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The common representation of frequency spectra in meteorology and climatology is discussed. It is pointed out that this representation is misleading since spectral peaks and spectral gaps are obtained even when the spectrum density is monotonously decreasing in the whole frequency range. A plea is made for using the spectrum distribution function, F() which gives an unambiguous picture of the distribution of variance with frequency.  相似文献   
Sediment accumulation rate (SAR) is an important physical parameter in all lakes and increases have been observed in many over the last c.100 years. This has been ascribed to changes in land-use and land-management causing accelerated catchment soil erosion and an increase in autochthonous organic matter production. The EU Water Framework Directive requires that assessment of biological, hydromorphological and chemical elements of water quality should be based on the degree to which present day conditions deviate from those expected in the absence of significant anthropogenic influence, termed reference conditions. Currently however, the reference condition for sediment accumulation rate for lakes of different types is undefined. To improve our understanding of the controls on SARs we compiled SAR and lake typology data for 207 European lakes derived from 210Pb dated cores to assess how rates have changed through time (in 25 year classes) both overall and for lakes of different types. Seventy-one percent of these sediment cores showed surface SARs higher than “basal” (mainly nineteenth century) rates, 11% showed no change while 18% showed a decline. Lakes were then classified into lake-types using four variables: alkalinity (3 classes), altitude (3 classes), maximum depth (2 classes) and lake area (2 classes). This generated a possible 36 lake classes of which 25 were represented in the dataset. Nine lake-types contained >10 lakes. Little change in SAR occurred prior to 1900 and most increases occurred in more recent periods, in particular 1950–1975 and post-1975. This indicates a general acceleration in SAR in European lakes during the second half of the twentieth century. Reference SARs were estimated for six lake-types with the highest number of sites. European mountain lakes had the lowest reference SAR (0.005 ± 0.003 g cm−2 yr−1) while lowland, high alkalinity sites had the highest (0.03–0.04 g cm−2 yr−1). SARs for other lake-types ranged between 0.012 and 0.024 g cm−2 yr−1. Using the mountain lake-type as an example, the 1850 reference SAR appears to show good agreement with available data for lakes beyond Europe indicating these values may be more broadly applicable. Contemporary SARs in lakes of all classes showed exceedence over their defined reference SAR. This may be partly due to diagenetic processes. Greatest exceedences were found in shallow, low altitude lakes and these are considered to be the ones under the greatest threat from continued elevation of SAR. It is considered that climate change may play a progressively more important role in driving SAR in the future.  相似文献   
The incorporation of H into olivine is influenced by a significant number of thermodynamic variables (pressure, temperature, oxygen fugacity, etc.). Given the strong influence that H has on the solidus temperature and rheological behavior of mantle peridotite, it is necessary to determine its solubility in olivine over the range of conditions found in the upper mantle. This study presents results from hydration experiments carried out to determine the effects of pressure, temperature, and the fugacities of H2O and O2 on H solubility in San Carlos olivine at upper mantle conditions. Experiments were carried out at 1–2 GPa and 1,200 °C using a piston-cylinder device. The fugacity of O2 was controlled at the Fe0–FeO, FeO–Fe3O4, or Ni0–NiO buffer. Variable duration experiments indicate that equilibration is achieved within 6 h. Hydrogen contents of the experimental products were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry, and relative changes to the point defect populations were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results from our experiments demonstrate that H solubility in San Carlos olivine is sensitive to pressure, the activity of SiO2, and the fugacities of H2O and O2. Of these variables, the fugacity of H2O has the strongest influence. The solubility of H in olivine increases with increasing SiO2 activity, indicating incorporation into vacancies on octahedral lattice sites. The forsterite content of the olivine has no discernible effect on H solubility between 88.17 and 91.41, and there is no correlation between the concentrations of Ti and H. Further, in all but one of our experimentally hydrated olivines, the concentration of Ti is too low for H to be incorporated dominantly as a Ti-clinohumite-like defect. Our experimentally hydrated olivines are characterized by strong infrared absorption peaks at wavenumbers of 3,330, 3,356, 3,525, and 3,572 cm?1. The heights of peaks at 3,330 and 3,356 cm?1 correlate positively with O2 fugacity, while those at 3,525 and 3,572 cm?1 correlate with H2O fugacity.  相似文献   
The study examines results of dynamic downscaling of two global analyses: the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis II and the Global Forecast System final analysis (FNL). Downscaling to a 0.5° grid over West Africa and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean is accomplished by each of two regional models, the Regional Model, version 3 (RM3) of the Center for Climate Systems Research and the Weather, Research and Forecasting model (WRF). Simulations are for September 2006, the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) Special Observing Period #3 (SOP-3). The aim of this study is to exploit the increased spatial detail in the simulations and representations of climate fields by the regional models to analyze meteorological systems within the SOP-3 area of interest and time frame. In particular, the paper focuses on the regional models’ representations of the structure and movement of a prominent easterly wave during September 10–13th, the precursor of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Helene. It describes the RM3 simulated structure of the developing storm in terms of circulation, precipitation, vertical motion, cumulus heating rates, and cross-sections of wind and geopotential height anomalies. Simulated cumulus heating rates within the wave’s main precipitation area imply a lowering of the bases of active cumulus in the transition from the African continent to the Atlantic, indicating that the ocean environment promotes greater upward latent heat flux that in turn intensifies overlying storms. RM3 circulation, precipitation patterns, and storm trajectory are reasonably consistent with observational evidence. Experiments show that precipitation rates near 6°N over the eastern North Atlantic are sensitive to vertical thermal stability, such that they are enhanced by warmer in situ sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and diminished by colder SSTs. However, prescribing colder SST causes increases in precipitation north of 9°N within areas of large scale upward vertical motion where rainfall rates are less sensitive to in situ SSTs. The evaluation of WRF indicates that its storm propagation is too fast over West Africa, where associated WRF precipitation rates are exaggerated, but its performance is improved over the Atlantic.  相似文献   
The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) study is a federal, interdepartmental study established in 1979 to investigate the effects of acid rain on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The 10.5 km2 watershed, located in the Eastern Temperate Mixed Forest on the Canadian Shield, has been the site of multidisciplinary studies on biogeochemical and ecological processes conducted across plot to catchment scales. The whole-ecosystem investigative approach was adopted from the outset and has allowed research to evolve from its original (and continuing) acidification focus to include investigations on the effects of climate change, forest harvesting and other forest ecosystem perturbations. The extensive scientific and support infrastructure allows for collection of a comprehensive data record essential for understanding long-term environmental trends. Data include atmospheric deposition, meteorology, stream hydrology and chemistry, soil, pore and ground water properties, understory and overstory vegetation, lake and outflow physical and chemical properties, and aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish community composition and abundance. These data have contributed to over 400 published research papers and graduate theses. The watershed has also figured prominently in many continent-wide comparisons advancing fundamental watershed theory. The knowledge gained at TLW has influenced pollutant emission and natural resource management policies provincially, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   
The transition zones between rivers and adjacent riparian aquifers are locations of high biogeochemical activities that contribute to a removal of potentially hazardous substances in the aquatic system. The potential of the removal processes depends highly on subsurface water travel times, which can be determined by using the propagation of electrical conductivity (EC) signal from the river into the riparian aquifer. Although this method has been applied and verified in many studies, we observe possible limitations for the usage of EC fluctuation analysis. Our findings are based on EC time series analyses during storm events and artificial hydropeaks induced by watermill operations. Travel times derived by cross‐correlation analysis were compared with travel times calculated based on backward particle tracking of a calibrated transient numerical groundwater flow model. The cross‐correlation method produced only reasonable travel times for the artificial hydropeaks. In contrast, cross‐correlation analysis of the EC data during natural storm events resulted in implausibly negative or unrealistically low travel times for the bulk of the data sets. We conclude that the reason for this behaviour is, first, the low EC contrast between river and groundwater in connection with a strong damping of the infiltrating river EC signal into the subsurface during storm events. Second, the existence of old and less‐mineralized riparian water between the river and the monitoring well resulted in bank‐storage‐driven EC breakthrough curves with earlier arrival times and the subsequent estimation of implausible riparian travel times.  相似文献   
The paper considers the effects of wave age and air stability on the whitecap coverage at sea. This is made by using the logarithmic mean wind velocity profile including a stability function as well as adopting a recent wave age dependent sea surface roughness formula. The results are valid for wind waves in local equilibrium with the steady wind. Examples of results demonstrate clear effects of wave age and air stability on the whitecap coverage. Comparisons are also made with field measurements by Sugihara et al. [Sugihara, Y., et al., 2007. Variation of whitecap coverage with wave-field conditions. J. Mar. Syst. 66, 47–60], representing unstable air stability conditions. Although the data basis is limited, the wave age independent Charnock sea roughness based predictions capture the main features of the observed whitecap coverage, suggesting a stronger dependence on air stability than on wave age in the data.  相似文献   
A method to reduce the spin-up time of ocean models   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The spin-up timescale in large-scale ocean models, i.e., the time it takes to reach an equilibrium state, is determined by the slow processes in the deep ocean and is usually in the order of a few thousand years. As these equilibrium states are taken as initial states for many calculations, much computer time is spent in the spin-up phase of ocean model computations. In this note, we propose a new approach which can lead to a very large reduction in spin-up time for quite a broad class of existing ocean models. Our approach is based on so-called Jacobian–Free Newton–Krylov methods which combine Newton’s method for solving non-linear systems with Krylov subspace methods for solving large systems of linear equations. As there is no need to construct the Jacobian matrices explicitly the method can in principle be applied to existing explicit time-stepping codes. To illustrate the method we apply it to a 3D planetary geostrophic ocean model with prognostic equations only for temperature and salinity. We compare the new method to the ‘ordinary’ spin-up run for several model resolutions and find a considerable reduction of spin-up time.  相似文献   
Rock physical properties, like velocity and bulk density, change as a response to compaction processes in sedimentary basins. In this study it is shown that the velocity and density in a well defined lithology, the shallow marine Etive Formation from the northern North Sea increase with depth as a function of mechanical compaction and quartz cementation. Physical properties from well logs combined with experimental compaction and petrographic analysis of core samples shows that mechanical compaction is the dominant process at shallow depth while quartz cementation dominates as temperatures are increased during burial. At shallow depths (<2000–2500 m, 70–80 °C) the log derived velocities and densities show good agreement with results from experimental compaction of loose Etive sand indicating that effective stress control compaction at these depths/temperatures. This indicates that results from experimental compaction can be used to predict reservoir properties at burial depths corresponding to mechanical compaction. A break in the velocity/depth gradient from about 2000 m correlates with the onset of incipient quartz cementation observed from petrographic data. The gradient change is caused by a rapid grain framework stiffening due to only small amounts of quartz cement at grain contacts. At temperatures higher than 70–80 °C (2000–2500 m) the velocities show a strong correlation with quartz cement amounts. Porosity reduction continues after the onset of quartz cementation showing that sandstone diagenesis is insensitive to effective stress at temperatures higher than 70–80 °C. The quartz cement is mainly sourced from dissolution at stylolites reflected by the fact that no general decrease in intergranular volume (IGV) is observed with increasing burial depth. The IGV at the end of mechanical compaction will be important for the subsequent diagenetic development. This study demonstrates that mechanical compaction and quartz cementation is fundamentally different and this needs to be taken into consideration when analyzing a potential reservoir sandstone such as the Etive Formation.  相似文献   
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