groups had difficulty to agree on one national building style. Accompanied by a strong ideological discussion, the Dutch polity finally succeeded in producing a governmental architecture (from ca. 1880–1815) in the so-called Dutch Renaissance style. Although the different population groups (orthodox Protestants, Liberals, Catholics) could, each for their own reasons, accept this national style, its characteristics (picturesque, simple and small) lent itself poorly to public governmental commissions on a grand scale.  相似文献   
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