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Hypoxia has been observed in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA, USA since the 1970s. Four long sediment cores were collected in 2005 and age-dated to resolve natural and post-urbanization signatures of hypoxia and organic matter (OM) sources in two contrasting basins of Puget Sound: Main Basin and Hood Canal. Paleoecological indicators used for sediment reconstructions included pollen, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (??13C and ??15N), biomarkers of terrestrial OM (TOM), biogenic silica (BSi), and redox-sensitive metals (RSM). The sedimentary reconstructions illustrated a gradient in RSM enrichment factors as Hood Canal > Main Basin, southern > northern cores, and pre-1900s > 1900?C2005. The urbanization of Puget Sound watersheds during the 1900s was reflected as shifts in all the paleoecological signatures. Pollen distributions shifted from predominantly old growth conifer to successional alder, dominant OM signatures recorded a decrease in the proportion of marine OM (MOM) concomitant with an increase in the proportion of TOM, and the weight % of BSi decreased. However, these shifts were not coincidental with an overall increase in the enrichment of RSM or ??15N signatures indicative of cultural eutrophication. The increased percentage of TOM was independently verified by both the elemental ratios and lignin yields. In addition, isotopic signatures, BSi, and RSMs all suggest that OM shifts may be due to a reduction in primary productivity rather than an increase in OM regeneration in the water column or at the sediment/water interface. Therefore, the reconstructions suggested the Hood Canal has been under a more oxygenated ??stance?? during the twentieth century compared to prior periods. However, these 2005 cores and their resolutions do not encompass the period of high resolution water column measurements that showed short-lived hypoxia events and fish kills in Hood Canal during the early twenty-first century. The decoupling between the increased watershed-scale anthropogenic alterations recorded in the OM signatures and the relatively depleted RSM during the twentieth century suggests that physical processes, such as deep-water ventilation, may be responsible for the historical variation in oxygen levels. Specifically, climate oscillations may influence the ventilation and/or productivity of deep water in Puget Sound and particularly their least mixed regions.  相似文献   
Concentrations of atmospheric Hg species, elemental Hg (Hg°), reactive gaseous Hg (RGM), and fine particulate Hg (Hg-PM2.5) were measured at a coastal site near Weeks Bay, Alabama from April to August, 2005 and January to May, 2006. Mean concentrations of the species were 1.6 ± 0.3 ng m−3, 4.0 ± 7.5 pg m−3 and 2.7 ± 3.4 pg m−3, respectively. A strong diel pattern was observed for RGM (midday maximum concentrations were up to 92.7 pg m−3), but not for Hg° or Hg-PM2.5. Elevated RGM concentrations (>25 pg m−3) in April and May of 2005 correlated with elevated average daytime O3 concentrations (>55 ppbv) and high light intensity (>500 W m−2). These conditions generally corresponded with mixed continental-Gulf and exclusively continental air mass trajectories. Generally lower, but still elevated, RGM peaks observed in August, 2005 and January–March, 2006 correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with peaks in SO2 concentration and corresponded to periods of high light intensity and lower average daytime O3 concentrations. During these times air masses were dominated by trajectories that originated over the continent. Elevated RGM concentrations likely resulted from photochemical oxidation of Hg° by atmospheric oxidants. This process may have been enhanced in and by the near-shore environment relative to inland sites. The marine boundary layer itself was not found to be a significant source of RGM.  相似文献   
The Fomopea granitic pluton is emplaced in gnessic and amphibolitic basement.These gneissic and amphibolitic basement rocks are represented in the pluton's body as sub-rounded,elongated or stretched xe...  相似文献   
Kelmscott Manor on the banks of the Upper Thames in Oxfordshire is a place of pilgrimage for social historians and conversationalists as well as those who simply want to turn the clock back to a rural England long departed. The manor was leased to William Morris in 1871 to be his family home until long after his death in 1896—their escape from the hectic daily life in London. At that point, Morris spent the previous 10 years building up the crafts business for which he is best known, the patterned textiles and wallpaper designs and the basic wooden furniture we associate with the Arts and Crafts Movement. It can be difficult to remember that much of the respected craftwork was generated in the East End of London by gifted craftsmen.  相似文献   
Résumé Les galènes et sulfoantimoniures de plomb des filons quartzeux, barytiques et fluorés du Haut-Allier (district de Brioude-Massiac) ont fait l'objet d'analyses isotopiques du plomb. Les résultats montrent l'existence de deux populations de plomb appartenant à chacune des deux phases minéralisatrices reconnues dans la région.La première population (18,108<206Pb/204Pb<18,181) est rapportée à la phase mésothermale permienne. Elle comprend les sulfosels précoces des filons antimonifères ainsi que la galène des filons plombo-stannifères. L'homogénéité isotopique confirme la liaison génétique existant entre ces différents types filoniens et leur appartenance à un même processus métallogénique. Le socle métamorphique régional apparaît comme la source possible du plomb.La relative dispersion des valeurs isotopiques de la seconde population (18,215<206Pb/204Pb<18,472), d'âge liasique, est corrélable avec la situation géographique et géologique des filons. Elle est due à deux phénomènes complémentaires: le lessivage d'un segment crustal comprenant le socle métamorphique avec une participation graduée du granite uranifère de la Margeride et la réassimilation partielle du plomb des filons permiens. Ce dernier phénomène d'héritage métallique se traduit au niveau des paragenèses par la formation de filons à sulfosels dominants.
Lead isotope analyses are reported for galena and lead sulfosalts from quartz, barite and fluorite vein deposits from the Haut-Allier (Brioude-Massiac district). The data define two lead populations reflecting the two mineralization episodes in this region.The first population (18,108<206Pb/204Pb<18,181) is related to the Permian mesothermal episode. It includes early sulfosalts from antimony veins and galena from lead-stanniferous veins. The Pb isotopic homogeneity confirms the relationship between the different vein types and their formation by a single metallogenic process. The metamorphic basement is the potential source of lead.The second population includes quartz-barite and fluorite veins. It shows much more isotopic variation (18,215<206Pb/204Pb<18,472) correlating with the geographical and geological location of the veins. Because the veins have a contemporaneous age, the isotopic dispersion therefore depends on two complementary phenomena: the leaching of a large volume of crust, including metamorphic basement, with a progressive contribution of the uraniferous granite of Margeride; and the partial remobilization of lead from Permian veins. The latter inheritance phenomena result in the genesis of major lead-sulfosalt vein deposits.
An 40Ar/39Ar thermochronological investigation of upper greenschist to granulite facies gneiss, amphibolite and marble was conducted in the Central Metasedimentary Belt (CMB), Ontario, to constrain its cooling history. Incremental 40Ar/39Ar release spectra indicate that substantial differential unroofing occurred in the CMB between 1000 and 600 Ma. A consistent pattern of significantly older hornblende and phlogopite 40Ar/3Ar cooling ages on the southeast sides of major northeast striking shear zones is interpreted to reflect late displacement due to extensional deformation. Variations in hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age plateaus exceeding 200 Ma occur over distances less than 50 km with major age discontinuities occurring across the Robertson Lake shear zone and the Sharbot Lake mylonite zone which separate the Sharbot Lake terrane from the Elzevir and Frontenac terranes. Extensional displacements of up to 14 km are inferred between the Frontenac and Elzevir terranes of the CMB. No evidence for significant post argon-closure vertical displacement is indicated in the vicinity of the Perth Road mylonite within the Frontenac terrane. Variations of nearly 100 Ma in phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages occur in undeformed marble on either side of the Bancroft Shear Zone. Phlogopites from sheared and mylonitized marble within the shear zone yield 40Ar/39Ar diffusional loss profiles, but have older geologically meaningless ages thought to reflect incorporation of excess argon. By 900 Ma, southeast directed extension was occurring throughout the CMB, possibly initiated along previous zones of compressional shearing. An easterly migration of active zones of extension is inferred, possibly related to an earlier, overall easterly migration of active zones of regional thrusting and easterly migration of an ancient subduction zone. The duration of extensional shearing is not well constrained, but must have ceased before 600 Ma as required by the deposition of overlying undeformed Cambrian and/or Ordovician sedimentary rocks.Contribution No. 481 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan  相似文献   
Twenty-two hornblendes separated from amphibolites and granulites of the Grenville Orogen of Ontario have been quantitatively analyzed for major and minor elements by electron microprobe, for FeO/Fe2O3 by wet chemistry, and for H2O by manometric measurement as H2. Hornblende formulae were calculated on the basis of 24O+OH+Cl+F. Most samples are magnesio-hornblendes, ferroan pargasitic hornblendes and ferroan hastingsitic hornblendes, with weight fractions of Fe3+/(Fe2++Fe3+) ranging from 0.15 to 0.50. An oxy-amphibole component of 0–25 mol%, with an average value of 17 mol%, is obtained for these complete analyses. When compared with structural formulae determined solely from microprobe data, normalization based on 13=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg cations provides the best approximation to hornblende formulae calculated from the complete analyses. Less satisfactory agreement is obtained from a normalization scheme based on 15=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca, while worst agreement is obtained from normalization to 23 oxygens assuming all Fe is Fe2+. No normalization scheme based on microprobe data alone consistently replicates the measured FeO, Fe2O3, and H2O; accurate determination of these values requires complete chemical analysies. Ionic solution models previously have been proposed to evaluate the activity of Ca2Mg5Si8 O22(OH)2(a Trem) in hornblende for use in equilibria that constrain the activity of H2O (a H 2O) in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Application of ionic models to typical hornblendes produces low a Trem (usually<0.01), consequetly yielding extremely low a H 2O. If an oxy-amphibole component is present, the calculated a Trem and H2O is further reduced. An oxy-amphibole component of 25% reduces the calculated H2O activity and that of any hydroxyl-amphibole component by 50% below that calculated with simplified assumptions regarding X OH in the hydroxyl site (i.e., X OH=1, or X OH=1–X ClX f). Thus, methods of amphibole normalizations appear to have a substantial effect on calculated amphibole and H2O activites. Before quantitative hornblende thermobarometry can be calibrated and applied, the amounts of FeO, Fe2O3 and H2O must be measured in order to fully characterize hornblende solid solutions.Contribution No. 478 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan  相似文献   
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