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Garnet-bearing peridotitic rocks closely associated with eclogite within the Tromsø Nappe of the northern Scandinavian Caledonides show good evidence for prograde metamorphism. Early stages are recognized as inclusions of hornblende and chlorite in the cores of large garnet poikiloblasts. Closer to the garnet rim, clinopyroxene and Cr-poor spinel appear as additional inclusion phases. Four suites of spinel inclusions can be distinguished based on optical properties and chemical composition. The innermost suite (suite 1) has the lowest Cr# and highest Mg#. Further rimward, the spinel inclusions gradually change in composition, with increasing Cr# and decreasing Mg#. Spinel is rare in the matrix, but locally chromitic spinel occurs as larger grains. Garnet poikiloblasts are rimmed by a kelyphite zone consisting of Hbl + Cr-poor Spl or Opx ± Cpx + Cr-poor Spl, and locally an inner zone of Na-rich Hbl + Chl. Matrix assemblage in the garnet-bearing peridotitic rocks is Hbl + Chl + Cpx + Ol ± Cr-rich spinel, defining a strong foliation wrapping around garnets and associated kelyphites. Thin layers of garnet-orthopyroxenite and garnet–hornblende–zoisite–chlorite rocks are presumably coeval with the matrix foliation of the peridotitic rocks.

In dunitic to harzburgitic compositions large undulatory grains of Ol + Opx ± Chl + Spl apparently define the maximum-P conditions. This assemblage is succeeded by a recrystallized assemblage of Ol ± Tlc ± Mgs, which in turn is overgrown by strain-free poikiloblasts of orthopyroxene, indicating a temperature increase. This is postdated by Tlc + Ath ± Mgs, and finally serpentine.

PT estimates for the inclusion suites of clinopyroxene and spinel in garnet clearly indicate garnet growth and spinel consumption in a regime of increasing P. The inner suite (suite 1) apparently was in equilibrium with garnet, clinopyroxene and olivine at 1.40 GPa, 675 °C, whereas included spinel with maximum Cr# (suite 4) indicate 2.40 GPa at 740 °C. Grt + Opx from garnet-orthopyroxenite give 1.5–1.9 GPa at 740–770 °C, and Grt + Hbl + Zo + Chl from a zoisite-rich rock give 1.75 ± 0.25 GPa at 740 ± 30 °C, interpreted to represent recrystallization during uplift. In dunitic to harzburgitic compositions, early Ol + Opx ± Chl + Spl is succeeded by Ol ± Tlc ± Mgs, which in turn is overgrown by neoblasts of strain-free orthopyroxene, indicating temperature increase. This is postdated by Tlc + Ath ± Mgs, and finally serpentine.

The ultramafic rocks in the Tromsø Nappe were locally strongly hydrated before subduction along with associated eclogites and metasedimentary rocks during the early (Ordovician) stages of the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   

2008 年中国种植业地理集聚与专业化格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前对农业地理集聚和专业化发展的研究较少。本文通过计算和比较中国2008 年种植业不同分类层次中类、小类和细类的平均基尼系数、平均Moran’s I指数和各层次农作物的专业化指数发现, 在中国省域层次上(不包括港、澳、台地区), 种植业具有一定的地理集聚态势, 且种植业划分越细, 空间集聚和专业化生产趋势越明显。从大类看, 种植业生产分布相对分散, 各省在大类上“大而全”的生产, 但从较小类上更加集聚和专业化。中国种植业区域专业化生产格局已逐步出现。大宗农产品的区域专业化程度较低, 而经济作物区域专业化程度很高。虽然具体的空间集聚格局是由各地的自然条件和各种农作物生产条件的匹配程度来决定的, 但政府决策、制度变革等社会因素在区域专业化生产上起着重要作用, 是对自然集聚格局的优化调节。定量测度种植业地理集聚与专业化发展的空间格局, 找出进行农业区域化、规模化和专业化生产具有潜力的具体区位, 可以加大政府对种植业空间布局调控优化的作用, 对各地区制定具体的农业政策具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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