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Ernst A. Brugger 《Geoforum》1982,13(2):177-192
In most Third World countries regional planning and regional policy is formally well-developed, but in practice is not implemented. In spite of increasing regional disparities, narrow sectoral and centrally decided programmes and projects dominate over territorial and decentralized ones. This article examines theoretically and empirically why, in the case of Costa Rica, the implementation problem is so difficult and which strategic approaches would best suit an effective regional policy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über Registrierungen der langwelligen Gegenstrahlung berichtet, die von März bis Oktober 1953 tags und nachts in Frankfurt durchgeführt wurden. Bei der Bearbeitung des Materials wurden erstmalig die gemessenen stündlichen Summenwerte und keine Einzelwerte zugrundegelegt, wodurch die hier gefundenen Beziehungen für Berechnungen der Gegenstrahlung grössere Allgemeingültigkeit haben. Die langwellige Strahlung ist fast doppelt so gross wie die kurzwellige Sonnen- und Himmelsstrahlung auf die Horizontalfläche. Die gemessenen Werte der Gegenstrahlung stimmen im grossen Mittel mit den nach derFeussner-schen Formel berechneten gut überein, doch sind die einzelnen Abweichungen davon sehr gross. Wie schon von anderen Autoren wurde auch hier festgestellt, dass die Gegenstrahlung mit zunehmender Bewölkung quadratisch zunimmt, allein bei tiefer Bewölkung ist tagsüber ein annähernd linearer Zusammenhang vorhanden. Negative Effektivstrahlung ist weit häufiger, als bisher angenommen, jedoch kommt sie fast nur in den Vormittagsstunden vor. Bei dichter niedriger Bewölkung ist der Wärmestrom nach Sonnenaufgang daher von oben nach unten gerichtet. Die Gegenstrahlung lässt sich hinreichend gut berechnen, wenn man dieFeussnersche Formel, Mittelwerte der Temperatur, des Dampfdruckes, der Bewölkungsstärke und die hier gefundene Bewölkungs-Beziehung zugrundelegt.
Summary From March to Oct. 1953, the atmospheric long wave radiation has been recorded in Frankfurt during day and night time. For evaluating the records, no instantaneous values were taken, but the hourly sums, so that the relations found can more generally be used for computations. The atmospheric long wave radiation is almoust twice as strong as the short wave radiation from sun and sky on a horizontal plane. The mean measured values of the atmospheric long wave radiation coincide well with theFeussners formula. However, the deviations of the single values are very large. Confirming the results of other authors, it has been found that the atmospheric long wave radiation increases with the second power of the cloudiness, only with low clouds in daytime the increase is approximatly linear. Negative values of the effektive radiation occurs more frequently than expected uptil to day, but only in the time before noon. So with a dense low cloud cover the flow of heat after sunrise is directed downward. The atmospheric long wave radiation may satisfactorily be computed, ifFeussners formula, mean values of temperature, vapour pressure, cloudiness, and the mentioned cloudiness relation are taken.
Zusammenfassung Das beschriebene Registrierpyrgeometer hat sich als Ergebnis längerer Versuche zum Bau eines Strablungsmessinstrumentes für die langwellige Gegenstrahlung in der Praxis bewährt. Als Strahlungsempfänger dient eine mit Magnesiumoxyd geweisste Thermosäule, um die tagsüber vorhandene kurzwellige Strahlung auszuschalten. Als Windschutz wird eine Filterplatte aus KRS 5 verwendet, welche zur besseren Erfüllung des cos-Gesetzes die Form einer Zerstreuungslinse besitzt. Die Registrierung erfolgt fortlaufend seit Anfang März dieses Jahres mittels Punktschreibers bei jedem Wetter sowohl bei Tage als auch bei Nacht und wird über einen längeren Zeitraum weitergeführt werden. Die Apparatur ist absolut geeicht und an einigen Registrierbeispielen werden die Vor- und Nachteile derselben beschrieben.
Summary On the basis of experimental investigations a recording pyrgeometer for measuring the long wave radiation of the atmosphere has been built which is in successful practical use since some months. The radiation is received by a thermopile whitened with magnesium oxyde to reflect the short wave radiation during the daytime. Wind is shielded off by a filter of «KRS 5», ground in the shape of a diffracting lens in order to better comply with the cosine law. Recording is going on continously with a dotted line recorder since March 1953, independant of weather conditions and day or night time, and is intended to be continued for a longer period. The complete measuring apparatus is calibrated absolutely in cal/cm2 min. Some sample records are shown in this paper, and the qualities of the instrument are discussed.
The present paper describes the analysis and modeling of the South China Sea (SCS) temperature cycle on a seasonal scale. It investigates the possibility to model this cycle in a consistent way while not taking into account tidal forcing and associated tidal mixing and exchange. This is motivated by the possibility to significantly increase the model’s computational efficiency when neglecting tides. The goal is to develop a flexible and efficient tool for seasonal scenario analysis and to generate transport boundary forcing for local models. Given the significant spatial extent of the SCS basin and the focus on seasonal time scales, synoptic remote sensing is an ideal tool in this analysis. Remote sensing is used to assess the seasonal temperature cycle to identify the relevant driving forces and is a valuable source of input data for modeling. Model simulations are performed using a three-dimensional baroclinic-reduced depth model, driven by monthly mean sea surface anomaly boundary forcing, monthly mean lateral temperature, and salinity forcing obtained from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 climatology, six hourly meteorological forcing from the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting ERA-40 dataset, and remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) data. A sensitivity analysis of model forcing and coefficients is performed. The model results are quantitatively assessed against climatological temperature profiles using a goodness-of-fit norm. In the deep regions, the model results are in good agreement with this validation data. In the shallow regions, discrepancies are found. To improve the agreement there, we apply a SST nudging method at the free water surface. This considerably improves the model’s vertical temperature representation in the shallow regions. Based on the model validation against climatological in situ and SST data, we conclude that the seasonal temperature cycle for the deep SCS basin can be represented to a good degree. For shallow regions, the absence of tidal mixing and exchange has a clear impact on the model’s temperature representation. This effect on the large-scale temperature cycle can be compensated to a good degree by SST nudging for diagnostic applications.  相似文献   
The rocks of the cratonic foreland extend underneath many orogens, where they are subjected to “regeneration” during the geosynclinal phase and to superimposed structures during the folding of the orogen. Such structural and metamorphic alterations are now exposed in the “Sockelstockwerk” of certain orogenic belts in Africa, America, Australia and Europe. In this deep level, originally situated between the bottom of the geosyncline and the migmatite stockwerk, the following zones have been observed along the total length of the orogenic belt: border zone along the margin of the cratonic foreland: broad belt with superimposed structures of two (ore more) different orogenic deformations; main vergency fan, marking the central axis of the orogen. This fan often is a lineament with deep roots and a structure of continental importance.  相似文献   
Homogeneous solutions in the framework of general relativity form the basis to understand the properties of gravitation on global scale. Presently favoured models describe the evolution of the universe by an expansion of space, governed by a scale function, which depends on a global time parameter. Dropping the restriction that a global time parameter exists, and instead assuming that the time scale depends on spatial distance, leads to static solutions, which exhibit no singularities, need no unobserved dark energy and which can explain the cosmological red shift without expansion. In contrast to the expanding world model energy is globally conserved. Observations of high energy emission and absorption from the intergalactic medium, which can scarcely be understood in the ‘concordance model’, find a natural explanation.  相似文献   
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